0.94.1 Changes
- Explodey stuff
- Unwelcome and Cognition Frame Drop Fix
- Increased Ball Speed EVEN MORE
- Scrollwheel adjusts camera distance
- Constrained mouse to screen properly
- Fullscreen scales
- Lobby wait when all is ready is now 3 seconds
- Invincibility respawn from shots
- Changed options from ESC key to O key
- Screenshot Key F1 is using Steam's screenshot features
0.94 Changes
- Training (Single Player Match)
- Faster Ball
- F2 and Options have a full screen option now
- Changed the maps screen a little
- Goals carried in are worth 2 points
- Lowered Braking Speed by 20%
- Added Players Online: info
- Added screenshot hot key F1
- Added ESC exits full screen
- Changed win/lose screen to say if you won/lost instead of which team won
0.94.1 Changes
- Explodey stuff
- Unwelcome and Cognition Frame Drop Fix
- Increased Ball Speed EVEN MORE
- Scrollwheel adjusts camera distance
- Constrained mouse to screen properly
- Fullscreen scales
- Lobby wait when all is ready is now 3 seconds
- Invincibility respawn from shots
- Changed options from ESC key to O key
- Screenshot Key F1 is using Steam's screenshot features
0.94 Changes
- Training (Single Player Match)
- Faster Ball
- F2 and Options have a full screen option now
- Changed the maps screen a little
- Goals carried in are worth 2 points
- Lowered Braking Speed by 20%
- Added Players Online: info
- Added screenshot hot key F1
- Added ESC exits full screen
- Changed win/lose screen to say if you won/lost instead of which team won
Go Go Electric Samurai is a competitive multiplayer arena shooter. It's Soccer, in spacehips, on an obstacle course, with psychedelic visuals and a pulse-pounding soundtrack.