Hello guys!
Thank you for your patience! We're sorry for the delay, especially since this push may help a few people have a drastically faster launch (hopefully). However, some bugs that could have affected other users kept cropping up and we did not want to just shift the pain. Again, terribly sorry about this.
Now, on to the news. First off, we have another Greenlight project: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=895784506 "But why do another Greenlight project when this game isn't even complete?" A perfectly valid question! Honestly, if it wasn't for Direct, we would have waited. As things are, we hope to get at least that second game in before the change comes in. Hopefully, this will also be in the vein of games you enjoy.
But enough self-promotion. What changed other than possibly a bug fix? Well, the Workshop, for one. You can now upload and download new theme to and from the Workshop. Upload them from within the Theme editor from the game and Subscribe from Steam. Let us know how it goes!
Furthermore, the Tutorial. Nothing fancy here but, hopefully, it'll get everyone to a playable level quickly.
I'm sure some of you are wondering about the Achievements? Well... Sorry :( They are coming, most likely in a day or two. We needed other features that will grant you achievements in before implementing them to avoid someone 100% the game and then going back to, say, 75%. We know it's a very sought after features, we heard you and it IS coming very very soon.
Another two features that have not yet made the list are the further customization of games (coming soon(tm) ) and the gamepad (as soon as we figure out how to do so rationally).
Please keep giving us feedback, you have helped us grow this game so much and we are thankful to all of you!
InfiniPicross is a picross game, a family of games based on solving grid puzzles through hints and logical deduction. It supports all reasonable sizes and a staggering amount of levels for each of them. It can also be played with various themes, whether taken from the numerous default ones or created with the in-game theme editor.