Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Update 328320 released Here are the changes: New Features: New Feature - Implemented dynamic flow control options that will allow users to enable/disable dynamic flow control feature. Dynamic Flow Control enables dynamic calculation of BPS for network, making connections more stable and multiplayer more smoother. -Tutorial- 1. Client must go to Multiplayer Options and enable Dynamic Flow Control option 2. If server is not Dedicated Server, go to Multiplayer Options and enable Dynamic Flow Control 3. If server is Dedicated Server, cvar net_bEnableDynamicFlowControl needs to be set to "True" value. 4. Server can limit Client BPS with the variable "ser_iMaxClientBPS", that limits bandwidth used per client. ------------------- New Feature - Implemented multiplayer autodownload to modded mode. With this, Dedicated Servers for Modded Mode are now available! -Tutorial- 0. The Modded Dedicated Server is a separate exe, that you can find in the Bin folder of your game installation; if you have the Dedicated Server Tool installed, of course. 1. Dedicated server can be started with command argument "+downloaded_mods mod1,mod2,etc.". 2. Starting server like this will cause it to download requested mods from Steam Workshop. Server will be paused while downloads are in progress. After download, server will add newly acquired mods and continue as normal. 3. In general, every Workshop mod that the Server player have and is Enabled in the game, all clients will download before they can join the modded server. This includes aesthetic mods (player skins, weapons skins, etc) too! 4. Doesn't work for custom GRO files placed in the Content folder, just Workshop items. Known Bug, fixed in next patch: Sometimes when the Client downloads a needed mod used by the Host, then the Host immediately disables that mod then rehosts the server, the Client will be stuck in a "Client and server have incompatible mods" loop. Manually this can be fixed by the Client deleting the "DownloadedMods.txt" file located in: [Steam Installation]/Serious Sam Fusion 2017/Temp/SteamWorkshop/ ------------------- Changes and Fixes: Serious Sam 3 related: - Some quality of life changes: You can now reload while sprinting, switch weapons while sprinting, and interrupt a reload with firing if you still have ammo. You can also enable click to aim with weapons that can be aimed. (Actually, this last one was in the previous patch as well, but nobody noticed.) - Added new HUD icons for the SingleShotgun, MiniGun, Cannon weapons for SS3 (by Soulmyr, thanks!). - Created missing SS3 version of the Yellow Yarek player model. - Fixed jump animation not playing while moving in third person. - Fixed the stuttering feeling in some weapons' Sprint animations in first person. - Added missing sounds and music to SS3's menu. - Slightly changed the Pistol weapon: Randomized recoil animation, added a small zoom to the aimed mode, changed sounds to TLH's version. - Fixed a bug where C4 wouldn't do splash damage when it was attached to something. - Adjusted Hard+ attacks for various enemies. - Ammo HUD element now displays number of bullets in clip left and rest of the ammo right (original order). - Weapons will no longer play sprint animation when view bobbing is disabled. - Russian voice localization is now selectable. - Fixed shed doors on the "Gathering of Gods" level. - Removed unintended prediction from spiders' projectile attacks. - Fixed sync problems with the EndGame cutscene. - Fixed "The Doorman Should Wear A Suit" achievement. - Various other fixes to levels. Serious Sam HD related: - Werebulls will no longer rotate faster towards player after hitting them. - Demon fireballs are now destroyable by projectiles. - Added missing DM params for weapons. - Added missing ShottyTrouble versus map. - Flamethrower won't start the barrel effect anymore when its being brought up and fire is pressed at the same time. - Fixed bug with the final cutscene on the Great Pyramid level sometimes reverting to the Morph Room cutscene. - Added missing destruction settings to SSHD player models. - Fixed SS1 cameras, so that cutscenes end when they're supposed to. - Puppets spawned by Mordekai's projectiles will no longer add to total number of kills in the level. General: - Fixed black blood bug. - Fixed puppets speeding up on corners. - Fixed enemy death fall sounds. - Fixed third person camera position for Dive and Swim poses. - Fixed mouse and keyboard configuration menu for split screen games. - Added XAudio 2.8/2.9 in sound options. - Serious Sam is now the default player model for multiplayer. - Fixed bug that was causing muzzle flashes that are particle effects to be rendered in wrong position on screen when high FoV is used. - Fixed an infinite view bug when going from spectating to playing. - Fixed spectator camera jittering when network speed is low. - Players will now always be able to see their own selected multiplayer character model, while everyone who doesn't have that character model will see them as default player model (properly colored). - Fixed Custom Weapons not working at all for clients in Multiplayer. Editor: - Increased the maximum number of weapon types to 64 and maximum number of ammo types to 32. - Ammo counter is now 4 digits. - Added Script Source Editor, that allows to edit Lua scripts outside a loaded level. - Script editor now supports basic colorization and hints. - Locate entities by ID tool now also works in simulation editor. - Script net members now support saving and loading. - Scripts can now mark entity as changed using the CEntity::NetMarkChanged function. - Enemies can be set on fire in SS3 by flamethrower type weapons now. - SS3 game title now properly supports powerups. - Added new flag for items when they're targeted by a script. Items targeted by script are always allowed. - Updated animation import to create an animset if it doesn't exist instead of requesting user to do it manually. - Added copy/paste envelopes tool. Tool copies content of selected envelopes (channels and keyframes), but for now ignores envelope params. - Updated animation editor shortcuts; R - SetChannelFilterTool Shift+N - CreateAnimSetTool N - CreateAnimationTool Alt+R - TogglePlaybackRepeatTool - The old "Generic Animator" system is replaced by Value Animators, which are more flexible, less error prone (no resource sharing hell), and controllable from scripts. VR: - Updated regular and advanced VR option menus with new options. - Fixed crashing when weapon selection menu is activated at certain times. - Fixed problem where player would not teleport jump if blink teleport was enabled. - Added flat-friendly mode option in difficulty options menu. - Implemented recoil bar for VR weapons in flat friendly mode. - Power-up effects no longer affect the ammo counter or the sniper scope. ***WARNING! DUE TO CHANGES IN RENDERING CODE, ALL CUSTOM MAPS MUST BE RESAVED AND UPDATED ON THE WORKSHOP! THEY WILL HAVE GRAPHICAL ISSUES OTHERWISE***
[ 2017-11-03 12:56:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- SS2017_GameBin_Linux [83.64 M]
- SS2017_Common_Linux [192.87 K]
- SS2017_GameBin_LinuxVR [83.71 M]
- SS2017_Common_LinuxVR [3.01 M]
The best part? If you own a Serious Sam game listed below you'll be getting a Serious Sam Fusion 2017 version of that game for FREE!
Serious Sam Fusion 2017 is also a central hub for existing (and upcoming) Serious Sam games that will enable seamless integration of new engine features, patches and upgrades.
Games available in Serious Sam Fusion 2017
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - now available!
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (coming soon)
- Serious Sam 3: BFE (coming soon)
- VR versions of all games will be a part of Serious Sam Fusion 2017, too!
Please keep in mind that this release of Serious Sam Fusion 2017 is currently in beta; you'll experience extreme violence, inexplicable joy, some sadness, sometimes all at once, and, how shall we put it... eeerm, occasional bugs. Please use the official discussions page to let us know. Thank you!
What does it do?
Serious Sam Fusion 2017 will enable a lot of cool new features, like a common workshop and cross-game mods. All of the games can be started from one application, so you can jump between playing The First Encounter level to a Serious Sam 3 level and back without exiting the game. When listing game servers, servers playing TFE, TSE, SS3 – will all appear in the same list and you can vote map across games if you want. Oh, and VR games will be able to be played in multiplayer together with their flat counterparts!Since there are so many changes and exciting new features, we'll just go ahead a list them here as bullet points.
Cool new features in Serious Sam Fusion 2017
- All games now support SteamOS/Linux/OSX!
- Split-screen!
- 64bit executables
- Support for Vulkan API (DirectX9 is now being removed)
- Multithreaded rendering
- The new "light-weight" savegame system - savegames are now saved much faster, are very small and stored in the Steam cloud, and savegames still work even if a level is changed in a patch, or if a mod is updated
- Full support for all controllers including Steam controller, PS4 gamepads, all older DInput joysticks
- Proper multimonitor support
- Borderless window support
- Customizable sound outputs
- Proper 3D audio using a proprietary sound-mixer (the same approach as used in the old Classic games)
- Improved physics engine with better handling of character movement
- Texture streaming in all games
- Much better modding support with customizable weapons and items, improved scripting (including better support for scripting networked games)
- Lots of other improvements, optimizations and fixes
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04
- Processor: Dual-core 2.2 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT 512MB VRAM. ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 512MB VRAM
- Storage: 10 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04
- Processor: Intel Core i7-6800 equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1070
- Storage: 10 GB available space
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