If you guys have any worries about the early access or any questions for us as developers you can always ask here or on the discord. We don't have a wall in front of us and I'm always willing to talk about stuff.
We're not worried about losing hype going forward and we're not planning on making small incremental patches other than for bug fixes. We work on Heartbound 10 hours a day 7 days a week live on Twitch. Every day, all day. Outside of that we make secret additions, boss fights, and storyline spoilery stuff off-stream. Early Access let's us get feedback on that pile of work, fix bugs, and move forward with development.
Episodic content in the gaming industry is generally pretty gross. Paying for additional episodes is both lame for players and lame for us. So we're not charging anything for the rest of the chapters. Ever. Heartbound will have no DLC outside of the OST and will never have a sequel.
In terms of production speed and when additional chapters will be added. All of the environments for Chapter 3 are finished. If you ever want to see them come chat on stream and let me know. I show them off pretty regularly.
Yes you will have to wait for us to finish each chapter.
No you won't ever have to pay another cent for the game.
No it won't take 6 months to release Chapter 3 after The Tower launches.
If you're still concerned about any of these points after this please come talk to us. We're always online and always open to discussion.