What a weekend, or for me and my team rather: what a last few month. Friday at 21:00 CET we did what we dreamed of for many years. We launched our own world wide game service and with me were some of my closest friends who worked on what eventually got launched for many years and even decades. It was very emotional. We worked long nights until the very moment and hoped the rocket would fly - being well aware that rockets tend to explode without even moving. You need to understand that launching an MMO means you need a rocket to lift the game and the actual game which sits on top of the rocket and cant do anything until its lifted to its supposed orbital position and stays there. What a takeoff it was - beautiful .... scary but beautiful. Okay so the rocket flies which was my biggest concern, so lets deploy the game and let people play it. Yeah ... lets put it that way --- most players weren't interested in rocket science which is understandable. Too much time had been spend on the rocket totally forgetting about the payload. The game is a patched up alpha build with many problems. First thought which came to my mind was: "Was this too early even for Early Access." Should we have waited a few more month and bringing the payload up to standards. I mean the build had been tested by STEAM and granted permission for release, yet its my responsibility to actually decide to do so - and I would do it again! We did some open and closed alphas beforehand and got encouraging feedback on the game itself. We have a YouTube channel which shows constant progress each and every month for years. We took part in a Square Enix Collective Feedback Campaign and got a staggering 91% score making us the highest voted MMO game on their platform in history. So what went wrong. People coming in contact with KOL at this point were players who already established a desire for such a project - not the average Steam user. It totally missed my mind to ask myself how would an average Steam user react to a GUI like that or clunky controls which need some learning. The answer came quickly - all first 10 or even 15 reviews were negative. People played just a few minutes and already had enough. In time people played a few hours and kind of got used to its quirks and hicks and the reviews got better. Anyhow the point is - if we want to make this a success we have to bring the game to a standards were all interested enjoy it and not only the already established but small fanbase. That means we will be together for a long and bumpy ride but in the end it will show that Early Access can be what is was intended to be - means to bring developer and players together at an early stage in development to make the game better together. Fortunately only about 10% of the buyers refunded the game based on its gameplay and feature --- so there is hope we can make it on Steam - and if we can make it on Steam we can make it anywhere. We already patched and hotfixed some first days issues and the game is pretty stable now. We will fix, enhance and expand KOL in that order. More on this in future announcements. We want to say "Thank you!" to all of you who support us and want to see this thrive. You can contact us anyway you like and we will listen - best though is the Steam Community Hub. Stay with us - development continues. Presbyter & his team.
[ 2017-04-17 15:21:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Kingdom of Loot Depot Linux [183.38 M]
KINGDOM·OF·LOOT seeks to bring back the timeless feel of these classics while answering the question: how would they have been if based in a global mass multiplayer system? An immersive persistent world to explore, tons of loot to collect, new friendships to forge and adventures to live and strongly focuses on collecting, crafting and sharing in-game loot. You decide whether doing it on your own, with a small group of friends, a guild or joining hundreds of other players on your quest for epic gear.
We are a small but dedicated team located in Germany. If you want to follow up on the development of KINGDOM·OF·LOOT we recommend you to check out our
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmzMEl19ByHA2SmXS3lRiA
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