Hello fellow Looters,
this is Presbyter letting you in on some "secrets" about KOL and its development and future. I will try my best to give you a short update on whats going on each or at least every other Sunday - hence the name.
We worked on some of the most requested changes on the attack system and Rogue class by introducing auto attack and fast attack to the game. We patched numerous bugs and glitches and added the first unique item (Ring of Jordan) to the game. In short - we have been busy.
Next week we will add the Adventurer Guild as starting area to High Castle. Entrance will be right building next to the Soulstone - here is a little teaser:
The guild hall will be used to welcome new players and host a Guildmaster who give some advice and a first quest before sending you out to the world on your own. In the picture you can also see the "Book of Wisdom" which will be a KOL compendium. Later we will add a teleport to a tutorial zone especially for each class.
We will also continue to work on the controls, ui (inventory), targeting system and various other below industry standard items. There are still some pretty annoying bugs - like the black void bug (teleporting fails and puts you outside map boundaries) and other curious mishaps. Too much to be happy right now but we are on it full force.
Vierbit will complete the Guildhall graphical assets next few days and we will pick up where we left at the "Sunken Sanctuary" Map ... which will add a new Level 25 hunting ground for the high level character.
Questions next:
Q) Is there going to be a user interface reset/reload command or button, so that we can reset the interface if we lose the minimap? (As soon as someone teleported me, I lost my minimap.)
A) We will fix the minimap problem with teleporting asap
Q) Will you disable the chat notification when a player enters/leaves a realm? I dont think anyone wants to know that bdsmlover has entered the realm.Or allow us to scroll up and down the chat.You could also disable the % loaded when entering a map.Don't think it helps either.
A) Chat and notification system will be reworked with players suggestions in mind.
Q) Will you make it that when you hit an enemy it shows how much damage you have dealt ?
A) Yes, will be a toggle option
Q) Will you add a feature that allows you to right click on the portrait of a party member to promote them to group leader?
A) Add this to the suggestion forum plz.
Q) Do you plan to add a feature which allows a party leader to right click on a party member's portrait and set whether that party member is allowed to invite others to the party?
A) Add this to the suggestion forum plz.
Q) Are you looking to implement a feature which allows you to set other interesting party related settings? (I.e. Loot division, etc.)
A) Add this to the suggestion forum plz.
Q) Have you planned to make it so that equipped items do not take up any inventory space? (It kind of makes sense for it not to take up space in your backpack if you are wearing/using the items in question, doesn't it?)
A) This will be implemented with the new inventory system asap.
Q) Do you need help working on spelling, dialogue and story telling? (I would gladly help you out.)
A) Yes, because we are german.
Q) Do you plan to address relatively elementary spelling errors such as: "Checkpoint Actived"? (This should of course be "Checkpoint Activated".)
A) Please report all spelling errors to the bug forum and I will fix them one by one.
Q) Is full-controller support on the roadmap for development?
A) Yes but down the line ... first things first.
Q) Will you add support for thumbsticks?
A) Yes we will.
Q) Will there be local co-op?
A) KOL is online only.
Q) Will there be more things to do besides fighting?
A) Yes exploring, crafting, questing etc ...
Q) Will there be pvp?
A) Maybe but down the line.
Q) How bout party vs party action?
A) Maybe but down the line.
Q) When is all this gonna be gone? Especially the re-working of rogue and cleric
A) Rogue is done. Cleric is work in progress. Asap.
Q) New gem, but Its will be possible to remove Old gem ?
A) Unfortunately not ... maybe later in development.
Got your own question? Leave them in comment section below and I will try answer next week or use "suggestions" or "how to ..." forum at community hub.
Development continues!
Presbyter and his team.
PS. If you like the game please consider leaving a review.
[ 2017-05-07 17:14:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Kingdom of Loot Depot Linux [183.38 M]
KINGDOM·OF·LOOT seeks to bring back the timeless feel of these classics while answering the question: how would they have been if based in a global mass multiplayer system? An immersive persistent world to explore, tons of loot to collect, new friendships to forge and adventures to live and strongly focuses on collecting, crafting and sharing in-game loot. You decide whether doing it on your own, with a small group of friends, a guild or joining hundreds of other players on your quest for epic gear.
We are a small but dedicated team located in Germany. If you want to follow up on the development of KINGDOM·OF·LOOT we recommend you to check out our
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmzMEl19ByHA2SmXS3lRiA
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