Istariana vilseriol, fellow manakravters. Along with Silence the Pedant, our comrades at Alice in Dissonance has been working very hard on some very cool and nifty stuff.
Allow me to present you:
fault milestone one on Nintendo Switch.
The release date is set at October 3 and will be available for all Nintendo Switch users across America, Europe and Japan at 14,99$ (1480 yen).
Dont forget you can support us on our Patreon page as well as hang around with us on our Discord server.
And dont worry, our comrades are fully focusing on Silence the Pedant and if things goes very well, we'll be sharing more information regarding that title and some other cool stuff!
fault - SILENCE THE PEDANT is a Cinematic Visual Novel with Point and Click Adventure elements that takes place 5 years before the events of fault - milestone one. After her grandfather, the Royal Guardian to the king, loses his life in the line of duty, Ritona starts to become disillusioned with the notion of honor and duty to serve one’s country.
Why would one devote their life to a King or a Princess that ultimately has no emotional bearing to their lives? What is honor, and what is devotion? What does it mean to be patriotic?
A 14-year-old successor to the title of Royal Guardian struggles with these questions.
Playing through fault - milestone one and milestone two side:above is advised, but not required.
OS: x86/AMD64Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 2 GB available space