Not too many bug fixes in this one, but we did add some much requested features.
-Increased dead zone on controllers. This SHOULD prevent the player from moving when the control stick is not being pressed.
-Cosmetic change to piggy bank.
-Increased speed of deposit and withdraw of money from piggy bank if player holds down button for 1 second.
-Added windowed mode to video options
-Applying changes to control options now returns to the options menu rather than the main pause menu.
-Fixed bug where clicking a button in the options menu opened the wrong option.
Kindergarten is an abstract puzzle adventure game. You play as a student in a school that’s a bit…off. The teacher is trying to get rid of her kids. the janitor is frequently seen cleaning up blood. The cafeteria is serving the same slop over and over again. Kids are walking around with strange devices planted on them after visiting the principal, and one of your fellow classmates has gone missing. It’s up to you to figure out what’s going on, because your life might depend on it.
Classic Kindergarten fun!
Take part in show and tell!
Play house with Cindy!
Get beat up by the school bully!
Talk to the weird kid!
Destroy school property!
Get poisoned!
Solve a missing person's case!
You know...all the things you did while you were in Kindergarten.