Many many thanks for the feedback during this journey!
Half artist, half tech guy, ...fueled by your awesome feedback via Reviews and Steam Community Hub, I am in a constant quest to develop your requested gameplay experiences. 95% of the time I have to develop and test each step, producing different products that merge and blend, creating more complex stuff. UBERMOSH gave us a solid gameplay, but the framework needed to be rebuild from scratch to allow something past OMEGA.
I started working on a smarter AI that could predict movements and a different way to deal with the topdown animations and particles... that study spawned QUICKERFLAK. Ruthlessmod improved the SWARM AI from Swarmriders, leading to a "smart slime" that may appear in a sequel of a drifter game that nobody is asking for. The quest for an ENDLESS UBERMOSH, that works with the heavy zoom of the first game, the particles and smart AI from QKF and the pumping drums of the TTV series are summoning BULLETHELL, my "hardest to balance" title so far, that will stay a few months on Steam Early Access and, it will be the nicest to have you aboard during the development!
TTV2 is an arcade retro hardcore maze wanderer minigame, sequel to Trip to Vinelands.
Escape the screen avoiding vines and heavy machinery to beat each maze, beat 99 mazes in a row to beat the game.
The mazes are random ordered with procedural elements.
A reflex-based indie experience with original audio and art, made by the same creator of the arcade series UBERMOSH.