We have been slower that we would want, as we have had to migrate from versions of the unity game engine. We have been using the Unity version 5, and we were being bugged by some problems that in order to be solved required us to upgrade the version of unity used, up to the 2018 or 2017.
In the end, we had to landed on the 2017 versions, as the particles systems, above 2017 are no longer compatible with some of the early particles that we implemented in the game, and would require a major rework that would be above our current possibilities.
With the new version of the game engine, we have been able to improve some of the elements of the game that were being used, which allowed us to improve some of the effects and some of the mechaniics being used in the game and integrate one the new enemies that we had been working on the Yamawaro, a mythological creature in the japanese legends.
Dressing up the final segment of the game is also one our priorities as to be able to finally come out from the early access in steam, and get finally into full sales and all platforms.
Stay tuned for more news in the upcoming weeks.
A peaceful and colourful paper world is about to be torn apart. Hordes of evil are preparing to make their last stand, in one final battle to bring ruin to this paper kingdom. In their way are two heroes, a boy and a girl. Follow them in their epic journey to defeat evil once and for all.
Upside-Down Dimensions is a highly visual game that combines action, hack n slash, RPG, stealth, platform and puzzles to create a unique and amazing gameplay experience. Play as two characters separated into different dimensions. Flip between these worlds to stop the nefarious Dark Shogun.
Help the characters finding their way across the puzzles of ancient times, that will lead them to summon the Golden Origami Dragon, the only magical creature with enough power to defeat once and for all the evil presence.