We are happy to annnouce that we have added a new biome - The Swamp. As some of you have discovered, this release has been out for a little while, but we just wanted to see if there was any feedback before releasing.
Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us.
Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com
Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya.
[ 2024-12-08 13:02:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
The build has been out for a few days, but this is just to let you know that Valley has gone back into the level set. We are periodically reworking the biomes, so some may dissappear once in a while, but by popular request here is Valley back. Mainly unchanged for now. Feedback Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya.
[ 2024-09-09 10:55:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
While we do have a series of bigger updates in the pipeline, from the player point, this one is a small update focused on bugfixes and polish. We have made some major improvements to the file loading regarding performance, and particularly crash fixes and memory usage, but a lot of players might not notice this. These have been important fixes for us going forward however, to make room for future improvements in other parts of the game. Feedback Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya. If you like the game, please leave a review here on Steam.
[ 2024-08-18 21:36:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a bit of a journey, and 5 different submissions, Fugl is now finally Verified on Deck! We went from Playable -> Unsupported -> Playable -> Unsupported -> Verified, as each time we fixed something, something else would come up! Besides focusing on getting Fugl working properly on the Steamdeck, we have also made a number of minor fixes, mostly bug and crash fixes. Feedback Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya. If you like the game, please leave a review here on Steam.
[ 2024-06-05 20:49:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have just released the official soundtrack for Fugl, made by the amazing Martin Kvale and Joar Renolen. The soundtrack is available both as mp3 and as high-quality wav files. Get it here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2559240/Fugl_Soundtrack/!
[ 2024-03-29 23:07:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update focuses on the technical foundations, the nuts and bolts that holds the experience together. Some of the larger improvements are listed below.
Major updates
- New animation based help system
- New fluid based wind system
- Fixes manual morphing mechanic
- HiDPI support
- Improved rendering of the menu
- Fixes PlayStation controller glyphs
- Fixes fold posture in avatar editor
- Controller updates could cause wrong help texts to appear
- Devices with no windowed mode do not overwrite preferences
- Fixed missing windows icon
- Fixed small avatars falling too slowly
- Fixed missing windows icon
[ 2024-03-12 20:27:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small update. Something had gone wrong with the signing of the mac build, so that it stopped working. This has now been fixed. Feedback Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya.
[ 2022-11-16 22:05:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update focuses mostly on the audio side, though the release features a number of other improvements.
Audio - Reworks and Polish
- Better 3D audio attenuation, hear more from far away
- Every avatar sound is now in stereo, many of them new
- Avatar and creatures emit footstep sounds based on material
- Creatures emit sound when walking, jumping, flapping, landing and taking off
- Lots of new creature sounds, almost every creature now have unique calls
- Every biome now have unique ambiences for above and under water
- Reworked wind sounds, added more 3d feel to it
- Added whooshes when passing terrain at close range
- Volume has been tweeked for all music
- Better reverb for biomes and caves
- Added particles to avatar chirping
- Headphones are recommended for the full experience
- Morphing is now more consistent and manual morphing works as expected
- Fixed an issue with wrong help text displayed in some cases
- Some levels have been regenerated
- Specular highlight in water is now pixelated
- Creatures fade into view
- Avatar now clips correctly with water
- Clouds white out effect now works correctly
- Added Launcher app to reset prefs and choose graphics pipeline
[ 2022-04-23 21:18:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
We realize it has been a bit quiet, but we are now ready to publish the first major overhaul of Fugl.
- New and more performant graphics engine
- Localisation in 16 languages (English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian, Turkish, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese)
- Audio polish
- Black screen fix
- Controller fixes
- Level selection screen
- Loading screen
- Much more legible menu
- New creature discovery effect
- Reworked levels
[ 2022-02-24 22:41:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are continuing to gather pace for a major update of Fugl, and have now added Mac and Linux to the Experimental branch. Please let us know what you think and if you encounter any problems.
PS. While we still only officially support AMD & Nvidia cards, we have verified the build works on some recent Intel graphics cards. If you have already bought the game and have an Intel card, then we are keen to hear if the game works for you.
Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us.
Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com
Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya
[ 2022-02-14 21:51:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last couple of years have been harder than usual for everyone. For this and other reasons, we have not been able to work on Fugl as much as we have wanted to. However, now out on the Experimental branch is an update featuring a complete overhaul of the graphics engine, improved flying experience, new level select screen and much more.
Please let us know what you think.
PS. For now, this experimental build is for Windows and OpenGL only. We will also be adding linux and mac support further down the line.
PPS. While we still only officially support AMD & Nvidia cards, we have verified the build works on some recent Intel graphics cards. If you have already bought the game and have an Intel card, then we are keen to hear if the game works for you.
Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us.
Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com
Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya
[ 2022-02-08 23:08:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Over the summer, as we have rushed to put in features and polish things, a number of different bugs made it into the game. Most annoyingly for you the players, some of these resulted in unpredictable crashes. We have therefore been working hard on stabilising the experience, putting out a number of unannounced updates in the background. We hope that you are experiencing Fugl getting more stable. We are still focusing on fixing up bugs and urge you to either let us know on discord, via twitter or email, if you experience any crashes or other bugs. Issues small and great are all welcome. All links are given below. Bugfixes
- Big avatar FOV fix
- Crash related to Fugl ragdoll
- Crash related to wind sounds
- Crash relating to rendering clouds on vulkan
- Fixed an issue where reperch would get stuck midair
- Fixed controller not registering on startup
- Fixed morphing so auto morph works
- Fixed reset hanging the game
- Others crashes in the vulkan renderer
- Other sound related bugs
- Removed annoying sound on startup
- Reworked manual morphing to use only one key
- Water drawdistance fix on windows & linux
- Other crashes and bugfixes
- Adjusted small wings power
- Adjusted small wings sound
[ 2020-10-02 16:58:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
For this update, we managed to squeeze in a feature that's been requested almost since the first time we showed Fugl in public, Barrel Rolls! We hope you enjoy it. Please let us know how you find it.
- New procedural bird walking animation
- New barrel roll mechanic (q and e or left or right shoulder button on controller)
- All animals now have avatars
- Background is now blurred correctly on Windows/Linux vulkan
- Bird no longer spawns under map
- Camera is now smooth underwater
- Crests have improved
- Colour picking works again
- Evolve menu works again
- Fugl logo no longer showing up instead of an animal in Oasis
- Game doesn't hang when going quickly to the avatar menu
- Help doesn't get stuck at change back to default avatar text
- Level loading has been cleaned up and doesn't crash when changing levels quickly
- Lots of small bug and crash fixes
- Menu no longer spawns under map
- Music now stops when going back to menu
- Multisampling is now standard on all platforms
- Terrain culling
- Vulkan rendering optimisations
[ 2020-08-16 22:27:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
This time we have a content update for you with all new biomes and the existing biomes have gotten a high-detail overhaul!
- High-detail biomes
- New biomes
- Tweaked avatars
- Vulkan support on Windows and Linux
- Many Bug fixes.
[ 2020-06-27 22:36:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are now ready to trial our new Vulkan renderer, which should hopefully make Fugl run smoother and faster on some computers, especially those with AMD based graphics card. The game should still function as normal even if your computer doesn't support Vulkan as it falls back to OpenGL in that case. To play the Experimental version, right-click on Fugl from the Steam library page and select Properties. Among the available tabs will be the BETAS tab. Pick experimental in the dropdown that says "Select the beta that you would like to opt into:" . Let the update download, and start Fugl. Our experimental updates, are just that experimental, so they may be more buggy than normal, but we'd love to hear you thoughts. This update is Windows only for now, but an experimental linux version is also in the works. Feedback Fugl is still early access, so features are still missing and bugs hide in the corners. Please be patient with us. Please, Let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Also join us on the Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya
[ 2020-06-03 15:29:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
This big update has been a long time coming. Here is what we have been up to:
- Animals: Fixed hang
- Animals: Reinstated floating, perching and more behaviours
- Audio: new crash sounds
- Audio: fixed missing sounds
- Audio: adjusted sound levels
- Avatar: new list view
- Avatar: new evolve feature
- Avatar: more versatile crest position
- Biome: Pass through voxels
- Biome: Updated and reworked worlds
- Clouds: Fixed white out
- New Menu
[ 2020-04-05 17:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a few quiet months, we can finally show you what we have been working on. Here is a full list of the most significant improvements since last time:
- Clouds with shadows for each biome
- New caves biome
- New bird physics: rolling in steep descent and looping
- Depth of field effect for background
- Improved rendering performance
- Render performance menu in options
- Thermals now have sound
- Improved camera
- Optional orbit camera
- Fixed missing water
- Easier to take off from water
- Adjusted physics for large animals
[ 2019-11-17 16:59:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This months update focuses on a new and improved wind system. Here is a full list of the most significant improvements since last time:
- New Wind System that'll slightly guide you as you fly
- New walking camera
- Updated winds sounds when flying
- More configurability through the menu
- Lots of little bug fixes, such as animals no longer stalling
[ 2019-07-07 06:28:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just managed to finish this major overhaul on the sound effects in time for Environment Day. We'll donate 15% of all profits from this sale to the Wildlife Trusts.
Here is a list of the most significant improvements since last time:
- Updated sound effects for winds, ambient music, and lots more.
- Lots of bug fixes to the sound system
- Increased mouse sensitivity
- Added slowdown effect to 3rd mouse button
- Misc bugfixes
[ 2019-06-03 21:12:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This has been a busy month for Team Fugl as we have been travelling a lot. First we showed the game at Pax East in Boston, and then we also went to the AMAZE Festival in Berlin, so we had less time to add new features. However, it is always delightful to show the game at expo, and in particular, it seems like the vr version is going down really well. (not available for sale yet!) Here is a list of the most significant improvements since last time:
- Overhauled help system to make it more contextual
- Made animal movement smoother
- Fixed bug where animals will sometimes stall
- Fixed bug where animals will sometimes not repopulate
- Fixed bug with with flying into invisible terrain
- Made the camera more dynamic
- Misc bugfixes
[ 2019-04-27 11:52:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Did you find the avatar a bit too floaty or the soundscape a bit too overwhelming? This release has a lot of minor fixes and polished details. We hope you'll enjoy it!
- Overhauled avatar physics
- Added gravity slider in the gameplay menu
- Reorganised menu
- Press 'X' on the controller or 'e' on the keyboard, to emote like the creature you have taken the shape of.
- Sound adjustments and bugfixes
- Camera adjustments
- Misc bugfixes
[ 2019-03-17 15:02:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Never loose track of which animal forms you have absorbed! Click avatar in the menu and it will take you directly to the brand new gallery.
This is a medium sized feature update, focused on the collection mechanic, though it also has a bunch of other improvements:
- Avatar gallery
- Slowmotion and a sound when you encounter a new animal
- The game no longer plays music or updates game logic if backgrounded
- Improved logic so in-game music finishes playing if started (exceptions exist)
- Music ambience in caves
- Wings now sound differently underwater from when flying
- Help text and menu can no longer be occluded by animals and terrain
- Fixed bug where camera controls was not saved correctly to preferences
- Mac: Fixed crash on Intel GPUs
- Linux: Fullscreen now working
- Linux: Bug where window kept resizing itself fixed
- Windows: Fixed steamworkshop missing thumbnails for avatars
- Windows: Flat shading in the avatar editor fixed
- Windows & Linux: Massive performance increase
- Misc bugfixes
[ 2019-02-24 18:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fly high, fold your wings and dive head first into the water!,
This is a major content update, focused on the underwater experience, though it also has a bunch of other improvements:
- Underwater
- Fold your wings and dive!
- Swim physics for the avatar
- New ground movement
- Freelook camera
- Improved ragdoll when crashing
- HDR rendering effect
- Improved sound, incl. reverb with animals in caves / underwater
- New frost biome with new animals (reindeer, anyone?)
- Swim animations for underwater animals
- Improved behaviours for animals
[ 2019-01-23 18:54:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All, For a long while the linux version has lagged behind, and didn't have the set levels. This has been corrected in this release. If you are on linux, please let us know about any issue you might encounter, and we'll do our best to fix them fast. The full list of fixes for this release is
- Linux terrain engine beta update
- Fixed missing landscape on some intel and older AMD/ATI cards
- Fixed crash related to particles
- Fixed rare crash on graphics menu
- Fixed birds dividing into strata
- Fixed crash on computers with 2 or fewer cores
- Morph fixed when not in automatic mode
- Added menu option for enabling/disabling thermals
- Misc avatar fixes
- Other small fixes
[ 2018-12-12 15:31:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have been focusing on wind effects for this update, besides the usual optimisations and bug fixes. Here is a non-comprehensive list:
- Contrails from the bird wings
- Thermal winds
- A lot of fixes to the avatar editor
- Updated in-game avatars (tails & legs)
- Fixed the bug where the bird could be in slow motion
- Overhauled the multi-threading system to keep single cpu-cores from being overloaded
- PS4 controller support fixed
[ 2018-11-22 21:25:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just put out a new release here before Halloween. The main fixes in this update is:
- Fixed fullscreen tearing on windows
- Fixed some of the stalls happening when changing shape
- Fixed particles bug when changing shape
- Update sounds
- Updated avatar editor bug
[ 2018-10-27 22:57:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Halloween is soon upon us, and we think this is a great opportunity to show you what we have been working on lately.
Features and Fixes
- Dynamic Help System (please give us some feedback on us)
- Improved Skybox rendering (2 quality settings)
- Improved Water rendering (3 quality settings)
- Particles!!!
- Improved performance on some graphics cards.
- Collision avoidance on between flying animals & terrain
- Avatar editor fixes
- More avatars to change shape to
- A Halloween level!

Known Bugs and Issues We still have a lot of content updates planned, such as waterfalls, underwater movement, more interesting animal behaviours, a level editor, and so on. Besides that, there are couple of known issues in this build, that we are working to iron out:
- Tearing can appear in fullscreen mode even with vsync on
- Occasional stuttering when changing shape
- With water reflections on, noise can occur close to the coast, depending on your graphics card
- Linux is not part of the update, but we are working on it!
[ 2018-10-21 13:29:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
It is now time for a new update, after a succesful GamesCom. This time with a focus on bird controls and an improved menu!
- Improved menu navigation
- Improved physics model for the bird (Fugl)
- Fixed coverts on Fugl
- Added ability for Fugl to jump (controller only for now)
- Fixed poses in avatar editor
- Fixed holes in terrain
- Improved camera
- Improved responsiveness of mouse controls
- Added borderless window mode
- Added menu option to disable vsync
- Fixed missing flatshading mode in Avatar editor on Windows
- Minor bug fixes
[ 2018-09-16 17:55:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
The almost mythical update with a whole new biome system is now live here on Steam! You will find:
- The infinite levels, that many people found confusing has now been replaced with set levels.
- 8 new levels!
- Camera and bird controls overhaul
- New rendering system
- Supports for directional 3d sounds (HRTFs)
- Much smaller download
[ 2018-08-19 22:29:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
The new biome system is here! First we thought this system would be ready by the end of December, then a month later, and so on, but it is finally here! The biome generation have been completely overhauled resulting in a smoother and hopefully less confusing experimentation. You can now choose which self-enclosed biome to explore, by cycling through them on the menu. Gone are the days of flying in a random direction, to hopefully get to the biome you want to explore. As before, each biome is populated with fauna specific to that environment. Improvements still coming! We think the biomes look better than ever. Hopefully you think so too! We are still improving the game, like adding waterfalls and an underwater experience. Morphing We are experimenting with the morphing. To try it out, enable it in the options menu, and use the shoulder buttons on the controller to control the morph. Feedback Lets us know what you think, by leaving a comment here, tweeting @melodive or emailing fuglsupport@kotoristudios.com Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya
[ 2018-04-08 10:26:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZGqSa8RY9s&t=10 Hi All, As you may know, Johan has been busy overhauling the biome system. Most people were getting lost and never discovered other biomes than the first one, so we took the consequence; instead of the endless seamless worlds, each biome is now self-contained and wrapping around on all sides. Johan has turned this limitation to his advantage, and created a tool that can create more beautiful landscapes than we ever had before. We have just released an early alpha version of the biome creator for free (Mac only for now), and we'll keep updating it as we go along! Please try it out, and let us know what you think. You can take a look at the tutorial video above and the time lapses below, to get a quick feeling for what you can do with it. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x32l83j2fnhxh81/Fugl%20Biome%20Creator.zip?dl=0 Feel free to leave a comment here or join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOhiDLeBxTc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzFKLApeSz0
[ 2018-03-14 22:41:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
It has been almost a month since the last release, but a lot of things have been going on behind the scenes, as we are preparing for some major content to roll out. It is still not quite ready, so today's release is mostly focused on fixing some issues with the animals and giving you the ability to change screen resolution.
- Now possible to change full screen resolution via the graphics menu.
- Added set window sizes in windowed mode.
- Fixed bug where some animal types would never appear.
- Fixed bug where animals could disappear.
- Temporarily disabled the old level editor, while we are working on merging in New Shinier Level Editor (tm).
- A few miscellaneous bug fixes.
[ 2018-02-27 11:19:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
This time we have given the audio side a big overhaul! The biggest improvement is that each biome now not only looks different, but also sounds different, as they all have different reverbs applied. Suddenly you can recognise where you are, just by flapping your wings! Other improvements in this build include:
- You can now set the music volume separately from the sound volume.
- Music pieces that can start playing only when you fly fast. Can you keep up the speed to keep the music going?
- Lots of bugfixes in general, but mostly focused towards the processing and playing of audio.
- Performance improvement on the rendering, and some OpenGL fixes for older platforms.
- The ability to disable rumble for the controller.
[ 2018-01-22 19:34:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All, This release is small on the content side as we have mainly focused on bug fixing and improving performance. Especially the mac has suffered from some glitching issues, that we have now managed to fix. Oh, and Marco, our artist, says he has placed a new rare bird in the alien biome. It can be unlocked by finding the right eggs .. :) Happy Holidays! We will be back with a much bigger update soon! Gorm, Team Fugl
[ 2017-12-27 20:25:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
As you might know, Johan is working hard on a radical rethink of the level editor. Here is a preview video showing a jungle biome that was made with the level editor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GLjKn2Z2iU Besides that, we have a lot of smaller improvements:
- Now using openal-soft for sound on all platforms. This should improve the sound on most platforms.
- Fixed bugs in the avatar editor.
- Fixed problems with a few missing avatars.
- Misc performance improvements and bug fixes.
- Czech
- Danish
- English
- French
- Japanese
- German
- Norwegian
- Portuguese - Brazil
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Ukranian
[ 2017-12-12 12:57:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Most importantly, we have implemented the first version of our Steam Workshop support. Steam workshop has a huge number of features, so will be expanding and improving the implementation as we get feedback from the community. Once the new version of the much-talked about level editor arrives, we will also add workshop support to that. Here is a youtube video giving an introduction to the workshop implementation. We do also have a number of other fixes in this build, so here is the complete list:
- Initial Steam Workshop integration with the avatar editor
- Removed simulate button in the avatar editor
- Fixed pose resets in the avatar editor
- Fixed non-responsive ui in the avatar editor
- Fixed bug where setting avatar morph speed didn't work
- General Performance boost when no editor ui is visible
- Fixed classic mode giving black screen on Windows & Linux
- Added support for anti-aliasing on Windows & Linux
- Added support for variable vsync on Windows & Linux
- Added support for unicode characters in file system folder and file names
- Remember window resolution when exiting application
- Remember which display the game ran on, for setups with multiple monitors
- Fixed crash related to multi-threading
- A number of smaller fixes
[ 2017-11-27 23:57:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
This week, we have a lot of small fixes, including:
- Support for Steam Cloud.
- Added the first set of fixes to the birds; including improved flocking, animation and behaviours while in flying state.
- Frame rate is now capped in case vsync is not working properly.
- Window size and display index is now stored between runs, in case you run the game windowed or have more than one monitor.
- Small bug fixes and tweaking of avatar behaviour.
[ 2017-11-12 15:33:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us in celebrating Halloween with this massive content release. Here is a list of the new things:
- A whole new scary biome!
- New and updated magical animals and some with avatars; werewolves, flying broomsticks, black cats, pumpkins, frogs and crows
- Updated animal noises and ambient soundscapes
[ 2017-10-26 07:26:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All, As we are preparing for a big release in the coming weeks, we decided to skip the release this week. There are a lot of stuff coming up in the pipeline, that we will start to roll out in the coming weeks:
- A halloween biome, with animals and sounds made specifically for the holidays
- A complete rewrite of the level structure. We won't reveal too much at this point, but it will be quite different
- A more user friendly level creator
- Waterfalls!
- Instant populating of the levels. No more popping animals or half-empty levels if you fly too fast!
- Improved animal behaviour
- Steam workshop integration (avatars first, levels later)
- Sync issues fix on mac
[ 2017-10-21 03:15:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
As is usual in the software industry, everything always takes a little bit longer than expected, but the linux version is finally here and for sale on the store. The officially supported distributions are
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and later
- Steam OS 2
[ 2017-10-15 22:49:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All,
Johan is busy reworking the level system, so it falls to me to make this update. This week's update is a mixed bag of new content and stability/performance fixes:
- We are working on some ways to add little surprises and experiences to the game. Did you notice the eggs? Why are they there?
- Different musical pieces when you are grounded versus flying
- A few other small fixes to the sound, such as making the music stop if you crash or fly too fast
- Crash fix on some macs
- Added a fallback rendering profile for Windows & Linux, if your card doesn't support OpenGL 4.3 Compatibility Profile (will mostly affect AMD cards)
- A lot of work gone into the Linux Beta. A new beta is with our testers and a proper EA release for Linux is very close
[ 2017-10-14 14:51:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, By popular demand, Fugl now has it's own Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya Cheers, Johan Team Fugl
[ 2017-10-08 18:19:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, friday is here again and this is what we manged to put out this week:
- Added jumping (A button on controller)
- Fixed more compatibility issues with older, officially unsupported graphics cards.
- Fixed white/coloured screen on the menu that occurred for some (other people might still get white screen for a few seconds while starting, while the game is compiling shaders) (edited)
- More tweaks to the sound system
- Tweeked ragdoll threshold for lighter birds
- Store text is now also localised to Spanish, Japanese and German
- Steam Screenshots now work on Windows
- Linux closed beta testing started (not available for purchase yet)
- Piscatus purple
- Orca
- Crow pied (edited)
- Narwhal
- Dart frog
- Pollus
- Ostrinus
- Praepes
- Mundus
[ 2017-10-07 04:43:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ok, so this week wasnt any less busy for Team Fugl, but we hope to be back to an early friday release next week! This is what we did this week:
- OpenGL stablility fixes on PC
- Fugl now runs on Mac integrated graphics
- Completely new ground movement, much more fluid and fun! No more getting stuck!
- New hover mechanic. Use left trigger to hover when speed is low.
- New field of view slider
- New distance to bird slider
- Classic mode (in graphics setting) to squeeze out some extra fps
- Fixed camera getting stuck
- Fixed avatar not morhing back
- Added option to ignore controllers
- Salmon
- Mahi-mahi
- Great white Shark
- Saw Shark
- Goblin Shark
- Thresher Shark
- Tiger Shark
- Hammer head Shark
- Bull Shark
- Bonnet head Shark
- Green Bass
- Brown Bass
[ 2017-09-30 21:14:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been a busy week for Team Fugl, so this week's big update is a little late. We hope to have it ready a few hours earlier next week! Ok, so what's new?
- New avatar unlock system (morph to unlock)
- New avatar selection screen
- Avatar editor fully working on PC
- Fish avatars (including a dolphin and a sailfish!)
- New alien avatars
- Avatar physics adjustments
- Orbit camera with slight zoom
- Fixed missing animals bug
- Crash fixes
- Menu navigation fixes
- 22:9 Ultra wide support
- Keyboard / mouse help (press H or F1 to view after start up)
- More PCs supported
- Mac performance enhancements
[ 2017-09-24 11:49:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have updated Fugl with full controller support so you can navigate the menus with a controller (also keyboard). We also added support for more PCs and fixed an issue where bird position would be reset on start up. Level creator is also quicker to start. In the next days we'll be adding orbit camera, working more on PC (gpu) compatibility, sound issues, ground movement and take off. We're also interested in hearing more thoughts about the game and what you would like to see. Post in feedback / feaure requests! :) Thanks for all the love so far, it's been very encouraging! Johan Team Fugl
[ 2017-09-20 14:32:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, We are getting a few emails from users with older machines, that are below the current minimum spec. We are constantly working on lowering the minimum spec all the time, but especially the procedural generation is a bit power hungry at the moment. On mac, this is mostly concerning machines that have only integrated graphics cards (intel), and on pc, they are both older intel (5500 and below in particular, but not exclusively) as well as AMD (7900 and below especially, but not exclusively) We are working on making them all work, but this is not a sure thing, so if you bought Fugl on a machine that's below minumum specs and have no more patience, please ask for a refund! If you still want to hang on and see if we can make it work on below min specs, please send an email: fuglsupport @ kotoristudios . com (pc) or fugl . game @ gmail . com (mac). Even if we make it work, it's not guaranteed that it will be playable, that's why we giving this heads up now, just so the communication about this is clear, hope you understand!
[ 2017-09-19 09:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yay, we found the freeze bug, where the screen would freeze after a while playing the game, but the sound keep playing. If you ever experienced this, then please download this patch, because that bug sure was irritating! If you still have problems running the game, please email us: PC: fuglsupport @ kotoristudios . com Mac: fugl.game @ gmail . com It's much easier to help through email, as we can get logs and crashdumps.
[ 2017-09-18 16:53:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks everybdoy for friendly vibes and a lot of patience, it's much appeciated! We're hard at work at fixing issues people are having, prioritizing the issues affecting the most people. Expect a lot of stability and usability updates in the coming days and weeks. We will try to keep updates small in size. This update is critical and fixes: - crash on restart when the game was running fine before - buggy / missing terrain - automatic graphics switching Next week we will focus on: - AMD issues - crash issues where the screen freezes, but sounds keep playing - stuck in terrain - take off - ground movement - buggy world border - full controller support - custom avatar morphing issues - keyboard / mouse help screen - orbit camera - 30 hz lock - distance to bird If I forgot something let me know in the comments below! Thanks, Johan Team Fugl
[ 2017-09-17 22:03:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you everybody who bought Fugl and loves it! We want as many as possible to enjoy Fugl as it's meant to be enjoyed and have now released the first patch. It's a huge one (1.9 gb) as we wanted to fix up the biomes a bit too in addition to fixing the esc-crash. We plan to bring file size down pretty fast in future releases, we just need to make sure terrain gen is working for everybody first. We plan on updating Fugl every friday with bug fixes and new features, but expect a few more patches this coming week. We are focusing on AMD problems, ground movement and general ease of use. This patch (and other during the week) will be much smaller than this one in size. I've also added a morph speed slider in options so you can lock down your avatar if you want. Remember it's possible to choose default avatar in the options and there is also a lot of graphical setting to make the game run smoother. To anyone with technical problems: Thank you for your patience, please don't forget the support email: fuglsupport @ kotoristudios . com. We will try our best to help you run the game, and you'll be helping us also, as there is a lot we can learn from logs and crash dumps. Stability and frame rate is our top priority. Happy flying, Johan Team Fugl
[ 2017-09-16 01:09:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Fugl Linux [11.9 G]
Fugl is currently in alpha, meaning we are still adding new features to the game and improving stability and performance. We are looking for players who want to play the early version of the game, and hopefully also get involved in its development.
Fugl is a sandbox game where you create the story, playing as a shape-shifting bird. Relax and feel the breeze under your wings as you glide serenely across picturesque landscapes, or kick up the excitement and soar up steep cliffs like an eagle. With no set rules the free roaming gameplay lets you discover the beauty and secrets of the world at your own pace and dares you to make your own meaning for a stress-free experience.
Fugl’s world is a vast and unique voxel playground. It is procedurally generated yet carefully crafted, with diverse areas to explore, from icy wind blown caves to tropical paradises to great deserts and old growth forests. Each environment is rich in diverse wildlife with hundreds of animals to find. You may even be lucky enough to stumble across rare mythical creatures. Come close to any of these creatures and you have the chance to take on new visual characteristics and flying behaviours inspired by them.
Give the world of Fugl your own creative touch by personalising it in the extensive level creator and craft your custom bird in the avatar editor.
- Freely control a bird and enjoy the thrill of flying
- Experience meditative and task free gameplay at your own pace
- Sink into the beautiful voxel art style
- Discover the vast carefully crafted world
- Explore varied areas - from tropical beaches to snowy mountains and alien worlds
- Take on new visual characteristics and flying behaviours inspired by other animals
- Make your own custom bird in the avatar editor
- Shape your personal world with the level creator
- Enjoy the relaxing soundtrack created with the sounds and ambience of nature
- Receive regular content updates throughout Early Access, including new areas, new animals and new features
We are very proud of what we have accomplished so far, but we still have a few things we'd like to add to the game, before we come out of Early Access. The following are features that we'd really like to add, but everything is subject to change as development is still on-going.
Feel Free as a Bird
- Expand on the core experience of flying: Add wind, thermals, clouds, day/night-cycle and diffrent kinds of weather.
- Just as there are many different types of birds, we'd like to be able to support many different ways of enjoying life as a bird in Fugl. Some are looking for a more chilled experienced, and some for a frantic challenging experience. We are working on ways to support different modes of play.
- Birds can do more than just glide on the winds, break, speed up or hop on the ground and we want to support as many special manoeuvres and abilities as we can!
- Fugl is not the only living thing in the world. We want the wildlife to be able to influence you, and you to influence them!
A Living World
The animals in Fugl are really important for providing a sense of life, interaction and immersion in the world.
- Improved AI For the animals
- Better physics For the animals
- Physics interactions between the player and the animals
- Faster and improved distribution of animals in the world
- Animal motivations to make them more interesting to interact with
- More animations
Environments & Level Creator
- Steam Workshop integration for the level creator
- Support for more procedurally generated content
- More support for user generated content like voxel models
Rendering, Hardware and Platforms
- Linux Support
- We are old-school so we are still looking to improve performance and reduce memory requirements wherever we can!
- We still have a few rendering tricks up our sleeve that we are working on
- Support More Languages
Fugl Discord server: https://discord.gg/8Cb4Uya
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Steam OS2
- Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual CoreMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1 GB VRAM
- Storage: 4 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Requires Open GL 4.3 or Vulkan 1.1. Nvidia / AMD cards only
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Steam OS2
- Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad CoreMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated graphics card. 1 GB Memory
- Storage: 4 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Requires Open GL 4.3 or Vulkan 1.1. Nvidia / AMD cards only
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