Dear Caromble! friends,
Since our last update, another baby was born in the Caromble! team! Also, Thomas the artist has married and became insta-dad of two. Furthermore, I (Pascal) am about to become father for the second time next October. This means, that since we started working on Caromble!, at the end of this year we will have transformed from fatherless chaps, to all five a father of two. Wow! You might think, if we weren't so busy procreating, we would have have completed Caromble! way sooner...
Anyhow... we have made some progress in Caromble as well. We have completed parts of the story and even included a narrator. For a small sneak preview for the atmosphere, check the video below:
The skybox is still dummy art here, but this intro part is complete now. Last announcement we mentioned that we are gameplay complete. Since then, Peter has worked his magic on prettyizing the final level and the last boss fight. That is almost done now too.
The last big task is completing the story narrative, for which we had shown some concept art before. Unfortunately, our story helper artist was too busy to continue on Caromble!, so that has delayed us a bit. I am currently working on it with programmer art, adding animations and making compositions, so Thomas S. can later replace it with pretty stuff. If you want to see how glad we are with a real artist, look at the next image to see how Caromble! would have looked if I'd make the art:
That's it for now. I hope the next announcement will be for the release of Chapter 6 and the narrative. Hopefully until then!
Kind regards,
The Caromble! team!
This is Caromble!; A fresh new take on the brick break game! Free the corrupted world and fight evil with physics-based destruction, puzzles, explosions, skill-levels, power-ups, mayhem, more explosions, further puzzles, speedruns, superscore medals, unlockable challenges and some surprises you would't expect in a brick breaker game. Brick break your way to glory and discover a world of nostalgic wonder. Let’s get ready to Caromble!
The full release of Caromble! will feature:
24 levels divided over six chapters
Each level has multiple playable areas
Physics based destruction
Medals for speed runs and highscores
Numerous unlockable skill levels
Powerups that cause explosions
Explosions that release powerups
And yes... platforming elements (say what?!)
The current state of the Early Access build is:
Not fully optimized for performance
Contains the first 3 chapters with 12 areas
And 5 unlockable skill levels
Production quality equivalent to release quality
Very enjoyable
Please help us improve Caromble! Report bugs. Play the game. Enjoy the mechanics. Don't like the mechanics? Tell us about it! Tell us why you think Caromble! is great. Tell us why you think it stinks. Know somebody who might enjoy Caromble!? Help us find them! We're forever in your debt.