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Stay tuned for tomorrow, Thursday November 26th, that there will be a Dev Q&A over on Reddit!
Paradox_Danne here one last time to guide you through the final German Dev Diary before Gtterdmmerung drops and you can experience all of this first hand. Buckle up, because today were diving into German alt-history! Before we get started though, lets have one last look at the old German Focus Tree and then compare it with the new one.
The Old German Focus Tree has served us well over the years
But its time to let a new German Tree sprout
As you can see, the new German Focus Tree is something of a behemoth and by far the largest Tree in the game. If youve read the previous two Dev Diaries about the Historical branches and the German systems (if not, stop reading this and head over there immediately!) most of you will recognize a lot of this, but theres uncharted territory here as well. Hoist your proverbial sails and lets see where the current takes us as we explore Germanys alt-history.
But a word of warning before we cast off; all you are about to see is very much a work in progress, which means things might and will change.
Germanys democrats and monarchists have received more to do and are now even accompanied by the communists
As you might be able to tell, the alt-historical branch has been greatly expanded upon and offers a wide range of different playstyles for Germany. One thing that remains the same though is the actual Civil War. We decided very early on not to expand this bit or alter it all that much; we reasoned that if you want to play alt-history you want the Civil War to begin and end as soon as possible. So its very much straight to the point still (with maybe one or two new minor surprises). Before moving on to the various political paths, lets talk about the few Civil War-centric focuses there are.
After starting the Civil War you have a few focuses to help you through these dark times
With the Civil War tearing Germany apart, you can Rally the Nation to bring down the Nazis faster and Rebuild the Nation to help your industries recover faster, which then can be expedited with Revitalize the Nation. All of this should bolster Germany and help it recover quickly to move on to other things, such as tending to the future and deciding what kind of politics you want to pursue.
Democracy or Monarchism

The Democratic and Monarchist paths share most focuses but cater to different playstyles while not excluding any of them You dont have to be Sherlock Holmes to quickly deduce that the Democratic and Monarchist branches share almost all focuses between them. This of course means you can be hyper-aggressive as a Democratic Germany, or become the saviour of East Europe as the Kaiser and fend off Soviet aggression. This has been done to offer different ways of playing Germany, but it also has a basis in reality. After WW1 Germany never ratified the eastern borders set by the Versailles treaty (it would actually take until 1970 for the eastern borders to be accepted and ratified properly), and it always harboured a desire to regain these territories. Even during the Weimar Republic, Germany coveted these areas and never fully accepted the loss of these lands. Youll be able to regain these lost parts of Germany through different means - but more on that later. Lets discuss what exactly sets Democracy apart from a revived Kaiserreich.

After you Re-establish Free Elections you can become a technological powerhouse, secure better relations with your Western neighbours, but also become a beacon of Democracy The Democratic branch is all about cooperation, reconciliation, and technological advancements. You can Reverse the Brain Drain to kick your research into high gear and then further improve it with Shared R&D Programs to really accelerate the research pace. And by making amends with your Western neighbours you can increase trade with them or even regain some of your old colonies. Depending on what you choose between Embrace Liberal Leanings or Strive for Conservative Values youll either make political advisors, Economic and Trade Laws much cheaper or get all political and military advisors at a slightly reduced cost while Conscription Law also gets a lot cheaper.

Cooperation and reconciliation will lead to technological innovations and more trade

The Shield of Democracy comes in two different flavours

After you Revive the Kaiserreich you can start to realize the Imperial Forces true potential The keen-eyed among you will notice that you can now choose which flavour of authoritarianism you want; the rule of good old Wilhelm II or install a Military Dictatorship with Wilhelm III as figurehead, with the Fourth Supreme Army Command as the true power in Germany. This also has a historical background with the Army Command being the de facto authority in Germany during the later parts of WW1. Both options have their own exclusive focuses with the Kaiser geared more toward research and the development of Special Projects while the Supreme Army Command is all about preparing Germany for the next war and strengthening its military. Whats true for both though, is the eagerness and willingness to rearm and demand lost territories and exact vengeance.

With Germanys old colonies lost, the question is how you will regain them Now, after having chosen your leader and political course, its time to set sail and venture out on the open seas to rebuild your old empire through some good old-fashioned Weltpolitik - which simply means world politics. This was the imperial foreign policy under Wilhelm II as Germany aimed to become a global power. There are basically two ways to become a global empire once more; you can either accept British naval dominance and ask nicely (and sometimes not so nicely - looking at you Portugal) to get your old colonies back, or you can simply go to war over your old claims and demand your rightful place in the sun. Wedged in between these two paths you have a third option; to align more closely with China and offer both industrial and military help to bolster them. In the end, youll carve up Asia between yourselves in spheres of influence. But wait, hold up, hold up, I hear you say after taking a long, hard look at the picture above, Carve up Congo doesnt sound like anything the British would agree on. Believe it or not, but this also has a basis in history; the then Prime Minister of Britain, Chamberlain, once offered Hitler to carve up Congo between both nations. This was a part of his appeasement strategy (famously working out oh-so-well), and the idea was that this would placate Hitler and his lust for conquest. Lmao. I thought it was a neat idea and put it here instead.

What alliances and deals will you strike to strengthen Germany? If Weltpolitik is all about global power plays on the world stage, then Realpolitik is about how you conduct politics and diplomacy closer to home. The big name associated with the term is of course Otto von Bismarck, who used Realpolitik to achieve the unification of Germany and created a delicate balance of alliances in Europe designed to keep Germany out of a two-front war (which abruptly fell apart as soon as he left office - leading to WW1). Theres quite a lot to go through here actually, so lets get started - and were starting from the far left with:

Tie other nations closer to Germany by strengthening their industries and exploiting their resources Mitteleuropa of course means Middle Europe and is a German term for Central Europe, but the definition of what Mitteleuropa encompasses has shifted throughout the ages. It is not merely a geographical term, but also a political one. Mitteleuropa envisions a German-dominated central Europe with countries strongly tied to, or even ruled by, Germany. And this is exactly what you can achieve by going down this branch. After the Civil War you stand alone, without allies, but this changes here; this is where you once again can form your own alliance to weather whatever may come. This is also where you decide how to handle poor old Austria; do you invite them into your newly founded faction or do you push for unification, giving Burgenland to Hungary to entice them to join Mitteleuropa? From here you have to decide whether or not to restore the old Central powers (with either Austria or Hungary depending on your earlier choice), but under a much stronger German influence, or try to unify as much of Europe under your leadership as possible while making every faction member stronger until youre able to form the European Confederation?
See to the Eastern Front

Who said playing nice cant be fun? Protect Eastern Europe before the Soviets come knocking on your door What happens if you play it cool and dont decide to gobble up other nations? Well, someone else is just going to take your place, arent they? Theres a very high likelihood that the USSR will start to eye the countries between them and you with increasing appetite (so not very different from history actually). Whos going to stop them anyway? You? Ravaged by Civil War you cant possibly hope to save the countries of Eastern Europe from their fate. It is sealed. A done deal. The Soviets will have these nations for breakfast. Well, I guess you can always try to help them. Offer them guarantees, construct forts, build up their industries, train their militaries - do whatever you can. Theres even a possibility that you can invite them into your faction and further boost their industries.
Restore the Brest-Litovsk Borders

Coerce your eastern neighbors into giving up lands so you can restore the borders set by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Well, what if you dont want to play nice? Oh, there are options for you too (the Weltpolitik branch notwithstanding)! Many of you may already know this, but Germany signed a separate peace deal with the Russians towards the end of WW1, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, where the Russians lost of their population and over 50% of their industrial lands. So, a pretty severe blow. Well, all of this was undone by the Treaty of Versailles which annulled the treaty, and all of the lands Germany had gained became free nations. It is now within your grasp to restore these borders and German honour!
Reject the Locarno Treaty

If you are of the mindset that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair you can Reject the Locarno Treaty and reclaim Elsass-Lothringen The Locarno Treaty was signed between Germany and a whole bunch of other nations to secure and guarantee Germanys new WW1 borders with France and Belgium. If you have chosen to bring back the Kaiser from his exile or appoint a military dictatorship, you have the option to first bully the Danes into giving back southern Jutland (another piece of land lost with the Treaty of Versailles), before you can Reject the Locarno Treaty and have at it with France one more time. As you may have noticed, this path is also accessible if you Accept British Naval Dominance in the Weltpolitik branch; the caveat being that France has to fulfill certain criteria first, much like the old focus with the same name. But what if you dont want to play a fascist, democratic, or monarchist Germany? Well, there are slim pickings then, but you can always start;
The Proletarian Revolution

Throw off the shackles of capitalism and free workers around the world as Communist Germany Welcome to the revolution comrades, its been a long time coming. Its time to establish the Proletariat and bring it to the masses all around the world. There are two ways of doing this, one more aggressive than the other, but neither is peaceful (those damn capitalists just wont see common sense!), but before we get ahead of ourselves we have to discuss how to turn Communist in the first place. You didnt think youd do it by the press of a button, did you? No, you need to press several buttons! Some of you may deem this the most unrealistic path for Germany to take, but they had several socialist uprisings just after WW1 and some even broke away from Germany and proclaimed their own, independent Soviet republics. In fact, it was the Kiel Mutiny of November 1918 that sparked the following revolutions and uprisings and the downfall of the monarchy in Germany. This mutiny had clear socialist undertones, and while the Left was finally defeated in the German Revolution of 1918 and all German Soviet republics abolished, the Weimar Republic emerged from this turbulence helmed by the Social Democrats. Ok, why am I giving you this quick history lesson? Because this is kind of how you turn Communist; by mimicking history.

Spread the Proletarian Revolution to new states to gain momentum for your cause! For each state you spread the revolution to the stronger the Communist movement grows, but so does the instability of Germany. And be mindful that not all states are equal; the more industries a state has the more workers you can sway to your cause, and the bigger the impact in loss of stability and increase in Communism support youll get. You might also have noticed the Imminent Proletarian Revolution thats ticking down. So what happens if you reach 0 days?

The Second German Civil War The states you manage to spread the Proletarian Uprising to will join you in any potential Civil War. Luckily, this Civil War is avoidable - if you play your cards right. For each state you spread the Proletarian Uprising to, you'll add days to the Imminent Proletarian Revolution, postponing the Civil War by a few days. This can also be achieved by completing certain focuses. Its a race against the clock, but one which you should be able to win - especially if you plan ahead just a little bit.

With The Peoples Victory, you have finally become a true socialist nation So, youve emerged as a Communist nation - what now? How will you secure the Revolution, or even spread it elsewhere? Theres a lot left to cover so lets do a blitz through the various shared branches the Communists have.

If you like the spy game, a Communist Germany is what youre looking for where you can form the infamous Stasi

Get Communist militias and upgrade Ernst Thlmanns advisor trait in the Nationale Volksarmee branch (where you might have to sack some generals but also get new ones)

Nationalize Industries to improve August Thalheimer and your factory output before expanding your Recruitable Population with Womens Rights and Equality

Sign the Second Treaty of Berlin to boost your and the Soviets industries and maybe trade some of your factories for resource rights And thats it for this blitz round. Lets turn our attention to more intricate stuff, like how you-
Spark the Flame of Revolution

You have had your revolution, comrades, but what about everyone else? If you like flipping countries Communist, this is the path for you! Here you can Bolster Communist Sentiment in countries, and in doing so eventually trigger a Civil War in said nation. But to secure the Revolution and guarantee that your side comes out on top, you can send Infantry Equipment to countries embroiled in a Communist Civil War, or even send boots on the ground with your volunteer forces. By completing Spark the Flames of Revolution youll also create your very own faction: the Proletarian International. With Strengthen Proletarian International youll automatically invite any country you helped turn red to your new faction (so those pesky Soviets dont sweep right in and reap what youve sowed by enlarging the Comintern).

Turn all of Europe Red to bolster your faction in ever-growing numbers and put an end to Fascism in Europe
Root Out Imperialism

You might have ended Fascism in Europe and turned all of your neighbours into docile allies, but what about the rest of the world? If you want to spread the Proletariat beyond Europes borders youll have to Root Out Imperialism and increase resistance and autonomy in African and Asian countries suffering under the boot of colonialism. After that, you can spread the word of Marx to South America or the Middle East before facing off against the forces of Capitalism (which we all know resides in the USA) and the remnants of corporatism in Japan (we dont care if theyve turned their backs on their emperor or not - to us theyll always be fascist sell-outs unless theyre actually Communists, which makes them waaaay cool).

Communist hegemony wont be realized until we have Hegemony over Europe
Legacy of the Spartacus League

Look toward the past and follow in the footsteps of the Spartacus League The roots of the German Communist movement and the German Communist Party (the KPD) can be found in the Spartacus League, a breakaway group of the Social Democrats. The Spartacus League was founded and led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg (both murdered during the Spartacist uprising in 1919), who both were very much anti-militarists. Luxemburg in particular believed in Democratic institutions and that Communism should use those venues to gain power, while Liebknecht believed in the proletarian revolution. This is also reflected in the exclusively Communist National Spirit of Politbro.

Politbro will take on different aspects depending on which Communist path you go down Honoring the Legacy of the Spartacus League emphasizes the spread of the revolution and embracing Democratic institutions, which all come together in a brand-new type of subjects, exclusive to this path - namely the:
By spreading Communism to neighbouring countries you can subjugate them to Protect the Revolution after you Embrace Democratic Institutions and protect Civil Liberties. This in turn will let you create Volkskommissariats out of these neighbours. The Volkskommissariats will give you a higher percentage of their industries and manpower to their Overlord, namely you.

The Volkskommissarit will strengthen its Overlords industries and military You can also choose to develop your Volkskommissariats industry, which in the end will boost your own production. You can also help Instill German Discipline in your subjects, to make them a more effective fighting force

Boosting your Volkskommissariats will inevitably strengthen you too And in the end, you can choose to integrate any Volkskommissariats and create the German Socialist Volksunion. But what if you want more action? What if you dont like taking your time map painting? What if youre the impatient kind who just wants war? Welcome to the-
Proletarian Dictatorship

The Proletarian Dictatorship resembles the other branches more in the sense that you get to gobble up a bunch of nations This branch is more straightforward and to the point compared to the Legacy of the Spartacus League with its ability to set up Volkskommissariats; here you simply apply superior forces to conquer other nations. Yay! But before you can start your world-conquering rampage you have to sign a Defense Treaty with the Soviets to exchange mutual guarantees with each other, and after that, theres just one more step; carve Europe into Spheres of Influence. Divide Europe into your respective playgrounds, where youll relinquish control over the East but have the West all to yourself. How fun! This will mean that it becomes more expansive for you to try and take any state that resides in the others influence.

The Spheres of Influence will divide Europe between you and the Soviets Okay, you must be getting tired of reading about how to turn Communist, or thinking about if you want to protect Eastern Europe from the greedy Soviets, or if you want to gobble it up yourself. Were nearly done, lets just look at some pretty pictures before saying goodbye.
Country Leaders

Feast your eyes on some (but not all) of the new country leaders you can get with Gtterdmmerung There might be some more surprises besides these, but the only way to find out is to play the game once the DLC has been released.

The political advisor roster for Democratic and Monarchist Germany

The political advisor roster for Communist Germany
The Various Shapes and Colours of Germany

Germany has a plethora of new formables
Phew, were very nearly done! Thanks for sticking around this long (its been quite a long read). To finish this Dev Diary off we just want to show off some of the very cool new models we have! This is not all of them, but some of them.

Some handsome German Infantry

Some very hot German Infantry

Some Very cold German Infantry And with that, I would like to say so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen. This is the last Dev Diary about Germany before the release of Gtterdmmerung on November 14th, but it is not the final Dev Diary. Next up we have Performance and Modding dropping on November 11th, and after that, the last Dev Diary, Art and Achievements, out on November 12th. I hope you have enjoyed reading about whats in store for Germany and I cant wait for you to actually get to play it! See you around folks. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/3152810/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Expansion_Pass_1] Make sure to check out the Expansion Pass Here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3152810/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Expansion_Pass_1
[ 2024-11-06 14:04:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Hearts of Iron IV Linux [135.44 M]
- Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack
- Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
- Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
- Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2
- Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger
- Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack
- Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front
- Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
- Hearts of Iron IV - DLC Subscription
- Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone
- Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance
- Hearts of Iron IV: Content Creator Pack - Soviet Union 2D
- Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires
- Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass 1
- Expansion pass 1 Bonus - Hearts of Iron IV: Supporter Pack
- Expansion Pass 1 Bonus - Hearts of Iron IV: Ride of the Valkyries Music
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Everyone will receive:
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- Wallpaper
- OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
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- Memory: 4 GB RAM
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- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
- OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 with 2GB VRAM / Latest available proprietary drivers from both manufacturers
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
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