Greetings all,
With a mere one day to go before the launch of Gtterdmmmerung, it is tradition that we leave you with the change log to pore over. The usual disclaimer applies; this list should be comprehensive but omissions may have occurred. Any items we add retroactively will be placed in a separate spoiler underneath the main list.
# Expansion
- Added new German ahistorical focus tree paths
- Added full Austrian focus tree
- Added full Belgian focus tree
- Added full Congo focus tree
- Added new Hungarian focus tree
- Added over 180 new 3D models, including cool experimental equipment, unit models, cool experimental equipment and landmarks.
- Added 11 new music tracks
- Added 28 new Special Projects
- Added Air, Paratrooper Raids, and targeted missile raids
- Added VO for Austria and Belgium
- Added Helicopter Brigade
- Added Helicopter Logistics
- Added Helicopter Medevac
- Added Armoured Maintenance Company
- Added Armoured Engineer Company
- Added Assault Engineer Company
- Added Super-Heavy Artillery Companies
- Added Land Cruiser Support Company
- Added Super-Heavy railway gun
# Feature
- Research Tab was enriched with Scientists, Experimental Facilities and Special Projects.
- Added 15 new Special Projects
- Added 2 Special Projects to the No Step Back expansion
- Added new historical German focus tree paths
"- Reworked Land and Coastal Forts - their maximum buildable level is now capped by the province terrain type. Those caps can be increased primarily by researching new Fortification Technologies "
- Added numerous new technologies associated with or unlocked by Special Projects
- Added a variety of horse colours for cavalry units
- Added focus shortcut system showcased in the German national focus tree
- added raids system for launching nuclear bombs
# Balance
"- Rebalanced Norwegian advisor traits
- Added Rolf Jrgen Fuglesang, Eivind Blehr, Eivind Heiberg, Christopher Hornsrud and Kirsten Hansteen as new advisors for Norway."
- Updated a few Czechoslovak focuses to be a bit better or faster. Also added more flavour to many of the names of the Czechoslovak focuses.
- A few faction-joining focuses in the Spanish and Portuguese trees have now been made into 35 days focuses.
- Updated the French focus and national spirit "Fortification Focus" to additionally grant +1 max level for land and coastal forts.
- Updated the Czech "Fortification Studies" and "Sudetenland Fortifications" focuses to grant additional max fort levels, to accommodate for the new fort system.
- The Turkish AI shouldn't start WW3 with historical focuses on
"- Fixed an issue with the French decisions to reorganize the various Air Force MIOs so that they no longer get the same name duplicated. Also rebalanced the decisions to be more worth taking.
- Added the Socit Franaise Radio-lectrique asa new electronics concern for France.
- The French focuses Latin Entente and Towards a New Europe now dont only change the country leader, but also change the name of the leading political party to match the leader you gain.
- The French Focus Bring Home Quebec now also gives claims on all Quebec cores.
- Fixed an issue where the French focus Grow the Empire didnt account for the new Congolese states added in BBA.
- The French focuses Reach Out To Spain and Invite Portugal have been made into 35 day focuses.
- The French focus The Natural Borders of France now also gives claims on the target states.
- The French focuses Celebrate the Commune and Legal Equality have been made into 35 day focuses.
- The French National Spirit Agricultural Collectivization now additionally grants -10% consumer goods factories factor.
- The French focus Proclaim the Third Empire now creates a faction called The Continental System, that is renamed to Confdration du Rhin when taking the focus Disunite Germany.
- The French national spirit Le Dluge now additionally grants 10% war support.
- The French focus Utilize the Leagues now grants an additional 75 political power and -3% stability.
- Adjusted a few consumer goods factories values in the Soviet industrial Branch that still held values and tooltips from before the factories to factories factor change.
- The British focus "Home Defense" now unlocks a decision category that can use to aid in the defense of the British Isles.
- The American focuses "Tank Destroyer Doctrine" and "Main Battle Tanks" are now 35 day focuses.
- Croatia is now more likely to be created when yugoslavia ends up at war with germany
- South Africa now has access to a few of the British MIOs, and the focus "South African Railways" now can unlock the basic train tech for free, as well as adds 15 British trains to the stockpile.
- Added a new focus for the United Kingdom with La Resistance to expand the MI6, and gain an intel agency, operative slot and some other intel bonuses.
- Updated the Polish air-focuses to work better with the BBA techs. Also made the focuses "Expand Air Bases" into a 35 day focus.
- Added the ability for Ethiopia to prospect for a small amount of extra resources within it's core territory.
- The Estonian focus "Join the Axis" now takes 35 days instead of 70.
- Italy can now gain an Air Facility north of Rome in the focus "Citt dell'Aria".
- The Soviet focuses "Modernize Aircraft Facilities" and "Soviet Atomic Bomb Project" can now give them a facility of the corresponding type.
- Sonar Modules Submarine Detection increased from 6/10 to 8/12
- Depth Charges Modules Anti-Submarine Attack Values increased from 8/12/16/20 to 8/13/17/22
- Submarine Torpedo Modules Attack Values reduced from 14/18/22/28 to 13/17/20/25
- Submarine Engine Modules Visibility Reductions changed from 0%/-5%/-10%/-15% to 0%/0%/-5%/-10%
- Some Chilean democratic focuses are no longer blocked from each other. Some effects in the branch have been adjusted to accommodate for this.
- Players can now reject handing pre-planned expansion states over to Bulgaria.
- Cavalry now gets +5% Breakthrough in Infantry Offensive Doctrine (Grand Battleplan Infilitration Path) and Cavalry Recon bonus from Infiltration Assault (Grand Battleplan Infilitration Path) now also extends to mounted infantry
-Prioritize Naval Aircraft Construction Decision for Japan now provides -10% cost reduction to Carrier Naval Bombers and Carrier Air Support, to reduce their double-dipping effect from -40% to -30%
-Admiral Trait Concealment Expert Visibility Reduction was reduced from -20% to -15%
-Giving Refuge to Italian and German Scientists now also provides +2% Special Project Research Speed
- Fuel Silos cost is now cheaper based on the amount of already existing Fuel Silo in the state.
# Gameplay
- Added names for Polish Cavalry Brigade Commanders
- Added the Czechoslovak State Railways as a new industrial concern (railway company) for Czechoslovakia.
"- Added admiral roles to Dimitrios Oikonomou and Epameinondas Kavvadias
- Added Stylianos Gonatas as a military high command and general for the Greek republicans
- The Greek industrial focus Fiscal Responsibility now hires Emmanouil Tsouderos for free if possible
- The targeting for construction in the Greek focus Making Use of our Islands has been switched from owned to controlled states, and can also target Cyprus if they are a puppet of Greece. It can also integrate Cyprus if that is the case.
- The MIOs gained from the Greek focuses Rapprochement with the Italians and Appeal to the Soviet Union now gain 2 sizes immediately
- The Hellenic Air Force Academy national spirit now grants an additional 5% air exp gain factor
- The Greek focus A Legacy of War also grants 3% organization
- The Greek focus The Backbone of the Army now grants half a percent of recruitable population, from the previous a fifth of a percent
- Added a new focus to the Greek industrial branch to utilize the Macedonian Farmlands in order to gain supply bonuses and a tiny reduction to consumer goods factor
- Many Greek focuses regarding switching ideologies, factions or wars, are no longer available to them if they are a subject of another nation
- Added a new focus to the Greek monarchist branch, allowing for the Reorganization of the Royal Guard, leading to some manpower and two free divisions
- Modified the event The Monarchists in Greece Request our aid so that the British are much more likely to say yes and send equipment
- Added a new focus in the Greek monarchist branch allowing for the further utilization of British capital, allowing for more infrastructure and building slots in Greece
- Added the Antillean Confederation as a new formable for nations in the Caribbean. Also fixed an issue where Belize couldn't access the decision to Form Central America.
- Added New South Wales Railway Company as an industrial concern for Australia.
- Added New Zealand Railways as an industrial concern for New Zealand.
- Various old focuses connected to the Soviet Union, Finland, Sweden and Portugal now grant dams as buildings that give states additional positive state modifiers.
- Added Fanny Schoonheyt as a General for the communist Netherlands.
- The French advisor Charles Maurras can now also be unlocked by the focus "Orleanist Restoration".
- Added Vasily Flug and Boris Shtefion of the Russian Protection Corps as characters that can become available through various means for Germany, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.
- Added a focus for Fascist/Tsarist Russia to gain a wargoal to reclaim Uryankhay Krai. Also changed the focus "Vengeance for the Yoke" to a 35 day focus.
- Tsarist/Fascist Russia can now release nations after taking the focus "Reconvene the Zemsky Sobor".
- Updated and improved the Post-Yalta events between Poland and the Soviet Union.
- Added a focus for the United Kingdom to expand Vickers Experimental Facilities in Foxwarren.
- The British national spirits "Wartime Industry" and "Prepare for the Inevitable" can combine, thus enabling less clutter in the UKs country screen.
- Luxembourg now starts with ARBED as an available Industrial Concern.
- Ethiopian High Command Feodor Konovalov can now join the Russian White Forces when the Second Russian Civil War starts.
- Added a crossing in the Philippines between Mindanao and Sulu.
- The British AI will now protect their main island better
- Mutapa can now be formed when a subject of another nation, and has seen its borders expanded slightly.
- Added Georges Valois as an advisor for France.
- If the conditions are right, Georgia may find an unexpected visitor on their doorsteps.
- Added Marcel Dat as an advisor for France.
-Degaussing Effects are now standardized. For MTG players, Degaussing Technology now gives +10% Submarine Detection to the Destroyers and Cruisers - and the unique spirits that awarded them are no longer granted. For non-MTG players those national spirits still provide the effect for those select countries
- Added new unit categories in order to clean up some of the less 'readable' technologies and doctrines (Hello, Mobile Infantry!).
- Cavalry now benefits from Anti-Tank Weapon Technology with the same ratio as Support Weapons. (2/5 - so +10% Hard Attack and +40% Piercing)
- Supremacy of the Battlefleet Japanese National Focus now awards a National Spirit granting +10% Capital Ship Armor and +100% Super Heavy Battleship Special Project Completion Speed
- Area defense orders now start with no pre-selected parameters, reducing overall interaction required in most circumstances
# UI
- Fix of bug where factory conversion button had no glow when selected. From now all building construction buttons will glow at once only if player not uses all of the available factories.
- Country-specific train icons are now shown properly in the production menu
# AI
- Fascist countries now also respect negative declare_war AI strategy values
- implemented a new system for AI political-power spending
- Invasion importance score is affected by 'invade' strategy, and tweaks to the US Operation Torch strategies
# Modding
- Fix trigger all_enemy_country trigger to evaluate all countries and not just any
- Added variable divisional_commander_xp to set divisional officer experience on unit creation
- Allow using MIO category equipment group as equipment bonus type
- Add state_resources_
[ 2024-11-13 14:00:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Hearts of Iron IV Linux [135.44 M]
- Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack
- Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
- Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
- Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2
- Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger
- Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack
- Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus
- Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes
- Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front
- Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
- Hearts of Iron IV - DLC Subscription
- Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone
- Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance
- Hearts of Iron IV: Content Creator Pack - Soviet Union 2D
- Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung
- Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires
- Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass 1
- Expansion pass 1 Bonus - Hearts of Iron IV: Supporter Pack
- Expansion Pass 1 Bonus - Hearts of Iron IV: Ride of the Valkyries Music
From the heart of the battlefield to the command center, you will guide your nation to glory and wage war, negotiate or invade. You hold the power to tip the very balance of WWII.
It is time to show your ability as the greatest military leader in the world. Will you relive or change history? Will you change the fate of the world by achieving victory at all costs?
Main Features:
- Total strategic war: War is not only won on land, sea and in the air. It’s also achieved in the hearts and minds of men and women.
- Authentic real-time war simulation: Let the greatest commanders of WW2 fight your war with the tools of the time; tanks, planes, ships, guns and newly discovered weapons of mass destruction.
- Assume control of any nation: Choose from the greatest powers striving for victory, or the small nations trying to weather the storm.
- Turn the world into your battlefield: Experience the full WWII timespan in a topographical map complete with seasons, weather and terrain. Snow, mud, storms can be both your strong ally and a ruthless enemy.
- Negotiate or force your will: Experience the advanced politics and diplomacy systems, form factions, engage in trade for resources and appoint ministers to your party.
- Intense Online Combat: Battle in both competitive and cooperative multiplayer for up to 32 players. Featuring cross-platform multiplayer.
- Give your nation a unique edge: Experience the flexible technology system, where all major powers get their own unique identity. Develop detailed historic tanks and planes through research and army experience.
Everyone will receive:
- Poland: United and Ready:
A Free DLC adds a unique focus tree for Poland, new 3d models for tanks and planes, 2d assets, and extra leader portraits for the ultimate in historical accuracy. - Forum Avatar
- Wallpaper
- OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 650 @ 3.20 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5850 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX470 with 1GB VRAM / Latest available proprietary drivers from both manufacturers
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
- OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 with 2GB VRAM / Latest available proprietary drivers from both manufacturers
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
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