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 Enshrouded World: Home Truths 



 Brandon Gallo 



 Brandon Gallo 









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 0 .. 20,000 +/-  


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Players - Last 2 weeks


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Average playtime (last 2 weeks)


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Median playtime (last 2 weeks)


Public Linux depots

 Enshrouded World: Home Truths [11.61 G] 


 Enshrouded World: Home Truths Deleted Scenes 



This game is being retired from the Steam store however it will still be accessible to those who already own it.

[ 2018-09-18 16:36:35 CET ] [ Original post ]


* Revised script
* New voice cast
* Multiple vehicles
* Upgrade system
* New enemy types
* HUD indicator messages / hints
* Optimization
* Hovercraft mouse look controls fixed
* Shader issues with Nvidia cards fixed
* Vehicle handling fixed
* Subtle changes that improve the general experience

[ 2018-07-11 09:22:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

v1.1.2: Gameplay and Visual Revisions

* Pacing is no longer disrupted by keeping the player inside the hovercraft
* Oxygen and health kits removed
* Players do not need to leave the hovercraft to collect items and travel between environments
* Greater visual feedback
* Water reflections fixed
* Skyboxes updated
* Recoil effect added
* Waypoints for items now indicate the item type
* Additional visual info added to HUD

[ 2018-05-02 17:07:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

v1.1.1: Vegetation and Shaders Update

* Reflection removed from vegetation
* Vegetation variety increased / density tweaked
* Shaders adjusted to render a sharper image
* Brightness tweaked to avoid maps appearing too bright or too dark

[ 2018-04-14 20:52:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

v1.1.0 Update Released


* Contrast & brightness adjusted for clarity to render a less muddy image.
* Tank path-finding behavior improved.
* 'Revert to default' buttons on menu now only reverts the settings on the
currently selected tab.
* Hovercraft weapon rotation smoothed.

[ 2018-04-10 18:39:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

v1.1.0 Update Released


* Contrast & brightness adjusted for clarity to render a less muddy image.
* Tank path-finding behavior improved.
* 'Revert to default' buttons on menu now only reverts the settings on the currently selected tab.
* Hovercraft weapon rotation smoothed.

[ 2018-04-10 18:39:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

First-person Perspective and Feedback

There's now an option under the controls tab of the menu for changing the perspective between first and third person.

I'm interested in receiving some feedback from players on what they feel should be improved or changed. This is my first game so I'm guessing there are many suggestions that could be made so feel free to share your thoughts in the discussions section.

[ 2018-03-22 07:21:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Memory Leak Trading Cards

A memory leak previously caused by the bullet hole decals and impact particles not being released properly has been removed. You should find that the reported memory usage is no longer rising over time causing the game to crash if you remain in an environment for too long.

Trading cards, emoticons, badges and backgrounds have been added and will be enabled once Valve considers the game to have reached the necessary thresholds.

[ 2018-03-17 16:49:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Another Major Update Released

This update smooths the terrain to ensure it's easier to traverse while the physics issues with the hovercraft have been dealt with and the enemy behavior polished further.

[ 2018-03-16 10:46:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Deleted Scenes DLC Now Available

The DLC provides access to past trailers, music, renders, sketches, voice recordings and other behind the scenes content over the four years of development as well as a playable pre-alpha demo.

[ 2018-03-15 15:18:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Major Update Available

This update brings revisions to the core game-play experience including improved level design, pacing and enemy behavior. A number of issues affecting the game have also been fixed.

[ 2018-03-05 16:37:18 CET ] [ Original post ]