Today A Hand in the Darkness has been banned from Steam.
It was only a matter of time, to be honest, since the game doesn't comply with the current Steam guidelines (it did in 2017, when it was released, although it was always in a grey area, same as all the other games with adult content but whose main focus isn't set on the erotic scenes).
As the ones who follow my Twitter or Facebook might know, the game was about to get a DLC with after scenes, featuring Alex' relationship with his chosen love interest some years into their future, and also brand new characters sprites, sharper and with more expressions, two CGs and some new scenes. For now, A Hand in the Darkness and the DLC will be only available on
I guess the ones of you who bought the game but never got to play it or have less than an hour of playing time can ask for a refund on Steam. The rest of you, please email me at with a screenshot with any kind of proof of ownership of AHitD on Steam and I'll send you a download key for
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your support!
After building some satellite cities as a test, the Earth is finally terraforming its first colony, the planet Alaya.
Tirs Abril has always dreamt of going to space, and now he's determined to take part in the colonization. Following his dream, he's currently studying the last year of Environmental Engineering in college.
After breaking up with his boyfriend, he finally finds his sought-after chance: working as a scholarship researcher with Professor Marc Rossell, a prominent figure in the field of Environmental Engineering, and right now in charge of building the dome that will cover the inhabitable part of Alaya. However, Tirs soon will find out things are more complicated than he thought and his path won't be precisely a rose garden.
How much is Tirs willing to sacrifice to pursue his dream? What risks or actions is he going to deem acceptable to achieve his goal? Will he reconsider his options or advance as an unstoppable force, no matter what? His decisions are up to you!