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Summer Survey 2019

I started a survey last week that is still and will remain open for a while. If you didn't catch it last week you can fill out here:

Here are the averaged results thus far:

Imagine that, the community for a game called Solace Crafting would be interested in more crafting! =D It warms my heart.

Before getting back to deepening crafting, there are few things that I need to stabilize a bit, primarily with towns. I will also be out of office visiting my family in the States, from the 30th to the 9th. I'm a designer by heart, so I will enjoy the time away from programming to flesh out the upcoming improvements in my array of notebooks.

Today I also have a patch, that brings some fixes for both single and multi-player, including the binding of multi-player client accounts to their Steam ID. This is optional, and can be disabled in the servercfg.dat after it has been updated to the latest version by opening the game once.

There is also a new console command /targetframerate that will cap the frame rate at the set value, which is now set to 90 by default. There is not a input field in the settings window yet, though I will add one. Note that vsync will override this setting unless turned off. This was added primarily because without any form of capping the CPU or GPU can basically end up running full tilt at 200+ fps on stronger machines, and it's just not necessary/can cause heat problems. This and other commands can be seen by typing /help in the console.

This patch will go live on the beta branch first, and assuming nothing is out of order will be pushed live tomorrow.

v 2019.07.22
- Added /targetframerate to console commands
- Turned off demon pathing
- Changed initial equipment loading to end with holding main hand weapons instead of sledgehammer
- Fixed weapons/tools with missing 3D models (recurve bow) from throwing errors/stalling loading if saved while equipped
- Fixed "craft" button unintentionally showing up on schematics in chests and bags
- Fixed a number of spelling errors
- Fixed recurve bow not displaying a 3D model
- Fixed bow idle stance animations not turning off when swapping weapon sets from bow to empty handed
- Saved games are now bound to client's Steam ID (if server requires it, default: yes)
- Login attempts using a character name already registered to a different Steam ID will report: "Kicked: Save name + Steam ID mismatch"
- Login attempts to servers using a different version than clients will report: "Kicked: Game version mismatch"
- Login attempts to a server requiring a Steam ID with a client not connected to Steam will report: "
- Reset multiplayer hotbar buttons
- Fixed wand and bow basic attacks
- Fixed enchanting table and transmogrifier not picking up properly
- Fixed enchanting skill purchases not updating immediately
- Fixed enchanting skills not saving/loading properly
- Fixed distant water not loading on clients

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta. The beta is not available to 32-bit users.

Interested in supporting development of Solace Crafting?
Please consider becoming a patron via Patreon!

[ 2019-07-22 15:50:54 CET ] [ Original post ]