This video covers a lot of what I want to get across in this post, but it ended up turning into an hour so I will try and summarize a bit via text. If you'd like to watch the video though, it covers 5 topics:
1. What's been going on
2. The money situation
3. Talking about hiring on freelancers
4. The survey results
5. My long term vision of Solace Crafting
To summarize, I've been swamped with all of the contacts coming in, alongside working on getting the project more ready to welcome onboard other developers. It's a 50+GB project folder full of thousands of assets that I know how to navigate because I've been working with them every day for the past 5 years, but I want to get things better organized to ease the onboarding process I'm planning to get into at the start of next month.
As previously talked about the initial sales boost is in large generated by a "visibility round" wherein Steam boosts the games exposure so that a lot more people than would normally are recommended to look at the game. That ended on something like Sept 1st, so there was the possibility that sales would go back to pre-1.0, which case I would need to be more careful in my spending. Thankfully these past two weeks of post-1.0 sales have not reverted to pre-1.0 numbers, so I'm more confident in planning how to spend my earnings to improve the game.
There are four different developers I am looking to pay in some capacity once the August sales make it to me at the end of the month. One is a girl I've paid in the past to do building pieces for me, and another is our audio team. These both are not necessarily hourly or "part-time" positions, but more milestone payments where I ask for a package of things like a package of desert theme building skins, or harpy combat sounds, for example. The other two are more part-time positions focused on revamping the in-game user interface, and converting the current targeting/combat system to a click to target system similar to games like Everquest or World of Warcraft. This will both better allow for grouping and being able to click on other players to heal, buff, or interact with them, as well as remove the need to aim fireballs and arrows, while adding in things like channeling abilities and spell cast times.
There were somewhere around 350 response to public survey, with a fair amount of text based comments and remarks, but here are the number based responses:
This graph shows that for the most part everyone voted towards "this does not bother me". The higher the number the more "bothered" people were, with combat AI, animations, and the UI being the least liked.
I was a little surprised that audio was voted as not bothering people, and that achievements weren't better received. There are some bugs with the current achievements systems, one big one showing a ton of achievements as just all giving "wisdom 0.2" when they actually give a wide variety of stat bonuses, that I have fixed, though not patched in yet. But all in all I personally agree with the bulk of the answers.
In the video I go into some depth as to how I want the game to evolve to better support some of the survey results, and how some of the systems already in-game have been designed from day one specifically to support exploration, area based quests, NPC villages, and to add more practical uses to the long range viewing distance we have rather than just looking neat. Tough to summarize twenty minutes of me talking into a few paragraphs, but I'll try.
Currently the world of Solace Crafting generates in 8km squared "chunks," which are divided into 64 "sections" or terrains, each 1km squared themselves. Each chunk, for example, can contain only 1 floating island, then each remaining 63 sections that do not have a floating island then roll to determine what type of a "large encounter" they have. So there is only ever one cave or dungeons per square kilometer. This is a flow of logic that the generation engine goes through to make sure that encounters are properly placed throughout the world.
In the future I would like to further expand on those systems to generate an NPC town per chunk, and to have that town aware of the other encounters within the same chunk, and build stories and offer quests and rewards for engaging in those encounters.
One of The main thing I am interested in exploring further is a quest system that in large does away with the:
- get a quest from a quest hub (city)
- walk to some distant location to kill 8 monsters
- walk back to the quest hub
- rinse repeat
This is still a widely used system, especially in RPGs and MMORPGs, and is in my opinion just terrible, and really ends up making otherwise great games a chore to play. I think for example, NPC villages that offer quests should have a public solace within them that players can teleport back to, maybe even with a spell specifically for NPC villages only.
The quest hub, story building system has a lot of good that can come out of it as long as it doesn't turn into a walkathon, but a superior and generally more fun system of questing that I want to implement is an area based quest generation system. In the video I use the example of walking into a swamp and having a quest notification popup that "you hear a scream to the northwest." You don't need to "pickup" the quest, and you don't need to engage in it if you don't want to, it just exists in that area, and can be engaged with if you choose to. Maybe killing a skeleton in a graveyard drops a ring that starts a quest, or you come across a broken shrine that starts a quest, etc. Things that don't ask you to walk somewhere else to engage with them, but start and finish relatively where you are.
I think it will be entirely possible to support these types of area based quests with an area specific section of the journal, and by allowing players to interact with map "sections" by clicking on them to show if there are quests that they encountered and either finished or are maybe still available to them.
I think there are a lot of unexplored possibilities for making "questing" more fluid and exploration based than the plain old "go get this for me" stuff, and I think can open up a lot of opportunities for modders to get involved in designing more fun content in the future.
I also think having crafting and harvesting quests, class specific quests, and a lot of other "unlock" content can really add to giving players more options of what to do with some minimum level of guidance, without railroading players down a main story quest or predetermined path.
Anyway, check out the video if you'd like to hear more about me rambling about that kind of stuff. I'm sorry I haven't actually been engaging a ton in "game development" these past two weeks. I'm trying to dedicate the majority of this week to bug fixes, and probably half and half next week between bug fixes and again getting ready for onboarding more help.
It still feels like mid-summer over here, but the nights are starting to cool down, hopefully I can get out and repair my once accessible yard from it's current jungle status.
Happy gaming!
[ 2022-09-14 03:17:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Solace Crafting Linux [2.77 G]
My name is Kyle Postlewait (35) and I got into game development years ago because I can't find the game that I want to play. I am not a veteran game developer. I do not have any published AAA titles. I am self-taught and I make mistakes. Having said that, I'm tired of survival crafting games being abandoned, focusing only on PvP and guns, or turning into major time sinks. I quit my day job in February of 2018 to focus on Solace Crafting full-time, and am doing everything I can to make a great fantasy survival RPG despite the tremendous challenge that is game development. Please don't buy into early access expecting a fully polished AAA game and then give it a bad review. In return, I promise to make sure that this game is NEVER ABANDONED. If sales are more than enough for me to survive, then I can hire more help. First and foremost I will always work to secure financial longevity and legal stability, and maintain all intellectual rights, never selling power to sponsors, publishers, or anything that could endanger continued development.
Early access ends when there is enough content to constitute selling the game without the above warning. Even after we leave early access the game will continue to be improved and expanded on, and has a long list of planned features post early access including other dimensions and multiplayer.
All features listed on this page are undergoing constant improvement and are subject to change.
Short description
Solace Crafting is a crafting and building heavy survival RPG focused around player crafting, building towns, and summoning NPC townspeople. With an open class system, open-recipe crafting, customizable enchanting, modular building, defensive structures, town management, distance-based difficulty, and an infinite game world, players are free to move and level at their own pace. With an uncapped leveling system you can try to push further than anyone ever has. You can try and make the ultimate sword, staff, or anything, thanks to complete control over all recipe settings. Build massive towns full of NPCs not limited by physics-based construction. Seek out rare enchants and exotic resources.About the game
SurvivalSolace Crafting starts out much like similar survival games: you need to make clothes to avoid freezing to death, you need to find food to keep from starving to death, and you should build shelter from the dangers of nightfall.
Once you are surviving it's time to evolve. Build resource processing and crafting facilities to create improved weapons and armor. Leveling up your professions levels up your recipes and allows you to unlock new recipes and crafting abilities. Our crafting system is quite unique, allowing even the creation of custom sets. I definitely recommend you watch the getting started video available above.
Role-Playing Game
Once you're armed and ready it's time to push back against evil and it's minions. Level-up and develop your character using an open-class system of evolving skill trees. Mix melee, ranged, magic, and heals however you like. Skills are being designed with fun and visual uniqueness in mind, not minimalism and strict balance.
Solace Crafting
Crafting and placing a solace will allow you to instantly return to it from any other solace in the world, letting you create your own points of interest. Be careful though as the further you travel in any direction, the more difficult everything becomes. In order to level up a solace you'll have to defend it from waves of attackers that will try and stop the procedure. Build static defenses to help protect your solaces during upgrades.
Town Management
An upgraded solace allows you to summon townspeople. In order to summon higher level NPCs you'll need to push deeper into the wild, setting up towns of various sizes as you go.
Astral Travel (not yet under development)
When the time is right you will find your way to the Elemental Planes. Most heavily affected by the infectious anger and hatred, these have becomes dimensions of extreme danger, both environmental and sentient. You must find out where the hatred stems from and find a way to put an end to it once and for all. The Elemental Planes are also the birthplace of all resources mundane and exotic alike. Only here will you find the purest, most powerful resources for crafting and enchanting equipment worthy of a hero.
Developed by a gamer
I started learning how to make games years ago because the design decisions of so many of the games I played often made so little sense to me. Here are some of the design decisions I refined over the years that I do my best to uphold:- No pay-to-win, no pay-to-play, no paid DLC, no gacha or gamble mechanics
- No metered progression
- Level any and all professions freely, no arbitrary caps
- Minimal sub-ingredients, minimal crafting and refining timers
- Completely open, point and level based branching skill trees
- Multiple, incremental skill points every level
- Classic roles, not forced balance. Some classes may be harder than others.
- Unlimited player levels
- Completely open physics-based world, no off-limits
- No "realistic" building physics that destroy everything
- Unlimited access to parallel realities (alternate seeds)
- Shape and color your avatars freely instead of using preset races
- Allow alternate characters in the same world
I know how to, and will accomplish everything written here. It's only a matter of time. If the game sells I can hire help with what I'm bad at and focus on what I'm good at.
I know a lot of fans of the survival genre are pretty jaded, myself included, after so many titles have lost their leadership, changed projects, or plain given up. I'm here every day hoping to heal that sore and would very much appreciate your $15 support if any of this interests you. There are months of frequent patch notes and forum discussions between me and players here on Steam as proof that I'm capable of more than a couple new items after weeks of silence, something far too common in game development!
Multiplayer, and all of its many features will absolutely be implemented when a much more content rich single player experience has been achieved. Multiplayer like single-player will be PvE oriented and grief prevention/anti-cheat will always take top priority. Turning single-player towns into multiplayer guildhalls complete with defense quests and special achievements is something I very much look forward to, and have quite a few plans for.
Unix and Mac support will be tested and released soon.
The best is yet to come!
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+
- Processor: Dual Core 3 ghzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 680
- Storage: 8 GB available space
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