Today we have released a new update. You will see many new things:
We have added the Wargame Mode. It automates construction and the process of ordering troops. You will only have to choose development priorities and conduct warfare.
We have added a new map "Brave New World". It is available in Survival and Skirmish modes.
Achievements added to the game.
We made changes to the line of Chinese troops to improve the game balance.
Now each game side has engineers who can build underground passages. Now you will have even more chances of attacking the enemys defenseless positions.
Your opinion is very important! Please, leave your comments in the discussion of the game. Together we can significantly improve the game!
The mechanics of the game are close to the StarCraft: the player needs to gather resources, develop cities and build new settlements, learn technology and fight in real time.
A distinctive feature of the game is the dynamics:
The game encourages the player to build new cities. But with the advent of each new settlement you have a new front for the battle. As a consequence, you need to participate in a variety of local battles, maneuver the units in different parts of the map.
We studied a lot of the StarCraft balance systems. It is based on mechanics where each type of unit has a unique purpose (its strengths and weaknesses). Based on this, we build a military system of the Taste of Power. In it each type of unit has a special purpose (strong in one situation and weak in another). In addition to the mission, the troops have abilities the competent use of which can bring victory even in a losing situation.
The relief: the game map has a corridor system where several paths lead to each of the cities. In them wide platforms and narrow passages alternate. Due to this, the importance of monitoring strategic passes increases. A choice of position for the battle is one of the key factors that determine the victory.
Discover a new word in real-time strategies and feel the Taste of Power.