Hello Commanders,
Thats the sound of the Horsefly exploding its way into Planetary Annihilation: TITANS, the newest addition to your arsenal.
Found in the Advanced Air Factory and armed with rapid-fire cannons, it strafes targets to remove all the pesky AA (and fabbers) from the vicinity, while tanking return fire with its heavy armour. Conduct your bombing campaigns in peace once more. It will attack the land, it will attack the sea, and in a pinch it can even attack air.
For those of you running on Linux we have some good news: Planetary Annihilation will now work with Mesa when run within a Steam Proton environment. We continue to work with Coherent Labs on the native Linux issues.
We also have prizes to give out. The mid-season arrived, and with it the tightest contest for first yet. When the fires died down it was KillerKiwi who stood victorious among the wreckage. Congratulations to them, US$500 is on its way. Weve also listed below the individuals from each league claiming the US$100 activity prizes, if youre on that list and havent been contacted please raise a ticket with support. As ever, there will be further prizes issued at the end of the season (2019-10-25 00:00 UTC), so keep on fighting!
Some further adjustments to the air game have proven necessary, with Kestrel gunship damage slightly reduced. Flak has been adjusted to place greater emphasis on its splash, making it more of an anti-horde unit, while reducing its single target damage. The Storm mobile flak has also been given the ability to tilt its gun forwards and backwards to fire off a shot earlier against attacking bombers and to help it land shots in the middle of Kestrel gunship hordes, but it remains vulnerable when approached from the flank. The Angel advanced air support platform and Mend advanced combat fabricator can now auto reclaim the wreckage of your enemies or fallen comrades.
Finally, weve been improving various technical bits and bobs to continue enhancing performance, especially with loading of the UI and mods. SVG fonts are dead too. Whats an SVG font you ask? Look, it says SVG font in the technical notes, thats all I know. Lets mourn their passing together.
TITANS 1v1 Ranked Mid-Season 4 Winners
Uber #1 (US$500): killerkiwi Most active players (US$100 each) Uber
- clopse
- smurf
- admiralgeneral
- quaatal
- mkfed
- reynald009
- aleks.clark
- bakkiz
- neovalence
- celestial deed
- solumath
- svalfish1
- 906797135
- petermeffert
- kuna
TITANS Balance Changes
Added Horsefly advanced heavy strafing aircraft! Flak Cannon
- Changed to fire 4 beams
- Damage decreased to 40 from 150
- Splash damage decreased to 40 from 150
- First target priority changed to Air & (Bomber | Gunship)
- Health increased to 400 from 300
- Changed to fire 4 projectiles
- Damage decreased to 15 from 60
- Splash damage decreased to 10 from 30
- Velocity increased to 100 from 60
- Added pitch of 60 with pitch rate of 360
- Second stage duration decreased to 300 from 700
- First target priority changed to Air & (Bomber | Gunship)
- Damage decreased to 15 from 20
- Added heavy unit type UNITTYPE_HEAVY
- Angel advanced air support platform can now manually reclaim wreckage / features and will auto reclaim nearby wreckage if nothing to repair
- Mend advanced combat fabricator will auto reclaim nearby wreckage if nothing to repair
- Stryker, Ares, Atlas and Zeus mesh bounds adjusted
- Amphibious units moving on the seafloor which are near the water or above the water surface can now be targeted as surface units (see below)
- Lob unit / Dox launcher range decreased to effective range of 240 (no change to existing behaviour and range circle will now be correct)
Client Improvements
Local client changes:
- Added simple DPS calculation using damage x rate of fire x projectiles per fire to build bar and unit hover
- Added POV camera weapons aim tracking with smoother transitions
- Coherent UI 2.8.x with faster rendering and macOS Catalina 10.15 64 bit support
- New download manager with HTTP/2 and multiplexing for faster mod downloads and XHR
- Improved UI caching and loading times
- Improved readability of top economy bar in header
- Improved readability of build bar hovers
- Added radius to top right planet selector details
Client Fixes
Fixed memory leak in multi-threading async parallel for.
Server / Sim Improvements
Local server and public server changes:
- Improved saving and loading of saved game / replay times up to 2.5x faster
- Added amphibious units moving on the seafloor which are near the water or above the water surface can now be targeted as surface units eg Atlas titan is now targetable by any unit that target surface layers. Kestrel advanced gunships and Horsefly advanced strafer aircraft can target any unit as they appear out of water.
- Added auto reclaim of nearby wreckage
- Added reclaim of nearby wreckage to patrol for auto reclaim units
Server / Sim Fixes
Fixed memory leak in multi-threading async parallel for
AI Improvements
Local server and public server changes:
- Added splash damage to DPS calculations
- Added Phoenix advanced fighter
- Added Piranha gunboat
AI Fixes
Local server and public server changes:
- Fixed average mobile health including structures in its calculations
- Galactic War Fixes
- Fixed Phoenix advanced fighter buffs not being applied
Updated software development toolchain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toolchain
- Visual Studio 2019 latest with 142 build tools / Windows 10 SDK latest
- Xcode 11 / macOS 10.15.x latest for macOS Mavericks 10.9+
- Latest steam linux runtime / GCC 6.2.0 (currently limited by Steam Linux runtime)
- Steamworks SDK 146 with macOS Catalina 10.15 support for 64 bit only
- Coherent UI 2.8.x with macOS Catalina 10.15 support for 64 bit only
- Windows libcurl 7.66.0 with nghttp2 for HTTP/2 and multiplexing
- Steam Proton compatibility
- Fonts converted to WOFF and all UI html and css updated
AI Modding
Local server and public server changes:
- Added --al-debug for instrumentation
- Dumps unit threat analysis on start for first AI (assumes all AIs are using the same unit list)
- Dumps per planet influence map on pause
- Added --ai-log and --ai-debug to client which will pass through to local server
- Added personality.ai_path to specify a different set of AI files for side by side testing of changes eg
Test: { ai_path: '/pa/ai2/', display_name: '!LOC:Test,
- Added AdvancedFighter, Strafer and Gunboat / SeaScout to AI unit maps
- Added personality.percent_open_vehicle, percent_open_bot, percent_open_naval, percent_open_air and percent_open_orbital to specify first factory percentages
Unit server mod changes:
- Added auto_reclaim to build arm specs (same task as auto_repair)
- Added projectiles_per_fire and dps to unit specs, build bar info and unit hover info
- Added ignore_overshoot to nav specs to disable distanceToStartBraking warning
Known Issues
Before reporting any issues please ensure you test the game without mods enabled. Defects with mods should be reported to mod authors in the PA forums thread for each mod.
- PA Launcher is not currently supported on macOS Catalina 10.15 and will be updated later this year
- Some mods may break with the update from Chromium 28 to Chromium 40 in Coherent UI 2.8.x as a result of html, css, layout, rendering, js and font changes
- Modern native Linux may segfault in CoherentUI_Host (try Steam Proton)
[ 2019-10-06 04:41:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Planetary Annihilation: Titans - Linux [906.01 M]
TITANS is the huge stand-alone expansion to the already massive-scale RTS Planetary Annihilation, which includes the base game and adds tons of new features:
Devastate your enemies with 5 massive Titan-class super units like the earth-shaking Atlas bot and lightning-wielding Zeus airship!
Expand your strategic arsenal with 16 new units such as versatile Hover Tanks, indomitable Orbital Battleships, and voracious Nanobot Swarms!
Elevate your game with new planets that feature multi-level terrain available in both single and multiplayer. Get up to speed faster with a new, streamlined tutorial experience, then take your game to the next level with the new Bounty Mode option for AI skirmish and multiplayer,
Including everything you loved about Planetary Annihilation:
- Epic Scale - Command armies with numbers in the thousands across multiple planets on land, sea, air, and even in orbit.
- Epic Single-Player - Galactic War is a twist on traditional real-time strategy campaigns that has players battling across a dynamic galaxy filled with procedurally-generated content. Every playthrough is different.
- Epic Multiplayer - Play with up to ten friends (or enemies) in massive free-for-all and team-based matches. Or, compete in the 1v1 ranked play ladder.
- Smash Planets - End games by destroying entire planets with giant lasers, asteroid collisions, and the new planet-splitting Ragnarok Titan!
- Advanced Command And Control - Automate your armies with intuitive controls and features, allowing you to create and manage massive armies and production lines with ease across multiple fronts on multiple planets at once!
- Instant Replays - View in-match recordings in real-time while matches are in progress. See when a battle turned by rewinding the game to any point, and use Play From Here to turn it back in your favor.
*Must meet Minimum System Requirements for offline play
- OS: Any Linux distribution supported by Steam
- Processor: MODERN Quad Core ProcessorMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+. 1 GB GPU RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: https://planetaryannihilation.com/support/linux/
- Processor: MODERN Quad Core ProcessorMemory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated Graphics Chip (Not Integrated) / OpenGL 3.2+. 1 GB GPU RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 7 GB available space
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