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Have a taste of what's coming in Sipho 0.7.0!

Hi everyone!
We have been silently working on this update for a while now and we're getting comfortable of sharing part of it with you. This is going to be a largest update so far, overhauling how levels work and adding much more replayability and polish to the game. Our Discord Server members had a little heads-up about this.

And you can try it right now in Steam's [staging] branch:

The current state of 0.7.0 alpha contains and will contain:

  • New and re-designed environments for Advena and Saenus Beefuorus breeds. That includes area layout tweaks, new obstacle and decoration sprites and bosses. Layouts and boss fights are subject to change. In fututre versions Cra'Than and Buginis environments, along with their bosses will get this treatment as well. Currently, new bosses act as placeholders for missing bosses for these environments.

  • Random order of environments - you no longer start in the same Sea environment and end with Advena. Environments are shuffled for every playthrough and are scaled for level accordingly. In future versions Large Enemies will also be correctly scaled and offer different kind of challenge comparted to regular ones.
  • Zooid unlock drop options increase with each level - first boss drops two zooids to choose from, second one drops three and so forth - we hope this gives more freedom and incentive to continue playing in further levels.
  • New type of Siphonophore enemy - Polyp, which are stationary, turret-like Siphos. They don't think much and certainly don't move. Currently they can be found in single boss fight and spawned in Aquarium. In future versions we might use them as enemies in regular areas as well as in different boss fights.
  • Polish and bugfixes And more to come - we love making the game feel good and play right. Growth Mode improvements, graphical improvements, more existing zooid interactions, more stats and powerups are coming.
  • Localization - we have been working hard to convert existing code to support localized strings. The work is done and what remains are translations themselves. In the future we hope to ask you, our community members, to help us translating the game. More news on that later.

We hope this brings some light into our development and will help us accelerate testing and development of Sipho so we can bring these changes to [default] Steam branch as well.
We can't stress enough how our Discord Server members have helped us and participated in various occasions. So if you use Discord, come say us hi!

[ 2020-10-08 11:14:36 CET ] [ Original post ]