Equilinox has now been properly released! The problem with the buy button not showing on the store page has finally been sorted out and the game can now be purchased in the normal way.
I'm also very relieved to report that it wasn't something that I had done wrong! I had been dreading getting a message from Steam saying something like "why didn't you select the 'Show Buy Button' option?!", but I finally heard back from them this morning and they confirmed that it had been a bug on their side and it should now be fixed.
So I really hope that you enjoy playing Equilinox and I'm very much looking forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs please let me know about them so I can make the necessary changes. Feel free to join the Discord server where you can let me know about any issues or thoughts you have about the game, and discuss Equilinox with other people who are playing it: https://discord.gg/SWAyrNA
You can also contact me by sending me an email to thinmatrix@gmail.com
Thanks a lot, sorry again about the delay, and enjoy the game! :)
Equilinox is a sandbox nature game in which you can create and nurture your own diverse, dynamic, evolving ecosystem of plants and animals!
You create ecosystems by placing plants and animals into your world. Different plants will make the terrain more fertile allowing wildlife to flourish, while animals will begin to earn you points which can be used to purchase various in-game resources.
Every plant and animal has its own life-cycle, behaviors and requirements, so you need to ensure that each species is satisfied with its environment, has enough resources, and that the ecosystems are balanced. Healthy, happy animals will live longer, breed more, and earn you more points.
The points you earn can also be used to genetically modify your species, allowing you to manipulate the traits and behaviors of your species for various benefits. You can also evolve your current wildlife to unlock more exotic plants, trees and creatures.
There are multiple in-game tasks that can be completed to gain rewards such as extra diversity points or new content. Some tasks can be repeated, making it possible to farm certain plants and animals to receive a regular income of diversity points.