There is a small but critical bug in Killing Time at Lightspeed, please don't click the links inside news articles. It may restart the game.
Currently figuring out if it's ALL links, or a specific one (all users who've reported this bug have said it happened on the same article).
I'm really sorry if you hit this bug. Should be patched in the morning!
There is a small but critical bug in Killing Time at Lightspeed, please don't click the links inside news articles. It may restart the game.
Currently figuring out if it's ALL links, or a specific one (all users who've reported this bug have said it happened on the same article).
I'm really sorry if you hit this bug. Should be patched in the morning!
Killing Time at Lightspeed: Enhanced Edition Original Soundtrack
You never know what the last thing you say to someone will be.
On a transport ship leaving earth, a passenger kills time by scrolling through the messages of their social media feed. As the ship leaves and moves further and further away from home, the delay between sending messages and their arrival lengthens. What feels like minutes on the ship is hours, days, weeks, even years back on Earth. Each refresh of the timeline is a tiny window into the past. What will you do in those precious few moments as the lives of everyone you know pass by?
A critically acclaimed work of interactive fiction, Killing Time at Lightspeed allows players to experience life aboard a spaceship hurtling through lightspeed. Just how much can you affect other people's lives with your fleeting interactions through social media? And will it be for the better?