Version ID: HJ
(You can press left control + J to view the version ID while in the main menu.)
Fixes and tweaks:
- Fixed a small ending-related visual bug if the grid is enabled
- Fixed a rather severe oversight where certain rules were adding events to the undo buffer in the wrong order, causing errors
- Added an additional check for situations where the player would've cleared an area but due to e.g. level repositioning between versions didn't get the flower for it
- Fixed a bug where floating Baba and a weak Wall would have a mystery interaction
- In certain cases where the game would freeze, it displays a special effect instead (this'll be expanded on and it might not appear in the game at the moment)
- Large underlying code reworking related to [spoiler]conditionals[/spoiler], not relevant in the game right now but it's work for the future
- Related to the above, [spoiler]conditionals with parameters behave in an equivalent way whether the condition has a Not or not[/spoiler]
- Fixed the word [spoiler]Facing not accepting directional words[/spoiler]
- Related to above, made [spoiler]Empty Is work mostly as intended[/spoiler]
- Fixed [spoiler]"Empty Is X" particle effects appearing everywhere even if Empty had a conditional word[/spoiler]
Level adjustments:
- Whoops (a very small change; level found in [spoiler]???[/spoiler])
- Collaborative effort (removed an unintended approach, found in [spoiler]Depths[/spoiler])
- Acrobatics (one of the changes listed above broke the level, found in [spoiler]Meta[/spoiler])
- Tectonic Movements (fixed a small readability issue, found in [spoiler]Mountaintop[/spoiler])
- Seeking Acceptance (made the level more symmetric, purely a visual thing, found in [spoiler]Mountaintop[/spoiler])
- Heavy Cloud (this might actually be a large change, found in [spoiler]Space[/spoiler])
- Keke And The Star (fixed an unintended solution, found in [spoiler]Chasm[/spoiler])
- The Heist (removed red herrings, found in [spoiler]Cavern[/spoiler])
- Gallery (this'll need more work, but made the limits of the level clearer, found in [spoiler]Center[/spoiler])
- Backstage (fixed a fairly tiny alternative solution, found in [spoiler]Cavern[/spoiler])
- Maritime Adventures (removed an unnecessary element, found in [spoiler]Garden[/spoiler])
For modders:
- I will start working on features related to making the game ready for the level editor such as adjusting the data structuring; these changes will almost inevitably break mods. I'll try to list in these patch notes changes that I think might be like this. My apologies in advance.
- More modder-specific patchnotes will be entirely spoilered, so behold:
[spoiler]- "Not On Keke And Baba" now requires the object not to be on both at the same time instead of either one to make the functionality equivalent to "On"; all conditionals with parameters work now the same way.
- The "operatortype" -value has been removed from values.lua; it made the system needlessly more complicated. If you want to change objects to conditionals, use the 'type' value. If you want a conditional with parameters to allow other parameters than objects, edit the level file and add changes "argtype" and "argextra".
- I'll be moving sprites from the Data/Worlds/baba/sprites/ folder to Data/sprites/ because most of the ones in the former aren't really meant to be specific to the main game.[/spoiler]
Baba Is You is an award-winning puzzle game where you can change the rules by which you play. In every level, the rules themselves are present as blocks you can interact with; by manipulating them, you can change how the level works and cause surprising, unexpected interactions! With some simple block-pushing you can turn yourself into a rock, turn patches of grass into dangerously hot obstacles, and even change the goal you need to reach to something entirely different.
The game has over 100 levels that experiment with the game's mechanics in a multitude of ways, requiring the player to understand and manipulate the rules of the game and figure out devious ways to make the objects in the game world interact. The game will also feature a level editor for making your own levels and campaigns.
The game was originally created for and won the Nordic Game Jam 2017. Baba Is You also won the Excellence in Design and Best Student Game awards in the Independent Games Festival 2018, and was nominated a finalist in 2 other categories, including the Seumas McNally Grand Prize. The game was made using Multimedia Fusion 2 by Clickteam.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Processor: 2.0 GHz+. 32- or 64-bitMemory: 1 GB RAM
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon X1300/NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT/Intel HD 3000 or better