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 DEEP 8 
























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1.1.1 time's up

- the battle music is back to Lisaryas worldmap, to spice up battles a bit in their phonetic dimension
- Mutoniatus got a time limit now in which you have to defeat him, so choose a effective strategy, also it's realistic that you can hold your breath in space only for 20 minutes
- Kaizas Group Mod didn't work, while Chloe was flying - should work now
- some microadjustments to the balancing

Have fun!

Also check out the DEEP 8 Intro from 2007:


[ 2024-01-09 20:21:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

1.1.1 time's up

- the battle music is back to Lisaryas worldmap, to spice up battles a bit in their phonetic dimension
- Mutoniatus got a time limit now in which you have to defeat him, so choose a effective strategy, also it's realistic that you can hold your breath in space only for 20 minutes
- Kaizas Group Mod didn't work, while Chloe was flying - should work now
- some microadjustments to the balancing

Have fun!

Also check out the DEEP 8 Intro from 2007:


[ 2023-07-24 12:56:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

1.1.1 time's up

- the battle music is back to Lisaryas worldmap, to spice up battles a bit in their phonetic dimension
- Mutoniatus got a time limit now in which you have to defeat him, so choose a effective strategy, also it's realistic that you can hold your breath in space only for 20 minutes
- Kaizas Group Mod didn't work, while Chloe was flying - should work now
- some microadjustments to the balancing

Have fun!

Also check out the DEEP 8 Intro from 2007:


[ 2023-01-14 11:06:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

1.1 Portrait Pixelator

Dear players,

I spent the last couple of months creating what was announced in the last update: Making a the new artstyle for the character portraits.
It was quite a job and resulted in ~280 new graphics:

They new style can be chosen when starting a new game and can be changed at any time in the options menu.

Other changes:

- a couple of new upgrades for spells are available - please report any irregularities!
- calling the mod menu with shift/Y should not result in calling the Info, at least if you don't hold the button
- the growth of the characters fury stats was way too exaggerated and has been adjusted, as well as Ramirez Permabilities for Fury growth

Have fun!

[ 2022-11-23 21:06:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

10 Review Celebration Sale+Character Portrait Update?

The character portraits have been criticized a lot and to those who do so and to players who maybe unsure, if they wanna play the game, because of the artworks, I wanna say:

[h2]I hear you![/h2]

... I just need to find out first, what exactly it is that you want. :D
Therefore I want to ask you to describe as precisly and detailed as possible, what feels wrong about the artwork. Also describe what you'd prefer instead and possibly send exampes. You can submit that directly as a comment to this update or if you like ...
... via Discord: https://discord.gg/vFkdRKff
... or mail: independent8art@gmail.com

I consider the artworks very imported, because I use them to express the characters feelings. The main character for instance has about 60 different expressions. Hoewer it would be sad if you couldn't play the game because of their style, because I believe it has a lot more to offer.

The other NEWS is, that DEEP 8 has reached 10 Reviews and almost all of them are positive! The only negative one is about a bug that has long been fixed.
To celebrate that, I set the game on 30% Sale for one week! Next goal is of course 100 reviews! Would be awesome if you'd contribute to that.

With Best Regards, Jan aka IndependentArt

[ 2022-09-02 18:00:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.6: Even more depressing

I've made minimal adjustments on how scrolling the mod table in controller mode works, let men know, if there's any problems
- for those who seek to do that, it's now possible to enter the noble disctrict of Hedon not only through the convenient way of the sewers but also being bone crushed in the arena and thus improving your rank to under 50
- "Depression" was apparently not inconvenient enough so I added that your fury bar does not fill while in this state, please report any inconveniences
- MP sucker works on the party as well now ... can be useful for certain ... purposes
- Ramirez Finish mod doesn't work anymore, when you start with 0 MP

~a 100 tiny fixes

[ 2022-08-12 12:21:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.5: Easy mode unlocked!

Easy mode:
- can only be chosen, when you start a new game, read below for detailed descriptions

Automatic jumps (not in the demo):
- since a lot of people struggled with them, I implemented an option to automate them, just if they really anoy the shit out of you

Both features, the easy mode and the automatic jumps might lead to unexpected consequences, please report them, thanks!

Other stuff:

- after grabbing a cliff, Ramirez should press should now press his legs against the wall and not remain in jump pose
- the first boss is a bit easier now

[ 2022-07-20 21:31:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

1.0.4 Reviews needed!

Jump-Assist is now acivated by default, when you start a new game
- Blitzblow can not be used anymore, when you don't have suffificant MP
- the Pigheads AI was kinda broken, which made them use "Shatterer" only
- Chloe does not get time damage anymore, when she's flying
- space worms don't attack you anymore when the map is on fullscreen
- Melings Mod Vengeance (Vergeltung) does not cause selfdamage anymore after the turn, which hopefully makes it a bit more valuable
- I added some reminders, for instance to actually call the mod table in battle or on the fact that you can let the damage trigger bounce 2 times
- more reminders on jumps: don't spam enter/A or the jump is being canceled and an explaination on the first roll-jump you have to do
- Chloes MP consumption should be displayed correctly for all possible cases (fury status, doublespell)

If you own the game, please consider leaving a review, that would be awesome!

[ 2022-07-16 17:36:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.3: Wiping up Vagnus piss

- Long-Distance Attack and Counterattack should be working together again
- I wiped up Emperor Vagnus' piss
- the foto jump doesn't work anymore if you do a roll instead of a flip :D need to get real acrobatic

[ 2022-07-03 20:58:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.2: Sweeping the Droon Station

  • die 2. Fight against Lazar works a bit better because this time you cannot interupt him in charging, which leads to "phase 2" more predictably, also if you suck off his MP, at a certain HP barrier he's gonna destroy the roof anyways
  • Attacking a Digger with Aqua when they are submerged will show "Weakness" even tho they are normally strong against water
  • also the damge output of the Diggers attack "Submerging" has been fixed
  • the Droon Station has been overhauled graphically, mainly concerning the floor textures, there might occured irregularities or minor bugs from that, please report those ;)

[ 2022-07-01 14:12:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo is actually working now ...

The free demo should actually be launching now.
Thanks ...

[ 2022-06-23 22:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hot fix

Okay, a quick fix was necessary!
Please update the game or just don't talk to the bridge with the old man on it.

[ 2022-06-17 22:51:23 CET ] [ Original post ]


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[ 2021-12-04 17:13:59 CET ] [ Original post ]