While progress on Dinosaur Cousin Squad is going well (despite hitting an error as soon as we booted up the base code for the first time as one complete package), we were able to at least get a good foothold on two of the final four Paper Shakespeare games while waiting on the base code. We are very happy to be able to share the store pages with you today:
Cat Girls? If Made Today isn't a remake, but rather, a reimagining of the game if it was made with the game dev know-how that we have now, and with the storytelling and gameplay that we want to do. This is the first Cat Girls game as if it was completely unconnected to the other games, as the Keegan Quinn/Multiverse BS storyline is over.
Spooky Cat Girls 2?! is another experimental title: it is three spooky games in one. The first is the titular Spooky Cat Girls, the second is a Cthulhu Dating Sim that we've been calling the Dark Souls of Visual Novels, and the third is our Kaiju game.
Neither have solid dates yet, as we need to both launch Army of Tentacles: Assault on Rainbow Unicorn Island, as well as dedicate our time to finishing up Dinosaur Cousin Squad in time for Christmas - or before.
We hope you enjoy.
You've returned to your hometown after trying to strike it big as a writer out in the mean old world. You'll find that your old theater festival, the John Q. Public Festival, has fallen upon hard times (but honestly, when has it not?). It's not easy being Lake Tahoe's second-best Shakespeare festival. It falls to you to write a new future for the festival, as well as either mend or break your relations with the people that you left behind.
As a writer, you find yourself with the ability to change the story that you are in, making choices between multiple characters that ultimately dictate how the story progresses. Will you save the theater festival, or will you cause the zombie apocalypse?
Write new paths to go down with every new scene
Your choices have effects on how every character views you
Make decisions that will affect your play's rating with the critics
OS: x86 or compatible processor
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU 1000M 1.80GHzStorage: 500 MB available space
Storage: 500 MB available space
OS: x86 or compatible processor
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU 1000M 1.80GHzStorage: 500 MB available space