The Cat and the Box now runs on Mac! Unfortunately, this required bundling a JDK (the big boi) with the app, but let's not worry about that. The important thing is that it can run on a Mac, and it meets Steam's standard of not requiring the user to download Java. I tested it out on my virtual machine and it runs, but there are some weird mouse issues. I'm 99% sure that's just a consequence of using a virtual machine and not actually a compatibility issue, but I'd appreciate it if some Mac user with access to the game would test that out for me anyway before release, just to be sure.
Now, let's talk about Linux support. I have worked on making it run on Linux by launching it from a shell script with a given JRE. So it maybe possibly kind of sort of works. The problem is I can't test it yet because I don't have access to a Linux operating system, and I've had enough virtual machines for one lifetime. In the meantime, I'm pretty sure my shell script doesn't work, so no Linux support yet. Soon I'll go home and fire up my big Linux machine and do some testing and fixing, and it'll hopefully be ready by release time.
The Cat and the Box is a story-rich game in which a brave player might struggle to save their soul. Taking place beyond our causality, the game lasts until the man up above pulls the plug.
Explore 12 levels and complete 5 2D arcade games
Meet fallen creatures in the only City
Fight with a demon for your soul
Do as He failed to do.
WASD to move
Esc or Alt+Tab to pause and view options
Space to jump
E to interact
static int[][][][] universe = new int[∞][∞][∞][?]
--/+///_/=-_/C_/_=-++/_a==++n-_ +you hear me?
=._/-/-+_+/Th///-+=_//-++/=-a=/-/n.+k=/=/-+ you.- For .finding /the pieces...
-I+//./t-/=-/=- =-fee-+-.//.l=_+..+s=+ g=oo++/=d. To hear my +voice again.
-/_-+=-_+.+=/_=/+-/-+=E/==._=/v==.=/en/++ so.+ -He'll never know.
_.+/-//_=/_=---//=+-/-==-=///--+.._.-=+/_._--+//.-_.+-+./I/+///___/__/. w=/-i_+sh_ -I c-ou=+l_-d= tell// him why I did what I did.
-/-/-/.//-/=_+++++//+_.T.///-_///h/.-/.at+.--_+ _-/T_+//he ==f/+ir=s+t _symptom of this sickness. Is not wanting to get better.