Please, Wishlist Secret GloryHole (Prequel to Pact with a Witch):
Well, Once Upon a December.
Pact with a Witch (PWAW) - in STEAM -
I paused PWAW development because I needed a kit kat and to focus my attention to another game (The other two, Secret Glory Hole is a small one that is already finished and the other is more like an experiment). (Although right now I'm back working on PWAW again, I just needed to make a pause after 4 years working on it, I learned a lot and now at least I know how to finish a game properly).
Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel - Free in Itchio -
- In a world of demanding women, you need to be at the top of your game. -
---- Sinopsis:
After you apparently disobeyed your Mistress by saving a young-woman, she's so badly injured that she requires a few days of rest and a potion that leaves her in debt. You'll have to find a way to recover her investment while hiding from the "justice".
Pact with a Witch: REDEMPTION. - Available in Patreon -
This is the experimental one. It's an spin-off of Pact with a Witch where you're the one who is transformed into a woman, called Pact with a Witch: REDEMPTION. It has few images and is mostly text based. This one will have more sense once PWAW is 100% finished.
and finallly
Secret Glory Hole. (Which is already in STEAM to whislist).
My idea was to gain enough popularity-money to be able to speed up the process and finish PWAW. Sadly I had no luck, I had the "luck" to have a passionate reviewer in itchio who gived me a 1 star review every 2 days, his claim is that the main protagonist skin is not white enough for his "taste". I had support from internet and my own community adding few new good reviews of the game overpowering the bad ones for around one month, itchio also removed those that gived the reason of that 1 star shinning review; but after he saw that those were the ones removed (Character has too dark skin), he started to give empty 1 star reviews, without a comment, was hard for moderators to judge why those were reviewed 1 star at all (but taking in mind in some, he was using the same name users for those ones, was not hard for the modertors to guess the reason why. Although after that he started creating new profiles and just repeating the same drill). Problem is, the good reviews lasted long enough, probably 1 or 2 months, but the 1 star reviewer was relentless. Every 2 days, one new 1 star review. After a year I just had to remove the possibility to review the game (I was tired and ashamed to ask every month to itchio cast to remove such reviews, and I want to make games, not to fight against a kkk ghost, mod, or whatever it was) With that the game just fell into oblivion. Without reviews the game had no chance to survive, I still had hope somebody noticed me, but I guess the game was not succesful or I was not lucky enough... Or... I don't know.
In any case, I finished Secret Glory Hole, the Prequel of Pact with a Witch with 26K words that will have a price tag around the 10$. (Pact with a Witch so far has more than 500k words and so far is Free).
There are few things yet to finish like Japanese, French and Russian translations (The game is already available -not in STEAM yet- in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and Portuguese-Brazilian).
I would also like to add voice acting, at least for the two women involved in the game.
I'm still working on polishing the art, so it looks better and fixing few things. I wanted to announce the game this December, but first I want to have the art more polished and have a demo to show to be sure when the release date will definetely be. (I calculate it will be around Halloween 2025, I hope).
Right now I'm working again with Pact with a Witch, I plan to finish it before 2026 begins (at least on the writing part). So I hope I will have a properly update for Christmas 2025, (Although there's the chance that I make an early update in mid 2025 to help promote Secret GloryHole, Don't know, I don't like to think that afar in the future).
If you really like my work and you want me to continue I would really appreciate if you could Wishlist Secret GloryHole, Right now seats on 600 wishlists, and I would like to reach at least 3k before releasing it to the public.
-SHORT, NAUGHTY, DARK VISUAL NOVEL with several endings-A friend confesses to you that he knows a place where there is a hole, at the solitude of the night, from which a female hungry mouth appears. Will you be brave -or foolish- enough to find out about his glorious secret?
Click here to WiSHLIST it.
[ 2024-12-18 18:23:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
There is no update for PWAW in 2023.
I had been working on PWAW for 6 more months in PWAW after Christmas 2022 but most of whats new is improving minigame with Didac, a lot of new text, but without images (and some parts of it I couldnt upload it to STEAM anyway because some parts are actually forbidden in this platform, especially the parts where you decide to commit heinous acts against the blonde).
I buyed a new office for my intern and a new computer, I was about to buy a new one for the person I was to hire to help me go faster the game. That was on 2020.
After that they kicked me out of the office due to the COVID. I had to keep working almost alone on this project since then since the funds were getting lower and lower.
I gived myself one year to finish the game (Since its actually almost done), but its in details what makes the game so big. There are so many paths I wanted to do, that well it made me impossible to finish it.
I dont want to call the game abandoned, but unless things change and I earn a lot more money I cant really put more time on it. I know it may sound as an excuse but COVID really killed me, so I had to start over and make something different.
I must admit that the minigames in PWAW is one of the things that killed me the most, it took me almost a year to finish Didac minigame, and thats because of my lack of programming knowledge. Also all the bugs, being my first visual novel ever To many rookie mistakes.
Right now I have 2 other projects.
--- One big: Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel
--- and one small: Secret Glory Hole (A short prequel of PWAW)
(In both, English is the main language, not spanish).
Why 2? Well, because the small one is something I want to really finish and put it on sell, I never finished and sold a game before, so I want to do that, even if its an small one.
Secret Glory Hole (A short prequel of PWAW):
I want to keep working on this second one on January, (in writing is already finished and in art-sketch is half done) I would like to have it completely finished soon so I could add to it different translations (Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, dont know) I would like also to add English Voice (There are only 2 female characters) So its doable. The game is short.
I would like to put a price on this game in STEAM and ITCHIO. Its a short game so Im not really sure which price should have. I tried to look around STEAM to look for prices for short games. (The game has 25,932 words, which means around 2,5 hours of gameplay, in theory). I would like to know what price you would be willing to pay (and you think it is a fair price for the rest of the players on STEAM) for such a short game.
Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel:
(So far in December 2023 it has already 53,991 words)
This is the big one Im working on, I cannot upload it on STEAM yet since its still a bit early for that and Im not sure Im gonna upload it on the next christmas neither yet. But theres something I would really appreciate.
Few weeks ago a user in Discord ordered me to change the skin color of the protagonist because for his opinion it is too DARK, and he wants to play a caucasian protagonist. (The skin color is the same as the PWAWs protagonist, I always thought it was already pretty light skin, maybe a bit tanned from sunbathing,, but yeah, I must admit he is probably not a super aryan race one anyway)
He threatened me that if I didn't change the skin color of the protagonist he would leave me a one star review (the lowest possible) every 2-3 days, causing my game to sink into the deepest depths of itchio's search engine.
You know how important are the RATINGS in platforms like STEAM. In itchio is also greatly important for visualization. The problem with this second platform is that you can leave a review without even playing a single second of the game, one can make accounts without having to enter the credit card, you dont even need to write any opinion about it, just leave the one start there, etc. The ease of creating fake accounts is much greater than in STEAM.
I dont really know if he is using a bot or if theres a kkk forum. I reported all these comments to itchio, but so far they did absolutely nothing.
Im not a fan of asking for help, but I loathe even more blackmail, and I really dont have many other options.
I cant put the link of the Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel itchio link here, but you can find it on Google if you write those words. I would really appreciate if you could leave mew a more positive review than a single star to battle this troll. (You can also try the game there if you want, I would appreciate it even more ^^).
I would really like to finish PWAW, I would even like to make a sequel to it, or at least finish the expansion called PWAW: Redemption where its you who becomes a woman instead of your friend. But right now I cant make promises that Im not solely dependent on myself to keep, not when I have to deal with so many things and that damn troll is neither helping.
In any case, thank you. Thank you for all the interest you had in this game and for the huge amount of good reviews this game has so far in STEAM, its really breathtaking.
I hope I can keep working on these projects and finish them all, at least thats what I hope.
[ 2023-12-17 11:55:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
STEAM changelog version: 0.19.0 for 25th December 2022:
- If you bring Neus to Nirvana, face the consequences...
- If you refuse to help Didac at the first night he/she asks you: Park Scene (NTR)
- After the last date with Neus at the Noria, you can get back with her at Pedrera or...
Finally ESCAPE. If you dare...
- Secret Glory Hole (Finished, but not yet completely illustrated).
- Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel (Future game - only demo text so far).
- Beach scene if Didac decides to leave you alone with other guys.
- Minigame where you dominate Hiromi (Meritxell's friend)
- Shower part with Meritxell before you can dominate her (her minigame is still on process).
- You can ask Meritxell if she can dominate you. (You'll have problems to sit down later). (Not translated yet this part)
- You can brutally force Meritxell. (Bad, bad ending...)
- What happens if you escape with Neus beyond what's in the 0.19.0 version.
- 6th day available with all different endings (except Harem ending, this one is still not yet done).
[ 2022-12-19 12:02:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
25 of December of 2021:
PWAW Christmas Update / version 0.17.00
A bit more story about the three women of the Visual Novel.
Naughty part with the three women after the third date with Neus.
Spoiler: [spoiler] Try not to strangle Neus and see what happens when you're about to die. [/spoiler]
- Being naughty with the three of them after the last date with Neus.
- If you're too naughty with Neus... you will probably regret it (or probably not).
- There's a gallery, not completed, but at least you will be able to see if you played the bad endings available in the game or not.
- There's also an option in the beginning of the game where you can decide if you want start from the beginning or jump to another part of the game (with the Threesome route in mind, so if you want to play any othe route, this won't work 100%).
- More Painted art,
- more scenes,
- more dialogues,
- better translation (still to be improved),
- but still... not finished yet (2022 Will be the last year I work on this project, Game will be finished, at least in text and sketches for December 2022, at least in Patreon, in Steam it will probably take a bit longer to upload it).
- Secret GloryH**le
- Pact with a witch: REDEMPTION (You're the one who becomes a woman)
- Untitled project

Being a whiner: I wish I could have the game more advanced this year, but the covid destroyed all the plans that I had in process. I had an extra artist almost on the payroll and due to the covid he preferred to choose another job (just in case things fell apart due the situation), then I had another who could sit next to me in the coworking, but at the end even I had to leave the coworking space where I had been these last years working (They actually kinda kicked me out, since I was almost the last guy on that place). I'm working at home again and it's not the best work place where one can work, not just because it's the same space where you enjoy your free time, and there's your bed, working around the family makes things harder, slower and is harder to get focused. Thanks to the help of Patreon I could kept working on the project and I have plans to finish it next year, (at least the writings and the sketches) but of course, it has not been an easy year. I hope 2022 becomes a better year!
[ 2021-12-25 12:09:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
On Christmas there will be a new FREE update in STEAM of the game PACT WITH A WITCH.
With new art, new painted art, new music, more sounds, more story, and more naughty parts, (specially after the third date with Neus). *Game yet not finished
(Christmas decoration for advertising purposes, are not included in the game).
[ 2021-12-15 19:40:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
25 of December of 2020:
PWAW Christmas Update / version 0.14.06
A bit more story about the three women of the Visual Novel.
- More Painted art,
- more scenes,
- more dialogues,
- better translation (still to be improved),
- but still... not finished yet (and I'm not able to tell when is gonna be finished, since I'm not doing the development linear).
- Route where you escape with Neus is yet not available in this version (but it's in development, already written, it's a route I had not planned at the beginning, as many other things... but I will add them).
[ 2020-12-25 12:58:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
25 of December of 2020:
PWAW Christmas Update / version 0.14.06
A bit more story about the three women of the Visual Novel.
- More Painted art,
- more scenes,
- more dialogues,
- better translation (still to be improved),
- but still... not finished yet (and I'm not able to tell when is gonna be finished, since I'm not doing the development linear).
- Route where you escape with Neus is yet not available in this version (but it's in development, already written, it's a route I had not planned at the beginning, as many other things... but I will add them).
[ 2020-11-27 17:19:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All the 3rd date with Neus is available (still some art is work in progress).
- Many art around the game is painted and improved.
- Bugs around the game are fixed.
- The minigame with Didac had improved a bit, speically in sexual intercorse.
We hope you can enjoy it as much as we enjoy making this game!
Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2020!
(We also hope to be able to finish the game before 2021... ^^).
[ 2019-12-25 17:48:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
On Christmas there will be a new FREE update in STEAM of the game PACT WITH A WITCH.
Where the third and last date with Neus will be available. (Not yet game finished).
(Christmas decoration is just for advertising purposes, are not included in the game).
[ 2019-11-26 17:31:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
that will allow you to reach satisfactory endings unless you have chosen wrongly.-
- WORK IN PROGRESS: 70% FINISHED(mostly in sketches, 3 first days (of 5) in color).
- Date-Sim - Interactive Visual Novel
- Gender-Bender
- Male protagonist
- Small tits
- Big tits
- Sex
- Blowjob
- Romance
- Mystery
- Hardcore
Your roommate and best friend tries to rape Neus, the most introverted of the whole design school, who bites him just after you save her.
You discover that bite was not only for self-defense, it also contains a bewitching that turns your roomate step by step into a girl.
Who everyday that pases, she seem forgeting more his past and becoming more attracted to you.
To save your friend, you make a pact wit Neus to have 4 dates, and the last night she promises to return his original male form to your buddy.
Although it seems that she keeps her word, there are sinister things she had not told you yet.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer
- Processor: 1GhzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
- Storage: 500 MB available space
[ 6041 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]