Hey Forkers, We have just released Warfork 2.15.1, which brings two minor updates: - When a user connects to a Steam-enabled server, their SteamID will now be included in the server's log. This should help with server administration/moderation. [velzie] - Fixed an issue that caused Warfork's Steam service to crash in some scenarios. This fixes crashes for players and servers that have a large amount of pk3 files. [velzie + Michael Pollind] Note: Going forward, we will no longer be including previous versions of the game with each release. If you intend to keep demos for the purpose of making videos in the future, we recommend that you create a personal backup/copy of the game's installation directory before or after each new update. If this worries you, we suggest disabling automatic updates for Warfork in Steam. Additionally, you are free to compile a working build of any version of the game that you wish using the open-source code available in our GitHub repository; all releases since 2.14 are tagged. If you need assistance with this, please ask in our Discord server. The next update, 2.16, will break compatibility with current demos.
[ 2024-12-21 08:12:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fix for the occasional hang/crash that was pushed in the last optional update has proven to be problematic. This optional update for dedicated servers reverts that change, while retaining the logging change related to Steam IDs.
- When a player connects to a server with Steam Auth enabled, their Steam ID is now written to the server's log/console. This facilitates retroactively muting and banning players.
[ 2024-05-22 23:56:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
An optional update has just been pushed to the dedicated server appid. This update brings the following improvements, brought to you by Velzie:
- The occasional hang/crash when switching maps should now be resolved.
- When a player connects to a server with Steam Auth enabled, their Steam ID is now written to the server's log/console. This facilitates retroactively muting and banning players.
[ 2024-05-22 08:39:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, Warfork 2.15 is just a minor update to sort out some bugs. Please be patient while game servers update. - Fixed Steamshim logging. [coolelectronics] - Memory reports are no longer dumped. [coolelectronics] - Check if Matchmaking is enabled in G_AddPlayerReport. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman] - Resolve images failing to load with dots in the filename. [Michael Pollind]
[ 2024-04-23 06:01:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, WHAT!! has been hard at work on our third Warfork map, "shredder". Today, we bring you the beta version 1 of this map. We would appreciate it if you shared your feedback in this news post. A special thanks to Evillair, Hipshot, and Boqu for the textures. Lastly here's a message from WHAT!!: "Hi forkers it's WHAT again. I was told to create a map around the concept of "toxic" by the powers up on high and I thought it would be fun to put that together with a bit of the old me and let loose with something a bit more free and wide. You all are probably going to haul some serious ass on this map. I look forward to all the insane movement people come up with. Thanks to our patient testing team for all the times I have pestered them for input. Have fun!"
[ 2024-04-21 00:04:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, Today, we're excited to announce an update featuring Steam Integration (primarily focused on moderation tools), along with fixes for Discord integration and various other improvements. You can find the changelog below. We'd like to extend a special thanks to "coolelectronics" for implementing Steamworks SDK, Mark "learn_more" Jansen for conducting code reviews for all Steamworks related code, Cyanic for advising us on various Steamworks obstacles, and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman for leading beta testing. Additionally, we wish to express our gratitude to Michael Pollind for his contributions to the renderer, and to Ashley 'LadyHavoc' Hale and Michael 'mikejs' Savage for their invaluable guidance and code reviews, as requested. Steam Integration:
- Steam IDs are now visible when using the "status" command (rcon required) or typing "players". [coolelectronics]
- Implemented Warfork Steam Community bans. [coolelectronics]
- Servers can now be restricted to Steam Authenticated users only, with sv_useSteamAuth "1" (enabled by default). [coolelectronics]
- Define permanent operators by SteamID with g_permanent_operators "[noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse]". [coolelectronics]
- Restrict your server to only Whitelisted SteamIDs using sv_whitelist "[noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse][noparse]:[/noparse][noparse]steamid64[/noparse]". [coolelectronics]
- Added the following commands: mute
, removemute , ban , and removeban . [coolelectronics] - In-game player names are now derived from Steam Persona names on first launch or if set to "Player" or any variant during game launch. [coolelectronics]
- Added ability to block players in-game by pressing escape, clicking "Players", and selecting the player to block. Steam profiles can also be viewed this way. [coolelectronics]
- Detailed information about Warfork is now displayed in your Steam game status. [coolelectronics]
- Steam Friends can now join you in a server using the "Join Game" button. [coolelectronics]
- Steam profile pictures are now visible on the scoreboard. [coolelectronics]
- Added the command "steam_debug 1" to assist in troubleshooting Steam-related issues. [coolelectronics]
- Removed color codes from game server names displayed in Discord rich presence. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed issue where Discord game joins failed when Warfork was not running. [coolelectronics]
- Resolved Discord rich presence issue causing repeated console errors printed when using a 1-character server name. [coolelectronics]
- Resolved an issue where Discord rich presence incorrectly displayed 'unknownmap' for custom maps not listed in 'valid_maps'. Now, custom maps properly show 'unknownmap' as the level shot without affecting the map name. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed Discord rich presence not loading levelshots for maps with uppercase characters. [coolelectronics]
- Added discord levelshots: infinirace, infinirace_covered, return, pressure, shredder, and raketliga_slide. [caine]
- Resolved an issue with level of detail (LOD) loading across different pk3 files, preventing bypassing of pure checks when items were in a _pure file. [Michael Pollind]
- Fixed the console and start game button not working when you click on it. [Gauley]
- Fixed the ammo count in the generated Clan Arena config. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Updated Clan Arena map defaults: Removed wfca1 and wfca2. Added: return and pressure. [caine]
- Fixed demoget, which was broken in the previous update. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed a crash bug on macos where a non power of two texture would crash the game. [Michael Pollind]
- Implemented several rendering enhancements and fixes. [Michael Pollind]
- Updated Angelscript 2014 to 2024. [Melissa aka "codecat"]
- Updated third party gametypes to work with Angelscript 2024. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Updated various console descriptions. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Removed scr_conspeed. There was no need to customize the console speed. It should just appear quickly as possible. [caine]
- Removed cg_pickup_flash, which produced a flash effect when you pickup an item or weapon. [caine]
- Removed g_disable_vote_vmute, g_disable_vote_vunmute, g_disable_opcall_vmute, and g_disable_opcall_vunmute, as the mute commands now mute vsays as well. [coolelectronics]
- Enhanced callvote UI for improved context and expanded dropdown menu visibility. [Rees "TheFatCheetah"]
- Removed cg_explosionsRing and cg_explosionsDust. These have both been disabled by default for years. [caine]
- Removed the variable cg_placebo, which was merely for humor. [caine]
- Removed Cartoon Hits aka Critical Hit Effects. Damage numbers have since replaced them. [caine]
- Player models now have 4 jump sounds. For the time being the 3-4 are just duplicates of 1-2, but this will eventually change. This is noted in the changelog incase you have a custom sound pack. [caine]
- Fixed various Continuous Integration issues. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Added Warfork TV console command descriptions previously overlooked. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Added TV server option to disable heartbeat logging with tv_log_heartbeats. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- It is no longer possible to kick/kickban/mute an operator or TV client. [coolelectronics]
- Operator actions are now specified as such in server logs/console. [coolelectronics]
- Logs and console output of operator actions are now accompanied by the operator's SteamID and/or IP address. [coolelectronics]
- Alex "Toukkapoukka" (Christian Holmberg) Seilder
- Andrea "koochi" Cervesato
- Andreas "gladiac" Schneider
- Andrei "adem4ik" Stepanov
- Andrey "Vkni" Bergman
- Ashley "LadyHavoc" Hale
- Ben "kurim" Litz
- Caine
- Calvin "Chobbes" Beck
- Christoph Scheid
- codecat
- coolelectronics
- Damien "pb" Deville
- Daniel "danlin" Lindenfelser
- Dexter "dexter" Haslem
- EXtremeExploit
- fathom
- Gabriel Schnoering
- Gerco "hettoo" van Heerdt
- German "jal" Garcia
- gir
- impulz
- Jannik "drahti" Kolodziej
- jite aka dimman
- Johannes "hangy" Athmer
- Jorgen "impii" "impakt" Indal
- Joseph Alex "kalhartt" Hartsell
- Josh "Gelmo" Gelman
- Jyaan "jyaan" Bresy
- koffie
- Lawrence "thelawenforcer" McCurrach
- Mallory "BoB le pointu" Mollo
- Marcelo "nkr" Paez Sequeira
- Mark "learn_more" Jansen
- Mark "Mark90" Moes
- Michael "mikejs" Savage
- Michael P. "virus" Jung
- Michael Pollind
- msc
- nightowl
- northowl
- obani
- Pandaptable
- paril
- Pekka "Medar" Lampila
- Philipp Thomas "aiwa" Unterbrunner
- Richard "R1CH" Stanway
- stopiccot
- stylemistake
- Susumu "guwashi" Ota
- Tarmo Alexander "Crizis" Sundstrm
- Tim Finney
- Timothee "TTimo" Besset
- Ultra-n00b
- Uz-Valentin "uz" Friedrich
- Victor "Vic" Luchits
- Vitaliy "Triang3l" Kuzmin
- Will "Will" Franklin
- William "Willis" Weilep
[ 2024-04-02 07:13:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, You might have noticed a "game update". Previously, when you downloaded Warfork, it fetched the Windows, Linux, and MacOS versions regardless of your operating system. We've moved each respective version into its own depot. So, for future updates, if you're running Windows, you'll only receive the Windows version of Warfork. Another change you might notice is that the odd directory structure previously used is no more. For example, on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fvi\fvi-launcher\applications\warfork\Warfork.app\Contents\Resources\basewf has simply become C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fvi\basewf. Lastly, we wanted to inform everyone we've removed 32-bit builds of Warfork and will no longer support them. We're sorry for any confusion and will make this change to the Warfork Dedicated Server as well tonight. You can expect an actual game-changing update shortly, and we apologize for the confusion.
[ 2024-03-23 03:16:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey forkers, We're currently in need of texture artists to help out with our third map, "Shredder," for Warfork. While the map has been blocked out, we're facing a pause due to the lack of textures. If you or someone you know is capable and willing to lend a hand, please join our Discord server at https://warfork.com/discord and send a Direct Message to "caine." On a positive note, we're excited to announce that we've implemented all the planned features for the next version of Warfork, including Steam Integration and several other improvements. You can take a sneak peek at the changelog: https://github.com/TeamForbiddenLLC/warfork-qfusion/issues/239#issuecomment-2002805983. We're currently conducting tests and making final adjustments, so stay tuned! That's all for now. Thank you for your support!
[ 2024-03-18 18:09:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, WHAT!! has been hard at work on our second Warfork map, "pressure." Today, we bring you the beta version 1 of this map. We would appreciate it if you shared your feedback in this news post. A special thanks to Boqu for the textures and Jazcash, goreyzr, snuffy, Oizo, TheCodingDucc, Klaufir, farmz0r, Froid, sd1290, t3lly, and Maarten for playtesting the map. Lastly here's a message from WHAT!!: "Sup ya'll it's ya boi WHAT!! again. Here is the second map in a series of however many I can knock out before I burn out. This one isn't quite as "zoom-zoom" as Return and the combat is a bit tighter. During play testing it produced some VERY interesting and fun games. A special thanks to Boqu for the incredible texture set he provided for this map and a huge thanks to Oizo for his help and insight during the layout construction. He's my rude muse and I'd be stuck in the weeds without him."
[ 2024-03-01 00:55:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey forkers, WHAT!! has updated our map "Return". Return beta 2 Notes: - Fixed a few minor clipping issues throughout the map. - Altered an area in the upper part of the map to shrink line of sight and prevent camping. - Fixed an out of bounds glitch. - Altered a ramp on the lower level.
[ 2024-02-20 04:53:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, You might have just seen a 30MB game update. WHAT!! the creator of custom maps, such as Our Package, WTF, babyimpreggers, gowhatyourself, warmandsticky, whatsparadigm, yeahwhatevah, and many more, has been hard at work on our first Warfork map, "return." Today, we bring you the beta version 1 of this map. It will be some time before the In The Keep servers and other servers are updated with it, but you can join our Discord tonight and play with us on a temporary server and join us in voice chat. We would appreciate it if you shared your feedback in this news post. A special thanks to Boqu for the textures and Jazcash, goreyzr, snuffy, xanhast, Oizo, TheCodingDucc, and Klaufir for playtesting the map. Lastly here's a message from WHAT!!: "Hi this is WHAT!! It's been a while hasn't it? My four year old daughter started playing with Legos and that put me in the mood to build something of my own. I shook off the rust and decided to make a new map because I guess nobody else is doing it these days. This is technically a beta which jives with the Warfork theme of early access so if you've got any feedback or notice any bugs drop a message in discord so I can fix my screw ups. Have fun ya'll."
[ 2024-02-10 01:28:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Forkers, We apologize for the long wait between updates. Quite a few details had to be sorted out regarding Steam Integration, and things were put on hold for a bit. With that said, here is Warfork 2.13, which is primarily focused on squashing existing bugs. Special thanks to Htwo for giving our game some much-needed spotlight. We would like to announce that we are seeking developers to contribute code for our upcoming Steam Integration update, Warfork 2.14. If you or someone you know possesses the skillset to help, kindly direct them to https://github.com/TeamForbiddenLLC/warfork-qfusion/ and https://warfork.com/discord The list of features we're actively working on for the next version can be found here: https://github.com/orgs/TeamForbiddenLLC/projects/5 Changelog:
- Enhanced wall jump sounds for all characters with added "steps" sound. [oizo and maxcarnage]
- Updated Rufus effort sounds for a more pleasant character experience, introduced a new wall jump sound, and cleaned empty space at the start of each effort sound. [oizo and maxcarnage]
- Updated Leon effort sounds by cleaning empty space at the start of each effort sound. [oizo and maxcarnage]
- Updated Serena walljump 2 sound. [oizo and maxcarnage]
- Increased the volume of the Bomb "Bip" timer. [oizo and maxcarnage]
- Added additional masterservers. [gazby, bones_was_here, rly, Josh "Gelmo" Gelman, and caine]
- Fixed incorrect Riot Gun damage numbers in handicap mode. [coolelectronics]
- Fixed "Fair Play!" award not displaying above the scoreboard after a "Good Game" voice say at the end of a match. [ported from warsow 2.1]
- Reduced the TV Server first heartbeat to 90 seconds. [caine]
- MacOS is now free of crashes upon game launch and map change. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Fixed the Warfork logo on the Main Menu that went off the page at low resolutions. [VeryEvilHuman]
- Added social media links to the Main Menu for easy access. [VeryEvilHuman]
- Player demos are no longer corrupted due to an issue with zlib. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- The Warshell has been removed from headhunt matches to alleviate confusion. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Fixed a server browser issue, where server names with spaces would result in being replaced with  . [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Snd_qf sound engine dropped and Snd_openal is now the default. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- OpenAL-Soft 1.23.1 for Windows/Linux/Mac is now provided and used instead of the default OpenAL. [caine and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Typing a console command will show a description of what it does. ie: sensitivity. This is known as autohelp, which can be disabled/enabled with autohelp <0/1>. [msc, caine, Izofeu, and Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Added a help command for console commands and more. [Mark "learn_more" Jansen]
- Disabled team damage for all gametypes by default. [caine]
- Note: Server admins should update their gametype configs accordingly.
- Updated Mac SDL2 framework to 2-2.28.4. [caine]
- Fixed the environment shot for wfamphi1. [caine]
- Added the ability for huds to detect drowning with DROWNING. [pandaptable]
- Removed the latest news from the main menu. [caine]
- Add server option to disable heartbeat logging with sv_log_heartbeats. [EXtremeExploit]
- Main menu no longer runs locked at 60fps when disconnected from a server. [caine]
- Discord integration: [paril, msc, caine, and Mark "learn_more" Jansen] Activity Status: - Shows if you are playing a demo, spectating a game, connected to warfork tv, in warmup mode or timeout mode, in a finished game, in the main menu, connecting to a server, or actively playing. - Invite to game and Join game feature: Friends can connect to the server you are on easily. - Level shots to show what map you are on. - Server name. Note: Discord Rich Presence doesn't work with the Snap images of Discord. You can read snapcrafters/discord#25 for more information.
- Added cl_discord_errors <0/1> to suppress discord integration error messages.
- Added All server tab and removed the Normal weapons tab. [caine]
- Disabled automatic sorting by ranked servers for now since there are no ranked servers. [caine and msc]
- New level shots for all maps. [caine]
- Couldn't queue sound buffer [Invalid operation] issue resolved. [caine and ava1anche]
- You can now exec remove_ultralow.cfg in the console to reverse the effects of ultralow. [caine]
- Fixed position set console message. [Tim Fenney]
- Mumble and android purged. [caine]
- Fixed mapnames in configs. [Mark "learn_more" Jansen]
- Plugged memory leak in AS chaseCam. [ported from qfusion]
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a segmentation fault. [ko1N]
- utf16 is now used for most windows paths. Those who had to set +set fs_usehomedir 0 to prevent the game from crashing will no longer need to. [Mark "learn_more" Jansen]
- Spectators can now see damage numbers. [Mark "learn_more" Jansen]
- Added "servermaplist" command that shows all server maps with their full name. [Mark "learn_more" Jansen]
- IRC purged. [ported from qfusion]
- Outdated anticheat purged. [caine]
- The oldest version of MacOS that can run the game has been updated from 10.8 (Mac OS X Mountain Lion) to 10.11 (macOS El Capitan).
- Updated the Github Actions config with support for all targeted platforms, to simplify the testing process for contributors. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Added a new command, disc, which is a shortened version of disconnect. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Fixed an old bug with targets to reduce crashes with maps from other games. [msc]
- Include server binaries in the Mac bundle. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Added the current map name to the scoreboard. [Josh "Gelmo" Gelman]
- Kill Reactions have been temporarily removed from the UI, and the total has been reduced from 50 to 2 as part of ongoing debugging efforts. This adjustment will be in effect until the new player models are integrated into the game. [caine]
[ 2023-11-29 06:11:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello forkers, Even though Warfork isn't featured in this years Realms Deep event, 3D Realms has graciously listed us on their Steam Store page: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/realmsdeep2022. We just want to give thanks and ask you to please tune in tomorrow for the final day of Realms Deep 2022! "3D Realms Digital Showcase Realms Deep Returns Sept. 16-18, Hosting Huge LAN Party We at 3D Realms are proud to announce the return of Realms Deep, an annual digital showcase filled with world premieres and special guests, on Friday, September 16. To celebrate this third consecutive year of the show, 3D Realms will also host a LAN party in Aalborg, Denmark, Friday-Saturday, September 16-18. Tune into 3D Realms Twitch and YouTube channels to watch the live show airing at 12:00 PM PST / 9:00 PM CEST, then play demos for a selection of revealed titles via the Realms Deep Steam Event and Sale running Thursday, September 15, through Monday, September 19. This year, Realms Deep features an action-packed single-day broadcast focused on upcoming projects from 3D Realms and our friends around the world. Running more than an hour and a half long, this showcase will highlight old-school boomer shooters, contemporary FPS titles, non-shooters, and everything in between. Additionally, throughout the weekend, many of the best upcoming independent games youve ever heard of - and some you havent yet - will be given the spotlight along with appearances by our favorite creators, developers, and personalities. From 3D Realms alone, audiences can expect reveals of never-before-seen projects upholding the publishers legacy. Watch for the latest updates on highly-anticipated titles like dark-fantasy FPS GRAVEN, Ion Furys Aftershock expansion, '90s-inspired immersive sim Core Decay, Quake-engined powered horror shooter WRATH, and horror-themed cult shooter CULTIC. Other developers and partners at this years Realms Deep include Fulqrum, New Blood, Team 17, Nvidia, HYPERSTRANGE, Dread XP, Nightdive Studios, Retrovibe, Bounding Box Software, Rogue Games, Running With Scissors, Top Hat Studios, Hellforge Studios, In The Keep, Evil Guinea Pig, Schmidt Workshops, Warcry Interactive, Tastyspleen, Reload Magazine, NoLight Games, and more to be announced! Realms Deep returns with insightful interviews, discussions, and a LAN party running Friday-Saturday, September 16-18 hosted in Aalborg, Denmark, at Aalborg Streetfood. The Steam Sale occurring in conjunction with the show will include recently revealed titles, demos, discounted games, and more. Realms Deep returns for a third year of showing off the kick-ass games were making and the projects our industry friends are creating, said Frederik Schreiber, CEO of 3D Realms. From the beginning, weve wanted to run a LAN party to celebrate our community. We look forward to seeing you there! Tune into Realms Deep 2022s live broadcast on Friday, September 16 at 12:00 PM PST. For more information, visit the official Realms Deep website, follow 3D Realms on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, join the teams Discord and check out the official 3D Realms website."
[ 2022-09-17 23:42:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
"It's that time of year again, folks! After the success of last year's Going the Social Distance & Pigeon Classic raising over $3000 for nurses & midwives, it only made sense to do another event of epic proportions. This year, our event is benefitting Child's Play, which is an organization that donates toys & games to hospitals and domestic violence shelters around the world, providing children with a variety of therapeutic opportunities that are also fun! Join us in showing them some love! We've arranged several events by partnering with our friends to create tournaments, exhibitions, and showcases, as well as asking many of our favorite streamers & developers to promote donations to the charity between the 6th & 14th of November." Learn more about The Pigeon Classic 2021: https://inthekeep.com/pigeon-classic-2021/ Now that you're more than compelled by the Drowned God Cthalha to donate to this great cause it's time to frag and gib! In The Keep and Zensports are hosting Warfork Duel and 3v3 Clan Arena Cup's to help raise money for Child's Play. We urge you to please make a donation via the following Tiltify campaign link: https://donate.tiltify.com/+in-the-keep/pigeon-classic-iv. Please note it is not required to make a donation but encouraged. Pigeon Classic 2021 | Warfork Duel Cup Sunday, November 14, 2021 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET $250 Prize Pool Challonge page with all information: https://challonge.com/pc2021wfduel Pigeon Classic 2021 | Warfork 3v3 Clan Arena Cup Saturday, November 13, 2021 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET $250 Prize Pool Challonge page with all information: https://challonge.com/pc2021wfca To stream the event please tune into In The Keep at Youtube Live or Twitch! If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns please join the following Discord servers: Warfork: https://warfork.com/discord In The Keep: https://discord.com/invite/Aa7tcsH
[ 2021-11-12 01:09:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers! We're proud to announce we will be featured in Realms Deep 2021! Special thanks to the following for helping complete our submission: Video Production: tontoepfer Sound Engineer: MaxCarnage Voice Actor: James Holyoake as "Rufus" Music: Ava1anche Press release: AALBORG, Denmark July 7, 2021. 3D Relams (a world-famous video game publisher and game developer thats been around for over 30-years time) today announced with great joy and excitement that their digital Realms Deep 2021 event kicks-off on August 13th this Summer. Thats right! 3D Realmss shooter-focused digital event, returns for a second year filled with world premieres and special guests, from Friday, August 13 through Sunday August 15, with a live show airing at 10:00AM PDT on August 14, on the 3D Realms Twitch channel. A Realms Deep Steam Sale will also take place from Aug. 13-15. This year, Realms Deep also includes The Vault, filled with talks, interviews, lessons and great discussions with some of the brightest minds in the first-person shooter industry. The Vault content will unlock throughout the weekend! Prepare for three days dedicated to all the latest old-school shooters, newer shooters and everything in-between. Some non-shooters might even sneak in! Realms Deep 2020 featured 40+ games including the Hexen-inspired GRAVEN, Ion Furys Aftershock expansion, and Postal: Brain Damaged. This years event plans to more than double the fun with 100+ titles worth of reveals and updates. 3D Realms invited their friends with announcements from Slipgate Ironworks, Devolver Digital, 1C Entertainment, Running with Scissors, New Blood Interactive, HYPERSTRANGE, and more. Realms Deep returns with deep-dives, lessons, keynotes and discussions, with classic industry icons and legends as part of The Vault, throughout the weekend. These names will be revealed leading up to the show! Tune in to hear from a new generation of developers, like MK Schmidt (Star Explorers, Paradox Vector), Damjan Mozeti (Call of Saregnar), Scumhead (Vomitoreum), and many more. In addition to some super secret debuts, expect updates on GRAVEN, dark-fantasy action adventure WRATH, and Ion Fury Aftershock. Ivar Hill continues to work with 3DR and prepares to provide exciting news on Core Decay, an immersive sim inspired by classics like System Shock and Deus Ex revealed at last years Realms Deep. Just like last year, proceeds generated by exclusive Realms Deep merchandise available during the show all go directly to Childs Play. We had an amazing time at last years Realms Deep sharing not only what weve been working on all year, but our friends projects too, said Frederik Schreiber, co-owner of 3D Realms. We hope to see Realms Deep grow each year, and we hope shooter fans swing by and hang out! Realms Deep 2021 begins on the Realms Deep website on Friday, August 13 through August 15, with a live show airing at 10:00AM PDT on August 14 on 3D Realms Twitch channel. For more information, visit the official Realms Deep website, follow 3D Realms on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, join the teams Discord and check out the official 3D Realms website. About 3D Realms Founded 30 years ago, 3D Realms was the publisher, developer and creator of many legendary gaming franchises, most still going strong: Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Max Payne and Prey. To learn more about 3D Realms please visit the studios official website.
[ 2021-08-01 02:33:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- We have extracted all the Warfork Testing PK3 files once again since the previous update is now live. If you have a limited amount of bandwidth per month we urge you to uninstall the FVI Launcher DLC (which contains Warfork Testing).
[ 2021-07-29 17:13:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, We bring you a minor update to squash some bugs which were pestering players. We're in the process of working on models amongst many other things at the moment and will have more news shortly. - Fixed a player name bug. - Teamcolored textures now work after 2nd map loading - Server containing only spaces as hostname no longer take up two lines in the server browser. - Added const uint8 cClient::buttons to AS. This property allows gametypes to check the pressed buttons of a given client. This way a gametype can detect whether a player is pressing his attack button at a given time. This could be used to to implement controllable vehicles for example. Intercepting the +attack command has proven to be an unreliable method to accomplish something like that. - Added some administration functions to AS. This changeset allows gametypes to * promote/demote operators * mute/unmute clients * drop clients with custom messages printed on the clients' screen after dropping out of the game. - Added bool cEntity::allowFunctionOverride to AS This property allows gametypes to take control of arbitrary edict_t function callbacks. This way a gametype can enhance existing entities by extending their behaviour. - Added G_PureFile to gametype AS This allows gametypes to register files other than sounds and models as pure. This can be used to transfer other files to connecting clients, for example ui files. - Fix qwertz layouts messing up the first char in the console. - Add cfg filename autocomplete for writeconfig command. - Updated the Warfork credits and completely revised the Warsow credits to be more accurate. - Updated some logos and billboards. - Moved /misc/ sounds to non-pure. - Allow server owners to configure disallowed cvars. This also stops requesting empty cvarchecks. See: configs/server/cheatvars.txt
[ 2021-07-26 02:07:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Forkers, We've renamed the "Warfork Testing" DLC to "FVI Launcher", which now gives you quick access to the Warfork Map editor of choice (Netradiant Custom) bundled with the Warfork Game Pack + Map Sources, Warfork, and Warfork Testing via an easy to use launcher. For the time being the launcher is only for 64-bit Windows. If you have the DLC installed and click Play you'll be prompted with the "Warfork" and "FVI Launcher" as choices. If this bothers you: 1. Right click Warfork 2. Click Properties. 3. Click DLC 4. Uncheck what should be listed as "Warfork Beta", "Warfork Testing", or "FVI Launcher" depending upon when you activated it. A handful of programs, tutorial videos, new features, and more will be added shortly. Notes: 1. To change launch options for each application please edit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fvi\fvi-launcher\config\metafiles\windows.wf.metadata.txt 2. FVI Launcher uses Windows' built-in video playback support (DirectShow). This supports many video formats without problems, but in some cases it might be necessary to install separate codecs, or a codec pack. The K-Lite Basic pack is a popular choice that should work well for most cases. Special thanks to Mtys "mmatyas" Mustoha and Seth "PlayingKarrde" Powell for their code contributions and continued support.
[ 2021-07-16 03:07:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Forkers, We've removed the placeholder music that has been in Warfork for quite some time and added music from our official soundtrack. Ava1anche our soundtrack composer is still hard at work and you can view his most recent progress here: https://soundcloud.com/deshaadman/sets/warfork-soundtrack-early-wips The following tracks were added: Utopia Convergence Electriccitadel Neptune Fugitive Gloomworks Machine Residue Riot Note: Warfork Music is proprietary. If you wish to use free cc0 music please visit: https://github.com/TeamForbiddenLLC/warfork-free-soundpacks/tree/master/cc0/music
[ 2021-06-16 16:25:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just as a reminder to anyone that doesn't read our Discord, while the new sounds are proprietary and exclusive to Warfork, the old + original ones we created are CC0 and CC BY SA 3.0. There's voice says, weapons, items, an announcer, player sounds, etc. If you would like to make use of them that would make us extremely happy! https://github.com/TeamForbiddenLLC/warfork-free-soundpacks https://github.com/TeamForbiddenLLC/warfork-free-textures We hope to work with the FOSS community in creating new free player and weapon models as well after completing our proprietary ones. There should be a post regarding this once we reach this point.
[ 2021-03-24 03:47:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Forkers, Instead of keeping you waiting longer for other tasks to be completed, we bring you a much needed sounds update. Changelog: - All sounds have been replaced. Special thanks to our Sound Engineer: MaxCarnage and Sound Director: Oizo. Note: Please update your custom soundpacks. Weapons now have additional sound variations. - New announcer: Toni Jean Erasmus as "AI (Announcer)" - Reaction Kills have been added, but are disabled by default. They will be enabled when character lore videos + their respective models are in-game. Note: Voice lines are intentionally absurd and seemingly random (for now). They're intended for new comers to spice things up. Special thanks to: Cat Protano as "Amber" Ty Anderson as "Buck" Kevin Liberty as "Hamilton" James Holyoake as "Rufus" Su Ling as "Serena" - You can now adjust the volume of your own effort sounds in Options. - Added unique voice commands for each character. - Added in-game chat which bridges with our Discord server. - Cleaned up assets (99.9% less cats and cards). - Fixed in-game screenshots. You can change the format with: r_screenshot_format <1-3> (1 => png [default], 2 => jpg, 3 => tga) - Rekt gametype added. - Bomb loadout bug fixed. - Added "official" 32 bit support for Windows\Linux. - Added OSX 64 bit support and dropped 32 bit support (see: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208436). - Damage numbers size now saved. - Fixed damage numbers bug in demos. - Fixed wctf5 and wfca2. - Fixed some issues with default.cfg Note: We recommend existing players to copy + paste the following into console for optimal sound levels: cg_volume_effects "0.7"; cg_volume_hitsound "0.5"; cg_volume_players "0.9"; cg_volume_voicechats "0.9"; cg_volume_efforts "0.65"
[ 2021-03-04 09:05:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Presented by The Keep: "The Keep is hosting a Duel tournament today! Tune in to see who will come out on top! Date: Sun 21 Nov 2020 Time: 10AM PT / 1PM ET / 19:00 CET" Spectate on the TheKeep[TV] servers that can be found in the TV tab of the Server Browser or watch the stream via Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zensports
[ 2020-11-21 07:15:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
As we wrap up finalized sounds to replace everything you currently hear in-game we wanted to announce the Warfork VA cast. Our talented VA's have recorded character specific voice commands, kill reactions, round start says, efforts, and more! If you're too impatient to hear them you can try to install the Warfork Testing DLC on Steam and take a peek. A special thanks goes to our Sound Engineer MaxCarnage for making them sound vibrant and Oizo for testing/providing direction to VA's for player effort sounds to achieve our desired result. With that said our VA cast is as follows:
Toni Jean Erasmus as "AI (Announcer)" -- https://www.facebook.com/ToniJeanErasmus
Toni Jean Erasmus has extensive training and experience in theatre, musical theatre, film, television and voice over. She has been working in studios in South Africa doing dubbing, animation, gaming and corporate voice over for four years and in the last year has built her own home studio.
Cat Protano as "Amber" -- https://www.catprotano.com/
Cat Protano is a Boston born and raised voice actress. Her warm and charming voice will bring life to any project, whether it's for commercials, video games, animation, e-learning, audio books, and more! She loves animation and video games and hopes to specialize in them.
Ty Anderson as "Buck" -- https://www.tythevoiceguy.com/
Ty Anderson is a Voice Actor based in Houston,Texas. His voice acting career started in 2011 and his influences include Looney Tunes, Classic SNL, SCTV, Mel Blanc, Robin Williams and Billy West.
In Tys free time he enjoys hanging out with his family (believe it or not), watching movies, animation and Disc Golf.
Kevin Liberty as "Hamilton" -- https://www.kevinliberty.com/
Kevin Liberty is a Dallas-based voice actor providing voices for animation, video games, commercials, eLearning material, and more!
When not in front of the microphone, you can probably find him playing video games, Dungeons & Dragons, or outside exploring nature and soaking up the sun!
James Holyoake as "Rufus" -- https://www.jameshvoices.com/
James Holyoake is a UK based Voice Actor with a distinct received pronunciation English accent. This gives him a great jumping off point to create a multitude of accents, dialects, and character voices. James grew up as a child of the 80s with such amazing voice acting inspirations as Peter Cullen (Transformers), Alan Oppenheimer (Masters of the Universe), and Frank Welker (Literally everything. no, really!).
Su Ling as "Serena" -- https://sulingchan.carrd.co/
Su Ling Chan is an American trained voice actress based in Malaysia. She specialises in voicing young children's voices, spunky teenagers, realistic fight scenes (she has a martial arts background), the Malaysia/Singapore accent, and sassy females who kick ass.
When Su isnt in the sound booth, shes busy training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, and muay thai at the gym. Su has no aspirations to be a MMA fighter, though she does like to compete.
Matthew Archer as "Leon" -- https://matthewarchervoice.wixsite.com/matthewarcher/
Matthew Archer has 14 years of acting experience and is now behind the microphone bringing characters to life. Professionally trained and making appearances from end bosses in video games to the high school best friend in animation, even audiobook narration. You dream, Archer shoots for the moon.
[ 2020-11-18 03:20:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
For those that have purchased E1M1 Magazine Issue #1 they can find a demo disc with Warfork on the backend. It features exclusively the gametype Rekt by Victor Luchitz. A special thank you to GelmoSan for making some last second gametype fixes.
Official Website: https://www.e1m1magazine.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/E1M1magazine
"E1M1 -- The world's first old-school shooter publication! Created by Zach Murphy and Jake 'The Voice' Parr.
At E1M1 Magazine, we're addicted to old-school FPS games. From the second we got our hands on the classics at a young age, we were completely hooked and still over two decades down the line we regularly run through Quake, DOOM and Duke Nukem (among many others) like it's nobody's business.
E1M1 is the culmination of years spent in gaming journalism across a whole host of websites, podcasts, radio shows and magazines. Our writers have years of experience under their belts - e.g. VG Almanac, GamingPurists, RetroFormat, Arcade Attack, Siren Radio, Gameffine, Funstock Retro, and more and now are aiming to create the go-to source for the classic first-person shooter genre."
[ 2020-11-09 18:17:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Presented by The Keep: "We've scoured the Earth to bring you the two best Bomb teams we could find who will face off in an epic Best of 5. Warfork is the "world's fastest FPS game" and this will be a showcase of lightning fast game play and expert team skill in a game mode similar to Bomb & Defuse in CS:GO. Sat 7 Nov 2020 Time: 10AM PT / 1PM ET / 7PM CET" You can watch today via Twitch: https://twitch.tv/inthekeep
[ 2020-11-07 15:18:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
3rd ANNUAL PIGEON CLASSIC FPS CHARITY EVENT Fri 30 Oct - Sun 29 Nov 2020 Presented by The Keep "The Pigeon Classic is our annual Autumn celebration! It is the Will of the Drowned God that we use this time to sacrifice in the form of maximal frags & gibs. From Halloween weekend through the entire month of November is our opportunity to support and bolster the forces of the brave individuals fighting on the front lines against COVID-19. Janine, Mother Of Two, Nurse, COVID-19 Ward, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, The Netherlands We will be accepting donations for the Florence Nightingale Foundation - who support the professional development of nurses & midwives - by holding SIX events: FRI 30 OCT - OPEN DOOM SURVIVAL MARATHON SAT 31 OCT - DOOM RAVE 24 HOUR STREAM SAT 7 NOV - WARFORK BOMB EXHIBITION FRI 13 NOV - ZENSPORTS DIABOTICAL 3V3 WIPEOUT TOURNAMENT SAT 21 NOV - ZENSPORTS WARFORK DUEL TOURNAMENT SUN 29 NOV - ZENSPORTS DIABOTICAL DUEL TOURNAMENT We will also have various other streams throughout the month of casual multiplayer & single player gameplay." Read more: https://inthekeep.com/3rd-annual-pigeon-classic/ Legal Disclaimer: The Pigeon Classic is hosted by The Keep. Event sponsors don't constitute as an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Warfork.
[ 2020-10-28 17:43:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have updated our trailer on the Steam Store page for the 3D Realms Deep 2020 Digital Event on Saturday - Sunday, Sept. 5 & 6 2020, airing 11:00 AM PT - 4:00 PM PT via 3D Realms Twitch channel. The trailer is tentatively scheduled to debut on Day 2 (towards the end) between System Shock and Jon St John and we hope to see you there! A special thanks to tontoepfer for producing the trailer, Ava1anche for composing original music and providing creative input, sound engineering and technical input by MaxCarnage, and voice over by James Holyoake (as "Rufus").
[ 2020-09-02 18:50:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3D Realms Hosting Realms Deep 2020 Digital Event September 5 & 6 World Premieres, Interviews with Retro Icons, Charity Drive for Childs Play AALBORG, Denmark August 11, 2020 3D Realms is proud to present Realms Deep 2020, a digital event filled with world premieres, special guests including John Romero, Tim Willits, and Cliff Bleszinski; a Childs Play charity drive, and much more on Saturday - Sunday, Sept. 5 & 6 2020, airing 11:00 AM PT - 4:00 PM PT via 3D Realms Twitch channel. A Realms Deep Steam Sale will also take place from Sept. 3 - 7, 2020. Love indie old-school-inspired shooters? Watch Realms Deep for world premieres from 3D Realms and 1C Entertainment, a brand new dark-fantasy FPS and multiple new games. But 3D Realms wont hog the spotlight. Expect news from all, and game reveals from some of the genres biggest names including New Blood Interactive (DUSK, Amid Evil, Gloomwood, ULTRAKILL), NightDive Studios (System Shock, DOOM 64, Turok remasters), Running with Scissors (the POSTAL series) and many, many more. More than 40 games in all! Tune in for candid conversations with gaming icons including John Romero (DOOM, Empire of Sin), Tim Willits (id Software, Saber Interactive), Cliff Bleszinski (Unreal, Gears of War), American McGee (id Software, American McGees Alice), Chuck Jones (3D Realms, Valve), Jon St. John (voice actor for Duke Nukem), and Stephan Weyte (voice actor for Caleb in Blood). See whats new with games like Core Decay, Hell Hunt, Hellbound, Hedon, Nightmare Reaper, Prodeus, The Adventures of Square, SCP: Blackout, Limitless Hunger, Warfork, Dread X Collection, Retchid, HROT, Fallen Angels, Hellscreen, Paradox Vector, Brutal Fate and many more. Listen to Quake broadcaster Jehar, cover a Retro-Shooter celebrity Deathmatch in Kingpin: Life of Crime, while Kino Fabino memes the show. Viewers can donate to Childs Play during each stream. Those who want something physical to remember Realms Deep 2020 can purchase exclusive merchandise available during the show with all proceeds going directly to Childs Play. Realms Deep 2020 gives us the chance to highlight what were working on while showcasing all the badass projects our friends are cooking up, said Frederik Schreiber, VP at 3D Realms. Its been a strange year, but we want to treat this as an awesome casual hangout with our fans and friends. Realms Deep 2020 streams on 3D Realms' Twitch channel Saturday, September 5 from 11:00 AM PT - 4:00 PM PT and resumes on Sunday, September 6 from 11:00 AM PT - 4:00 PM PT. For more information, follow 3D Realms on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, join the teams Discord and check out the official 3D Realms website. Assets Streaming Trailer Trailer and Graphics About 3D Realms Founded 30 years ago, 3D Realms was the publisher, developer, and creator of many legendary gaming franchises, most still going strong: Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Max Payne, and Prey. To learn more about 3D Realms please visit the studios official website. Media Contact Zack Furniss / AJ Trulin Stride PR for 3D Realms zack@stridepr.com / aj@stridepr.com
[ 2020-09-02 18:12:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Warfork Duel Cup 3 | Tune in on Twitch! The Keep is hosting an open Warfork Duel tournament for charity today! Join them on the Twitch Stream (https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep/) or watch via Warfork TV: KeepTV 1 (US) - KeepTV 2 (US) - KeepTV 1 (EU) - KeepTV 2 (EU) - Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020 Time: 13:00 EDT | 17:00 UTC | 19:00 CEST Stream Time: 12:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC | 18:00 CEST Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep/ Bracket: https://challonge.com/WFDC3 Info: https://inthekeep.com/warfork-duel-cup-3-going-the-social-distance/ The Keep Discord: https://discord.gg/Aa7tcsH Warfork Official Discord: https://discord.gg/VY95TKZ
[ 2020-05-16 14:57:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Keep is hosting an open Warfork Duel tournament for charity! The event benefits the Florence Nightingale Foundation who provide scholarships to the best nurses and midwives who then make a difference to patient care, policy and practice in their chosen fields. Throughout this tournament, they will also be having a giveaway with Steam Keys and In The Keep T-Shirts, so keep an eye on the Twitch Stream!
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
Time: 13:00 EDT | 17:00 UTC | 19:00 CEST
Info and Registration: https://tinyurl.com/WFDuelCup3
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep/
The Keep Discord: https://bit.ly/KeepDiscord
Official Warfork Discord: https://discord.gg/VY95TKZ
[ 2020-05-10 06:48:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Keep is hosting a Warfork Clan Arena Tournament today! Join The Keep on Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep/ or via Warfork TV:
KeepTV (EU) -
KeepTV (US) -
Warfork Clan Arena Tournament #01
3v3 Double Elimination
Date: Sat 25 April 2020
Time: 0900 PDT | 1200 EDT | 1800 CEST | 1600 UTC
You can also join our Discord servers:
THE KEEP DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Aa7tcsH
[ 2020-04-25 14:30:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Keep is hosting a Warfork Clan Arena Tournament. It is open to the entire community for signups. Join The Keep on Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep/ or compete in the Tournament!
Warfork Clan Arena Tournament #01
3v3 Double Elimination
Date: Sat 25 April 2020
Time: 0900 PDT | 1200 EDT | 1800 CEST | 1600 UTC
Signups: http://tinyurl.com/WF3v3CA
Looking for people to team up with? Join the following Discord servers:
THE KEEP DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Aa7tcsH
[ 2020-04-15 05:08:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Keep is putting on another Warfork Duel Cup, this time open to the entire community for signups. Join us on stream or come test your metal against some of the best duelers on Saturday, Feb 15th!
Warfork Duel Cup #02
Date: Saturday 15 Feb 2020
Time: (TENTATIVE) 0900 US West // 1200 US East // 1800 Cent Europe
Double Elimination Duel Tournament
BO3 / BO5 Finals
Signups: https://bit.ly/2v3SzRK
[ 2020-02-12 05:27:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
As we work towards revamping all sounds, player models, weapon models, and much more The Keep has graciously informed us they're hosting a Duel Cup:
The Keep is blowing out 2019 with the biggest of our Warfork events yet -- We're reaching beyond North America to hold a global duel event! Come worship Cthalha this December and support 8 of the very best Warfork players from across the globe!
Date: Saturday, December 14, 2019
Times: 06:00 US West / 09:00 US East / 15:00 Central Europe / 23:00 Japan
(For our NA audience, we're starting early to accommodate players from Europe, Asia, and North America.)
Total Prize Pool: $100 USD
1st Place: $50 USD
2nd Place: $30 USD
3rd Place: $20 USD
Event Details:
Single Elimination Duel Tournament
Bracket: Broadcasted on-stream, day of event
Rounds 1 & 2: Best of 3 Maps
Finals: Best of 5 Maps
(Maps will be chosen in pick-drop format.)
"The Arena FPS Community knows no borders. We do not care about your nationality, your faith, your government or your source port. We support each other. That is the will of Cthalha."
Watch: https://www.twitch.tv/InTheKeep
Donate: https://streamelements.com/inthekeep/tip
Refer to our #warfork channel in The Keep Discord server for event updates.
[ 2019-12-08 13:34:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Note: This is a community event generously hosted by The Keep.
Presented by The Keep
"Every October Cthalha charges us to honor Her with frags and gibs by raising funds for a worthy cause. Last year we turned out a couple hundred bucks for California wildfire relief with an epic Quake Champions King of the Hill and the help of State of Quake.
The Drowned God has charged us to make this years event bigger, better and more charitable than the last. So well be hosting 3 events for a blowout weekend of good will!
But why are we giving to a charity all the way over in Egypt?
ZDaemon players already know the story of Suplex.
Suplex is a young Egyptian Doom player stricken with leukemia. As he's fighting this awful disease, he takes comfort in playing Doom with friends. That's what this is all about, right? Offering comfort, support, fun and gaming are all key elements of our community. We all play games for different reasons. Some of us are driven to compete. Some are seeking a community. Many are escaping from stressful lives. Suplex and many others like him are fighting for theirs.
We reached out to Suplex. We asked if we could give to him or to his family. American dollars really add up in Egyptian pounds. He politely declined. In his stead, he asked that we give to the same organization that has supported him in his time of need, that they may continue helping other children suffering from debilitating and often fateful diseases. He chose the Egyptian Cure Bank, so that is who we will support this year.
The Arena FPS Community knows no borders. We do not care about your nationality, your faith, your government or your source port. We support each other. That is the will of Cthalha."
Egyptian Cure Bank:
(Be sure to use translate, the site is written in Arabic.)
Detailed Event Information: https://quakefans.net/pigeon-classic-2019-event/
Sign-Ups: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xcuL-qESLUQt586zfR1WqRHcWuNTInNFL2ifW3HWIcc/
The Keep: https://discordapp.com/invite/Aa7tcsH
Refer to #pigeon-classic under the category The Cult of Cthalha.
Watch: https://www.twitch.tv/inthekeep
Donate: https://streamelements.com/inthekeep/tip
[ 2019-10-15 04:06:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, We apologize for being so quiet lately, but a substantial amount of time has been put into planning, bringing volunteers on board, and getting things off the ground. Please understand that the total concurrent players will remain low as we're not marketing the game in Early Access. Our goal is to complete the features mentioned in the Early Access FAQ and release in ~January 2020. In the meantime here is a very small update to address some key issues and feature requests. Note: Server owners please enable automatic updates on your servers. If anyone is looking for an updated server to play on please connect to the forbidden.gg ones. :: Changes from 2019.08.16 to 2019.10.09 General: - Added Damage Numbers which can be customized in Options. - Updated placeholder sounds. Most of the sounds were converted from stereo into mono to make them work correctly in 3D space. Also their volumes were adjusted and normalized in order to avoid clipping and make them more balanced to each other. Some sounds were reworked and swapped to make more the sense. And last but not least, hitsounds are now variable depending on the damage. - Replaced weapons placeholder sounds with new WIP (Work in Progress) sounds. Note: Please comment with feedback below to help us improve the sounds. - It is now possible to switch to OpenAL sound module on Windows, as it gets preinstalled by Steam on the game installation. - Allowed bots to bunnyhop in every gametype. - Updated localizations, overall translated text has been increased for 50% by our volunteers from Transifex. - Updated and fixed HUDs. - New Zoom effect. - Added a basic flash window highlight if someone mentions your name. - Added a new countdown message. - Critical Effect disabled by default for new players. Note: Existing players should disable it in Options. - PNG Screenshot support added. Removed TGA screenshot support. If you wish to take a jpg screenshot use Steam. - Fix callvote cooldown on votes that never started. - The intro video will no longer attempt to play upon launching the game the first time. - Added maps wfca2, wfctf5, wfdm20, wfdm3, wfdm8. Updated wftutorial1 (map description) and wfamphi1's ceiling. - The console will now display a maximum of 3000 lines instead of 500, which allows commands such as "cvarlist" to be executed and read fully. Engine: - Fixed an issue with messing system mouse sensitivity/accel on Windows. Please check that you have "in_dinput" cvar set to 1 via console or config.cfg. - Don't force team models for local player in-game & while watching demos. - Change rocket explosion & projectile lights' color to orange. - Allowed "crouch" animation being shown to others while player model is in the air. - Set minimum "cl_pps" to 40 to prevent possible warping. - Disabling weapon animation doesn't remove its fire animation now. - Set win_nowinkeys 1 by default. - Increased max Zoom FOV value to 75. - Fixed model shading issues. - Added blue dynamic light for Grenade projectile. - Added LG marks when it hits the wall. - Positional sounds of respawn, tele-in, tele-out fixed - Added cg_showCrosshairDamage (0 off - 1 on) to prevent crosshair color changing upon causing damage to an opponent (1 is set by default). - Servers instantaneously appear on the masterserver list instead of taking 5 minutes - Specifying 0 as a value for scr_conspeed will result in the console toggling instantly. - Shorter default time for g_vote_electtime from 40 to 20 seconds. - Run at fixed maxfps=60 if disconnected - Fixed callvotes with g_inactivity_maxtime 0 - Console message coloring for various ERRORs\Warnings. - Force vsync if disconnected and the console is open - Added a Tiny Font which is used by Damage Numbers, which might also be useful for modders down the line. - Warnings are now printed to the console in the event of missing shader images. - Fixed jpg support; Textures in custom maps should load. - Added Damage Numbers cvars cg_damageNumbers, cg_damageNumbersColor, cg_damageNumbersSize, cg_damageNumbersDistance, and cg_damageNumbersOffset. UI: - Added language selector in Options - Player - Misc (overall 25 languages are supported including English). - Updated UI, bunch of options and tabs have been renamed. - Added 1000 FPS option. - Fixed FPS being limited by default "cl_maxfps" in UI. - Added "Sound module", "Zoom sensitivity", "Mouse yaw", "Mouse pitch" "Frag message location", "Show awards", "Show zoom effect, "Show critical hit effect" options. - Added input fields for mouse settings. - Moved console button from the top of the Home screen to the bottom left. - Fixed preview info in the Demo menu. - Updated Droid Sans font to fix drawing of some letters (especially Vietnamese).
[ 2019-10-09 08:02:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're proud to announce Michael 'Tenshihan' Quinn has been selected as our Lead Sound Designer and Tony "Ozmium" Ozmium as Assistant Sound Designer. Tenshihan will replace every existing Warfork sound effect with assistance from Ozmium. Tenshihan designed all sounds for Xonotic, Nexuiz, and Capsized. You can learn more about Tenshihan here: https://www.voices.com/actors/michael_david_quinn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tenshihanquinn/ https://twitter.com/tenshihan_quinn http://www.cynbythesea.com/Press/interviews/Quinn.html You can learn more about Ozmium here: https://soundcloud.com/ozmium https://twitter.com/djozmium https://www.facebook.com/OzmiumOfficial/
[ 2019-09-06 05:09:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all in case anyone didn't notice, we released the preliminary version of our automatic server update tool for Warfork. We ask that you please read the following guide and update your server accordingly: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845533691 If you don't wish to read a guide, there is a three command installation option, which can be used on a freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) or Debian 10 (Buster) server: 1. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/psymin/wf_tool/master/wfwrapper.sh 2. chmod +x wfwrapper.sh 3. sudo ./wfwrapper.sh This tool will deploy a Warfork server with some reasonable defaults. It should automatically check for updates and apply them without interruption for players. Please update your server by Thursday to prevent any Warfork game updates from causing player connection issues. If you have any questions or want to help improve the script please ask psymin#5190 on Discord.
[ 2019-09-03 15:23:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey fellow Warfork and AFPS lovers, We're still hard at work on our project roadmap and filling volunteer roles as needed. I just wanted to thank everyone for their patience. Just a reminder the game is currently in Early Access so things won't be too exciting for the time being. I would also like to let the community know we're looking for translators to help with the localization of Warfork. If you would like to contribute join our discord: https://discord.gg/VY95TKZ and chat in #warfork-localization. Please direct any questions to adem#7112. The translation project is hosted on Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/team-forbidden-llc/warfork/ Languages we're looking to translate Warfork to: Arabic Bulgarian Czech Danish Dutch Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese - Brazil Romanian Russian Simplified Chinese Spanish - Latin America Spanish - Spain Swedish Thai Traditional Chinese Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese
[ 2019-08-29 03:28:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you're interested in what we're experimenting with checkout the Warfork Beta DLC here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145510/Warfork_Beta/ Currently there's no files available as we're working on our Development Roadmap, however when there is you'll see an update on Steam. This Beta does not represent the current state of the game and is used for experimentation only. There might even be times where it doesn't launch due to bugs. Once downloaded you can find the Beta build by right clicking Warfork -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files. Look folder a named /beta/ and the launch the game manually. If this is inconvenient you can add a launcher to Steam Library with the following steps: 1. Click the Games drop-down tab. 2. Click "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library". 3. Browse to the correct binary: Windows: \steamapps\common\fvi\beta\Warfork.app\Contents\Resources\warfork_x64.exe Linux: \steamapps\common\fvi\beta\Warfork.app\Contents\Resources\warfork.x86_64 Mac: \steamapps\common\fvi\beta\Warfork.app\Contents\MacOS\Warfork For Mac you might need to use the following command "install_name_tool -add_rpath @executable_path/../Frameworks Warfork" in the location above. 4. Click Add Selected Programs 5. Launch Warfork Beta via your Library.
[ 2019-08-23 04:00:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now download the Warfork Source Code on Steam by clicking Tools and installing "Warfork SDK". At the moment there aren't any guides included by us, but our goal is to do so in the future. This repository will be updated after each Steam update where the source code was modified. If you're looking for a GitHub url that will be available shortly as well. Update: For anyone confused you will need to right click Warfork SDK, click properties, click local files, and browse local files in order to access the contents.
[ 2019-08-20 04:48:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're proud to announce "Ava1anche" of AN Music has been selected as our music composer. He will replace all existing in-game music, which makes us extremely happy because we're not proud of it. Ava1anche has composed some wonderful music for Xonotic and Unreal Tournament 4 and we can't wait to showcase his work once he gets started. You can check out his portfolio here: https://soundcloud.com/deshaadman
[ 2019-08-19 05:29:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey fellow Warfork and AFPS lovers, Nothing too substantial, but we wanted to let you know Steam Cloud Config saving should now work for Windows, Mac, and Linux. At the moment it only autosaves your config file: config.cfg. Looking for your configs? They're here: Windows: %USERPROFILE%/My Documents/My Games/Warfork 2.1/basewf/ Mac: to ~/Library/Application Support/Warfork-2.1/basewf/ Linux: ~/.local/share/warfork-2.1/basewf/
[ 2019-08-18 04:19:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just want to thank everyone for their patience over the past week. Warfork is now officially available on Steam for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Over the next 2-3 weeks we will be having conversations on Discord ( https://discord.gg/VY95TKZ ) about how we can make the game new and unique. We urge everyone interested in the game to participate so your needs can be addressed. Quake-esque derivatives come and go quite often, but we hope to work on this project for many years down the line as a labor of love. Note: We are in need of sound and music designers as they are currently placeholders. Our preliminary objects are as follows: - Modernize the engine - Make the game mod-friendly and Steam Workshop friendly. - Establish our own visual style in-game (weapons, models, sounds, music and textures). - Give people a reason to come back with matchmaking and weekly events. - Establish a friendly community of fellow AFPS lovers. You can read additional preliminary information here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/671610/discussions/0/1642044369665491493/ Please report bugs here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/671610/discussions/0/2763442118810332072/ Please note we will not be doing any marketing until the game leaves Early Access and we have something new and unique to showcase. We fully expect the player count to fluctuate.
[ 2019-08-16 22:16:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game is a fork of Warsow. Warfork replaces Warsow trademarks with our own. You can read about our development goals and project ambitions below.
Game Modes
1. Team Deathmatch: Team-vs-team game mode. The goal of a team deathmatch game is to frag as many players of the opposing team as possible until the time or frag limit is reached.
2. Clan Arena: Team game mode where you aim to frag the entire other team before your team is completely eliminated. Clan Arena has no item pickups, you spawn with all weapons.
3. Free for All: The goal of a FFA game is to frag as many other players as possible until the time or frag limit is reached. Unlike in Deathmatch, you spawn with weapons and ammunition.
4. Headhunt: Game mode where one player is tagged and all other players attempt to frag the tagged player. Tagged player gets score for each second he/she stays alive. The person who frags the tagged player, becomes tagged.
5. Duel Arena: Frag the most opponents in 1-on-1 combats. Your arsenal is fully replenished before each round. The winner of the round is challenged by the next player in the queue.
6. Deathmatch: The goal of a Deathmatch game is to frag as many other players as possible until the time or frag limit is reached.
7. Duel: Duel is a 1vs1 game mode. The standard match lasts 10 minutes, if there's a draw there will be added 120 seconds overtime. The player who frags their opponent the most wins the map.
8. Race: Players try to complete a course to achieve the fastest time possible through highly technical maps by means of bunny hopping, strafe jumping, circle jumps, air control, weapon combos, and tricks.
9. Bomb and Defuse: There are two teams that must defend or attack a bombsite. To win a round, a team can win by fragging all of the opposition, defusing the bomb, or ensuring it explodes.
10. Capture the Flag: There are two teams that must defend or capture their opponents flag within the set time limit.
11. Capture the Flag: Tactics Class based version of Capture the Flag, similar to Team Fortress. Each player can be a Grunt, Medic, Runner, or Engineer.
Legal Stuff
Warfork is not affiliated with Warsow, Warsow Team, or Chasseur de Bots.
Special Thanks
Anti-Pizza, mikejsavage, zturtleman, dexter, Lo, and Richard Asher of 1016 Voiceovers for the in-game voice says and announcer sounds. Thank you for all the help!
Can I connect to Warsow servers with Warfork?
Originally it was planned to offer client compatibility with Warsow 2.1.2 servers, however after further evaluation we've determined there is minimal community benefit in doing so and it would eventually hinder game development.
How can I support Warfork?
The #1 way you can support Warfork at the moment is by joining our Discord server and interacting with our Community. The invite link code is: VY95TKZ. If you have any questions please direct them to caine#4092.
If you're a modeler, texture artist, or mapper and want to contribute please let us know in the #warfork channel. All work must be licensed as CC0 and not derived/remixed from non-CC0 sources. Those who might be offended if their work isn't approved should avoid contributing because this project is a labor of love and shouldn't be stressful.
Why has it taken so long for a Steam release?
The Warsow intellectual property owner to the best of our knowledge is opposed to a Steam release. We respectfully find this to be poor decision making and hurtful to the growth of the community. It limits new players from discovering the game, hinders new content such as guides, game modes, screenshots, maps, models (players and weapons), and much more from easily being shared with the masses. Warfork has made a Steam release reality.
What are your development goals?
Abbreviated List of Short Term Goals (by September):
1. To make Warfork easily modifiable (now and in the future) with standards that are current, widely supported, and well documented.
A. Remove Inter-Quake Model (IQM) support in favor of glTF™ (GL Transmission Format).
B. Remove libRocket support in favor of ImGui.
C. Remove KTX (Khronos Texture) support for in favor of PNG.
2. New player models: Player models will be the first visual change made to Warfork. All Warsow models (Pig, Robot, etc.) will be removed in favor of Cats. A backstory is already in works along with preliminary character designs.
3. New Weapon Models: After all player models are replaced we will begin on Weapon models and effects. The new sounds you hear which are different from Warsow* will remain in-game. What the weapons look like is still to be determined.
* Padpork and Female Sounds are the only ones remaining from Warsow and will be replaced.
4. Community tools for free worldwide server deployment, matchmaking, match statistics, downloadable demos, and more to follow down the road.
Long Term
1. Retexture the entire game: While Warsow has aged gracefully, the textures still need a 'new coat of paint' regardless of the games story being completely changed. We're leaning on having vibrant colors and cleaner surfaces without grit for easier enemy visibility.
2. Implement extensive in-game customization via server side variables and player voting: It's a never ending debate about what weapon to nerf, changing the firing rate of a weapon, re-adding strong ammo, disabling stunning, limiting ammo, etc. and we believe people should be play Warfork exactly how they want to.
3. Implement Steamworks to allow for Workshop support; Custom Maps, Player Models, Weapon Models, Game Modes, Achievements, etc. (This might become a Short Term goal based on Legal Research).
4. Implement a practical Anti-Cheat solution.
5. Address critical bugs that are discovered.
6. Implement community suggestions (visit the Discussion Forums for more information), which fit our development goals. If a suggestion does not fit our goals then we will suggest a path to modding Warfork, add it to the list we maintain for volunteer modders that want to take up projects, and advise the suggester of the outlook.
7. Make the game easier for newcomers through tutorials in and out of game. Potentially through new gametypes and server configurations as well (submitted to the workshop), but never included out of the box as Warfork prides itself on having an extremely high learning curve.
8. Replace all Textures, Player Models, and Weapon Models with Public Domain assets as we have already done with Sounds.
What are your community goals?
Abbreviated List of Short Term Goals
1. Complete rudimentary game survey, compile into analytical data, and share findings with Cocaine Diesel & Warsow Development Teams.
2. Establish non-toxic community on Discord.
3. Launch website to access Warfork community features.
4. Launch test servers to benchmark necessary server requirements for different upcoming community needs.
5. Discuss match rule sets, community guidelines, tournament formats, etc. with the community.
6. Begin to market Warfork (September) and discuss upcoming weekly events and tournaments with the community.
Extremely Abbreviated "List" of Long Term Goals
1. Maintain Community Support for many years to come.
2. See #1.
What is your path to profitability to keep Warfork afloat?
There is no path to profitability for Warfork and we’re opposed to any business model which collects money from players, whether it be for access to the game, private servers to play on, entrance fees to competitions/events, custom skins, etc. The game should be free to play period. Thanks to some wonderful sponsors we’re in the process of finalizing arrangements with, we have a path to sustainability for many years to come.
Arena FPS (AFPS) is dead. Stop wasting your time!
We agree that AFPS is in turmoil and Warfork won't be [most] gamers preferred day-to-day choice, however we feel it hasn't been properly showcased in the gaming community. Our goal is to help change negative opinions of AFPS in upcoming months.
I want to compile the game myself, where is the source code?
The Source Code can be found on Github at Warfork. Please carefully read license.txt to remain in compliance with the terms set forth by the Warfork and Warsow development teams.
How do your assets compare to Warsow?
Warfork has removed all NON-FREE assets (textures + sounds) and created new CC0 PUBLIC DOMAIN FREE ones. We've also taken it a step further and created CC0 Public Domain replacements for all in-game sounds and music*. Our long-term goal is to replace all remaining Textures, Player Models, and Weapon Models with CC0 Public Domain replacements because we feel the current license is too strict.
* Padpork and Female Sounds are the only ones remaining from Warsow and will be replaced.
When will Warfork support Steam Workshop, Achievements, and other Steamworks features?
Our legal team is researching how Steamworks can be implemented without violating GPL. The last thing we want to do is fail to comply with the terms of a license agreement, so please have patience in the meantime.
- OS: Devuan Ascii. Ubuntu Bionic Beaver
- Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core (64-bit)Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 64 MB of Video Ram
- Storage: 600 MB available space
- OS: Devuan Beowulf. Ubuntu Disco Dingo
- Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core (64-bit)Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 64 MB of Video RamNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 600 MB available space
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