Bonjour, Miladies and Milords!
Were thrilled to announce that The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Chapter 1&2 has just been released on Steam for free! It is a prologue to the narrative-driven RPG made by our publisher 101XP where youll experience a mans life in a dark medieval realm.
In Chapters 1&2 of the game, you will live through the childhood and adolescence of a young Brante and write the main characters future as he lives it. Who will he become? Will he accept his Lot? What relationships he will have with his siblings? That is for you to decide!
We also have prepared a new trailer!
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Chapter 1&2 offers around two hours worth of gameplay and grants access to a portion of the full experience offered by The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante, allowing players to explore the base mechanics as well as develop a taste for the games unique atmosphere and lore.
Dont forget to leave a review if you like it and wishlist the full game The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante on Steam
Also, feel free to follow the game development and participate in contests on Twitter and Facebook!
Примерьте на себя роль молодого чиновника в игре «Я — Слуга Народа». Вас назначают главой небольшого промышленного городка в государстве, переживающем застой и глубокий кризис. Жизнь в городе совсем не сахар. Вам предстоит столкнуться с множеством проблем: от решений по жалобам обычных граждан, до распутывания клубка политических интриг. Ваши решения будут влиять на ситуацию в городе на всех уровнях. Лавируйте между интересами муниципальных служб, требованиями партийного начальства и чаяниями простых жителей — всем угодить не получится. Сможет ли молодой чиновник принести в город порядок? Защитит ли он горожан от алчности и жестокости? Только от вас зависит, каким будет настоящий Слуга Народа.