Monday 9th:
Fixed a couple bugs that came up with people. Had a lot of trouble with an automation saving/loading bug but got it in the end. Many thanks to the small community that is graciously finding bugs and reporting them to me.
Pressing play and fixing a few more things that came up.
Effigy is working fine. Basically a copy paste of the Treadmill so no surprises there.
Putting of all the graphical stuff for tomorrow. Really don't get excited about doing that. Animation for tentacle and a wave of objects in Maya. Instead, thinking about the trajectory of the game...
I've got a much clearer idea of what's left in the game and where to go with it. The original idea was to build up to 'soul extraction' technology. But I really can't see a place for that in the gameplay, so I'm shelving that idea. Also, there was the other idea of having rare resources required to build certain machines, but I don't want to convolute things just for the sake of it. These are cool ideas, but I don't really see a place for them in the gameplay and gameplay is king.
To really simplify the remaining parts of the game content:
- Food.
- Genetics.
- Decorations.
- Stretch goals.
Tuesday 10th:
Fixed Human hair shrinking properly under hats (I broke it with the recent change).
Fixed mistake with Human heads and their hair.
Changed the code that resets the scroll view in the HRPanel. Moved it from the Buttons into the HRPanel script. Might miss a few moments where it's necessary or do it where it's not, but I'll fix those as I see them.
Fixed bug someone reported about the Gas Vent basically breaking a save file. Vent will still cause problems but shouldn't break the game so easily.
New Hairstyle code is causing issues. For some reason the Hairstyle is reporting as null, even though it is being used fine in the very next lines of code.
if (Hairstyle == null) {
Debug.log ("null");
Debug.log (Hairstyle.Name);
So, how is it possible that I am getting both debug reports? If 'null' happens, the Hairstyle.Name should have no answer (should produce an error). It's like I'm saying 'Is there a coin in your hand?' 'No.' 'Is it heads or tails?' 'It's heads.' If there is no coin in their hand, how could it be either heads or tails?
I can even write this:
if (Hairstyle == null) {
Debug.log (Hairstyle.Name);
and it reports the name... Wtf? I've never seen this. If something is null, and you try to do something with it, it produces an error. That's usually how I find out what the problem is. This is a horrible feeling.
Ok so usually when I make a class like this and have a component with this class as a variable, it doesn't show up in the editor. This time it was and, when I looked at it, it appeared as null. So I think the issue was some kind of overlap between the editor's understanding of a Hairstyle and the script's(mine). Like, the Human component was looking for an object with a script called 'Hairstyle', of which there was none, but at the same time, it had the information within the class. Actually I'm not going to try and understand it. I think I fixed the issue by removing ': MonoBehaviour' from the 'Hairstyle' class.
Uploaded the Build since there are a few people who reported problems (with spells still locked out).
Animated the spell casting with a sound effect. Just enough to tell me and the player that you have successfully cast a spell. No particle effects or any change for different spells.
Part of the reason for doing this next was so that I could put together everything needed for the first big update. However, I realize that we are only a week out from release, and I can probably achieve a lot more before releasing a proper big update.
So I'm not going to do Maya yet (my id does a little victory dance). I'm going to plow ahead with the logistics and programming and see how much I can get done in a month. If my wild crazy hubristic predictions are correct (which they occasionally are), that will be rather a lot.
So, on to advanced tests with mating and making the remaining Buildings and Items currently planned for the game. This is the fun part. THEN I can do graphics.
Wednesday 11th:
First task today is to fully test and fix the gas vents. First dealing with the basic parts of the prefab like the colliders and components and attaching it all. Made the space within my own base to start testing this.
Lots of testing and fixing.
Got the Gas Vent to show its area of effect.
Positive test on the Gas Vent, testing instakill. Pretty dark stuff.
Fundamentally changing the code for the way Humans mate. Instead of waiting until they happen to talk to someone they like of the opposite sex who also feels the same way and they're both in the mood, I'm going to make it a bit easier. When a Human has high Mojo, they will actually seek out a mate from nearby accessible Humans whom they like, and then proposition them. This is a big change and will require lots of testing.
Removed the 'Arkanizer' as, for now at least, it won't be necessary. I have plenty ideas for Mana buildings already. Really, this feature set of the game has changed a lot since I started working on it.
I was going to add a Building called a Sacrificial Altar. Actually, I can't really see people using this. It's way too messy, and would require either the Sweeper Robots or a lot of clicking to use. I just don't really see it being a thing at the moment. What I DO see being a thing, is the 'Wall Eyes', which converts some of the suffering it sees into Mana.
Made the Wall Eye. Some bug fixes and improvements to code to streamline this.
Really happy with this building. It generates Mana based on a change in Mood in the nearest visible Human. This will encourage players to make some really interesting inventions.
Had to go through all the Hitboxes in the game and tag them 'Hitbox' which was pretty tedious. I guess in future I should use prefabs more often but that would be a ton of work to change now.
Made a TODO list to help speed me up whenever I make a new Building.
Added dialogue to Arkanos to explain the 'Love Glove'. This is a button you can toggle which will make Humans no longer react to your presence, but will cost a small amount of Mana every time you use your Tentacle.
Programmed the 'Love Glove'.
It's amazing how much faster I am at programming than I was when I started this project. Makes me want to start a new one. Still enjoying the exponential progress I'm making here though.
That's 2 fairly big new features in the game with the Love Glove and Wall Eye. Not bad for a day's work. Need to test it more thoroughly but I see no reason for any big problems. Going to do some more stuff and test it all piece by piece later.
Thursday 12th:
Really just programming in a stream of consciousness kind of way at the moment, working on whatever I feel like working on with not much rhyme or reason besides what makes sense to me at the time. Stopping quite often to write down ideas or nail down concepts, for example today I fleshed out the concept of 'Drinks' and 'Bars'.
Added a visual effect to the gas vent. Some particle effect coming from each 'floor tile' the gas effects. Not too difficult. Pretty happy with the way it looks, it's at least very clear.
Moving ahead with the presumption that there is going to be a complete graphical overhaul, so not spending too much time on any one thing.
Decided, since I feel like I'm so ahead of the roadmap, that I'm going to do all the logic in the game before I jump back into the graphical side.
Used the same animation for Mating for Worshipping right now (dancing).
I was going to make a new function which would be a universal display message. Decided for now just to update the tooltip for people struggling with Pipes and this is a cosmetic update I can sort out later.
Skipping having Beards show up on severed heads for the moment. Again, I feel like this is something that will come up in a big graphical update not so far down the road.
Really like the idea of Cocktails and Bars. I just feel it's not only a good game mechanic but it's something players will really enjoy from a cosmetic point of view. So, what is the recipe for a Cocktail? Drug + ???. It would make sense to use Fruit, but we already use Fruit in Drug Production, so it seems a bit tedious and redundant.
The short answer is Herbs. Make the Forest give Herbs as well, and that's what's used to make Drugs, while Fruit can be eaten or used to make Cocktails.
Thinking deeply about the game this week, I realized that one of the things that would keep the game really interesting is randomly placed resource nodes and more variety in nodes and what they produce. For example, a Forest could produce Green Herbs, Red Herbs, Wood and Fruit (with Humans in the correct Clothes finding more of a specific thing). However, there may also be a 'Mushroom Forest', which produces nothing but Mushrooms and Herbs.
Maybe it should be more refined than that, with Trees producing Wood and Herb Gardens producing Herbs etc. Why was my initial idea to have one resource node that gives multiple things, rather than many smaller nodes? Do I want it so that Trees must be regrown in order to cut them again (no)? Should I spend a week planning this out before going ahead and making a decision?
I think variety will be the fun thing here. Not too much, but just enough. I like the idea that the results you get from a Node could be a bit random. Right now I'm thinking I should stick with my initial idea with the different Nodes producing different stuff, and I think it gets better with just a tad more variety. So, you can also have Herb Gardens which will give exclusively Herbs.
I like the idea of players essentially building colonies around these Nodes and connecting them all up. Later down the line I think it would be kind to, for a high price, allow the player to build these nodes themselves.
Made it so that the Shower takes Red and White Mess from Humans.
Folded 'CheckIfRelated' code into a function to cut down on lines of code.
Added new Item 'Mana Crystal'.
Made a TODO list to speed up Item creation in the future.
Added the Crystallizer, the machine which converts Mana into Mana Crystals. This is most similar to the Food Processor so I used that as a base for the code and I also used the 3d model with some swapped materials as a placeholder.
Got a bunch of new things I want to make which are all kind of difficult and big and all come as a group: Wall Turrets, Sickness and Sweeper Bots.
Next bundle of things I have on my list is going into detail and programming the Babies. Before I start this, I should spend some time thinking and planning and laying out exactly what I'm doing here. (Also having a nap).
Sorted out restricting Human activities based on their age. This includes reducing the 'ActualStats' of Humans based on their age/16. So 12 year olds will work, but at 3/4 the capacity of an adult.
Plus a couple other things that got lost because this text file didn't save properly. Next thing on my list is to program a Baby to Summon a Human to change its Nappy or feed it.
Friday 13th:
Oh, Friday 13th!
First I need to think a bit about how feeding Babies should work. They will prioritize their mother, who will generate milk and go and -milk +baby's fullness. But what if they are separated from the mother, other Humans should be able to feed them.
I haven't currently got any setup for Humans carrying Items. It shouldn't be too difficult to say 'Finding Food for Baby' > 'Getting Food for Baby' > 'Bringing Food to Baby' > 'Feeding Baby' while the baby is 'Waiting to be fed'.
Thinking of other possible uses for Humans being able to carry an object around. I could think about having 'hauler' Humans, who would move Items from place to place.
Made it so Humans can carry Items. Sorted for saving and loading too. The Item will be inactive and there are currently no circumstances where it will appear again.
Programming 'Changing Nappy' first as it's a bit easier. Keeping it simple for now at least; the Human will simply add the Babies' waste to their own and this will instantly cause them to want to go to the toilet. No need to use the Items in this case. Let's nail the code for a Human Summoning and interacting with another Human.
First the Baby checks for the Mother, then the Father, then its nearest relative (cleaned up the 'Check if related' code), then simply the nearest Human. Making this a Function on the Human since I know I'll be using it more than once.
In this case, if no Human is found, the Baby will break the Nappy and resume projectile Pooing.
The Human approaches the Baby and after 4 seconds, it absorbs the Waste of the Baby. They will then go to the toilet as usual and we can imagine that they drop off the Poo while they do.
Made a common function for 'Look for Food' because now it is used twice. I think this is good practice.
Sorted out a bunch of things to make this work, cleaning code as I go.
Humans now, when summoned, go to find some food, then bring the food to the Baby and feed it. Lots of lines of code and I'll be very surprised if it all works smoothly.
This is quite a big achievement.
Bonus code: if a Baby is force fed solid food, it will die.
Sorted out a bug that was stopping Humans from growing.
Ok I've got a lot to test and fix now. But I still have more things on my list.
- Simple Day/Night cycle (maybe with more than one Sun).
- Dead Eyes on Dead Humans.
- Make Mothers produce Milk. (Also make Mothers use their Milk to feed Babies instead of finding Food elsewhere).
Then I have a whole bunch of Buildings to add which have just come to me recently. Going to do all of this and then see how I feel. Good way to end a Friday.
[ 2020-11-27 16:27:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Human Factory Linux [257 M]
Raise and feed Humans.
Build all the necessary items to make the Humans feel at home. Make sure they are fed and put to work. As you learn more about the Humans, you can learn to better accomodate them.
Process Human byproducts.
Human waste can be deconstructed into pure matter and used for building. Many parts can be used for cloning, allowing for potentially infinite expansion. Watch as they churn their own milk for you to sell.
Butcher the Humans
Take their skin, their flesh, their brains. Build ever more elaborate and beautiful factory lines. Remember, Human meat tastes best when cut from a living soul!
Trade with the other cosmic space deities. Analyze and gain new technologies. Become the greatest great one in the multiverse.
- Processor: 1.7+ GHz or betterMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon HD5450 or better; 256 MB or higher
- Storage: 1 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]