Monday 1st: Put some thought into this Occupiers thing over the weekend. Essentially I want to keep everything the same as it was before, but Stations should have an additional 'HumanOutbox' which will work just like the Container Outbox. The first thing is making it so the Station is no longer concerned with having anything to do with Transports. This will be handled by the Processor, and any Station (first being the Birthing Station) that can be accessed manually but exited with Transports, the Station.Go will merely trigger the Processor to start. Ok maybe I don't need this 'HumanOutbox'. Tried putting the code together with the idea that when the Processor finishes with a Human, it does 'DischargeHuman' which attempts to move the first Human in the Building.Station.Occupiers list. However I hit my first snag as I realize that I do in fact need 'HumanOutbox' as a separate list because otherwise triggering previous building will cause it to eject the Human when perhaps I don't want to. I could say don't do it if the Processor is 'Working' or bring back the 'Blocked' bool, but I think this is best. Ok I think that works pretty nicely now. Sorted saving and loading and everything for this new HumanOutbox for the Processor. The Station is now completely unconcerned with Transports from the perspective of the Station script. I see no reason why this won't work, though of course it's a big change so I'll be nervous until I see it working a lot. Next on my list that I want to try and achieve today: - Make Stations use Human Counters rather than its own UseCounter. (Difficult) - Set MaxOccupiers for each Station (Easy but tedious) - Make sure this new setup works with old saves, which I don't think it will. But I want to make sure it does or at least that it doesn't bug out and maybe the Humans can just DecideNextMove if they hit a null in the save. (???) - Test and fix. Then tomorrow I want to implement, test and fix the multiple access points and multiple users on verious stations. Hopefully this week I can get that done quickly and get out the Birthing Station, Nappomatic, Couch, Milker and Pacifier and supporting features and have Babies all working properly. Then next week is Arkanos and Magic stuff. I wish I had a bigger team and could get more graphical assets out with each update which would probably really help with marketing. However my tiny brain can only handle one thing at a time, and so I put it to logistics and when all that is done I can focus more on aesthetics. UseCounter to Human Counters. First thing to get my arse moving is to simply delete Station.UseCounter, then the error list can point me in the right direction (saving my brain a bit of stress). Actually this turned out to be really straighforward. Again, we'll see what it looks like when I test it. Set the MaxOccupiers for each Building. At the moment they all have 1 except for the Effigy which has 4 and the Couch which will have 2-3. Pressing play caused an explosion of bugs. Working through them though. Ok, got through all the bugs. Except for Humans who were busy on a station, they are stuck doing nothing. I tried a few ways to fix this, but the best thing I think is just to inform players in the Patch notes that they might have to grab and place a few Humans to fix them. Ok that's smashed my goals for the day. Next on my list is to make a chair work with multiple points of entry and then move on to the Birthing Station and Couch etc. After some thought, adding 4 access points for the Chair is not the most elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be to make it so Humans can walk into it and through it, and I can deal with pathing around it for aesthetic purposes later. Animation can be kept simple. The only challenge I see is having it so they can walk into/through it but the player can still click on it. In other news, Breathedge is pretty damn great until you realize how limited in scope it is. Then it's just annoying and there isn't enough promise to keep me playing. Skillup absolutely nailed it in his review so I have nothing more to add really. Makes me glad that Subnautica: Below Zero is basically finished apparently so I've started that up again and am loving it to bits. Keeping my brain working overtime by playing some Cube Escape from Rusty Lake, will probably continue with that series. Twin Peaks is also really cool. All puzzles and no puzzles makes puzzles a puzzle. Going to leave it there for today and see where I'm at with getting a solution for the Chair tomorrow. This one is simple and elegant so if I don't have too many problems with Colliders and NavMesh then it should be fairly quick. Didn't get the Buildings done last week but I think it's still good progress and I should have them next week. ... Ok had a crack at just switching off the NavMeshObstacle and seeing how it looks/works. It's fine. Nice. That's off my mind and my list then. Now tomorrow I can focus on testing and fixing and getting these new Buildings sorted. Tuesday 2nd: Yesterday was immensely productive and I rounded off the day with a big session of Subnautica. Great fun. Seems finished so I don't know what they'll add between now and full release. Next is to test the Birthing Station. Given the changes I just made, this should work fine now. I also want to see if I can replicate the bug where I think a child occupied a Station and got it stuck. Then I can get stuck into testing my other Reproduction Buildings. Lots of bug fixes later, seems to be working mostly fine. Ran into a lot of issues with Occupations but those are fixed. There are issues with the Human Gate because I stopped handling Transports through Stations. I think Human Gate should have a Processor and work much like the Birthing Station where you get on manually and you can get off on foot or on a transport. Fix, problem, fix, problem, fix and so on. Ok I ran into a bit of a wall with this. All is going fine, except now there seem to be some problems when Humans go on the butchery line. I actually ended up crashing Unity. So there are obviously some major problems with my code. I think there's a loop somewhere (A calls B and then B calls A). I want to do some refinements to the Processor code anyway, so hopefully I'll find it in there. The crash is confirmed to only occur when two Humans try to go into the same Station. (Well, the good news is that the Birthing Station works. A bit demoralized by having to go back to the Occupiers but I'm sure it's something simple.) It's rough because I can't use the errors or the debugger to get straight to the problem. Ok I THINK I might have fixed it by not only checking that the Occupiers list is empty, but also the Processor.HumanOutbox is empty when checking for space into a Station. It still makes me nervous because I'm not sure why it wouldn't work but hey, if it's fixed I'm happy. Ok the Birthing Station is working. However as I was celebrating that, the game crashed again, so I guess I didn't fix it. Etc... Ok everything is working now, along with a functioning Birthing Station. Still nervous that the game could crash at any time, along with my sanity, but this is an achievement. (Animation is all over the place at the moment. Will try to fix at least some of that before releasing another build). Shuffling the Couch to the bottom of the list because it's the first that uses multiple Occupants and has to put them in different positions. And more problems and more fixes. Wednesday 3rd: Started by doing basic checks to make sure the Milker, Nappomatic and Pacifier will work. Next is to test. Added Spells to help test and fix Babies. This week my goal is to complete all these Reproduction buildings and supporting code. Then next week I want to end having done the same for all the Magic buildings. Then I can either work on aesthetics and get an update out quicker or move on to Food production. Today, Subnautica. Thursday 4th: Nappifier and Pacifier work, and I removed the requirement for a reagent in them to keep things simple for now. Friday 5th: Made it so that Babies would poo on the floor at 50 waste so that there is a need for the Nappomatic. The reason for the Pacifier is so that the baby doesn't cry which upsets the nearby Humans. I have it on my list to improve all the Mood modifiers and how it's displayed and everything, so I'm going to brush past this for now. That completes my goals for the week. Pretty light on the devlog and pretty light on tasks, spending a lot of time thinking and playing other games. Put together my list of the next steps. Shelving the tier 3 Arkanos machines for now in favour of finally getting back to aesthetics. My List: - Make Couch and Effigy (new feature: Stations with multiple access points and users in different positions). - Improve Mood system and create UI for immediate feedback. - Improve Relationship system and do the same. - Get into Maya and do some modelling. - Get into Animating so that everything looks and feels better. - Some Optimizations. - Upload big update. - Add Arkanos Tier 3 Buildings. - Add Food industry. - Add Skills. - Add Genetics industry. Then it will be much easier to see what needs improving next.
[ 2021-03-10 11:09:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Human Factory Linux [257 M]
Raise and feed Humans.
Build all the necessary items to make the Humans feel at home. Make sure they are fed and put to work. As you learn more about the Humans, you can learn to better accomodate them.
Process Human byproducts.
Human waste can be deconstructed into pure matter and used for building. Many parts can be used for cloning, allowing for potentially infinite expansion. Watch as they churn their own milk for you to sell.
Butcher the Humans
Take their skin, their flesh, their brains. Build ever more elaborate and beautiful factory lines. Remember, Human meat tastes best when cut from a living soul!
Trade with the other cosmic space deities. Analyze and gain new technologies. Become the greatest great one in the multiverse.
- Processor: 1.7+ GHz or betterMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon HD5450 or better; 256 MB or higher
- Storage: 1 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]