I've updated the screenshots (some things I need to hide). This is what Airhack looks like now (I removed the old ones). Currently, almost 5000 people are waiting for Airhack. Nobody knows, because Valve has changed a lot of things, but it is possible that Airhack will have trading cards on the day of release or a few days later.
Also, our agents who gained access to Airhack report new information about the Um9zd2VsbCBpbmNpZGVudA==, but not only... Release date? Many people ZG8gbm90I HdhbnQgQWlyaGFjayB0byBzZW UgdGhlIGxpZ2h0IG9mIGR heSwgSSBkbyB3aG F0IEkgY2FuLg. There is still a lot of time until the end of 2022.
RG9uJ3QgbGlzdGVuIHRvIHBlb3BsZSB3 aG8gc2F5IEFpcmhhY2sgd2 9uJ3QgY29tZSBvdXQsIHRo ZXkgYXJlIHRoZSB wZW9wbGUgd2hvIHdvcmsgZm9yI HRoZSBnb3Zlcm5tZW50Lg
Best regards,
One person studio Airem
You are a secret Agent who begins work for the Airem. Hacking servers of global corporations for profit, stealing data, manipulate the stock market, modify peoples academic or criminal records, laundering money, erasing evidence, framing innocent people.
Use bitcoin to upgrade your hardware and buy new software. Connect to many unique servers, each of which has something different. Some servers are just a little fun, but others actually contain vital bits of the game. Airhack (The Origin project) was founded in 2000. This is the oldest thing known on the Internet.
Hack users (delete files, formatting disk, transfer money from wallet etc.)
Hack bank accounts to transfer money
Install and play games
Trojans, virus, malware
Bitcoin mining
Modify your system (theme etc.)
Overclocking (CPU/GPU)
Help the police track down other hackers
Upgrade your hardware and software
Connect to many unique servers like casino, stock
Phone (send sms, call, chat etc.)
Make virus
Black hat, white hat, gray hat
Ranking online
Multiplayer, co-op (hacking bank accounts together) or be a lone wolf
Airhack could be aslo an immersive terminal-based hacking simulator for PC
Airhack has many more features which are not listed here to prevent spoilers
OS: Linux 32/64 bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHzMemory: 666 MB RAM