We decided on this sale when it was looking like COVID was getting under control over here, and people would start returning to work in-person. I still remember last year, seeing the ads for Halloween stores that were opening and wondering "why the heck would people go to a store during a pandemic where they know for a fact that an entire body has touched the wares?".
Still. It's a magical time of the year where we get ready for the final three months of the year. Halloween Retail Season doesn't just mark the coming of the next big holiday, it marks the beginning of the end. So get out those wallets and celebrate the way Capitalism wants you to!
Your parents want you to be that heir. Luckily for you, there's totally an ancient tradition for electing a new ruler in times like these: simply lock eight children of royal blood (or the closest thing) in Castle Dragongate, complete with the ghosts of past rulers, and let them manipulate the living heck out of each other and the local population! Two shall rise above the rest: King and Queen (or Queen/Queen, King/King, King/Nobody, Queen/Nobody)! Everyone else that is still alive gets to go home! It's a win-win for everyone (except those that died)!
Pick one of eight candidates! Go down their story path!
Decide what skills you want to learn as a potential ruler!
Part strategy, part dating sim, all royal bloodbath!
A variety of paths to go down, depending on what you do in the game! Who do you romance? Who do you backstab? Who do you romance and then backstab?
Invading armies? Political debates? It's all in here!