Happy holidays, everyone!
Merry Christmas to those that celebrate!
We'll be rolling out store pages for the 2022 crop soon, but here's a preview of our intended releases:
1. Another adaptation of a play I wrote in college, much in the same vein as Ghost of Joe Papp. Expect it Early February/Late January.
Launching right before our 6th year of being in business/not going out of business.
3. A Furry Shakespeare RPG with a fun new combat mechanic. Late May.
Six years and the third game later, behold the second game in the Army of Tentacles trilogy. Taking place parallel to the events of the first two games, you are thrust into the role of the B Team - the misfits responsible for ending the world if Perry and their crew failed to do so.
5. A Furry Shakespeare Election Sim just in time for the November USA elections.
So, two RPGs and a few dating sims.
Your parents want you to be that heir. Luckily for you, there's totally an ancient tradition for electing a new ruler in times like these: simply lock eight children of royal blood (or the closest thing) in Castle Dragongate, complete with the ghosts of past rulers, and let them manipulate the living heck out of each other and the local population! Two shall rise above the rest: King and Queen (or Queen/Queen, King/King, King/Nobody, Queen/Nobody)! Everyone else that is still alive gets to go home! It's a win-win for everyone (except those that died)!
Pick one of eight candidates! Go down their story path!
Decide what skills you want to learn as a potential ruler!
Part strategy, part dating sim, all royal bloodbath!
A variety of paths to go down, depending on what you do in the game! Who do you romance? Who do you backstab? Who do you romance and then backstab?
Invading armies? Political debates? It's all in here!