Until March 14th. So not weekly. Well, technically weekly.
Welcome to Vienna Gardens, the most magical place on Earth!
You run the Friendswood Water Park district of Vienna Gardens. Your leader/boss, Duke Vincent, has left on business, leaving its fate in your hands.... and also the hands of Scotty from Marketing. Nobody likes Scotty Angelo, who has been trying to take over/take out the Water Park for years. You have exactly one and a half months to stop Scotty from being evil or whatever, and to prove that Friendswood shouldn't be retired from Vienna Gardens. They'll probably replace it with some sort of weird movie tie-in that really doesn't make any sense within the Friendswood area theme.
Over the course of the game, make sure your fellow workers gain the right skills needed in order to work together and deal with whatever issues the park throws at them. Go out for coffee, learn their interests, and maybe making lasting friendships.
Australian Brushfire Organizations
50% of all sales go towards various organizations involved in maintaining Australia's brush. - NSW Rural Fire Service - Victorian County Fire Association - South Australian County Fire Service
Manage your team
Based on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Navigate through multiple conversations in order to learn the most about your fellow employees