Welcome to the weekend and the latest weekend update! We're excited to keep the streak of adding one new map a week rolling with Sector 01 Interchange, adding a new Leverage that lets you take an extra merc on a mission, adding new Contact to the Underworld Hub offering, improving Hovertruck Operator services, adding (my new favorite) Best in Class filter for Weapon, Weapon Mods and Armor,
We're hard at work expanding and improving the game every week with multiple updates. If you like the relentless pace and the direction the game is going, we hope you will leave a review!
New Weekly Map Release

We are now on week 7th of our New Weekly Map Release schedule, and we have hit it 7 for 7 so far! We're excited to keep this rolling, as the map count in the game has improved so rapidly in the last two months. This has been a huge boon to playability and replayability.
This week, we've got another unique map style coming online - the Sector 01 Interchange is a triangular bridge structure built over an old interchange. This cramped, close-in zone does not give a lot of forgiving wiggle room, and will push both stealth teams - it is a small space to stay stealthy - and combat teams - it is hard to establish zones of control when the fight is so in your face - both.
With the Sector 01 Interchange, we are continuing to support every single proc-gen objective (all 8) with absolute maximum variation inside each option (there are 32!! ways to play this level). The new 8 proc-gen combos offered by the Sector 01 Interchange, brings the total to 97 proc-gen combos and represents another 8% increase in map variety. Sector 01 Interchange includes support for the Assassinate VIP objective as well, which has a rapidly growing list of maps, but it is a key point to keep improving.
As usual, working on a new map comes along with fixing issues in the recently released maps. We've fixed several issues with spawning enemies and Siege missions across the set.
5 Merc Option for Siege and Battle Strike

With Update #187, we've added a new Leverage offering for all Siege and Battle Striker missions. Of course, you can get a wide variety of powerful Leverage from the Field Ops room in your base, but this one costs a Favor from someone willing to provide on-demand, high-risk transport for an extra merc. With the new "Rapid Transport" Leverage, you can bring a 5th merc along for Siege and Battle Striker missions, which is a huge boost to your ability to steamroll the enemies. Of course, you'll have to know the right person, like a Hovertruck Operator (see the next heading).
We've also improved the display of the Siege "Hot Intercept" Leverage. This is automatically applied to all Siege missions to give you a bonus on that first Turn scramble (+3 MP). Previously it said "Applied" as if you had purchased it, but that was confusing so it now states "Automatic".
Underworld Hub + Updated Hovertruck Operator

With this update, we've improved the services offered by all Hovertruck Operators. These key transportation focus contacts are going to be offering a lot more interesting Leverages in the coming weeks, starting with the new Rapid Transport one for Siege and Battle Strike.
To feed that hunger for Favors, you'll need to know the right transporter and be able to pile up the Favors. Hovertruck Operators are now interested in purchasing Item Blueprints as well as Gang and Syndicate Files.
In addition, you can now get an introduction to an additional Hovertruck Operator through the Underworld Hub Contacts service.
Best in Class Filter

We've added a new "best" filter for weapons, weapon mods, and armor. This filter looks through the available list of equipment by class - such as Shotguns, SMGs, and Blades - and then only shows the equipment in that class that is the top Power Level for that class. In this way, you can see the best equipment only - if your best Shotgun is Power Level 4 but your best SMG is Power Level 2 and your best 3 Blades are all Power Level 3, you'll see these and hide any inferior equipment.
This new filter is killer for shopping - helping you focus only on the best and hiding all the chafe. If you want to go budget shopping you can look at the rest but Best in Class helps laser focus on what you really want, the choppas, the best, the highest Power Level.
With this new filter in place, we're going to take another hard look at remembering filtering settings more actively. The original attempt at this remembered things too widely (if you set something in the Weapons Store, looking at Armor Inventory used the same filter) which could lead to confusing situations. A better shot at it will remember specific filters set in specific scopes (Armor Inventory only).
Contact Traits
With Update #187, we've added 2 new Contact Traits - Paranoid and Quantum Obsession. Along with these, we've improved the description of all Traits with extra service interest, like Gun Nut. These Traits - like Gun Nut, Addict, Paranoid, and Quantum Obsession - will all influence the types of services that a Contact may expand into during their Power Play Limit Breaks (coming very soon!). A Gun Nut is going to be very interested in getting into selling guns whereas someone with Quantum Obsession will want to get into slinging programs.
We've fixed a bug where the German-Connection Trait was considered negative and was improving during Exposure Limit Breaks.
F10 Bug Kill!
We've hit a lot of extra F10s this week as well. In some cases, especially with Scourge's Callus buff, you could exceed 100% Soak and end up displaying "-12 HP" when taking a hit. This is now fixed and armor maxes out at 95% soak, meaning you can never stop the damage entirely with Armor. There was another issue with duplicate dialog appearing on gunning down a VIP in an assassinate mission and the text shown for auto-crouch was something like "Mission.Ping.GetDown" - all fixed now.
v1.9.51 - Update #187: - 12/14/2024
- Added new proc-gen map "Sector 01 Interchange": a cramped trio of bridges over an interchange providing high-stakes, rapid challenges that supports +8 new proc-gen combos (Heist a CPU, Steal 3 Files, Scavenger, Kill 3 Captains, Bodyguard, Assassinate, Siege and Battle Striker)
- Added new Leverage offering for Siege missions - Rapid Transport allows deploying a 5th merc
- Siege Leverage "Hot Drop" is now marked correctly as "Automatic" as it is always granted on Siege
- Added new "Best in Class" filter for Armors/Weapons/Weapon Mods - rapidly show only things with the highest Power Level in class
- Added new High-Risk Transporter to Underworld Hub Contact connections
- Added 2 new Contact Traits: Quantum Obsession and Paranoid
- Improved Contact Trait descriptions for interest in services (Gun Nut, etc) - these are potential possible services by Limit Break Power Plays
- Fixed bug allowing Armor soak % to exceed 95% and cause negative damage (wut!?)
- Fixed bug where German-Connection Trait was classified as negative for Contact Limit Breaks
- Fixed bugs with Bio-Recycle giving 3 Talents in the bar
- Fixed missing text for auto-duck where the game was saying "Mission.Ping.GetDown"
- Fixed duplicate dialog on taking down Assassinate VIP target
[ 2024-12-15 01:19:20 CET ] [ Original post ]