Join us this Saturday October 16th at 7:30PM EST
For our first "Spooky Community Get Together", the server to join is `NA-OFFICIAL-QUEEN`! Be on the look out for other players :).
[ 2021-10-15 17:47:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
BadLads has received a major update introducing Base Building, Crafting, Collecting, Contracts, Plugins, Visual Revamp. Showing off VR and procedural progress. identity cards, procedural players, procedural levels and new a ton of new items.
Read the full development blog here: https://devblog.chemicalheads.com/posts/the-large-update
[ 2021-05-23 02:12:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] This is the un-announcement for the update, it's up! No procedural or VR yet, although this is the largest update ever. We're going back to more frequent updates, VR and procedural soon. I won't go into detail on what changed yet, but it's a big list. Enjoy those Contracts civilian.
We're doing a community event hosted by the one and only @Ninjarod. Join NA-OFFICIAL-QUEEN this Friday (5th of March) on 10 AM EST.
[ 2021-03-05 14:20:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
BadLads is getting virtual reality and procedural cities! Read the rest here: https://devblog.chemicalheads.com/posts/upcoming-update-tease Happy holidays everyone. Updates not quite out yet, but I've got some big things in the works and I'm finally ready to reveal them.
[ 2020-12-23 07:13:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed garbage can clipping into shop building.
- Fixed missing sidewalk under park.
- Fixed new area tree elevation.
- Fixed trees not coming out of ground near park.
- Fixed Hierarchical Level Of Detail causing crash when exiting game.
- Disabled per bone motion blur on common game skeletons.
- Fixed Lucky Spin not spinning after a few spins (client-side cosmetic).
- Fixed Item Gate checking Bank Machine inventory.
- Temporarily disabled logging filter on the dedicated server.
[ 2020-07-23 12:48:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ninjarod's Crouch N Seek Event!
With this new update we have gained a new ability, Crouching! Yes you heard me right, you can now Crouch in BadLads! With this new found ability you could hide in plain sight, behind cars, trashcans, couches, washers, and so much more! To celebrate this new found power we will be hosting an event Saturday the 11th of July at 10am EST, on the George Server, which will be open to the public for this event. Ninjarod will be running the show and helping everyone understand the rules.
Event Rules And Setup
The game of Crouch N Seek will work as follows. First off, one lucky participant will be selected to be It, this person will assume the role of a Gang Boss, you will be provided enough funds to purchase gang hats for everyone. Second, all remaining players will assume the role of Gangster and will then proceed to run about the City portion of the Map. (The event will only take place within the city, so all tunnels leading out are off limits.) You will have five minutes to find a good hiding spot. Furthermore you are not allowed to enter the Water for any reason. All hiding places must be either in the streets or in a building. Exploiting Glitches of any kind will not be allowed. Third, After the five minute time is up the It will be released from Spawn and sent out into the city to find the other players. Once a player has been found the It will drop them a gang hat. Once you receive a gang hat you become an It as well. Fourth, The Event will end when one person remains un-found.
Post Event
Once the event has concluded we will shift play to another server and enjoy the game together as a community. " - @Ninjarod In other news I am looking for people who would like to contribute to the default builds around the map. Default meaning your builds are going to be basis for every newly started server.
[ 2020-07-06 23:44:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Crouching is now a thing! You can crouch by holding down CTRL (by default).

Crouching is seamless -- works with every item.

Item Gate
A new buildable called the "Item Gate" has been added. It emits an audible sound and lights up when a player walks through the gate.

This buildable is fully lockpickable and can store whatever you put in it's singular slot.

How do you specify which item the Item Gate should check for? Simple, just open up the gate and insert the item you'd like to check for. If no item is inserted, no checks will be made.

Lucky Spin
The games first gambling buildable, called "Lucky Spin".

How does it work? Simple enough, look at the color you want to bet on and press E!

The spin starts in a few seconds after the first bet is made. You can audibly hear when a spin is about start, and you'll know if anyone has won or lost in the end.

So how do I win it big with the Lucky Spin? Simple, you don't play! The person who earns the most is the owner of the establishment. You see Lucky Spin always takes a cut and stores it. Careful, lockpicks work on this buildable.

Sandbag Cover
Introducing Sandbag Covers, a new droppable item. Ever in a pinch and need some quick cover to regain your breath? Just drop down this bag of sand.

Provides quick and easy cover. Disappears in a couple minutes after placement and is single use. Hold E on it to destroy it.

- Inspired from suggestion made by Metta in the #ideas channel on @PlayBadLads Discord.
Vehicle Lights
Vehicle Lights have been brightened.

New Island + New Shops

- New command /bansteamid steamid (Bans player by SteamId, even if they've never played before.) - New random death spawns around the city. - New Guard Sandbag locker in The Tower
- Presidential Guards can now build inside The Tower and the Police Station. - Guards/Police/Paramedics no longer keep items on death. - Elevators are now snappier and don't wait too long on floors. - Vehicle exit logic changed to be snappier and prevent desyncs. - Replaced park between Apartments with a shop. - Network bandwidth limits increased. - Removed old Bank Machine models. - Voice Chat distance reduced. - Expanded profanity filter. - Reduced Lockpicking volume - Tax is no longer collected if there is no President. - Increased droppable item network draw distance. Most visible in random environmental drops. - Optimized network bandwidth by implementing a delta serialization on certain network variables. - The map loading image is now loaded asynchronously. - Added roll (F and H keys by default) to camera mode.
- Fixed camera mode spots not saving rotation properly. - Fixed Stool buildable not appearing in Build Tool. - Fixed Fireplace buildable using wrong collision size, causing it clip. - Fixed Apartment corner invisible collision block. - Fixed road 3 way split mesh alignment. - Fixed Police statues not having any collision. - Fixed Guard texture messing up on certain procedural player seeds. - Fixed edge case that caused Vehicle to become unflippable. - Fixed Vehicle key order changing vehicle access state. - Fixed Elevators randomly getting permanently stuck - About time. Devblog: https://devblog.chemicalheads.com/posts/the-whaling-gambler-update Discord: https://discord.gg/hqZVQmm
[ 2020-07-05 04:27:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Presidential Upgrades
The President can now set a passive income tax. This tax goes to the President every time he gets paid through passive income. This feature is a stepping stone to the Heist update. Enjoy it while you can Mr. President! Additionally The President can now change the laws to anything he wants.

- New Skill for the President, called "Manage Government". Allows access to the Tax and Law menu. - Implemented a profanity filter for the Presidential Laws feature.

Presidential Guard
The Presidential Guard is just that! A Presidential Guard. He has access to elite items like the Guard Rifle and the Guard Vehicle. These guys are made to be fought!

Guard Rifle
A new assault rifle like weapon. Delivers 12 deadly shots. Available in The Tower for Presidential Guards and from the Arms Dealer marketplace.

Guard Vehicle
A new heavy duty Guard vehicle. The biggest vehicle in the game by far. Back can be opened and lots of Guards can be squeezed inside. Great for Raids.

- A droppable radio that plays your favorite hits. Press E to switch to the next song. Hold E to pickup. - Music composed by our local Janis Grikis!

- Paint now randomly spawns around the map, comes in various colors and shades. Ranging from Gold to even Matte Pink! These items are extremely rare. Walk up to your own car with the Paint item equipped and paint away!

Vehicle Head rotation.
- Players in vehicles can now look at things, or bob their heads to the sweet radio tunes.

Benchmark Mode
- The game has a benchmark that can be accessed from Options _> Gameplay _> Run Benchmark. Displays results at the end and outputs a .json file to the games config directory.

Glass Shader
- With proper reflections and detailing.

New Area
- A new industrial area, unfortunately at the time of writing the area is not ready to be explored. You can however drive to the entrance.

Cloth Shader
- Player clothes now have their own stylish shader that tries to artisticly mimic velvet in a cartoon-y fashion.

Replaced all old brick walls with new models.

Server Game Log, includes combat log.
- Server admins can rejoice in the addition of a game log. Prints out notable game events to the log. - New moderator command: /tphere
Official Server Wipe
This is update requires a save wipe, every official server has been wiped.
- Moderators can access camera mode (F8) - Moderators can now use the teleport commands. - Roads models and materials changed to use a new shiny asphalt shader. - Unfortunately the Garage door no longer flings your vehicle into space. - Adjusted internal networking logic to prevent strange behaviour. - Fixed being able to shoot through certain windows. - Adjusted Vehicle wheel sizes. - Apartments doors are now properly sized to accommodate player width. - Fixed vehicles being blocked by seemingly invisible objects on spawn. - All weapons nerfed. - Reduced planted Car Bomb beep sound volume. - Increased vehicle explosion strength. - Replaced Simple Road building materials. - Reworked elevator insides meshes. - New Vegas loading screen. - Optimized item network bandwidth usage. - Replaced flatscreen TV with a chunky TV. - Dozens of other tweaks and fixes that can be discovered by playing the game. * Adjusted interior lighting colors.
- Fixed vehicles being flung into the air when driving up the Desert Road. - Fixed random crash when leaving/exiting the game. - Fixed Driver mouth position. - Patched up several locations that could be used to escape the map. - Fixed randomly teleporting far away when exiting vehicle. - Fixed icons not showing up in dynamic radial menus (Item Showcase, Safe) - Fixed High End Apartment door showing wrong floor. For the latest BadLads devblogs check: out https://devblog.chemicalheads.com/
[ 2020-06-24 21:28:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Police Item: Warrant Paper

Buy Warrant Paper at the Police Station, walk up to some estate and write a warrant. Now deliver the warrant to either the Police Chief or the President.

Drop the Warrant Paper near either one and let them sign -- it's not cheap! Grants 3 minute access to property, building excluded. Warrant Paper makes audible sound when created and equipped.
New Neutral, Gangster specific mechanic: Death Spawns.
- Players will always spawn a significant distance away from their death locations.
The rest of the new stuff:
- New Job specific become sounds for the President, Arms Dealer, Vehicle Salesman, and Gangsters.
- Admins and moderators will always see the player name plates and their corresponding player id.
- The Dedicated Server now logs player chat and impactful command usage.
- New money printer sounds.
- New Bank Machine sounds.
New admin only commands:
- /tp
- Teleport to player. - /addmod
- Add player to moderators by PlayerID. - /delmod
- Remove player from moderators by PlayerID. - /steamaddmod
- Add player to moderators by SteamId64. - /steamdelmod
- Remove player from moderators by SteamId64. - /addmod
New permission level: Moderator
- Moderators can see anyones ID in-game and have access to the following commands:
- /ban
- Bans player. - /kick
- Kicks player. - /unban
- Unban player by SteamId64. - /kick
New admin-only camera mode.
How do you take beautiful screenshots in BadLads? Simple, be an admin and press F8 (MenuDebug)!
- Inventory (TAB) key toggles HUD visibility.
- SlotBackward/SlotForward (SCROLL WHEEL) will zoom the camera.
- Primary Fire (MOUSE1) teleports you some distance.
- Keys 1-9 save a camera spot to the pressed key. Pressing a saved key will teleport you to the spot -- double tapping said key will remove the spot.
- Controller supported.
- First time players will receive an invulnerability period of 1m30s on initial spawn. Note: Player invulnerability is planned to receive a visual indicator later.
- Property selling price now scales based on how long you've owned said property. Meaning you can't sell and rebuy property to avoid paying rent.
- The Driver job now ejects all passengers when he enters the vehicle.
- Invulnerable players cannot deal damage.
- Changed the way hat color is generated.
- Reduced server log spam.
- Fixed timed actions indicator ending 3-5 seconds early.
- Fixed containers not stopping movement simulation.
[ 2020-05-19 23:29:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
BadLads - Update #5 - The Tweakening Update
- New water and underwater effects.
- New Bloom graphics switch.
- New cosmetic masks, 3 to be exact.
- New vehicle glass shader.
- New vehicle wheel configurations, raised vehicle suspensions.
- Vehicle Salesman and Arms Dealer don't need to unlocked anymore, however now they have mandatory become price.
- Lockpicks get removed after a single successful lockpick, making them single use.
- Lockpicked doors stay unlocked for a minimum of 15 seconds after a successful pick.
- Facing players make their voices louder, and vice versa.
- Adjusted player collision capsule size.
- Adjusted elevator logic.
- Adjusted vehicle steering.
- Fixed printers falling through buildables.
- Fixed Lease Spam caused by keys in a players bank.
- Fixed last ammo-based weapon shot not-registering.
- Fixed money printers scaling incorrectly with the economy.
- Adjusted vehicle exit logic to counter getting stuck bug.
- Fixed replication distance being too short, causing noticeable player and vehicle pop-in.
- Fixed money printers desyncing between client and server, making them seemingly invulnerable.
- Fixed building. The cause was a internal networking issue with how the game handles scaling relevant information to nearby players.
[ 2020-05-16 19:43:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Special drop days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday increase the drop chances of rare cosmetic items.
- New Job: "Driver" - Full control over vehicle, charge passengers for distance driven, price can be adjusted per-vehicle.
- New Vehicle: Taxi. Very low cost and available in the Driver marketplace.
- New mechanic: Random environmental item drops, only way of getting new cosmetics -- occasionally drops money.
- New Cosmetic Items: A set of new and rare cosmetic items that are randomly dropped around the world.
- New: Volumetric Fog: New graphics effect that introduces pretty volumetric fog during the night. (Disabled by default in Video Settings->Advanced)
- New: Flashlight Vending Machines, vending machines that exclusively sell flashlights.
- New: Bank Machines - ATMs that are scattered around the world. Withdraw and deposit items permanently.
- New Gameplay options: toggle player name plate visibility.
- Changed the way random character appearance is calculated -- introduces more diverse skin/hair/outfit colors.
- Ammo based weapons will return loaded ammo on un-equip. This makes hiding weapons difficult.
- Made elevator light significance managed, meaning it casts shadows.
- Garage doors now only open one way -- suggestion by Nestarion!
- Changed Neutral faction job order.
- Lowered all vehicle health values.
- Main menu background changes.
- Bumped version to
- Fixed asynchronous loading failing to return callbacks, causing hair and skin to be wrong or invisible.
- Fixed sun directional light precision refusing to update if server has been up for longer than 3 days. No more permanent nights.
- Fixed edge case that allowed shooting through indoor walls.
- Fixed getting stuck after exiting vehicles.
- Fixed gap near Police Station entrance.
- Fixed Shop stair clipping.
- Fixed Pickup truck seats.
[ 2020-05-09 15:58:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Let's do a community get together today on Queen's, 1pm EDT. That's in 40m.
Be sure to bring your fanciest cars and items.
[ 2020-05-02 16:23:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New environment entity: Garbage - items can be thrown in for disposal.
- Government Jobs have a new skill called "Scales with Economy".
- Revised and improved main menu music by composer Janis Grikis.
- New elevator music, now starts at random intervals.
- Adjusted economic model speed. Will reflect new/destroyed money printers much faster.
- Changed elevator movement code to be more authoritive on the server side to prevent client-side desyncs.
- Changed max buildable multiplier to 1.5 instead of 1. Meaning you can build 50% more!
- Government wages only scale upwards, and cannot fall below their default wage cap.
- Car Bombs now deal more damage, quickly exiting the vehicle to avoid death will no longer work.
- Money printers are now affected by the economy.
- Nerfed safe health.
- Fixed passenger replication viewer, the server would ignore the passenger positions in the vehicles and fail to replicate surrounding buildings and players.
- Fixed clipping near apartment elevator stairs. Bug report credit goes out to Parzival.
- Fixed edge case that caused character mesh to not be hidden when in vehicle.
- Fixed Medical Kit and Taser not playing thirdperson use animation.
- Fixed Taser sparks not despawning.
- Fixed randomly getting stuck after exiting vehicle.
- Added safety clipping near the tunnel.
- Fixed clipping under the bridges.
[ 2020-04-28 23:43:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Introducing the Virtual Economy! Get your Inflation and financial crises here!
- Added new simulated virtual economy. Summary: More printers, less passive income. Less printers, more passive income. The Government faction subsidies these costs for Jobs and Government based items, meaning Police and Paramedic items will become cheaper if the economy isn't in a good state.
- Added new billboard near bank showing current currency value.
- Added new cinematic camera, admin only. Press F8 to activate.
- Visual changes to a few character models.
- Fixed max health not being set properly on living things. Meaning vehicles and safes are much more durable.
- Fixed alarm being stuck bug.
- Fixed bug that caused demotion times being crazy long.
- Added proper collision representations to fire escapes.
- Fixed localization issues.
[ 2020-04-24 20:58:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a new buildable called: Safe. Primary usage is to store items, they can be locked and lockpicked. Safe's are much more durable than regular buildables.
- Adjusted vehicle health values to be more reflective of their price/power.
- Adjusted Bank height.
- Fixed being able to take items out of Item Showcase without permission.
- Fixed UI focus issue when Inspecting Container.
- Fixed certain buildables being loaded incorrectly causing them to disappear on load.
- Added new Hardcore settings for dedicated servers, disables the "Bound To Account" property, meaning any key will be dropped on death. This is disabled by default on the official servers.
- Fix elevator doors not opening sometimes.
- Adjusted new elevator logic.
- Removed disabled static actors that were being replicated falsely.
- Enabled asynchronous event driven package loader, meaning faster load times.
- Fixed Hat being visible while driving in first person.
- Fixed default job wearables not being hidden when wearing hats, meaning hat's wont clip anymore.
- Reworked demotion logic internally to prevent data desyncs between Client and Server.
- Fixed timed actions indicator ending too early.
- Fixed localization issues.
- Fixed elevator doors not opening.
- Reworked elevator logic to prevent them from getting stuck.
- Adjusted elevator clipping in the Police Station.
- Introduced new clipping to prevent escaping the map.
- Reconfigured internal network update rates to address map loading issues.
- Reworked flashlight strength
- Added legacy OpenGL support for Linux.
- Introduced password protected servers.
- Added message of the day option for non-official servers.
- Lowered footstep volume.
- Players kicked from the server will now be notified on the main menu.
- Changed flashlight performance Significance settings to balance out new changes.
- Increased Arms Dealer weapons costs.
- Added a update checker, will notify on either the Main Menu/Pause Menu that a new update is available.
[ 2020-04-21 02:36:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
CHEMICAL HEADS STUDIO is proud to announce it's first and latest project - BADLADS. [previewyoutube=qR1td_5PbLE;full][/previewyoutube] Massive multiplayer roleplay in giant city of unique players. Rise through the government to become the vicious President that you always wanted to be! Play on the field as a Police Officer, fighting against the player-made gangs. "The more real-estate you own the more powerful you are. Create a Gangs with your friends and decide to buy all the nearby estates before anyone else. Now players have to go through you if they wish to buy those estates. You can rack up the price and sell them estates at any price you wish, as long as you have the key." - Mark J. Grikis Check out the games website here. Chemical Heads Studios is an independent developer of PC desktop games. Founded in Latvia, we want revive and reinvent classic mods. Visit us online at https://chemicalheads.com
[ 2020-02-27 19:08:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- BadLads Linux Content [1.15 G]
BadLads - Massive City RP.
Massive multiplayer open world roleplay, choose your path.
Climb the government ladder to rule the city, or make your own gang and fight against The Man and rival gangs. A massively-online experience, rise through the ranks to become the vicious President that you always wanted to be, or play on the field as a Police Officer, fighting against the local gangs illegal business schemes. Don’t like fighting? Do your best as a Paramedic healing others, or run a normal business selling rare goods as a Civilian, explore the world and buy yourself the apartment you always deserved, and of course park your car.
In the world of BadLads, you decide what you want to be. Don't like how the city is running? There are opportunities for change everywhere:
- Climb your way to the top of the Presidency, save the citizens.
- Form your own gang, invite others, battle other gangs for territory or the big man himself.
- Looking for peace? Try to live a peaceful life as a Citizen, buy yourself an apartment or home.
- Looking for opportunity? Become everyone's friend by being a dealer of goods.
- The Government path puts players under the rule of the current President, what he says goes, disobey him and risk being demoted.
- The Crime path lets players lead their own unique gangs, each gang has a unique hat color. Invite friends and destroy your enemies. Players are the master of their domain.
- The Neutral path: Civilians, Construction Workers, Dealers. Players can become a dealer of goods for vehicles or items, even estates. Inherently opportunistic, they can choose to play either side to their own liking.
- Every single building has interior(s), which might be rentable. If you can't pay the rent, you lose the lease.
- Leases can be given to other players by simply dropping them the key.
- Customize your interior the way YOU want it.
Features- Large Mulitplayer World! A large multiplayer world full of mysteries.
- Jobs! A vast array of Jobs that each have their own unique abilities.
- Keys! Rent out apartments, homes and even entire buildings. Keys can be given to other players.
- Building! Decorate and customize your estates interiors however you please.
- Uniqueness! Unique character appearance procedurally generated from the players account.
- Gangs! Players can create and lead their own unique gang.
- Vehicles! Large selection of ownable vehicles with unique functions.
- Items! A selection of unique items that each serve a different function.
- Persistence! Players do not lose all their stuff when they log out.
- Voice Chat! Distanced based communication.
- Dedicated servers.
- Every single building has interior(s), which might be rentable. If you can't pay the rent, you lose the lease.
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 265 2GB
- Storage: 6 GB available space
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