Hi I am excited to announce 10 Second Shuriken Is Out Now!
In this game you play as a ninja warrior who must defeat all his enemies in 10 Seconds.
Using his shurikens and samurai sword.
Travel 4 different worlds encountering different power ups, enemies, platforms and environments as you attempt this task
Get it now while it is 15% off... Sale ends May 6th
When you play the game please review it, I would love to know what you enjoyed about my game or things you didn't like about the game
I have some exciting news. Development of 10 Second Shuriken is nearly finished and the game will be launching on Steam on the 29th of April steamhappy Mark your calendars there will be a launch discount!
I am also happy to say that the game will also be getting its own ordinal soundtrack thanks to some music composers who agreed to do some custom music for the game.
I have some good news
I have a new trailer and updated the screenshots of 10 second shuriken on my steam page, you can check out all the new features that have been added.
Steam Page :
After the 10 Second Shuriken beta I got some great feed back and have made some changes to the game some small and some big. One of them is that I have added powerups and changed how the movement of character feels he moves faster overall, which makes the game play feel and play in a more exciting way.
[url=https://www.bajogames.com/10-second-shuriken]10 Second Shuriken Website
Beta Sign Up : https://mailchi.mp/25f1d8e8835e/10-second-shuriken
Hi all,
I will be holding a limited beta for the game soon. If your interested in helping shape the game and being a part of it, I am looking for feedback to improve the game and make it as good as it can be.
Soon I would like to hold a beta to get some feedback to improve the game and make it as good as it can be.
Beta Sign Up : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdLeSJzesUmy_EGQc3nmck2533RA83M3JifpSyCGIIqMFAxw/viewform
Or you can add me on discord and I will send you a Beta Key when it is ready
Discord Tag : Bajotoad#4708