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Sass VS Fash: now coming to Steam Early Access!

Howdy howdy, paisanos! It's been so long, and of course, we got something as an early Christmas miracle: Sass VS Fash is now coming to Steam Early Access! On January 2nd, 2023!

Find some more details on its newly made Steam page:

I hope too you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

See you next year!

[ 2022-12-21 19:55:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sass VS Fash Kickstarter is live now!

Ditch the Indiegogo, support the Kickstarter instead: here.

Now it's got a good solid bunch of backers, but we definitely need more. So get going!

[ 2022-05-08 18:14:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

WHOPPING 90% OFF for the Going Rogue Festival!!

Yes yes, we discounted the game again, but it should be nice for this time period because it's the Going Rogue Steam festival! We chopped a whopping 90% off of Johann Weiss! GOGEDDIT!!!

[ 2022-05-02 21:02:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sass VS Fash: Girlballs of Steel is now LIVE on Indiegogo!

Greetings paisanos, it is me, the blacklisted desperatress of entertainment software!

I am here to announce that the Sass VS Fash Indiegogo is now LIVE! And you can help make this game a reality right now!

You can find the Indiegogo campaign here.

With the newfound power of Unreal Engine 4, now nazi ass-kicking has became bigger, badder, stronger and better than ever before! And you might enjoy kicking some nazi ass there.

Also, check out this cool trailer:


Pretty cool, huh?

Well, as of now, if you're not fully convinced, you can play a 1-level demo right now right here.

Happy nazi hunting!

[ 2022-05-01 20:06:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

#SassVSFash Early Taste Demo released!

Howdy y'all! We at JMAA GAMES just recently released a 1-level early taste demo of Sass VS Fash!

You can get it at itch.io at the moment: https://jmaagames.itch.io/sass-vs-fash-early-taste

We can hope you all enjoy it. It's still very janky at certain bits, but hopefully, we can keep improving this game by just getting funded with your support on it.

[ 2021-08-23 01:48:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

Support #SassVSFash on Gumroad!

You might have seen us on Twitter yapping about it, but this time we got a different game for real that we'd like you to consider supporting. Sadly, it isn't on Patreon because our Patreon has been obliterated off of the planet without any reason. But it's on Gumroad.


Sass VS Fash is our coming game in development! In Sass VS Fash you take the role of SASS allied spy Joan Marie, infiltrating into the Fourth Reich of Johannland to kill some nazis and assassinate their Fhrer, Johann Weiss (AKA "Dark Weiss", who's a parallel universe character, unrelated to the OG Johann Weiss game).

You can find our #SassVSFash Gumroad here. Please consider supporting it, and you'll get alpha builds and soon most likely you'll have access to the future Episode 1 of the game.

As per usual, you can keep up to date on updates about the game on our Twitter as well as other games of ours!

And of course, enjoy the memes. Tons and TONS of memes. cozybethesda

[ 2021-07-08 17:44:16 CET ] [ Original post ]


Today, around 9:55 AM PST (6:55 PM CEST), Steam will initiate the Steam Halloween sales, and we found a nice, cozy little spot in them. Now you can save 75% on Johann Weiss during this very spooky season.

Because there's nothing more spooky than killing a Satanic overlord who's sending you his hordes of demons. And poo-demons!

GO GET JOHANN WEISS NOW or we'll haunt you in your dreaded, horrifying nightmares!

[ 2020-10-29 16:33:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

Support Hell, MI on Patreon now!

Hell, MI is a party FPS game where 6 players, one of them the Devil, survive in the town of Hell, MI. The goal is either the other 5 players finding, discovering, and killing the Devil player or the Devil killing all 5 remaining players. The game is heavily inspired by other games such as the Trouble in Terrorist Town game mode in Garrys Mod, Among Us, Town of Salem, etc.

The town of Hell, MI is a town where no one can trust no one. The Devil has cursed the small town with his presence. Townsfolk begun to be more suspicious, they started hating each other, until they could figure out that the Devil was among them. Sooner or later, its either them defeating this dreadful evil from the town, or its either the Devil consuming all of the populace.

The game is currently in development in very early stages, but little did you know, you can support its development directly on Patreon! $5+ patrons at the JMAA TV/GAMES Patreon campaign with later get access to the alpha of the game, and then later well decide if well stick around with a publishing deal or if we go on our own.

You can find more info at our website, at http://jmaa.tv/hell-mi

[ 2020-10-25 19:46:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

SAVE JOANNA t-shirt!!

May we get your attention?

A new piece of merch for Johann Weiss is available at our official merch store at bonfire.com/store/jmaa-tv/

A t-shirt worth saving Joanna Weiss for. Will you trip to Hell with it?

Get it here.

[ 2020-09-18 17:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]


Maybe it's a quite bit late to announce this, but in case you guys didn't know, Johann Weiss is now available on Android on the Google Play store for only $0.99!

Now you'll have the ability of playing Johann Weiss on the go on your phone. Slay the hordes of demons on your smartphone with this mobile port of the game, and see if you can survive long enough to defeat once more the evil Behemoth LaVey and save Joanna Weiss from her demise...

You can grab the mobile version of Johann Weiss right here on Google Play.

Enjoy Johanning on the go! See you in the next update!

[ 2020-09-18 15:43:12 CET ] [ Original post ]


Our game Johann Weiss is up for voting at the GDWC 2020 Weekly Fan Choice Awards, and has been awarded as a nominee!

You can go vote at https://thegdwc.com/

Vote now or else Behemoth LaVey will summon a manlet demon to steal all your scrunchies!

[ 2020-08-10 14:49:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sneaky Sale

We did a sneaky sale for Johann Weiss for a whopping -50% for the whole week, starting July 27th.

If you didn't grab the game already, now it's the chance!

[ 2020-07-28 14:50:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Smol Fix Update released

A small bugfix in the game. Nothing much else.

We've fixed the score not resetting in between games when you quit the game from the pause menu and then play again from a new game.

Have a good day.

Note: We'll be trying to figure out Linux and MacOS versions of the game whenever we're able to test on actual Linux or Mac.

[ 2020-07-17 19:54:18 CET ] [ Original post ]


We made a crazy 90's styled release trailer for Johann Weiss. Be warned though: it's very cheesy.

Watch it here on YouTube:

[ 2020-07-07 22:10:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Summer Sale discount!

Welcome to the Steam Summer Sale! And with it, we got a really juicy sale for y'allses. Johann Weiss is 41% off on Steam, so if you haven't got the game already, go get it right now! Or else, Behemoth LaVey will send you his bodyguards to take away your gaming PC! Nobody wants that.

As per usual, and jokes aside, we hope you enjoy this modern classic as well as we did developing it.

[ 2020-06-26 15:23:40 CET ] [ Original post ]


At JMAA Games, we're fully aware of the political divisions that are tearing apart the world, especially in the United States. We don't take sides on the political world, but we, instead, have something that will hopefully set aside people's differences and have a joyful time in this chaotic, troublesome times.

That's why, in the following days, we'll be giving away on our official Twitter account Steam keys for Johann Weiss, for around 5 days since the initial tweet has been made. So you guys stay at home and don't further add fuel to the fire that is the destruction and chaos that ensues these days.

You can find our official Twitter account here.

We can hope you'll find some joy and mirth in these dark times. Stay tuned and follow our Twitter account for more Steam keys and further updates.

[ 2020-06-20 18:03:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

Summer Sale 2020: Incoming discount!

Just so you guys know, there is an incoming discount for Johann Weiss this Summer Sale 2020, starting June 25th 2020 to July 9th 2020.

If you haven't got Johann Weiss yet, right then is your chance to get it at nearly half the price!

[ 2020-06-08 16:56:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

JOHANN WEISS UPDATE: Speedrunner's Delight update - RELEASED

It has been a common misconception for new players that the time counter in-game indicates an actual time limit, in which if the timer runs out, the game is over. Luckily, that isn't the case for you newer players, but now, for those who want the extra challenge up there, I have released a new update that will change that.


What is Hurry Mode?

If Hurry Mode is activated, that means the timer is an ACTUAL TIME LIMIT for the game. And that means, if the time runs out, you DIE.

Also, picking up score items and killing non-boss demons will buy you some additional time to the counter.

So you better BE QUICK OR BE DEAD in this game mode.

This mode that can be toggled in the Episode Select menu under New Game, will help players have that real sense of urgency in the game that is missing. I mean, your sister is about to be sacrificed to Satan if you don't hurry up, so it helps to have an actual time limit to rush you up, doesn't it?

I hope this new gameplay feature spices up the gameplay for some of you hardcore gamers out there who want a real challenge.

See you in Berlin.

[ 2020-05-30 20:28:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

JOHANN WEISS: Heart Made of Gold Update released


  • Set up initial game volumes to be ideal for listening pleasure
  • Changed some scoring so the Golden One achievement can be finally achieved

HOWEVER, Linux and OSX builds have not yet been tested, so instead of review bombing the game, you should send in some feedback on the Discussion page and if there's any issue, I should see what I can do about it.

Cheers, lads!

[ 2020-05-27 20:14:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

JMAA GAMES Patreon now open for business!

We have reopened and repurposed our old Patreon campaign to reflect more the types of projects we work on, which can be found right here.

Amongst the Patreon tiers, you will be able to receive early access to Steam games in the future or exclusive access to the behind-the-scenes of game development.

If you will, please check out our Patreon and pledge at least $5 a month for exclusive content.

Thanks and God bless.

[ 2020-05-27 19:27:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

Johann Weiss Smegma King Patch mk3

A quick fix for the game where it now allows everyone to use the Steam Overlay on the game, at least on the main gameplay and not in the menus or cinematics, but it's basically all I could do. Now the good thing is, you're able to make screenshots in Steam now.

That's cool.


[ 2020-05-24 18:30:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Game Update: Minivan Patch MK4

I've updated the game for a bit especially in the end level section, which should now not let the player move at all, which was causing the time bonus to retrigger and accumulate.

There's only one catch: the game starts windowed because somehow the fullscreen request doesn't work, so you'll have to maximize the window and change the game to fullscreen in the game's settings.

Hope you guys have a fantastic day. Let's see now if you guys can not cheat into the Golden One achievement. steammocking

[ 2020-05-23 17:54:06 CET ] [ Original post ]


Ladies and guntlemen, it is with great honor to announce that Johann Weiss has been RELEASED NOW!

Those who have wishlisted the game on Steam have now been notified of its release, and the game should be available for purchase now.

I'd like to say thanks for the amazing support wishlisting the game, and I'll wish you to have fun with the game. It has been a project for which I'm proud of for this year.

Have a happy demon hunting!

[ 2020-05-22 13:34:57 CET ] [ Original post ]


It's been so long without having any feedback from Valve, but now... FINALLY! JOHANN WEISS is now PUBLIC ON STEAM! It really fills my soul how I managed to get this through after all the sweat I poured into this project, and now you have a chance to judge by yourself if the game is worth it or not.

As a celebration, I decided I could share some Steam keys for free on certain public forums like 4chan and so on. Look forward for those types of boards and everything, because those keys will give you the game for free, and it will give you an early taste of what's to come with this game.

As usual, I really appreciate the support and the good vibes people have been giving this game (especially on 4chan, who have been rather positive about the game so far as far as I've seen). Truly it warms my soul to know this game will be appreciated by you all on this world. I say, thank you.

Anyway, the game is coming on May 22nd 2020, and I can't wait to fully release it for you guys on this fateful year.


[ 2020-05-07 22:09:31 CET ] [ Original post ]