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 Sunshine Manor 



 Fossil Games 



 Fossil Games 












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Sunshine Manor, now in French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese!

We are absolutely over the moon to let you all know that Sunshine Manor has now finished the translation phase of the porting and is now live on Steam for everyone as a free update. We have language options available for English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese too!

Thank you all again for your support, your suggestions, your lovely emails and fan art. We are so happy we continue to tell this story of the Sunshine Universe ... and maybe one day we'll tell a little more!

[ 2022-11-07 12:25:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sunshine Manor - June '22 Fixes and Updates

It's been a little while coming we know, but thank you to everyone that has contributed their ideas and suggestions and bugs. We've updated and hope you'll have an even nicer time (hang on that isn't right) in Sunshine Manor!

Here's what's changed ...

  • Spinning things now spin more consistently when you're using super fancy monitors with high refresh rates
  • Added a windowed mode to the game (Press Alt+Enter)
  • Menu controls have been changed slightly to allow for the Steam Deck, but you probably won't notice them.
  • Fixed small bug in the Gluttons realm where the chicken knicker would run through a wall if too stressed out.
  • Fixed two small bugs in the Dancers realm, also made one specific platform move a little slower. You know who you are!!!
  • Fixed a rare bug in the Octoslime realm where getting hit on a docking pad would freeze you.

There are a few others too, but we hope this makes the game more fun to play! Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far ... you're all legends!

[ 2022-06-06 10:54:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sunshine Manor v1.1 - Now Available

It's almost as if the screams of two bedraggled game developers were silenced in one fell motion! We're over the moon to finally be able to publish version 1.1 of Sunshine Manor which includes the following...


We've spent the best part of the holiday break squashing the bugs inherant within NWJS and thanks to our wonderful testers version 1.1 of Sunshine Manor includes the Achievements! Best of luck with some of them ... we're a little evil!

We've changed up how achievements activate, so if you've already played Sunshine Manor and have a save close to the end of the game. Boot it up and the achievements "should" ping left, right & centre.

[h2]Translation Infrastructure[/h2]

As Sunshine Manor heads off to be ported for Nintendo Switch, Xbox and Playstation it passes through the hands of our fantastic translation team. Therefore, we've added in all the necessary updates to be able to add languages as and when they arrive in our inboxes.

[h2]Quality of Life Fixes[/h2]

We had a fair few players emailing us asking to add in support for arrow keys, as well as WASD and this is included in this update too! We've also revamped the main menu so you can quickly access the options needed without scrolling too much.

[h2]New Audio and Sound Effects[/h2]

E.L. King, the voice of Ada MacReady has provided us with a host of new sound effects for when you cast your psychic powers, couple that with new sound effects around the mansion means that we're trying even harder to scare you now!

[h2]Sunshine Manor OST now available on all Streaming Platforms[/h2]

We're over the moon to have partnered with Distrokid to put the Sunshine Manor OST onto Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, TikTok, Tidal and more!

[h3]There have also been some minor adjustments too ...[/h3]

- Fixed the image recursion on the Save Game screenshots.
- Rocks & Clocks now runs a little differently, and took away the backtracking on new objects.
- Changed Dungeon 3 slightly so one section is a little easier.
- Made Gnarlie a little better at finding his way out of corners.
- Green Dress Costume isn't reset when you open the Wardrobe later in the game.
- Rewrote the Needlers so they're more uniform in their actions, pesky things!
- Falling platforms trigger only when you stand on them ... I know, right!?
- Made the Ghosts transparent where they needed to be.
- The Glutton hits you even with half a body and a grumpy attitude.
- Vestasia is now harder to beat ... sorry, but not sorry!
- Coins drop on every level (almost) guaranteed!
- The Slimes have been given an IQ boost and find their way to you much better.
- Added a visual clue to the ship when you're invincible.
- You can now skip the credits ... oops!

For Windows 11 users, you might notice an issue with audio lagging. If this happens please try disabling VBS and things should be smoother for you.

Thank you so much for picking up Sunshine Manor, all of the positive reviews and your emails of support too! Here's to the next update ...

[ 2022-01-06 02:16:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sunshine Manor v1.02 Updated

Thank you to everyone that has submitted any issues over the past few days, this patch comprises 1.01 and 1.02 which fixes the following issues.

  • Gnarlie no longer steals your Rocks as you're about to throw them
  • Rocks no longer re-appear when they shouldn't on specific processors.
  • Screamers now do as they're told and sit back down again.
  • Fixed an instance of Double Diaog (tm) appearing during the 2nd Dungeon
  • Multiple pylons were created in one spot on certain processors.
  • Added text to the main menu showing input controls
  • Adjusted timing of first boss fight.

If you do experience any issues with Sunshine Manor please email us at hello@fossilgames.com with as much information about what you've encountered so we can help you as much as possible.

[ 2021-11-01 22:53:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sunshine Manor is now available for PC, OSX and SteamOS

We can't quite believe that six years ago today we released Camp Sunshine and now we're back with a whole new story, brand new engine and even more!

Thank you to all of our wonderful Kickstarter Backers who supported this project a year ago, without you we wouldn't be doing this! Thank you!

[h2]What Happens Next?[/h2]

Well first, it's a few beers and a short break away from coding and pixel art and then we'll be back with Sunshine Manor 1.1 which will include a few new things that we will hide away!

[h3]When will the game have Achievements?[/h3]

Unfortunately there's an issue with the version of Steamworks, Greenworks and NWJS that meant we had to suspend achievements for the launch. However, this fix will be uploaded soon and all achievements will unlock retroactively.

[ 2021-10-28 11:11:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Pre-Order Sunshine Manor via Backerkit

What a Kickstarter campaign that was, and it really has shown us that the love for pixel horror is definitely there! The support we have received for Sunshine Manor was beyond our wildest expectations and we've already received a lot of messages from people asking if we could accept Paypal for our pre-orders.

The good news ... is now you can!

Head on over to fossilgames.com/preorder and you'll be taken to our pre-order store in association with the wonderful team at Backerkit where you can find Sunshine Manor and Camp Sunshine at discounted prices for Steam, Xbox, Playstation and physically for Nintendo Switch too!

Thank you again ... we can't wait to show you what we've been working on!

[ 2020-11-07 16:50:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Sunshine Manor on Kickstarter right now!

Lordy lordy! Sunshine Manor launched on Kickstarter last night is already (close to) 40% funded in under 12 hours! We're offering the game digitally (for all consoles too) and physically for the Nintendo Switch too (with a whole host of special edition items too!)


[ 2020-10-08 12:49:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Developer Diary - September 2020

Hello everyone! It's been a crazy month (and a half) this time around with most of the work going into the forthcoming Kickstarter that launches very soon! We've been working with some wonderful people and I'm delighted that Sunshine Manor is going to be available for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox and Playstation too! Madness!

If you'd like to register for the Kickstarter, the link is ...


We're launching really soon and there's going to be a whole heap of digital and physical rewards on offer that we can't wait for you to see! Sign up and don't miss out on the Early Bird offers!

[ 2020-09-20 01:18:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Developer Diary - August 2020

This month has been a hectic one to say the least, we've been working all the hours we possibly can on getting the closed beta ready ahead of the Kickstarter launch in late September / early October.

The game now stands at around 40% completed, with the main engine finished and the first two missions locked down we're really happy with how the game looks, feels and sounds too! The music we're writing for this game is utterly amazing and we can't wait for you to hear it ... in fact ... take a listen now ...


We also held our first Horror Quiz on our Discord channel which was a lot of fun, the winner grabbed themselves exclusive early access to the closed beta as well as a key for Camp Sunshine and the OST too! We'll be holding these semi-regularly so make sure you come and say hello ...


We'll also be detailing how you can get access to the game first on our Discord too, so don't miss out!

[ 2020-08-11 13:38:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Developer Diary - July 2020

A month has flown by already, madness! We're still pretty much on lockdown here in the UK so we're spending the time being as productive as possible.

This month we've been working on the introduction and tutorial that happens at the beginning of the game in this update we want to talk about the newest mechanic.... Psychic Powers.

See, Ada is a special one! She has the ability to muster a circle of psychic energy when she stands still that's enough to stop The Shadow Man and any Demons she might happen across. It works pretty simply (we think) ... you hold down the button, and let it go when whatever you want to hit is inside the circle on the floor.

At the top right of the screen you'll see a Purple Power Bar which fills up as you reach its' maximum charge. You then release the button and whatever was inside the circle gets hit. Simple ... right?

Maybe not, as the Psychic Power also has a cooldown feature that means if you miss, whatever you thought might be in the circle, is now closer to you, so you better RUN!

There are other twists and turns to this ability coming, but I will wait until we have them fully rounded out until I tell you more about them...

Remember join our Discord too where you might even be table to see what's coming in the next update!

[ 2020-07-08 09:50:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Developer Diary - June 2020

The one benefit to self-isolation is that we have been working ridiculous amounts on Sunshine Manor and so far have almost completed the first of five missions you will have to complete in order to escape the Mansion.

Here's a sneaky peek ...

Sunshine Manor is a little different to Camp Sunshine as our star, Ada, can travel between the human and demon realm in order to solve the puzzles and free the spirits trapped inside!

[ 2020-06-01 16:19:14 CET ] [ Original post ]