Check out RetroBound today and get it for only $3.99!
Dive into a retro packed world filled with nostalgia and modern slang!
Can you find all the easter eggs in RetroBound?
First Major Update! Battle Music Overhaul! Dialogue Updates!
- Changed 50% of the battle music to adjust the setting more.
- Added another NPC and more dialogue throughout the game.
- Fixed issue where you could access menu in Intro/Credits
Thank you everyone for supporting RetroBound!
Dialogue Update! New NPC's added to some area's! More coming soon!
I will be adding a few new towns within the next week!
Thank you all for the feedback so far and supporting my indie RPG!
Version 2 Update!
Added a new Intro Screen, Ending Elements and fixed 2 skills!
Thank you to everyone for the continued support i will constantly try to update and improve this game!
"A Retro Turn-Based RPG Featuring Many Classic RPG Elements With Modern Slang!
Zane, the legendary assassin. Has been sent to RetroBound to defeat the evil vampire lord, Vexx. He has plagued the world with monsters and brought fear upon everyone. You must unite with the chosen ones and find a way to defeat this evil, before it spreads!
Can You Restore Peace To RetroBound?!
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 or Steam OS 2.0 (64 bit)Additional Notes: Editor best in Desktop mode (Steam OS)