We've released a new update to Groove Gunner! This update allows the BPM of custom songs to be expressed as a decimal, allowing for songs to be more easily and accurately mapped when the number of beats per minute isn't an exact whole number. This will make it much easier to account for small timing differences or a drift in tempo with live performances or studio recordings that didn't use a metronome.
[ 2024-06-27 18:54:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Japanese translation of the main game is now complete!
- Some Spanish translations were added or fixed.
- Fixed color sliders showing incorrect values.
- Remove erroneous double target in Searching for Freedom.
[ 2023-10-24 23:27:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue with bullets spawning. A bullet spawning at the moment audio playback started could be spawned twice resulting in incorrect play stats.
- In the song editor we now force software cursor to avoid the cursor not showing in certain cases (namely in Linux).
- In the song editor, pressing space to start/stop song should work even when other UI elements have focus.
- Song editor now shows bullet/target grid by default when you create a new song.
- Frame rate is now limited in the song editor and matches the frame limit you have set in the game.
- Fixed a bug where you could hit back on song selection quickly after enter song selection causing both a song preview to play and the main menu music to play at the same time.
- Fixed an issue with leaderboards rendering before results are populated.
- Fixed a bug where the game would soft-lock if you tried to import an invalid zip file to custom songs.
[ 2022-06-21 21:45:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the option to adjust each hand's shield separately.
- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2022-04-28 22:53:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Auto Groove Cam - Angles have been changed to only use fixed angles or first person angles. Some of the automated angles weren't showing the grid and it was hard to tell what the player was shooting or blocking. The angle change delay was also lengthened to cut down on visual noise and confusion.
- Skipping Animations - There is now text at the bottom of the player stand telling you when you can hold a trigger to skip some animations. The functionality was always there but we forgot to tell players!
- When selecting your color preference on first play, the buttons now have a selected state that is less confusing for selecting your preference.
- Got rid of a redundant rank score text during end of song. There were 2 numbers displaying the same value.
[ 2022-02-20 21:12:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added description to the global leaderboard.
- Added description to the ranking screen when rank wasn't improved to explain why.
[ 2022-02-13 15:43:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Groove Gunner just released, come watch the community play! Visit the store page to watch. https://store.steampowered.com/app/976930/Groove_Gunner/
[ 2022-02-12 23:39:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug where groove overlay song information was not populating with song name, artist name and difficulty name.
- Fixed the "Import Song" dialog not showing when importing a song in the custom song browser menu.
- Fixed a bug where difficulty buttons in the practice menu were enabled even if a custom song didn't have that difficulty mapped.
[ 2022-02-12 16:55:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed a bug that switched to the previous difficulty on song change if you hadn't already beat the currently selected difficulty.
[ 2022-02-11 22:58:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were very excited to announce that Groove Gunner has left Early Access!
Thank you again to all of our players for the feedback and behind the scenes testing. This has been especially helpful for those working on the beta branches and most recently for the launch of the Custom Song Browser, Online Library, and Song Editor Integration. Kudos to those who not only tested the game, but streamed and shared it with their communities. Also, we cant say enough for those that have invested countless hours using the editor, giving suggestions, and developing maps that can now be shared directly through the in-game browser. All that being said, we really feel that although there is always more to do, a solid foundation is in place for releasing the game to more players and helping it grow. LET'S GET OUR GROOVE ON!

[ 2022-02-10 18:01:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed a bug where the song stats panel would be visible over the menu after quitting a custom song.
[ 2022-02-09 18:43:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
We added a new achievement! We fixed a bug in the song editor that would show the previously loaded songs information instead of the song that was just loaded.
[ 2022-02-03 03:42:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a few bugs with the preview buttons in the custom song browser and they should now behave as intended and reset if you leave the browser and come back.
- Fixed a bug where a song that wasn't selected would start playing in the custom song browser after 30 seconds.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the joysticks to scroll very fast through songs and not stop. This fix may not work if you have edited your SteamVR controller bindings. The bindings can either be reset to the games default, or you can put the missing bindings in yourself. The settings menu should tell you which bindings are missing if any.
[ 2022-01-28 02:54:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were very excited to announce that Groove Gunner is leaving Early Access on February 10, 2022!
Thank you to all of our players for the feedback and behind the scenes testing. This has been especially helpful for those working on the beta branches and most recently for the launch of the Custom Song Browser, Online Library, and Song Editor Integration. Kudos to those who not only tested the game, but streamed and shared it with their communities. Also, we cant say enough for those that have invested countless hours using the editor, giving suggestions, and developing maps that can now be shared directly through the in-game browser. All that being said, we really feel that although there is always more to do, a solid foundation is in place for releasing the game to more players and helping it grow. Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming full release. LET'S GET OUR GROOVE ON!
[ 2022-01-20 18:52:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Changed/fixed song editor so songs can be uploaded, exported, or edited after all difficulties are completed. Completed difficulties still can't have edits to targets or bullets but you can edit the stage show.
- Fixed a few issues where song editor components had errors during initialization.
- Fix target/bullet sounds in editor (no bullet sounds when simulate player is off, 'Perfect' sounds when simulate player is on) There are still target sounds when simulate is off currently, this may change in a future update.
- Fixed the positioning and rotation of the song stats panel after a featured song has been played.
[ 2022-01-11 20:10:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed issue preventing game from starting for some players.
[ 2022-01-02 00:08:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added additional error handling for downloading song lists for the custom song browser.
- Fixed some errors around song download counts in the song browser.
- Fixed a bug that would not display the song leaderboard after playing custom songs that have leaderboards enabled.
- Fixed an issue with song constantly being available to update in the custom songs selection screen.
- Fixed a few more bugs around custom song editor information displaying correctly.
[ 2021-12-31 16:52:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug that would allow you to play a locked difficulty on a custom song. This is usually not preferable to the player as difficulties are usually locked because they aren't really playable.
- Fixed some bugs in the song editor regarding completed difficulties.
[ 2021-12-31 02:48:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Download and Play Custom Songs Created for Groove Gunner
- Browse songs created by other players.
- Preview the songs in-game before downloading.
- Download songs to your custom song list without leaving the game.
- Compete on leaderboards for custom songs/difficulties that have been marked as complete.
Create and Upload Custom Songs to In-Game Custom Song Browser
- Share Your Song Any song that is created in the Groove Gunner song editor can now be uploaded right from the editor allowing other players to see, download, and play your custom songs.
- Difficulty States Difficulties can be marked as "Incomplete", "In Progress" or "Complete". Incomplete difficulties will not be playable in game. Difficulties marked as Complete will have leaderboards activated and their bullets/targets are no longer editable. If a song is partially completed it can be marked as In Progress so it can be tested and played in-game by other players.
- Update your song as you go You can continue to update songs after uploading. When you upload changes, other players will be notified that there is an update available while browsing their song lists.
- Protect Your Song Set an email and password for the song at time of upload. This will ensure that only the author of the song can make changes and upload updated versions of the song to the Custom Song Library.
View the Quick Guide on Creating and Uploading Custom Songs.

Other Changes / Additions
- New Song Selection menu that can better accommodate a high number songs as they are added to the library.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed practice sections showing up in the wrong order on some songs.
- Fixed song information panel sometimes appearing in the wrong place after completing a song.
[ 2021-12-29 19:42:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New OST song, Nina Creese - Euphoria (Produced by TheSantanaWills), has been added. All difficulties are available.
- Artist name change (Preston Disney now performs as Danny Laise)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when moving a Groove Overlay component around the canvas if the Groove Overlay was set to disabled that would soft lock the menus.
[ 2021-09-24 19:23:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New song selection buttons that display song information and difficulty rating.
- Changed some difficulty estimate weighting to give more accurate results.
- Fixed songs not loading correctly and causing a soft lock when switching from Featured to Custom.
- Fixed a bug when importing a custom song from the practice menu.
- Fixed another bug related to songs not loading correctly causing soft lock when switching from Featured to Custom.
[ 2021-07-12 03:37:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added custom song exporting in the song editor.
- Added custom song importing in the song editor and the song selection menu while in game.
- Reduced the threshold to reach silver rank.
- Added a menu button to the song properties screen in the song editor to go back to the editor menu.
- Fixed a bug where the game would soft lock during the rank animation phase at the end of a song.
[ 2021-05-28 03:15:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Additions / Changes
- Players can now set the status of each difficulty in the custom songs they have created. Difficulties that are unavailable will not be playable in game.
- The start button has been reworked to be more noticeable. Players can also shoot the record case to start the song.
- Added a steam particle effect that can be used on the stage particle cannons in the song editor.
- Added a colorize property to stage edge, ring light and cables in the song editor. Players can now used colored images on these items.
- Fixed bug when player first gets their rank. The record would change but the players rank would still say "Not Ranked".
- Fixed a menu animation bug that would cause leaderboards and stat screens to stay up after player quit a song.
- Fixed a bug that caused the players to be stuck at the rank progression screen.
- Fixed a bug where the players stats would not reset after a song causing the stats on the next song to be higher than they should be.
- Fixed Groove Cam smoothness bug. Now the higher the slider, the smoother the camera. It is also clamped to not have a zero value which caused the camera to stand still.
[ 2021-05-12 03:34:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Song!
"Neural Manifest - Face Down" has been added. All difficulties are available.

Groove Cam Upgrade
Turn on Auto Groove Cam for a "Live Show" feel. Camera angles will change automatically giving your audience interesting views while you play. Also works with LIV when using Avatars.

Song Updates
We've updated a number of songs to smooth out the difficulty transitions and bring more consistency to each difficulty level.
- Planet Eater - Lies Evolution - Recruit
- Longsnapper - Pick You Up - Recruit
- Lords of the Trident - Burn it Down - Recruit
- CELESTIVL - Blasphemous - Marksman
- Cornelis Gerard - It Won't Kill You - Marksman
- Juice Box & Tuesday - Don't Mean a Thing - Marksman
- Planet Eater - Lies Evolution - Marksman
- Lords of the Trident - Burn it Down - Marksman
- Audiostrobelight - Shallow Water - Marksman
- Longsnapper - Pick You Up - Marksman
- Every Hour Kills - Numlock - Marksman
- Juice Box & Tuesday - Don't Mean a Thing - Sharpshooter
Other Changes
- Menu volume setting now controls the music volume when in the menus.
- Updated logo and lighting in menus
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed issue with message display when VR headset is not detected.
- Fixed issue where rounding error in audio seek time calculations may cause audio to restart at very beginning or very end of song audio playback.
- Songs will now end shortly after gameplay end time is reached, regardless of actual song length. Before this change, custom songs with a lot of trailing audio or padding after the configured end time would still be considered active until the entire song was completed, preventing players from playing another song until it finished.
- Rank shown as unranked at completion of 5th song instead of actual rank.
[ 2021-04-23 05:23:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Spanish localization is now available in Settings under Accessibility.

We have updated the LIV SDK to version 1.5.4.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with stat graphs when no targets were hit during a song.
[ 2021-04-16 04:51:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Feature!
Streamers, content creators, and players. We present to you, the Groove Overlay! Easily display an overlay that allows you to add score, combo, song info, groove meter, and other components to an overlay on your spectator view. When a song starts up, your viewers can easily see your stats.

Enable and disable the Groove Overlay through settings. You can add components, drag them around to any area of the screen. Components are locked to a grid so it's easy to snap them together.

Groove Overlay is also compatible with LIV! Groovy!

Bug Fixes
Fixed issue with game attempting to use OS locale when unsupported.
[ 2021-04-04 21:13:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hit Sound Alignment
Early hit sounds are now aligned to play on the correct beat of the music. If you shoot a target early or reach forward and block a bullet early, the hit sound will be delayed and play at the correct time as if you had a perfect hit. The unique sounds for perfect hits will still provide audible clues to how well you are timing your shots, but off-time shots won't muddy up the musical experience.
Audio Offset Setting
You can now set an audio offset to compensate for video or audio latency. This setting will also adjust hit sounds so those remain on beat.
First Play Accessibility Prompt
New players will be prompted with options to adjust their height and color override preferences before their first play. Existing players will also be prompted (once) if they haven't changed these settings from defaults.
Controller Rotation Override
Players can now change the rotation of their controllers. Small adjustments can be made for comfort, while larger adjustments can be used to compensate for issues with tracking or default controller rotations. Note for Rift S Players: Some Rift S players have reported issues with a single controller being rotated 90 degrees by default. This incorrect rotation bug is external to the game, however we are working on ways to identify and correct this automatically. In the meantime the rotation override feature can be used to compensate for this bug.

[ 2021-03-31 16:44:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Target Speed Changes and Customization
We now have target speeds increase by default for each difficulty level, and players also have the ability to override the target speed settings to match their preferred play style. Faster speeds improve the readability of incoming targets, while slower speeds provide more time to anticipate and aim shots. We hope these changes will ensure all players feel comfortable shooting.

VR Winter Games Tournament Updates
The rules for the Winter Games Tournament have been relaxed, and qualifiers have been extended starting February 20 (today!) and will run until March 7. Two weeks to practice and improve your qualifier scores! We have added information on how to register and where to find more tournament info right in the game. Tournament qualifier songs are now highlighted in the song select menu to make it easy to find.

Other Changes/Additions
- Added version/branch to settings menu.
- Moved all audio settings under single section.
Bugs Fixed
- Possibility of duplicate hit count on last action after pausing.
- Hit targets not always visible during rewind after pause or when scrubbing in editor.
- Delays in loading stats from Steam can cause "Play X times to rank" message to appear when already ranked.
[ 2021-02-20 20:03:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
From February 19th to March 20th, VAL (Virtual Athletics League) is hosting an entire month of eSports tournaments and giveaways, while partnering with some of the largest titles in Virtual Reality to provide over $15,000 in prizes.
The Groove Gunner tournament includes $500 in total cash prizes up for grabs. Qualifiers will start on Feburary 26, with finals wrapping up March 13.
Click the image below to register and let the games begin!
Any questions, join us on Discord and talk to one of the devs.
[ 2021-02-11 23:57:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update introduces projections, a visual connection between a sequence of bullets and your shield. These make it much easier to see bullets earlier and adjust your shield positions.
The penalty for missing has been changed to only halve your multiplier rather than resetting it to 1.
You can now change the resolution and display mode of the mirror view (or Groove Cam view) game window.
We've also added graphs to the score overview screen to show shot accuracy and timing.
The tutorial was also simplified and has a more appropriate difficulty (no longer harder than Recruit).
[ 2021-01-19 03:32:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds the much anticipated practice mode. In practice mode you have the ability to play sections of songs independently, at an adjustable speed, and without failing when your Groove Meter depletes. Alongside this we've made substantial UI changes with a more consistent look and feel, better text visibility, and more room for future feature additions. Global leaderboards have been added allowing you to compare your overall performance with all other players. Your highest score (across all difficulties) on each featured each song is used to determine your position on the leaderboard. Accuracy and timing stats have been added to the score overview, and a new sound has been added to indicate perfect shots (both timing and accuracy). With have also made the decision to remove the demo from the Steam store at this time. The additional effort required to maintain the demo build alongside the full game is quite substantial given the frequency of changes to the game in Early Access. Happy Holidays from the Groove Gunner team!
[ 2020-12-22 07:40:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Based on your feedback we have added new target timing indicators and hit particles. The new indicators are easier to see and make it easier to time your shots. Hit particles disperse quickly so your view isn't obstructed.
We've also updated the hit scores above the groove meter to provide miss feedback, and added some additional visuals when when a target is hit with perfect timing and accuracy.
Check it out:
Interested in trying out updates or experimental features before they are released? Hop on our discord server at discord.groovegunner.com for information on accessing pre-release builds, providing feedback, or to chat with the devs and other players.
[ 2020-11-25 22:06:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Think Groove Gunner is worthy of an award?

Cast your vote and let your voice be heard!
[ 2020-11-25 18:01:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Song time remaining countdown above stage portal added
- (Editor) Markers updated to support labels and a flag for use in upcoming practice mode
- (Editor) Map author field added (will display in-game in future update)
- (Editor) Key bindings disabled when input field is focused
- (Editor) Added ability to change playback speed
- Pattern indicator disappears during last pattern in training
- First few bullets/targets may not spawn after song restart during first few seconds of song
- Stage actions that reference media should check if media reference can't be resolved
[ 2020-11-18 02:11:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reflections default lowered to reflect previous "High" graphics setting.
- Shields automatically deploy when viewing blocking settings (was lost in settings overhaul)
- Leaderboard view automatically switches to "Your Score" when a new score is submitted
- Bullet particles setting not applied to bullets in spawn pool
- Reflection probes not enabled after disabling then enabling reflections in settings
[ 2020-11-10 20:27:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Notes Settings. So many settings... If you are using custom bindings you will want to update them to bind trigger pull before configuring trigger settings. Changes/Additions
- No rank change on restarts (at least until ranking algorithm is revised)
- Adjustable trigger distance and sensitivity
- Additional visual quality settings
- Customizable visual settings for targets, bullets, shields, guns, stage, grid, and storm.
- Rank image does not always correctly reflect rank at song end.
[ 2020-11-06 20:06:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are excited to start our Early Access adventure. We have already had some great help from our beta testers and we have some awesome improvements planned. Join and help us make Groove Gunner the most awesome experience that it can be!
[ 2020-10-28 21:27:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come watch the a Groove Gunner Developer face off against stream PhoenixDIE!
[ 2020-10-11 19:28:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come join us for a demonstration showing the capabilities of the Groove Gunner song editor. We will be creating a song from scratch including bullets, targets, and stage show.
[ 2020-10-10 03:59:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come talk to the BitCutter devs while we play Groove Gunner. We will be answering any questions you have while we get our ~GROOVE~ on!
[ 2020-10-08 05:10:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Groove Gunners unique take on the VR Rhythm genre challenges players with a mix of shooting and blocking. Every song is carefully crafted to be fun, exciting and challenging. The demo features three tracks, each with four difficulties. In addition to what is available in the demo, the full game includes 15 tracks, support for custom songs, and a editor allowing you to create and share your own tracks with custom charts, audio, and stage shows. We are very excited about the Early Access release of Groove Gunner at the end of October. We hope that youll try our demo and let us know how you enjoyed it. We love community feedback!
[ 2020-10-07 17:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
We will be releasing into Early Access on October 28, with a full release planned for late 2020/early 2021. An Early Access release will allow us to fine tune the song charts, stage shows, and ranking before full release. During Early Access we will also be adding additional gameplay features based on feedback from our community. We would also like to announce the end of our beta and the availability of the Groove Gunner demo. Check out the demo and experience Groove Gunner before the Early Access release.
[ 2020-10-07 07:28:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come play Groove Gunner and give us feedback on features, bugs, difficulty, enjoyment and anything else you can think of. We want to hear it all! Join our Discord to get started with the beta - Discord Load up the game, have some fun and then let us know what you find on our beta channels in the Discord. Can't wait to hear your feedback!
[ 2020-08-30 17:48:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our fourteenth song announcement is "Lies Evolution" by Planet Eater!
[ 2019-10-01 17:36:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our thirteenth song announcement is "Blasphemous" by CELESTIVL!
[ 2019-06-15 22:04:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our twelfth song announcement is called "Mueve El Booty VIP ft. Nate Monoxide" by Chicos Locos!
[ 2019-05-14 18:55:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our eleventh song announcement is a song called "Headspin" by Spinlock && Jedison!
[ 2019-05-13 21:21:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our Tenth song announcement is a song called "It Won't Kill You" by Cornelis Gerard!
[ 2019-05-07 14:56:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our Ninth song announcement is a song called "One More" by Preston Disney!
[ 2019-04-16 20:07:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our Eighth song announcement is a song called "Chapel" by Nightbloom!
[ 2019-04-15 15:29:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our Seventh song announcement is a song called "Pick You Up" by Longsnapper!
[ 2019-04-14 16:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our sixth song announcement is created by an artist from the Netherlands named Thomas Geelens. The song is called "Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair".
[ 2019-04-12 14:00:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our fifth song announcement is a modern melodic metal band named Every Hour Kills with their song "Numlock".
[ 2019-04-11 19:18:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our forth song announcement is a country artist by the name of Hellbilly Heartthrob with one of the catchiest and fun tunes there could possibly be, "Pup-A-Saur."
[ 2019-04-10 14:58:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our third song announcement is an Alternative Rock song called "Shallow Water" by Audiostrobelight!
Check out their Lyric Video here.
[ 2019-04-09 21:48:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our second song announcement is a Folk-Rock Alternative song called Searching for Freedom by the band Northern Quarter! https://www.facebook.com/northernquarterband/
[ 2019-03-30 15:55:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Groove Gunner will feature Lords of the Trident and their song "Burn it Down (with Fire) featuring Brittney Slayes"
We have a lot more artists across many genres left to announce, so stay tuned!
[ 2019-03-29 19:45:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you are in a band or create music on your own, here's your chance to have it featured in a VR rhythm game!
For all the details on how to enter and answers to common questions, visit https://www.groovegunner.com
[ 2018-11-17 16:29:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Groove Gunner Linux 64 Depot [785.09 M]
Test your skills while you move, shoot and block to the beat. Maintaining your accuracy while keeping up the pace is both challenging and rewarding.Visually Exciting
Each song in the game is accompanied by a light and stage show customized with assets from the musical artists, pyrotechnics, big screens and more.Multiple Difficulties
Four difficulties ensure the game is exciting for everyone.Collect Artist Records
Complete your collection! Each featured artist has 5 collectable records in the game.Content Creator Tools
Groove Gunner includes support for LIV to make it easy for streamers to make great content. You can also enable the Groove Camera to make first-person more comfortable for your viewers by choosing smoothness, FOV and locking view tilt.Song Editor
Groove Gunner includes the same full editor used to create the featured songs within the game. Customize the shooting, blocking, and movement for your own songs. Fully editable lightshow and assets for each song add to the excitement.Join our Discord community, https://discord.groovegunner.com
- OS: Ubuntu 14.x or similar
- Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 550 / AMD Radeon HD 7750 or greater
- Storage: 3 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16.x or similar
- Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 or greaterNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]