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Monsty Corp Devlog March 2024, Part Two Electric Boogaloo.

Yeah... It's not even been a week and I already have heaps of news to share. I definitely should have waited to publish the March 2024 devlog. But you can't change the past... For now!

New Branding
Monsty Corp officially has new branding. It's very... derivative of the Lockyz Dev/Media branding and from my other game. But it does help with giving Monsty Corp a not ugly branding scheme while I work to establish a better identity for the game.

State of the Game
In the past week or so there's been a lot of work on getting various parts of the games level layout finished, quite a few features are still unfinished (And within the screenshots below you can see a bunch of cubes that go back to the main menu when walked into) the hope is to finish the layout of Chapter 1 and then start off with Chapter 2. I've also made the decision to nix Chapter 0, instead the parts of the game that were originally "Chapter 0" will simply take place before the Title screen, so there'll be a bunch of fluff before showing the games title (very reminiscent of JRPGs like FFVII Remake in that regard)

I've also gone ahead and updated the screenshots featured on the games store page, obviously they're showing unfinished content. But it's better then severely outdated screenshots from a completely different engine.

Monsty Corp Dev Main Menu

Robin/Alex's house interior layout

Basic layout of the Monsty Corp facilities ground level.

The "underground" of Monsty Corp in Chapter 0

Monsty Corp Dev Level
If you're part of the testing team, you'll already know, but I've been testing out a few additions to the game. Sure these are concepts an experienced unreal dev will already know, but as someone who's still new to it, getting these working was pretty exciting.

[h2]Laser Test complete[/h2]
I'm still not entirely sure why I felt the need to test it before implementing it, but the laser field for Chapter One (that was removed in the Unity version) has officially been re-added, there's still some changes I want to make, but it's in there.

Laser Field in Dev Level

Laser Field in Chapter 1

That's all folks
There's nothing else I feel the need to say without going into spoiler territory. Next months dev log will (hopefully) talk about the Alpha program and community translation.

Thank's for reading, hopefully you all enjoy what I'm working tirelessly to finish.

[ 2024-03-17 07:21:24 CET ] [ Original post ]