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 Shatris: Infinite Puzzles 
















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New 100% FREE game coming soon!

Dear Players,

My 12th game is coming to Steam on December 4th! Make sure to wishlist it so that you can enjoy destroying mossy surfaces pixel-by-pixel as soon as it gets released!


P.S. It's 100% free, with no microtransactions or other nonsense. The only way to toss a coin into this game is to purchase a "donation" DLC below :


I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Have a great day!

Kind regards,
Ivan (Khud0)

[ 2023-11-18 13:50:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

Kickstarting my next FREE Steam game!

Dear Players,

My 12th Steam release is going to be another relaxing free game! If you'd like to take a part in this project and get your name inscribed in it, please consider supporting it over on Kickstarter. <3

And don't forget to wishlist Mossy Pixels on Steam, so that you can enjoy destroying mossy surfaces pixel-by-pixel as soon as it gets released!


This game will be released and will be 100% free for everyone, regardless of whether it reaches its funding goal or not. However, your support would greatly help me stay on track and keep making 1 free game per year in the future!

Speaking of which, don't forget to grab my previous free game, in case you missed it!


Thank you for playing my games and for considering helping me out. Have a wonderful day! :)

Kind regards,
Ivan (Khud0)

[ 2023-10-23 16:41:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

2 new games coming soon! (One of which is 100% FREE!)

Dear players,

In 2 weeks, I'm going to release my 11th game on Steam!

Meet Turret Rampage, a score-chasing tower defense, in which YOU play as the ONLY tower! Repel enemy waves by quickly moving between their tunnels and using the right weapons for every foe!


If you'd like to see how this game was made, there is an ongoing devlog series where I share the path this game took to become a finished product:

Also, after this (relatively) big project, I'm going to wind down and finish another small, but 100% FREE game. Make sure to wishlist it so that you can enjoy destroying mossy surfaces pixel-by-pixel as soon as it gets released!


I hope you'll enjoy these games, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about them.

Sincerely yours,
Ivan (Khud0)

[ 2023-10-04 14:05:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

Meet Alive Paint: A Coloring Book That Animates Itself!

Dear Player,

If you're a creative person who's into zen and relaxation or you have a kid who likes to draw, check out my upcoming Steam game: a coloring book that animates itself! Paint its desaturated pages with vibrant colors to breathe life into its inhabitants, and they will show you a little performance in return!


I'm sure it will help you unleash your creativity, unwind after a hard working day or just have some fun and forget about the problems for an hour or two. Hope you'll consider giving it a try! :)

Yours sincerely,
Ivan (Khud0)

[ 2023-03-16 09:23:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

New release: an endless runner for just $1.00!

Having a 5-minute break? Check out this "easy to learn & hard to master" endless runner!

Can you survive long enough to see the sunset? steammocking

[ 2022-09-13 07:00:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

New release! (+ a FREE bonus game!)

Today is a big day for me, and I'd love to share the joy with you, too!

First of all, my new game, Maggie the Magnet, is out on Steam! Now you can get a few hours of fun with magnets and gravity for just under $3!

What's even better is that this game comes with a bonus: a separate, 100% free "hidden object" game with randomly generated puzzles. There are no ads, no in-game purchases, just you and the so-called "incinerator"!

If you're curious to see how these games were made, I always share the process I go through in order to turn game ideas into finished projects over on my YouTube channel.

And just in case you'd like to learn more about my projects, help me stay afloat as an independent game developer, and get your name featured in my future games & videos, I cordially invite you to join me on Patreon!

I hope you'll enjoy your time in my games! Have a wonderful day. :)

Sincerely yours,
Ivan (Khud0)

[ 2022-07-18 19:04:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Time to Blow & Fly!

Blow & Fly is now finally available on Steam! I can't wait to hear what you think about it. :)

In case you're wondering whether Blow & Fly will meet your expectations or not, I made a short overview describing various aspects of the game. If you're still in doubt after watching it - don't be shy to contact me, I'll try my best to answer any of your questions!


Game link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1679910/Blow__Fly/

[ 2022-05-03 18:00:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

"Immortus Temporus" is now available on Steam!

Dear Players,

At the end of 2020, I told you that I was ready to move on to a more ambitious project, and... Today the game I was hoping to make officially became available on Steam!

Immortus Temporus is an action puzzle for people who love to find optimal ways to complete the game and beat it faster than anybody else. Most of the levels in "IT" have multiple solutions, which require players to think outside of the box and break the rules of this game. For instance, if you crash into a hazard, you will deactivate it for the duration of the level and teleport back to the spawn point, which might help you get where you want faster.

I'm super proud of "Immortus Temporus" and I'm 100% certain that it's the best project I've ever worked on. I'm excited to release this game to the public eye, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it! steamhappy

If you'd like see how this game feels to play, please check out this let's play by Rayk: [previewyoutube=bsDI2hYRzck;full][/previewyoutube]
If you are curious about how this game was made, I made two 5-minute-long devlogs on my YouTube channel, where I tried to describe how this game came to life and how I came up with its puzzles:
And if you'd like to get weekly summaries of what I'm working on, as well as take a peek "behind the things" of what I'm doing, please consider following me on Patreon!

Thank you for reading this announcement, have a splendid day! grizzland_heart

Yours forever,
Ivan Zlobin (Khud0)

[ 2021-06-16 18:07:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Game patches: v1.02-v1.04

Dear Players,

It's been just a couple days since Shatris got released and I already got quite a lot of useful feedback from you. Here's the best place to discuss the game, report bugs, make suggestions and learn about new updates: Steam Discussions! I hope to see more of you there. :)

Here's a list of recent changes in Shatris, along with people who made them possible:

[h3]17 Dec 2020, v1.02:[/h3]
- 3 unbeatable levels should now work properly. (yoshirules).
- Fixed moving between 5 in-game level collections. Previously you'd transition to wrong levels in case you played many of them one by one without using level selection menu. (Rayk).
- Added more shapes to a couple of "tutorial" levels.

[h3]18 Dec 2020, v1.03:[/h3]
- Fixed UI issue on level 1-19 "Diagonal Piglet". (Mark Alan)
- Achievements should now be unlocked for any 4 completed levels (either random or man-made ones), as intended. Previously you could get the first achievement for beating just one level.

[h3]20 Dec 2020, v1.04:[/h3]
- Now it's possible to choose shapes by simply clicking on them. (Togglejam and Sasha Zenko)
- Fixed tiny problems with level selection system. Now it should be more intuitive.
- Implemented a very popular request: changed color of completed levels on level selection screen. (Togglejam, AXENT_ and many others)
- Changed the text on one fortune cookie, available while playing random levels. (Evanescence)

Thanks for helping me make a better game! :)

Yours forever,
Ivan Zlobin (Khud0)

[ 2020-12-20 18:39:05 CET ] [ Original post ]


Dear Players,

It's been more than 6 months since the first demo version of Shatris was released for Steam Games Festival 2020. It wasn't an easy journey, but I am glad to announce that I finally feel like Shatris is complete and ready to be played.

A few players have already tested the game and I was happy to hear what they think about Shatris. Now I am looking forward to seeing your reviews, comments and bug reports (I hope not). If you'd like to share your thoughts, please join me on Steam Discussions or send me a message on Twitter!

If you are curious to see how Shatris has changed over these months, I also recently released a short devlog on YouTube. In just under 7 minutes I tried to explain how a game became what it is today and what influenced my choices. I hope you'll have fun watching this video!

I am glad that I had an opportunity to release a new game on Steam once again and I hope to keep doing that in 2021. :) Huge thanks to everyone reading this announcement, I wish every single one of you Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Ivan Zlobin (Khud0)

[ 2020-12-18 18:14:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Fest! Let's talk about puzzle games.

The currently available demo contains 50 puzzles for you to get acquainted with the game and relax! This version of the game doesn't have procedurally generated levels and the amount of shapes you can use at the same time is limited to 3.

Nonetheless, the main spirit of Shatris is captured in this demo and you'll have to scratch your head a bit in order to finish its content! :)

Come join our new Discord server to chat during the Steam Festival: https://discord.gg/NMe8DcU. If you're interested in what I do, you'll also find all the latest news on my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/Khud0

[ 2020-06-16 19:02:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Discord Chat: let's talk about game development in a friendly atmosphere! :)

Let's have some fun in Discord! If you have any questions about Shatris or any other game of mine, I will be available during the entire Steam Festival. Hit me with something interesting, I am ready to answer anything you have in mind. :)

Discord Invitation Link: https://discord.gg/NMe8DcU
My YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/Khud0

[ 2020-06-14 22:08:22 CET ] [ Original post ]