Hello all Scuffed Beans,
It pains me to write this message, but on December 14th *NEW* SCUFFED EPIC BHOP SIMULATOR 2023 (POG CHAMP) will be receiving it's last content update, V7.
With this update we will see the Season Pass receive more maps, and a few more QOL changes as well as all major bugs from v6 fixed. After V7 gets released on the 14th, that will be the last ever content update for *NEW* SCUFFED EPIC BHOP SIMULATOR 2023 (POG CHAMP).
Is this the end for the Scuffed Bhop franchise?
Of course not! A while ago we revealed we were working on a *NEW* entry in the Scuffed Bhop franchise!
which we haven't revealed much information on yet.
We just released a gameplay teaser trailer which you can watch here!
The store page will be up in a few days! We will be launching early access (paid) for *NEW* SCUFFED BHOP SIMULATION 2026 GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION (POG CHAMP) in January for those who are dying to play the game
Of course, I am not the most fond of a pay to play system, the FULL GAME will be releasing in March of 2022, but the option to receive early access will be there who are willing to pay 99 cents.
That's all for todays announcement!
Make sure to look for Scuffed Party and Version 7 which both release on the 14th of December!
Stay Scuffed
- Shanaz
Jump into the action with *NEW* EPIC SCUFFED BHOP SIMULATOR 2023 (POG CHAMP), a free parkour simulator, with the most spicy juicy memes, and the most scuffed physics, graphics and music you have ever seen! We have the most epic gamer maps, and a multiplayer mode to play with your friends! It can’t get any better than this!
3 Maps from launch with plenty more maps available later!
More Free + DLC Maps available after launch!
Free Maps and Updates added every week for the first 12 weeks after launch!
All Maps Compatible with Multiplayer! Play all of your favorite maps with your friends!
Multiplayer currently works with IP Servers and one map for now.
Steam Servers will most likely be added in late 2021