First of all, I want to thank every one of you for checking out the game. We reached 500 registrations today which makes me really happy :)
And also thanks for all the useful feedback and comments! I didn't have too much time for this update, but I fixed almost all the bugs we found and added some small things :D
The next update will have more new content, too.
+ NA (DALLAS) SERVER (thanks to Nekron for sponsoring the upgrade!)
Visuals and Performance:
-Reduced amount of trees
-Graphics settings fixed
-Map size reduced, added a barrier
-Reduced poly-counts of some models
-First quest gives you both sword and staff now
-Fixed Loot All
-Fixed the mob-number bug
-Player collider changed for easier clicking and targeting of NPCs and mobs.
-Harvesting works now Buy the books and tools from the old miner.
Learn them when you reach level 2 and collect metal and wood from the nodes.
-Added a recipe book (pressing C will open and close both the recipe book and crafting window)
-Added craftable shield and sword.
-Added BGM for tavern and menu.
-Added a safe zone to the tavern.
-Some skills, weapons, and mobs have been nerved or buffed (balancing)
-Fireball disallows movement now but has a shorter cast time
Other changes:
-Sound settings have been fixed and divided between SFX and BGM
-LOD bias and distances of some trees have been changed
-Server tick is now 30 instead of 20
-Server has been upgraded a bit