Made by NuSuey
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Currently supported by 8 awesome people!

Special thanks to

[Arch Toasty] [Benedikt ] [David Martínez Martí] [Geeks Love Detail]

Updates for all my demos: Whats New?

The latest update has brought changes to demos; from now on, demos can have their own review pages. I have converted all old demos to have their own pages. The link to the demo can be found on the main product page; unfortunately, the "Learn more about this demo" link is not very visible and looks like regular text (it's located next to the "Download" button). I mainly provide the demo so you can check if you like the game and to see if there are any technical issues. However, I've noticed that more and more players want to get to know the game simply (understand the story, plot, etc.), so it's nice that you can review the demo and leave feedback about it. You can find all my demos here: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?supportedlang=polish&category1=10&developer=Airem&ndl=1. PS. The Airhack demo page is currently under review (and will be up in a few days): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2753210/Airhack_Demo/

[ 2024-10-11 13:37:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Summer 2024

Steam Summer 2024 is starting! I hope you find games that you will like. Be careful with your wallets. Grab some free keys to my games: REMEMBER: Remove last and first character

Category: Crazy summer vibe:

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ X5GJJC-8VFIC-JVY502 4AFTA8-TQLGC-H50QMZ S8PN8V-RBFM9-EP4YYZ XG3VTJ-8MQ79-K02IPS G9GF0J-RJNAZ-J3X84Z XT0H4X-0LAQY-LACN9X FTTQ9H-ZDX80-PQL8MG 39N9XP-B2AYM-GD9XCF 46H859-WGV4W-H3W8MX XATDYT-XXJ3Z-9I2TF4 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ 4ANY0D-Q48NI-75WJJZ XAJDNP-B4I9E-4FYWMX SEG39E-3LBAL-IFLT2S AACB7D-3H27Q-YLP9PX SLVJVG-NBP8A-3PDRL4 1Z695K-DW4VW-I8AWAF XE3GYG-G86ZM-28RXGS VDWXDL-Q3KCT-3D9HGS B506ZK-M95MF-VFAIKZ NG4EI7-E6CBW-RJW3FX

Category: Mini summer vibe:

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/ 1VWBMR-43XZR-2DL6F1 SA6Y6G-IXQJ0-RDK4AA XZ3T9K-CYWLH-8K36LZ F5W93E-DLM5F-BAQN65 GVXF6E-LX9K8-4PH4BE H3PA0B-7ZYJH-KNYH9S XC3QCM-QFV4W-MCDY6Z 253FWL-LD0AE-M48EFA 1ZPWCN-I52Y8-CD4BTX XE2DPK-8A2LM-A78E6A https://store.steampowered.com/app/2735000/Another_Hardest_Game_PATCH_Origins/ XT68Q8-ZKRXT-KD97RG 1MQRH7-9KK9C-RGE8BF 3D74LC-3V0LF-DBBGVZ 44JL9Y-42FDY-DC2JCX 5YEIEB-BN8RP-K2V85H 6IL3N4-Q652C-9YH9RB 7NIDF7-CHV8W-QJXGEV 8FXVEJ-IR5Q2-553XFC 9YB59K-9XPQP-E40I6X Z2VBMK-T8N7Z-PAF2CZ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/ 3A8X36-XIZLM-TZ5D7G X0WML5-VZLLY-DH22YF 1FFKAB-XAHG9-32JT3D 2INYCP-GI9H0-46DTRS 3ZA2ML-5TYN3-GJWD2Z 434HI8-82Y96-IEFAMX FMFX0P-TW8LN-93WVFG GMVGFP-LTAWD-DYW3NF H4DNGR-R3Z0V-IK6R6X JQPDTC-LNVG0-CW5R9Z

Adventure summer atmosphere

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/ 1B72JP-R7VWE-T8XFGD 3WPQF9-G9QVI-TF8QAS 4087G6-0K2ZH-NZEWZZ XYNZMI-8CTBZ-HJW56X AFZ9KJ-IJCVE-PC7PH2 SLMGV7-62DIM-XY0NWD DQEVD6-8C5PL-2QC7LZ GTVWLA-VYQTM-T5KLBX HVG4R8-T5L0W-W8FMT4 JKPFPM-BE5Y9-H30763 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure/ 1Y0BBG-C38BD-THIWRZ 2VG7M7-X2XQM-VJWC9X 3LD9Q9-Z3AJ0-XWT53H 46HBYK-YB0QP-AM95GH XTRB5B-YL93L-GCBLKH SGCW83-YH9GF-0PRWAG ATR57I-I7BIC-ALB3JC XPF545-6GXMR-G8ZK8X AAIW09-VB3ZK-5J5XF3 ZKVH4K-ZRQ5Y-EAXCY3

Summer horror vibe

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror/ 2R9YK2-JWZP8-PIY64A SCDPZ6-293BB-QQETRS 2EC735-W9KVW-57A0FZ SY2M76-2WGL0-YB7E3X GH4R34-WL4J9-VFFZ5X ZWQ27T-WM44F-PICV2X 1GDNA9-AAZVM-FPYIAA 2NVP6D-K74VT-KVC52D 3DI8G9-P4QZ8-TTNE5S 4BL4W7-YTK3P-Z4HREX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2754490/Whispering_Lane_Horror/ XYHL4J-X39PA-LHNBMJ ANTM0W-RALWG-86BJZH S3QK9C-29V7M-3EMMXG X05EHG-27Z7Z-90NT6F SRH999-EXEDK-A3ZCAD D5B7HK-M3G4R-DWPRYX FZMEKF-JHHBB-NJELQ2 GBJPMG-DWCT7-8IAZ9S HQHRAX-R7M23-V8EBBZ JAXNIJ-L6JH7-MVAXTX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ 3LFITX-MQTYF-ZRHPLK S9T3H2-XAQC2-KQFN2J XFWEIT-KEV4D-90Z5HH Z7YCF8-0XQZV-PDDZKG AEYF8K-4WRNK-IF0D2F EQ56V4-EMD6C-7VFLPD E4EQD4-ETMHK-DZ4AGS GTY3RE-Q86EQ-Z6W6EZ H2694G-06DQP-26LJCZ JEP7EH-D630X-A577BX

A different summer vibe

https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ XADJ48-I92Q7-9ADA09 S9JF38-7J9A7-I6CXW8 A2MCFA-TN7XT-CRQ727 XV009H-0YANT-ZYBVK6 VP0GFB-VZQI4-3609Z5 G343A9-9B820-BZLI74 HD3KZH-IVY03-GJRZJ3 XJY4AX-KEAD8-8N3QY2 ZWBDEN-F8GR9-H4JIE1 AZLTGW-CWGXV-6GGHNX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ X0RX8R-Z046J-HVAXVD 109QVA-BTKGA-9WEC6S 277YID-28RC6-ZM57YZ X96K7M-8RVTG-37F0NX F73BYK-F6HXT-8P0DCH GVLVZM-JXQPK-WH0DKG H4AMQK-P3C84-Z7K0VF JLQ3EK-FRWCX-745BAD K85AFG-BAJ7D-2A7V6S Z3V8PY-Q6055-9VD45X https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing/ 2M7Y65-4TN5N-V0TCRG 35ERXH-JZWD0-620VDF 4DKYDZ-0NLHF-G4KY3X 5209CH-T6ZMF-H5ANG4 6VH6P4-T4VV9-TKBKY3 XP3MHH-WTCPF-IXMNZZ SN30GI-XXI62-HY6G4X A7I5R3-5EM2P-N4HAYG X4L35M-PYVJP-374GJF ZMPYN7-3FQJR-4NX0XS https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting/ 3IPNWL-8627L-5LCTQX XV2IZM-N84RG-Y2C8ZG A55M5A-4CT70-DXN2WF S7VWP9-D4CEE-TVQX4D 1KLILC-BAJMN-DNBA7S 3EK93A-Y52BG-F8FNNA 4CQQCV-43KX6-23HYRX 5ZRWX4-KMEF4-9N2MTH 6C42YQ-47B84-4H87NG X497XA-X8EIT-6PPBLX Legendary summer vibe: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ 3CINH2-R4E3E-2899IX XG5C2L-5XQ55-ZR4GW9 AH88E8-NGWF4-6Z2X58 F8Y9ZN-VPQEP-CE8LG7 GVV70B-3BW85-N08QJ6 HPBLRN-2QF05-5P8HF5 JH0XE2-KJ4QJ-9WPPC4 KIR6QY-JTRY8-L25VI3 LHCK8F-XTR8D-HZCQZ2 1LCVBA-JG0ZM-RGXTL1

[ 2024-06-27 17:28:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Whispering Lane: Horror is now available to play

Today, the one-person studio releases another horror game (I feel like I made an AAAAAAAAAAA game - I wonder how many bugs there will be?)... Anyway, Whispering Lane is now available to play on Steam. I'll be playing the game today and tomorrow, so there may be some updates by Friday. If you find any bugs, please let me know on the forum, by email, or in the review. The demo will appear in a few days (1-3 days). Here are the free gifts (REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER): X0RLTE-X3Q75-HJEPKJ 1BXW79-HRNPA-QCZVIG 3GGNYD-BVHBL-ZKT702 4PJPW0-6L3A8-JXP9ZG 59MW8K-QXVIL-D9H6YR C94ZGE-EJNDV-CHCFYX GMV79K-2LDI3-RX2WI5 H9D6G8-3Y0WI-QHEXX1 J9VW69-V0ZQ0-N93T92 AEZ9E2-ZFQXM-98782X P.S. I couldn't load the game earlier; Steamworks had some problems (too hot?)...

[ 2024-06-18 19:20:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Whispering Lane: Horror is now available to play

Today, the one-person studio releases another horror game (I feel like I made an AAAAAAAAAAA game - I wonder how many bugs there will be?)... Anyway, Whispering Lane is now available to play on Steam. I'll be playing the game today and tomorrow, so there may be some updates by Friday. If you find any bugs, please let me know on the forum, by email, or in the review. The demo will appear in a few days (1-3 days). Here are the free gifts (REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER): X0RLTE-X3Q75-HJEPKJ 1BXW79-HRNPA-QCZVIG 3GGNYD-BVHBL-ZKT702 4PJPW0-6L3A8-JXP9ZG 59MW8K-QXVIL-D9H6YR C94ZGE-EJNDV-CHCFYX GMV79K-2LDI3-RX2WI5 H9D6G8-3Y0WI-QHEXX1 J9VW69-V0ZQ0-N93T92 AEZ9E2-ZFQXM-98782X P.S. I couldn't load the game earlier; Steamworks had some problems (too hot?)...

[ 2024-06-18 19:19:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Spring Sale 2024

During this year's Steam Spring Sale 2024, as a token of gratitude for your continued support, I've decided to give away additional free keys to my games! Wishing you fantastic gameplay, moments filled with excitement, and unforgettable adventures. Thank you for being part of Little Airem community. Happy Easter. REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure X0FIZP-NZG6I-RDJ7CF ENTD85-7KGZR-PNEQ5D RH7KM0-HI97E-ADRL3A TACNJY-QTE36-DZRLBX Y3CKF3-5A0BE-CHZ7T5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2735000/Another_Hardest_Game_PATCH_Origins/ 40KEJ5-NH43H-TWZBCD 1CRQZK-CH08Q-T7R5HS SWLMVX-2D8C4-ZP87MZ XCYX0F-4RLPJ-XZKY9X FP9ICW-LWIVA-8BNVC5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror EE36XD-HPGW5-KGLCZ4 R73240-V3AZF-39E8K3 XGEF9W-74Z25-F3BZH1 S5MQLT-QVR6E-XI0JJA XH4VN3-Z3EMF-QNVLD5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting 5YWWEH-YT9I3-Q87PMG XF5DK7-NBLIQ-E8482F A7M5B7-ZC3KT-HK06WX XZQV0C-HZXZF-LQ2Q2X AJVL5B-LDDJ3-TBEKF5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ 5YKDWK-5QCIE-9CHJDX SQELVV-H8I4I-2LTKD4 XIKHLT-0VZLM-XPMX3E ZAT8N8-NWLIF-WVD3RG DNFV4A-QE3ZI-VDMTLG https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/ 15JQC0-07YL3-956785 XC7BMD-MILW4-39E5EA F7QKXK-RRC8F-HZ0FEX GNE6MD-AGHEI-Y643ZS GI4AKQ-5XCNB-PLIFTX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing X9TJZX-YPKGW-AZPK3J 14IFFT-Y9WH8-D330MH 3HBZ7X-VBH4C-PQ9E8G 4TDCIY-JJQ6Y-72W8PF 5W5424-BXNTY-PDE3TX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ 46GY04-RWV6E-BV9D6K X74WWL-RAQ4J-ZXBGXJ ATPN3Z-066C2-4Y5QTH ZZVA3R-JFQ60-6TI49G 4ZVCBH-RCAJ4-EDACWF https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/ XHYH7R-LKMPL-I738QV 4QNAYL-X3K0E-C5T3KX SQYD74-JFMGG-WMHA6G XWEXBE-CDZ5H-QNIWTG AJXK2V-Z8WFY-8J8TK5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ X65ZLN-5G245-4BA6IJ 4EPMGB-LGYT9-A8P23H 6I7TIL-HNJ5D-AITVVG 77P9IT-5K4PC-ITK9CF 80HQQK-WHWMV-AJ9TVX https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ XKYFQD-2YVPN-JPN5XS F0D0L4-62G9G-0MXLLZ G3CP6F-30XE4-TRBN8X H5VEJ2-3JGZZ-T78V26 JT4IKY-5HIBW-9BEQW5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ 4J24HE-G4YDV-TFZX7X 1NRGNN-EY22H-X5QZXG XWCIW4-RQ94A-JD3NZZ 3TRLBN-V5CXR-BV0A7X FKNZIX-I27H8-G5Q3RG https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet XZMCF5-JIKVH-F3N0YJ 53LB4J-5RX97-WRRHYH 6AYR3L-Z9LQI-267WZG 73KTDF-CEGJF-VC7KVF 8DI8NJ-5045V-MFYDXX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ 4KLKBQ-6DF8B-5974WJ A7YW49-957EQ-9PRIDH XFYBHC-D20YP-D3EW47 AAA60Y-G97I7-2F49I6 40XDQB-EQA9L-4VEBA5 CHECK ALL MY GAMES, DLC & BUNDLES Old list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem New list: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem Thank You for support Me.

[ 2024-03-16 09:53:10 CET ] [ Original post ]


The Another Hardest Game is available on Steam, you can try the demo or activate your free key: REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER XH3NN0-5LNIJ-RD9JVZ ZTN0IE-49V0B-GCI0HX WBK8AA-6CIV3-WLK4HB EBHVAH-9JTE4-9I668V 3DFYDR-AXDE6-NKFMC7 494CFF-4B4HK-IEJWC4 5678J4-RJ0PJ-H5H5J3 78MZ8K-PH4P6-BJAK8Q 9BRKKV-4V4GW-G0XH7R ZQQGRQ-Z4LEC-2D5V9D The game is related to THE IMPOSSIBLE https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE

[ 2024-02-13 16:45:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Remote Play Together

Here are some of my games featured at the Remote Play Together Festival (check out the demo or add them to your wishlist). The festival runs from Monday, February 12th, 2024, to Monday, February 19th, 2024 : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1368580/Play_with_Me_2_On_the_other_side/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296530/Candy_Kombat/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/

[ 2024-02-13 16:43:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

End of support for 32-bit Mac games on Steam

I would like to share important information with you regarding my games on the Steam platform. As of February 15, 2024, Steam will officially cease support for macOS 10.13 32 (High Sierra 32-bit) and 10.14 (Mojave 32-bit), affecting the availability and support of my games on these systems. Some of my games have a 32-bit version for Mac, and I suspect that soon downloading the 32-bit version for Mac will be unavailable (after February 15, 2024). Check for more information here: https://help.steampowered.com/pl/faqs/view/5E0D-522A-4E62-B6EF. Some of my games are available in other stores, and there I can place any compilations, so I believe that you will still be able to download 32-bit versions from that store. Below, I'm providing some important information for players using 32-bit Mac:

  • Change in 32-bit Application Support: From February 15, 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and 10.14 (Mojave), and will no longer support 32-bit games on macOS.
  • End of Support for Older Systems: Existing Steam client installations on macOS 10.13 and 10.14 32-bit will no longer receive updates, including security updates. Steam's technical support will not assist with issues related to older operating systems.
  • Apple Ends Support for 32-bit Games: Since macOS 10.15 (released in 2019), Apple has discontinued support for 32-bit games and applications. As a result, some older games may cease to function on newer macOS versions.
  • Necessity of Updating to 64-bit Files: Games offering only 32-bit binary files will no longer be sold on the Steam Store after February 15, 2024. Game developers are encouraged to update games to 64-bit files by the end of January 2024.
  • Required Updates for Google Chrome Browser: Key features of the Steam client rely on the Google Chrome browser, which will cease to function on older macOS versions.
  • Lack of Support for 32-bit Applications on the Steam Store: After February 15, 2024, Steam will no longer sell applications on macOS offering only 32-bit versions.
  • Also check the tips: https://help.steampowered.com/pl/faqs/view/5E0D-522A-4E62-B6EF

[ 2024-01-11 13:22:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Winter Sale 2023

In the spirit of the holidays and as a token of gratitude for your ongoing support, I'm giving away additional free keys to my games! Wishing you fantastic gameplay, moments filled with excitement, and unforgettable adventures. Thank you for being part of our community. Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year... REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure FZBKVI-X83XH-M6LR9A X6JV8Y-Z6D3A-ZBNEBX ALRERE-XDV5A-IZGH5G D2XBM6-ICWBF-QYNYXF E5A945-GFA4W-XECEQD RTYMEK-5I5R6-8MIYGS W364Y5-74W6M-0WN8X2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror S9DCF6-TQA22-G0FK0G 2XG3IZ-0B8FR-3LB42R S7NZ05-KF242-VDAAQA X4EHIF-2CGCX-TAA0HZ ZLMA7I-ZTJBM-WD0JRX S7V6NT-MFT8X-PBWN8D 2LQ4LL-EE3T6-AE6R32 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting D2RF6A-4W54L-FMFJLD FG6XTL-0V0PI-L9DF9S 2RTIVT-CT2M3-Z2CLCA S3KJCM-IXN7J-PFNAQX XLA7AQ-TAAKE-HFB0IS ZRF4N4-V3P9H-QFAP63 D4N3J0-A8K8Q-38IDW2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ S83E6Z-MYJVM-JDGM2E 2GT9HQ-JAABR-ABR4QR 2DHMGQ-EV7VP-W43E3G AKYCA7-XWT9A-PNILPW XKW6XG-KZ6G4-VXB4KW DD4B2A-6DWNJ-A22JRS VY6F3Q-PYK8Y-ADW4JZ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/ SRBBGV-64F5J-BJH6LW DIWFR6-K08PY-YN3WXS S45B22-QCK84-XGZ8GX 2GE07F-BY5ZV-CNIXRF 14BQLC-9P0B5-NHRTVG XI5JCW-T44XG-7IBVI2 Z65FNF-LLPDW-C24MB1 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing SPFLVP-MZ0H2-9PZMJA D5FYEI-ZXMAL-BA9N9S 2PYDM7-YXDJ2-PN4RWX 2W2V90-8W2TF-F7I241 S38FMF-KD8RV-92QAH2 X2KF0C-5EE4I-49YA5W FGJNLT-4LPJ7-XF2YXS https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ S2CBKX-LJ7ZR-234XN1 XZZGRZ-73D2B-55F6DR 2B7E07-8E6PA-GXPHXE 1PFBDN-WPDEK-KJY8MW 3DI8FH-P2X58-AQFWRA DB0HDG-HY7CA-GWNJQS FQEC84-076DD-0MPRZX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/ X5PKMY-XF3DA-RBD80F 26YQT6-MGPQV-PE2BFD EBPMMD-2V7A6-6MN20S DW2QJH-TQLRP-5BF8NZ FBWY3A-RQRM9-239TPX 1F4N4B-JGAYY-T4LF5S 2THZXQ-0Y76E-VMZ722 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ SD3QKR-PQRT0-EDKZ38 D43LZ2-AYNDC-9A77I1 FMA9YL-R7XTN-JJRXC2 GJ02AD-FJMZX-VZHFQF SY0QTN-PY7NZ-Z663KX 1NYD6Y-ZY72B-95MHNS 2GPATT-XJ0YN-RA36D2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ SRGJT3-5TA4Q-D8RXCA DJTZZ0-Q89M6-GHC8PS 1NV0QN-L390Y-9A7H7X 2K7WRW-WGKJ4-PW4ZRS AV5ZQZ-HD9HH-HFYH0F XT2B73-JBY4B-MX8XE1 ADHZX5-JCX9E-M4VC42 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ X6RC9Z-6PQT8-CAHBRS WME0ZL-FRQTM-7JI83S 24C9R6-HF4IE-J9L5IC 2MYLZV-HI7WW-BK9Y7K 32BP3N-5J4FQ-PJKQRR DE5XJ9-DLF7J-VMQTCW FYVDX8-G6F9T-EP5TRS https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet S8XZJN-85JVX-575E4Z 2HKJAH-BMAHR-I8ET0X SQAD85-AB5IB-ZPWF5S DBMMTW-FG2L4-8K6WN1 F6772Q-3Z8GR-P3EB82 CK6FVY-QG2W9-0AWQHS C6VA3D-7RMJN-A3EI0S https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ S9L6L6-ZK37L-QVR3ZA 2TE9AR-QNXY9-YFZAE3 2W6NJH-JNWZD-RPY9Q2 3Q0MYY-HXH89-0QB69S DBQ7K6-Z6ZGA-PQ69QA F35LMJ-3GVF7-7IXY5S XGQPTG-H7J2K-EGHJYS CHECK ALL MY GAMES, DLC & BUNDLES Old list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem New list: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem Thank You for support Me.

[ 2023-12-21 18:38:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Autumn Sale

The 2023 Steam Autumn Sale is live now, and runs until 10 am PT/1 pm ET on November 28. I also have some autumn gifts: REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure X3FXC0-BCNQ4-KLZ9Y3 D709QV-LLPH2-IV04CG EW6RTH-NRYM9-Y083EF X8ZVL8-C5X92-C07YVZ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror FM7Z8I-PPR3B-WEDZCX XFL6A2-Q6VTM-A6IA7D 3X4I99-ZIFRR-4XJCCF 2PLC8E-0HP6T-6WCZPG https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting H3266F-B3G6E-NR9M27 F7W88W-VIEHZ-XMCTJ6 DTD8FQ-3YLT5-V37505 X06M3V-0HTEV-T62NN4 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ 54LZKE-PR372-25K9NX SDN8L6-B92CQ-6FXDJG XD68FA-2ZVVB-MEZLEF GIZFIH-JV97P-GLH6WX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/ XZXLQR-6MKFB-R960VX C4MAVP-BTX36-8MDY76 ZAPW3H-BHP0I-KTBNP5 3P0C5C-ALNMX-KI4Y34 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing 4VRF37-Y72EI-7N3MC5 XVJXK7-V55MI-RZWZEX SFGGER-C3QCC-F8FKRS AHPNRM-V8Y5Z-9KP3XG https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ 52A2KQ-2IJXT-D7VDC3 S8H0HH-DH7XN-3KFX8Z XY645P-D6RKL-QM45LX ZL9KZQ-DLHCL-8JK50F https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/ 4EQC7R-JVH4G-4V485Z SK9VL8-T42C0-ICRFIX XT3Y4I-JZBP6-MELZB3 Z9KP2I-MD26Z-DDQT75 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ S8CFRG-2ZX5H-AYWCLZ XNNK54-DV3Q8-9X7N2S RNEVMY-HCGLB-AWXTPX 4N2Z5K-NC63Y-T0PRT2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ 4ZJWZM-3Z6J5-HPT9L5 3LPJVJ-APMDA-FQHDKX X9K3DM-A5LKK-NNGQED Z6H3JJ-B8JTQ-DBZ5VG https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ XAPZVK-ZYDV7-Z9EWQC XGIKKZ-88LVE-ZREL0G FWLN4Z-Z4708-EX7HBC 5KN7A0-ILQJR-X7AX66 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet 56VTVB-5VF2K-GT6KRS 567TTA-088JP-00GV8X 59MW4H-45YC5-DP9A34 6B68FB-L8JM6-CCZM74 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ XIZWFI-P93R2-AT3Y01 F6JFCN-XFTQV-QIVHN2 GRXZMG-GCCVV-2YZEW3 HQ7397-9VNKC-6D2RZ4 CHECK ALL MY GAMES, DLC & BUNDLES Old list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem New list: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem Thank You for support Me.

[ 2023-11-22 09:23:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Awards 2023

Valve on its official public blog asked developers to set up nomination requests for Steam Awards 2023. My silent favorite is "Bro, where's My head???": https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ But you can vote for my other games (if you think I'm wrong or You have other favorites): https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem.

[ 2023-11-21 18:02:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Scream: The Revenge (Halloween)

I'm a little sick, but grab the keys to my games that are on sale right now (remember to remove the first and last characters): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror 5PWJ8A-JXCRM-ER5Q9C 1ZXJGC-J6MJG-63842Z A5IK2M-RGMPY-0Y52KX CDP7FM-HFH84-TWF7CG ECECMC-F493H-XK69PF https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room EDHAYX-FC3FP-ZTR9PX X9XDT0-7ZJZM-7JW20S ATMH03-D0YFJ-PPFGAX DEXEBW-HHXNY-RVL7DD 32WBXC-R79JK-33QFV1 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure 58GEF4-2L8R0-283JFX XE0W2L-M4M4E-80VQ2G AAPYDN-KAH8R-EG8WYH EAV6PE-6EPPQ-YP29F5 RFM5IB-25KY8-NPV7K4 Thank You for supporting me airboy. You can find all my games, bundles, dlc here: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem

[ 2023-10-31 17:20:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Argentina & Turkey = USD

Hello unsatisfied_customer,
Starting from November 20th (2023), there will be a change in the currency used for sales on Steam in Argentina and Turkey to the US dollars (USD) for all games on Steam. It seems that this process will happen automatically after November 20th (2023) and the prices of my games will be changed to USD. Also, the change will apply to 25 more countries: LATAM-USD (Latin America, includes Argentina) and MENA-USD (Middle East and North Africa, includes Turkey). You can find more information on the official public Valve blog: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3728476412305766958

[ 2023-10-25 09:00:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Apartment 1406 is now available

Step into the chilling world of horror with the release of Apartment 1406! The full version of the game, accompanied by an atmospheric soundtrack DLC, is now ready to immerse you in a spine-tingling experience. Available on Steam, this title is compatible with Windows (32/64 bits), Linux 64 bits, and Mac 64 bits. Are you ready to unravel the mysteries that lie behind its doors :D? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419900/Apartament_1406_Horror/ Take some free keys (remove first and last character): 5HEE7F-IRDCQ-983HTU XHLPM5-80WR5-FEPZLY E7A09L-M9J34-R0MPNT GJL3EZ-84KPD-B9LQJR 1CHIH6-WMZ7Y-3AI83E 2LMRPM-LNM4J-C4PKCG 362CJW-GQ5IJ-88N8JB 4KBARP-8RE6N-005R8X X8R9IX-HEG0A-KGN483 YIAMI7-ZIT8Y-XBFNG4 TPWQHQ-RG670-95A6G4 XMC9MN-ACIJ9-Y42QX3

[ 2023-08-24 11:06:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

The last bastion has fallen

Hello unsatisfied_customer,
You might have already noticed that you can't purchase certain games (there's no BUY button) even though they are on sale. Many platforms have already reported on this, like https://www.pcgamesinsider.biz/news/73980/valve-tweaks-minimum-price-thresholds-on-steam/ or on Valve's official blog: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3700310527377680732 These changes will affect the Argentine peso and the Turkish lira the most. It's possible that my games won't be available in certain countries for a while until I adjust the game prices. It's also uncertain what will happen to old games if the developer is inactive. It seems that they might become unavailable for purchase.

[ 2023-08-17 13:28:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Summer Sale 2023, updates, projects, gifts

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share some news: Currently working on Airhack, Rap Simulator, Apartament 1406 (horror) and soon there will be an update for some my games Hovercars 3077, Resoraki, CATAIRE, ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting etc... It is possible that some small games such as Retrowave Illusions Aesthetics Edition, Hand Shadow etc. will be released after Apartment 1406. Also, all of my games are now available in the Steam Summer Sale 2023 :P. If you're interested, now is the perfect time to grab them at discounted prices. Check out my small collection + gifts: REMOVE FIRST AND LAST CHARACTER https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_will_and_Testament_Adventure 1WI849-2JRF8-PMC3I4 55EPED-L42GY-MHAEEX 6NEQ2X-DPHXJ-94GI2G X3KKDI-QW8AH-VH5C6F https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting 3IC2DJ-0DFVP-XP0FND 53M66R-5WD66-KEJW2F XDA42M-QGKKJ-AC9IBX XM8KIM-D7IG3-YRZQY4 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ XTMRFQ-DLZDX-62BZ75 F8B4HF-V9C62-AWZ9IA G777Y0-KAIC5-LPMGKZ XCHB2B-4YH69-75HTLX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/ XHIYR7-8BML2-2XCKPX F57BNQ-GDAEY-XFWG3H 3R7PXD-GRYAT-ZYETPG ZZQJFJ-598Z8-KRL3PF https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing 52MGT7-3N6H6-GZI8F5 SFPDRT-34FPY-7ERHLD FWWRV5-MYATN-5HJW9G GYRBME-XLYYH-AGMCQG https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ 5DAWRI-NPJ6I-Z3DBGX 1HCXPW-9CZZV-M6NHZ6 2P294L-IL8QE-CFBL46 3DJDN4-VM7KQ-VMMN56 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/ 5IWV2P-22KJ8-BNVV9F 6ZBWE4-DMX90-2P9FC5 7M9F39-GEYEP-JJYREC 9L3JZZ-YRP7A-RZN6IX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ 5B4DZ6-PVYFE-HKB9XR 69KEAQ-GEMGW-I08RCE XPRV5J-ZM8E7-V8420G XXNZ49-28VTP-NWF3YF https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ FLVA8M-8AGLJ-LDNKRG GV7T28-8N3ZR-3T9XYF 54EMR3-T7Q7G-BF594C 3Q6MEM-ZWRGT-TQPPKX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ F6AQA6-W5ITK-EFK9QF GNM5I9-I7MEA-D7E4YD HFY0X8-4KPEM-497Y5X 3N0HWM-9LD4W-AGYP94 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet GXQZN3-E2K0Q-0TKYW5 4G5E74-BBJWP-H5F8BH 1HQQV3-P6PWH-4MBDMG X9KE67-7AVCT-A5KXCF https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ 5NFAXH-IJW7M-8Q3TWQ X9NX4D-IINFN-AG8MGX Z4GED7-97AJP-EZ64K6 ZI9BQ0-IF9Q6-FNXGQ5 [spoiler]Airem is a one-person studio, so work is slow and there will be delays with projects and updates. Thank You for support Me.[/spoiler]

[ 2023-06-29 17:46:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Puzzle Fest

Hello, Just wanted to say that some of my games are available on Steam Puzzle Fest, also these games have a free demo. For example THE IMPOSSIBLE demo allows you to buy the game in the demo and continue playing the full version (save game will transfer): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ Free THE IMPOSSIBLE keys (remove first and last character/number) 5448XW-QPY5C-H4FM45 GBCQ6Q-XV2EK-XT258X X34AEC-8J2YW-NZK00D 1TACHW-JBFFV-8IG3HF X6FBFP-CVV36-CWP7WG https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ Free Play with Me keys (remove first and last character/number) BQZW88-GB72X-4VWM5Z F458V3-G9JRY-GZ6PBX 2JG8WZ-FDBA5-3VTR63 37FP2Q-W9F6I-BPGHVZ 4V9CTY-4L2KC-8IAWVX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ Free Moving Letters keys (remove first and last character/number) BP3X20-8XYN4-8MPQIT D93GHQ-RBGT6-I9N2XE EEDAQW-AHJVP-Y0GLQD 3LPGF0-EB00X-23ZAHD 1T9N8B-JJL8R-DD2P2X Or check out all my stuff https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem or https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem/

[ 2023-04-27 14:32:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

Resoraki: The racing + mini gifts



The game 'Resoraki' is available on the Steam platform. 'Resoraki' is a racing game where you can take the wheel of a toy car and race around cool tracks. It supports Steam leaderboards, achievements, gamepads, 90 languages, and more: Game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303180/Resoraki_The_racing/ Soundtrack https://store.steampowered.com/app/2303210/Resoraki_Soundtrack/


Also please accept a small gift from me (remove first and last character/letter/number): C57F3M-3Q960-X2BDHE 3DM9WM-0RGBH-WXTDBH 5P8PHD-2YZ62-JWHVWG 6LV42L-XAFZ4-QKF23F 77L48I-XIQY5-9LI9EC ACR5PG-5K8TP-667B26 Z4JLZA-NLEYJ-I5LHJ4 CYPF9T-L33BE-A2R503 XIE5HV-V3BC9-8LQ7CX BG4MIT-ME5B3-FY2L5C

[ 2023-03-23 17:18:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Spring Sale 2023 + Mini gifts

Hey everyone! All my games are now on sale during the Steam Spring Sale 2023. You can grab these awesome titles at a discounted price!


https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_Will_and_TESTament_Horror_adventure/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/


Old list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem New list: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem


Steam gifts is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get (delete first and last character/letter/number ) AKX6M5-VRN7Y-860061 B32GHT-M7GAQ-VHBQPS ELMAYW-KNCNA-GYVNL3 G8KQDV-0HFDX-99IQKF E44825-V849H-DMDNAG XY8ZGG-22TX8-7ZTLMH ZCWBHX-9LQQ6-MX2DJJ 19EIVB-D4XMH-GPQNDK FGYRKR-RH8A7-YBK3TL GKQRR0-AWRJ8-WZ9QLZ GAF7Y8-4BP6G-KNKN6X HJJLZP-5423I-D6D5RC AE0QP2-378BF-6MB6LV ZXBAD9-GKGD3-CXRJKB XH3PBB-MD9TD-KAFVA1 CVKE6T-GN4RJ-6MQ6C2 VIQIWK-AJ5VF-W04GC3 BBXGXA-HGMKY-L9QMW4 23F2P3-B2WY5-7YZA35 4XWWLE-5QXNB-PEMKM6 5CQ2EC-VFGNA-D955H7 6QQZDQ-996IQ-2RIY58 Coming soon new games and updates airboy steambored diskette steammocking

[ 2023-03-19 09:57:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

New demos of my games

Most of my games already have demos, only Moving Letters (coming soon)! To download the demo you need to go to the game page of the product and find the green button (below the screenshots) click on the DOWNLOAD DEMO button. Recently added demos OutWave Demo https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/ ASMR Demo (update + Soundtrack remake coming soon) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting/ All demos: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem/list/67207/ You can also use the old list to search for demos (at the end of the list): https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem or only demos, but sometimes it doesn't display all demos correctly: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=demo&supportedlang=polish&developer=Airem&ndl=1 Soon new things airboy

[ 2023-02-17 16:07:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

OutWave released

Please take some free keys and remeber to REMOVE first and last character! XQB5VQ-58P23-39LPGX XE32MH-8XNZT-42K3LX X6DDF3-AYNXK-YKN7KX XARC5Q-I9DX4-PEGIMX XBY28N-ZT64I-9DT6PX X5P9LXI220AEQFBQX <-- MINI RIDDLE https://store.steampowered.com/app/2050310/OutWave_Retro_chase/

[ 2023-01-05 19:13:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

[FREE GIFTS] Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



XFFNYT-TN2FL-AK9K0X XPVGVD-JY5TQ-PEIBMX X90NDL-QGV8E-57NI9X 922MC2NKY7XIQXV <--- MINI RIDDLE https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_Room/


XBFB8Y-WQ2XL-N4RKAX XFYQKW-85Z0N-4GG48X AZK6RXKPJI3XTF5ZP <-- MINI RIDDLE https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/


XKJT4X-PYTDG-HW7AWX X44V8H-VG3AM-HPIPVX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/


X3EI7E-C0YH9-ZP4EJX XIG8FC-G4W0J-R397MX X2TKK7-THI2V-J32NAX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters


X6EHCM-XRZCM-P2BKRX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/

ASMR_LIGHTness - Light painting KEYS

XY58T2-K4MW6-VVVZYX XHN6M2-LJWQR-IKNFWX XE3EIF-JCN44-PHLHJX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting

MUMBA IV: Egypt Jewels KEYS

XHVEGT-2F609-VH7NRX XX7ZZY-DLBYP-Q6YLNX https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540330/MUMBA_IV_Egypt_Jewels/

Hovercars 3077: Underground racing KEYS

XJAJ4F-FVYBP-TBZRYX XTBJNW-MKAZE-6TMC5X XHQPW5-HVI6L-220GFX GWMY9XWZIG6X6YR4A <--- MINI ULTRA RIDDLE https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing/

A Last Will and TESTament KEYS

XPBAG9-Z29FX-KPGM8X XR69EW-44QCT-873CAX XE6PC4-FJFF9-KKQZ3X https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_Will_and_TESTament_Horror_adventure/


XRWIL4-CJ4XF-JT4LTX X5TZBK-3HICJ-HEXHIX https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats


Thank you for your support (buying my games, feedback, reviews etc). Check also my bundles: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem. You will find some keys LATER also on my https://discord.gg/Airem, https://facebook.com/airempl and https://instagram.com/TheAirem Old list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem New list: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Airem

[ 2022-12-22 18:45:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

CATAIRE (Meow release)

Cataire is available on Steam [spoiler](I remember about Airhack and Rap Simulator)[/spoiler].
PROMO KEYS (>> remove first and last character <<) AYP9HD-88X4T-2X2LVZ BXEFHP-B2R5N-BPHIYG EK4CFL-BRCKG-INZ0TE GJ0ZNQ-6QLAV-ZECEXG EXC8Z3-VW0FJ-CCTGZE W2QR6H-XINLK-EQJIVD XRR38G-70J74-46IWZA https://store.steampowered.com/app/2129390/CATAIRE__Gambling_with_cats/

[ 2022-09-23 12:58:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

A Last Will and TESTament Available on Steam

The game is now available! Take free keys (REMOVE first and last char): XAZ0XJ-CFALG-GFA8KX XZDCKZ-HLJI0-BKBMZX XD8K8Q-C34FY-46KCCX XT05NR-9H7GQ-NLIIXX XQ7Q73-I5MFI-82II6X X30RYI-FKY6C-EWGDGX X884PB-0V9QN-KJB2AX PS. The demo will be available soon (I have internet problems, I use mobile internet...). https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014930/A_Last_Will_and_TESTament/

[ 2022-08-19 13:09:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hovercars 3077 land on Steam + Gift


The game is now available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing/


There is also soundtrack: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1815980/Hovercars_3077_Underground_Soundtrack/


Remove first char (X): XLK6T7-HXWN0-7INFY X5C7G8-TXV0F-049QQ XZ0RFC-X55IZ-57P8X XRL398-RCXAJ-BDKKW

[ 2022-05-19 10:05:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hovercars 3077 land on Steam + Gift


The game is now available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1793420/Hovercars_3077_Underground_racing/


There is also soundtrack: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1815980/Hovercars_3077_Underground_Soundtrack/


Remove first char (X): XLK6T7-HXWN0-7INFY X5C7G8-TXV0F-049QQ XZ0RFC-X55IZ-57P8X XRL398-RCXAJ-BDKKW

[ 2022-05-19 10:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

FREE STEAM KEYS & Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I talked to Santa Claus and got a free Steam keys from him: Airem Collection All in One: MUMBA IV: Egypt Jewels K6R95-6AI2D-67J56 FGNRD-0WY3P-X9M4C 2THET-YJ2MW-Q7VL7 MUMBA IV: Egypt Jewels Soundtrack R79JC-B8JPB-9JAHF E8TE0-4PWQ7-94ZVZ 7FZQT-9DZ2D-T3IHV Shop Tycoon: Prepare Your wallet 50F8A-GQDHN-XABD5 T5TY6-MMJ8P-EKZ5T I4ARF-LYMEJ-KRA0D Shop Tycoon: Prepare Your wallet - soundtrack: DRTKK-6ZWH2-LWJVJ GKNR9-9BX9P-GNDCN CWA83-H78AR-6056V THE IMPOSSIBLE (Think twice before activating the key!) LXWPH-FKAFQ-A5NX5 QKP8X-KVIQM-CQZW2 T47B4-QGD5T-YEJHM THE IMPOSSIBLE SOUNDTRACK: 2ZQZT-XRQWL-FRFCB KQWAT-8G9QB-HNDMH P7DH5-TWD25-6WJLN PLAY WITH ME: ESCAPE ROOM PCHTW-MMERM-4PZY0 3CFF0-QXZG9-E6QFX 6I0GL-6MQAF-XXMVF PLAY WITH ME: Soundtrack & Booktrack WFIDH-Q746V-8QFN6 3TMII-8JPHR-KZWCZ 4WK80-7KJPB-E3V0W MOVING LETTERS: PKBWD-D7BXJ-H4GWE 99938-ZI3B8-ZLYJ4 DX43E-LFD7D-BL32I MOVING LETTERS SOUNDTRACK: 72502-I9ZEZ-4ZMQC L0PYC-NIFWY-23PJD 5TZNR-7FT56-NT6FQ BRO WHERE IS MY HEAD? A9TTF-ND8R5-QIHG2 CHTCY-4W6P5-WKVEV KIPP8-7T7AJ-XRKIC BRO WHERE IS MY HEAD? SOUNDTRACK 3JRLH-AVYP4-N5E20 6EXGG-X904B-4ZDIQ Y64AA-YGCMF-LPGYA ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting YQKTK-7PWDF-76AP3 4TM9F-7T6V6-PAJYF FET5H-3TR2W-WQQLJ ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting SOUNDTRACK 09KV6-W8QAK-CG5D4 QQWF0-P3PYD-29L4B R608Z-YNY4B-T6X32 Happy Gaming and see you in 2022! airboy

[ 2021-12-21 11:31:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

FREE STEAM KEYS & Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I talked to Santa Claus and got a free Steam keys from him: Airem Collection All in One: MUMBA IV: Egypt Jewels K6R95-6AI2D-67J56 FGNRD-0WY3P-X9M4C 2THET-YJ2MW-Q7VL7 MUMBA IV: Egypt Jewels Soundtrack R79JC-B8JPB-9JAHF E8TE0-4PWQ7-94ZVZ 7FZQT-9DZ2D-T3IHV Shop Tycoon: Prepare Your wallet 50F8A-GQDHN-XABD5 T5TY6-MMJ8P-EKZ5T I4ARF-LYMEJ-KRA0D Shop Tycoon: Prepare Your wallet - soundtrack: DRTKK-6ZWH2-LWJVJ GKNR9-9BX9P-GNDCN CWA83-H78AR-6056V THE IMPOSSIBLE (Think twice before activating the key!) LXWPH-FKAFQ-A5NX5 QKP8X-KVIQM-CQZW2 T47B4-QGD5T-YEJHM THE IMPOSSIBLE SOUNDTRACK: 2ZQZT-XRQWL-FRFCB KQWAT-8G9QB-HNDMH P7DH5-TWD25-6WJLN PLAY WITH ME: ESCAPE ROOM PCHTW-MMERM-4PZY0 3CFF0-QXZG9-E6QFX 6I0GL-6MQAF-XXMVF PLAY WITH ME: Soundtrack & Booktrack WFIDH-Q746V-8QFN6 3TMII-8JPHR-KZWCZ 4WK80-7KJPB-E3V0W MOVING LETTERS: PKBWD-D7BXJ-H4GWE 99938-ZI3B8-ZLYJ4 DX43E-LFD7D-BL32I MOVING LETTERS SOUNDTRACK: 72502-I9ZEZ-4ZMQC L0PYC-NIFWY-23PJD 5TZNR-7FT56-NT6FQ BRO WHERE IS MY HEAD? A9TTF-ND8R5-QIHG2 CHTCY-4W6P5-WKVEV KIPP8-7T7AJ-XRKIC BRO WHERE IS MY HEAD? SOUNDTRACK 3JRLH-AVYP4-N5E20 6EXGG-X904B-4ZDIQ Y64AA-YGCMF-LPGYA ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting YQKTK-7PWDF-76AP3 4TM9F-7T6V6-PAJYF FET5H-3TR2W-WQQLJ ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting SOUNDTRACK 09KV6-W8QAK-CG5D4 QQWF0-P3PYD-29L4B R608Z-YNY4B-T6X32 Happy Gaming and see you in 2022! airboy

[ 2021-12-21 10:49:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

Halloween 2021, updates, youtubers


Halloween 2021

All my games are on sale. All games have been updated last time, so click on a game to read more information (game forum -> changelog). Some of the updates have been divided into 2 (if they will be large). Airem Collection All in One: https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_room/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ More here (bundles etc.): https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem

Rap Simulator, Airhack

I will have a vacation now ([spoiler]Normal job, games = hobby for now)[/spoiler]. So, I will update info about Rap Simulator and Airhack. For example I refreshed all the graphics for Rap Simulator (rooms/location, clothes/caps/pants/hoods, logos, gui etc.)... A lot of work, but the game looks much better now. Also, Airhack will share information that NASA does not want to show.


If someone has not received the keys from me, please use the keymailer (see the game forum and keymailer topic) or write to me at info@airem.pl also You can get free keys from time to time on discord.gg/Airem (#giveway).

[ 2021-10-28 21:11:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

A new version is available on Steam (v1.0.9):

Hello, A new version is available on Steam (v1.0.9): - Some fixes for MAC 64 - Logo - Fixed level 45 - Performance (low-end) - Updated for Windows 32 & 64 bit, MAC 64 and Linux 32 & 64 bit. - Other minor fixes Soon next update: I will add a playlist for sounds (https://steamcommunity.com/app/1594810/discussions/0/3069740688734990069/ thanks to @helix2) Changelog: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1594810/discussions/0/5064850575742040691/

[ 2021-09-20 18:37:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Shop Tycoon has been released!

The game is available! If there are any problems (performance, bugs etc.). please let me know on forum, screenshots section, reviews etc. Soon new projects [spoiler]Rap Simulator & Airhack [/spoiler]! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/

[ 2021-08-25 14:05:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Shop Tycoon: Prepare your wallet - Available in 5 days and...

... and the next stop will be Airhack & Rap Simulator hammer_small. But for now, add to wishlist (happy discount at launch), link to Shop Tycoon below:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392340/Shop_Tycoon_Prepare_your_wallet/ PS. Soon I will also update my other games: Play with Me, THE IMPOSSIBLE etc.

[ 2021-08-20 16:53:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Bro where's My Head? Free (3 days)

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564760/Bro_wheres_My_head/ The game is available on Steam as "Free Weekend" for 3 days. If someone missed the download, he can always try the demo. If you find any bugs, let me know. I'm currently working on updating (new levels). Check my other games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/725780/Play_With_Me_Escape_room/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1363850/THE_IMPOSSIBLE/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810/ASMR_LIGHTness__Light_painting/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430120/Moving_Letters/ More here (bundles etc.): https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem

[ 2021-08-05 17:34:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Airem Summer Sale

Hello, All my games with a discount. Check full list: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Airem diskette SUPER 44 IN 1 (over 40 games + soundtracks) https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/21358/SUPER_44_in_1 DEAD SPOOKY https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/15513/DEAD_SPOOKY/ AIREM COLLECTION https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/18745/Airem_collection__extras/ ESCAPE & ILLUSION https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/15530/Escape__illusion/ [spoiler] Yes, I remember about Rap Simulator and Airhack. [/spoiler]

[ 2021-06-24 17:56:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting
  • Developer

  • Airem
  • Publisher

  • 2021-05-31
  • Release

  • Indie Singleplayer
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 34  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse ⬛ Full Controller Support
  • Controls

  • 8 user reviews

    (8 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594810 
  • Steam Store

  • ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting Linux 64bit [543.6 M]ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting Linux 32bit [539.28 M]

  • Public Linux depots


    This app (ASMR game) was created for my friend (psychologist). The application helps to reduce stress and improve mood. But now it can also be used as a game, because I added 60 levels to the game, Steam achievements etc.


    ASMR LIGHTness - Light painting is an atmospheric puzzler with lights, beautiful aesthetic and an extraordinary atmosphere of an unknown world. The lights cannot overlap, because they lose all their power. Use your ability to untangle them, but remeber... The more You move the lights the more difficult it becomes!


    In Sandbox mode, You can draw objects using lights. The only thing that limits you is your imagination. For example I created a mouse cursor and I am proud of myself:


    If you want to reduce stress and improve your mood, you need to obey the rules:

    1) Use headphones, the game uses ASMR / 3D / Binaural music and sounds.
    2) It is absolutely essential to play ASMR LIGHTness in a very quiet room with a properly configured gamma. Failure to do so will reduce the atmosphere
    3) Recommended: START NEW GAME (not Sandbox)
    4) Choose your color (there is a square in right corner)
    5) Focus on the light
    6) One session must last 30-60 minutes.
    7) Go to sleep now.


    - High quality ASMR/3D/Binaural music and sounds (check Soundtrack)

    - 60 levels
    - Sandbox (no time etc.)
    - Steam Cloud
    - Star rating system (Points are based on your game)
    - Color picker (choose your favorite color)
    - Mouse, gamepad, keyboard
    - Steam Achievements
    - Dark mode (check forum: Tips, tricks & secrets)
    - A very atmospheric game
    - 29 languages supported + 1 Belarusian
    - Linux/Windows/Mac
    - All resolutions supported
    • OS: Linux 32/64 bit
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHzMemory: 512 MB RAM
    • Memory: 512 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Radeon HD 7500G/Intel HD Graphics 3000
    • Storage: 150 MB available space
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