Hi all, whether youve helped us fix bugs, shared feedback, or simply enjoyed the Age of Fear series, youve made this year truly legendary. This Christmas, we hope your days are filled with joy, laughter, and a little extra XP in whatever adventure youre pursuing. May your loot be epic, your companions loyal, and your journeys unforgettable. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Game Year! Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2024-12-25 14:11:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, building on the last patch featuring AI heroes, we've added even more unique skills to their arsenal. These include rare and powerful abilities like Meteor, Calling Reinforcements, Dance Macabre, and even Dragon Transformation! Originally, we intended for these unique skills to remain exclusive to players, so we hadnt created AI scripts for them. However, after some catching up, were now ready to unleash everything needed to make the AI an even bigger nuisance. Take care and enjoy your winter break, Les
[ 2024-11-29 15:24:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, with this patch, we are introducing procedurally generated AI heroes. We've been working on this feature for some time, and while some mechanics were released earlier, the feature is now fully complete in this version. The AI heroes have unique skills (some of which are quite OP!), and the AI is very protective of them. I hope we've struck the right balance, and TPKs won't happen too often. Take care, Les
[ 2024-10-05 23:19:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, with the recent update, we've introduced an AI-only Pirates faction that will randomly attack your ships. The Pirates are fast units with ranged attacks and are occasionally armed with cannons, making them a challenge even for advanced armies. To balance this, we've also added Merchants who will appear on the seas with precious items. I'm also working on a Sea Storm mechanic, but that feature isn't ready yet. Take care, Les
[ 2024-08-21 16:48:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, with the recent update, we have added or improved a collection of mini-games such as Dice, Poker, Roulette, etc. These are simple random-based scripts that let you win (or lose) small amounts of gold. The games can be accessed in many places throughout the campaign, with the most prominent being the Black Castle Casino. Take care, Les
[ 2024-07-12 03:58:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, recently, a player named Fliedner has shared a link to his recorded let's play. While there are several videos on YouTube, what sets this one apart is Fliedner's mastery of Age of Fear mechanics. I believe I've seen almost all abilities and skills utilized, along with a few combinations I never anticipated. Additionally, such videos assist us in identifying and fixing bugs, enhancing AI, and sometimes even inspire ideas for new features. Please enjoy the serious showcase of the complexity of Age of Fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t-PO-S3Jf0&list=PL-GPZ3WPf9ex2QMWj0ZDW8xcDe9XsUxz6&ab_channel=Fliedner Take care, Les
[ 2024-05-16 18:36:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, after a long wait, we've finally added a completely new faction with complex stealth mechanics! Please enjoy our latest release. Have fun and take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2024-04-12 18:22:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, it is with immense pleasure that we announce the completion of the Ratmen faction, which will be introduced to the Age of Fear series on April 12th! Hidden beneath Sorodon, the Ratmen are a clever faction that excels in stealth. In the dark corners of their territory, these elusive creatures have perfected the art of staying unseen and unheard. Though their units may seem weaker than those of similar factions, the Ratmen make up for it with their unmatched skills in backstabbing and surprising attacks. Living in an underground world full of tunnels, the Ratmen can move quietly and strategically. Their expertise in covert tactics and surprise makes them a strong force, capable of turning the tide of battle unexpectedly. Emerging from the depths of Sorodon, the Ratmen create uncertainty and fear, establishing themselves as a unique and unpredictable presence in warfare. With just a few weeks to go, be ready! Take care, Les
[ 2024-03-11 13:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, with this post, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This year has been quite busy for us; we released a new game while working on the upcoming Ratmen campaign. The Age of Fear series was enriched with several new features, such as continuous area effects, burrowing, and a whole new array of spells. We have also added a new mini-boss, Sandworm, and a new minor hero (playable by all factions), Dancer Zarah. Also, yesterday we released a complete pack of voiceovers for the Ratmen campaign. Therefore, the scenario is almost complete and requires only a few minor tweaks before full release. As always, all feedback is welcome. Enjoy your time off! Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-12-23 17:27:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Over the last few months, we have finalized the story and battles for the Ratmen campaign. There is still a lot of polishing to be done; however, the campaign is now playable from start to end. We have also introduced new mechanics, such as end-of-turn auto-invisibility for Ratmen, added a brand-new hero (Zarah, the dancer), and fine-tuned the AI to better utilize stealth. We are also in the process of ordering a voiceover and conducting auditions. We have selected a few options that align with the theme of the game. I kindly ask for your feedback on which one is the most suitable. The auditions are provided below in a zip file (10MB): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/td6sc1mphahjjahzzbtwk/voiceover-auditions.zip?rlkey=mrhblcy9jvt5gp6oig2uzrwr0&dl=1 Please comment on your favorite option and suggest any improvements. I'll share your feedback with the voice actors so they can align with notes. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-11-02 22:46:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Over the last few months, we have finalized the story and battles for the Ratmen campaign. There is still a lot of polishing to be done; however, the campaign is now playable from start to end. We have also introduced new mechanics, such as end-of-turn auto-invisibility for Ratmen, added a brand-new hero (Zarah, the dancer), and fine-tuned the AI to better utilize stealth. We are also in the process of ordering a voiceover and conducting auditions. We have selected a few options that align with the theme of the game. I kindly ask for your feedback on which one is the most suitable. The auditions are provided below in a zip file (10MB): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/td6sc1mphahjjahzzbtwk/voiceover-auditions.zip?rlkey=mrhblcy9jvt5gp6oig2uzrwr0&dl=1 Please comment on your favorite option and suggest any improvements. I'll share your feedback with the voice actors so they can align with notes. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-11-02 22:35:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, after a bit of waiting we have pushed another update to the Ratmen campaign. Right now, around one-third of content is playable and includes a few interesting additions like stealth missions (where your units need to remain undetected), sewers maze and Sorodon's bazaar (with obligatory drunken dwarves fight!). We have also added a few items which improve the morphed form of heroes, e.g. Spider form of Lexa can be made quite powerful. I hope to add ever more items and work on polymorph mechanics. We also re-numbered all campaigns as chapters so new players aren't confused about the order of campaigns. For modders - we have modified battle tasks and separate conditions can be made mandatory, e.g. it's possible to force players to open certain Treasure Chest. Please enjoy and, as always, any feedback is welcome. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-08-22 21:45:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
YOU ASKED AND WE LISTENED! After a long wait we finally released the stand-alone version of our series! This package includes not only all games in the series, but it will also be updated with any and all future releases and DLCs. This means a purchase today entitles you to everything coming down the Age of Fear pipeline once it arrives! (please note that the Day of The Rat campaign is being actively developed and not all content is available yet.) We are now adding Workshop and finalising other bits to enable all features (it should be ready in an hour or two). For current series owners - please visit the bundle for a neat upgrade option. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-06-09 20:53:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all,
It has been a while since the last update, but now we are back!
In this patch we introduced a new mini-boss - Sandworm! Sandworms are colossal, worm-like creatures that live in the desert. As it tunnels through the sandy dunes of the desert, the sandworm leaves a trail of destruction in its wake.
This mini-boss will be unlocked as the game progresses and has quite a few interestingproperties, e.g. it stays burrowed and can swallow your units in one turn. There are a few possible strategies to defeat it, but I leave it for you to discover.
Btw, Sandworm will be playable as a separate hero in the coming release of a new additionto the series. We are almost finished with the build and hopefullywe will be able to push it out tonight or during the weekend.
(Sandworm is not available in the Age of Fear: Free World.)
All promotional keys were given away. Thank you for participation and nbe tuned for the next events!
Take care,
Les & AOF Team
[ 2023-06-02 11:24:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi there, there are a couple of new enhancements we have done while refactoring ui for Steam Deck compatibility. All our games are now fully compatilble with Steam Deck!
- All DLCs were updated with battle tasks - that concludes the backporting of this feature to older games.
- Identify is a new option in Crafting. If you have an Alchemist in your team, you will be able to discover new items from Crafting options. If an item is craftable, you will learn its recipe afterwards.
- Upon loading a saved game, the current turn log will also be restored.
- Units' descriptions can be expanded / collapsed (by clicking them).
- A New World Map tutorial was created and also a Unit Stats page was added to the battle board tutorial.
- Place Sentry Gun is another defensive skill for Dwarven engineers.
- For min/maxers - there is a new option 'Display experience gains' (shows Exp gains in the log)
- Floating utility buttons can be enabled from the Render tab. Those were primarily designed to support touch-only controls, but can be also enabled for desktops.
[ 2023-04-11 22:19:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, over the last few days we have released a number of patches focused on further ui enhancements (e.g. gesture scrolling of listings) and also substantialchanges in crafting. Changes:
- Gesture scrolling has been added to listings, e.g. team units, items' list, bestiary, etc.
- Items have been consolidated into fourteen themed sets (from the previous thirty one) which should make the crafting interface easier.
- Required attributes like Alchemy, Blacksmith, etc. display hints about units that provide them.
- Resourceitems provided after battles will be geared towards craftable items (i.e. ones which you know and also have all needed attributes).
- Blood Sacrifice is a new skill for Blood Mage which allows you to gain a bit of MP in exchange for HP (it's to balance Meditate which the good side enjoys).
- AI for finding hidden units has been almost completely reworked and its actions should reassemble what a human player would do.
[ 2023-02-28 21:17:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, over the last few weeks we were working on customisations required to play the series on Steam Deck.
You must have noticed after this patch are larger fonts, buttons and other interactive elements. Larger UI is necessary for much smaller screens; however, we hope to strike the right balance between desktop and console UI. Other changes are activated only in Steam Desk mode and include sensitivity settings to select units and zones (my thick fingers...) and a whole new way to show help and tooltips (by long-press).
While at it we have also fixed a number of issues and back-implemented a few pending mechanics:
- Chaos Demons and Greenskins campaigns now have battle tasks and we are working on adding them to Dwarves and Forest campaigns too (thanks to Willisama).
- Resource items given are more targeted at craftable (known) items.
- Barkskin gives +2 Defence - combined with Bear Form and Nature Wisdom makes Dryads into a formidable melee unit (but time-limited).
- Dispel Magic is more reliable and burns a fixed amount of MP
- Disintegration damages a fixed amount of HP.
- Escape key can be used to close most of the dialogs.
- Bugfix for spawned units overlapped themselves (this is still being worked on).
- Bugfix for occasionally non-exploding Gunpowder Barrels.
- Bugfix for static objects blocking units with Hit-and-Run.
- Bugfix for Burning units not-detonating.
- ...and many more (including re-balance of several units).
[ 2023-02-18 19:39:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy New Year to you all! That was quite a year, both personally and also in series development. We have made many fixes and patches, and also added a few great additions like pushing mechanics, illusions, AI heroes, taunts, light sources, just to name a few. Our to-do list is still quite long and we still have many awesome featuresto implement.
We have also made good progress on the next game in the series with a completely new Ratmen faction. I am also about to upload a new trailer (hopefullyyou can watch it now). If it all goes well, we should be able to release it in 2023.
That said, I would like to wish you all the best in New Year 2023! Happy gaming!
Take care,
Les & AOF Team
[ 2022-12-28 12:01:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Recently we have been focused on improving stealthmechanics and also adding better support for items in our series. First of all, some of you have played games with items enabled on all units and you might have noticed additional attributeslike Armour Proficiency, Mage Master, etc. added to those units. That shouldhelp with better immersionand make your allies more interesting to equip. Secondly, we have introduced the Light Sources trait on some unitsand static objects. Night battles have now a few fire stands placed which makes sneaking aroundmuchmore difficult. Thirdly, the Forest faction has a new unit - Dryad Blade Dancer which is a low health melee unit, but with powerful attacks and Projectiles Reflection. The skill is still a bit experimental, but it adds another decision layer - will you take a risk of an arrow being reflected onto your archers? As usual - all feedback and bugreports are welcome! Enjoy your weekend and Black Friday sales! Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2022-11-19 08:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, today we released yet another patch with a few new features and several bug fixes. Meanwhile we continue to work on the next game in the series (we aim to releasein 2023). Please keep watching our page for the new trailer (soon!). CHANGES:
- Natural Wisdom also gives+1 base HP when morphed (Cave Bear, Dire Bear, etc.)
- Divine Intervention is a new skill for Paladins and Inquisitors and gives them extra chance to auto-resurrectafter battle
- A number of helmets and armors were made unavailable to spellcasters (also description was altered)
- Berserker's Rage is a boost for melee units (with Berserker attribute) which lasts while unit is in melee
- Bugfix for multiple attacks (in melee) - sometimes the range of consecutiveattacks is reduced. We fixed it to be the same value.
- Multiple textedits (thanks toBobbisandLouis)
[ 2022-09-13 19:54:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, recently we have been working on making our games launch on Steam Deck and we have first results:
(the photo is courtesy of Micah - thank you very much for all your help!)
It required re-implementing substantialportion of our graphics rendering engine and we still have a few edges to smooth out. Aside from that, Steam Deck is quite flexible in terms of controls and our game can use both touchpads as well as the main touchscreen.
For the brave souls that want to try it on Steam Deck:
- we have tested it on Proton Experimental as of 2022/08/19 (not Proton default!)
- go into Compatibilitymode and set it toSteamLinux Runtime
[ 2022-08-25 07:12:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, this patch is full of bug fixes and tunings. We are slowly refactoring our code for the new Java 17 and the overall performance should be better. Change log:
- Traps (as well as a few other special objects, e.g. cauldron, barricade, explosive barrel, etc.) can be placed without using turn. We are still tuning AI for this logic update.
- Slippery is less potent (10% slip chance and 30% chance of pushing away in melee).
- We track a few last triggered Global Events and make sure the same ones won't be triggered.
- AI moving invisible units is much faster (previously animation time was the same as normal move).
- Holy Protection attribute for Inquisitors and Valkyries. This attribute makes units immune for Necromancy and Death spells.
- Units with Hit and Run aren't able to attack again after retreat.
- Poisoned invisible units won't be revealed (till they die).
[ 2022-07-15 09:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, I hope youare well in the current heatwave. Don't forget to drink a lot of water! In this patch we are releasing quite a few new features (list below). The most noticeableare changes to Sea People and their base - we are introducing the new mode where you need to purchase buildings in order to unlock advanced unit types. We balanced that with adding more resources and gold to the campaign.
- Further optimisations for AI processing speed - we took advantage of several Java 17 features and managed to speed up some AI routines. This is still work in progress, but I hope the effects are noticeable already.
- The above changes to the Sea People base where advanced units must beunlocked by buildings.
- 'Taunt' skill for Sea Divers, which makes AI focus attacks on a poor chap. It opens quiteinteresting tactical possibilities.
- New trait 'Wanted' which units can earn after scoring 25+ kills. Similarto 'Taunt', it makes AI to focus attacks on that unit.
- In the shop units' list, units can now beinserted between other units. Hover your mouse in a small space between units, then confirm with a right click.
- New trait 'Dragon' for well... dragons ^^ It makes Dragons resistant to a number of tactics and hopefullywill eliminate cheesing those mini-boss fights.
- New spell 'Force Push' for mages. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi?
- Detector is a passive detection mechanism for Totems and Evil Eyes,and also heroes (via All-Seeing Eye amulet). It completes the existing detection skills like Clairvoyance, Scan (Sensors), Dark Vision and Sharp Eyes.
- Regrowth costs 100exp per use (exception: Mandrake Root).
[ 2022-06-19 18:55:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all, I hope you are having a good time. Recently we have been frequently patching all games in the series and it's a good moment to list all changes. Those are substantial chances, therefore please keep reading.
- We upgraded to the more recent Java 17 (previously we embedded Java 10 with our games). That gave us access to many new features and optimisations. In our tests, the game engine is working around 40% faster.
- Complete attack types are displayed in the lower part of the screen. Our items system often results in layered effects for an attack, for example, a strike could be Fire- and Cold-based (at the same time), could be causing a Stun and also reducing Defence. With this version we display all effects a given attack has.
- Open World battles feature a Retreat option where you can abandon battle for a small gold penalty. This feature was requested quite long ago, but we finally got to it.
- Fog and Slippery are new battle conditions to be found in Swamps and Winter levels respectively. Fog is reducing the range of projectile-based attacks and spells, Slippery occasionally causes units to slip and lose an action.
- Disease was refactored significantly and now infected units will happily spread it around. This is a part of tactics coming in new games in the series.
- Polymorph spells and skills are also moving effects to and from morphed units. For example, poisoned Dryad changing into Bear will carry over the poisoned status.
- Lamp of Blood (in Krill) campaign is working as a pre-battle action (to be used during Deploy Turn). We hope to add more skills like that which allow players to modify the battlefield before battle.
- A few new detector-like skills were added, for example Scan for Guardians. The AI is also more efficient with the use of Invisibility.
- Angela received a secret (and very powerful!) weapon. It's hidden in her campaign - who will find it first?
[ 2022-05-26 18:20:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all! Over the last few weeks we have deployed a few new features and otherpatches, and it's time now to produce a meaningful change log (I am sorryfor not being up-to-date with those!).
- Pushing units around it the major mechanics we introduced about two weeks ago. Many explosive spells will now move units a bit, justenough to make space for your units to squeeze between and reach those vulnerable shooters and mages. Several units also receivedPushing attacks due to their size, e.g. Ogres, Troll Throwers, etc. A fewexisting skills likeShieldBash or Power Attack are also moving enemy units upon hit.
- Knights have now a more effective Greater Charge upgrade where their charges cause more damage (and obviously push enemy units out of the way!). The Charge ability can be disabled for one turn, for example when you want to engage a spellcaster in melee (and block him from using spells).
- We have introduced enemy heroes as mini-bosses in campaigns and random battles. So far a few enemy units were considered special thorough campaigns, but those were just like ordinary units with names (and more chatty!). We have upgraded those to hero status (which gives them a few extra Hit Points and several resistances) to give that extra challenge to players.
- A dozen new resourceitems were added, e.g. Fire Opal, Black Gold, Moonstone, etc.
[ 2022-04-25 07:58:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, we have just patched our games again, this time with a number of additional units, improved skills and enhancedtraits system. We continue to work on new faction (Ratmen) and also on its unique Stealth mechanics. First of all - new units:
- Cerberus is a new fast-attacker for Chaos Demons. Just like Wolves, it can be upgraded to a hit-and-run unit, however Cerberus also deals extra Fire damage.
- Elder is yet another upgrade for floating Evil Eyes from Chaos Demons faction. We have packed it with anti-magic skills, therefore all spellcasters beware!
- Crabman joins the Sea People as a durable blocker with Power Strike ability. It's definitely a nice addition to your line of Sea Divers.
- Cows also join the ranks of all monsters and beasts. Just like fearsomePigs and Chickens, those slow land cruisers can completely decimate all grass around.
- Bard has its own unique skill Ballad which adds experience points to units not participating in a battle.
- Polymorph spells were added with a cooldown which triggers after the unit comes back to its original shape.
[ 2022-03-21 20:54:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
I think everyone knows what's going on in Ukraine at the moment. Ukraine was attacked by its neighbouring country with an overwhelming military power. There is no place for tanks and artillery strikes on civilians in the 21st century. I don't know the details of the problems there; however, there is absolutely no excuse for such brutality like it's taking place now. Those differences should be resolved at negotiating table instead of invading the whole country and then threating the whole world with nukes. The Age of Fear team is completely anti-war and against any violence. However, we want to make people more aware what's going on. You will be surprised how much disinformation is around - please use real news channels to see what's going on. As such, we substantially lowered the prices for the Age of Fear series for anyone in Ukraine (this is not a promotion - I would give away our games for free, but Steam doesn't have an option to make games free for just one region). Take care, AOF Team (this is the statement of our values and original message was edited because a few people felt differently. we also removed links to news because, as someone rightly pointed, they might be biased.)
[ 2022-03-01 14:26:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, the last couple of weeks were busy as we were finalisingthe Ambush feature for the Age of Fear series. This is the part of wider Stealth mechanics and will be ready for the next game in the series. To accommodatenew logic, we had to refactor huge amounts of code and, among other things, we managed to cross a few things from our todo list, i.e. enhancements to traits system, deploy-turn actions and random generation of maps. Let's start with the traits system. The common requestwas to give an option to remove unwanted traits - to address that we expanded the Mutagen potion functionality and, while it is still accelerating traits, it can be also used to remove them (from the Skills menu in the Recruitment screen). The Mutagen potion is also classified as a rare item now, therefore it should be more common as a loot in battles. We have added a new class of actions which can be executed during Deploy Turn, e.g. Sea Witch can now invoke Rain or Wind, and JuggernautGolem can invoke Earthquake. However, those skills come with a twist - instead of a mild battle disturbance, the much more nastly version can be invoked! For example, calling an Earthquake can result in a Volcano eruption! This logic will be extended in future patches. A logic responsiblefor random objects placements was improved and morefair use of objects was introduced, e.g. previously there were almost three Crates spawn per battle, now it's only one and a bit, and barrels, anvils, tables, etc. are created instead. This is quite a sizable patch and I hope everything works fine. As usual - all feedback is welcome. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2022-02-28 21:49:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all, I would like to wish you all the best in the comingyear 2022! As for our plans - we are working on the next part in the series. As you saw in previous announcements, we have alreadyadded a number of specializedskills and mechanics. We will continue that in 2022 and hopefullywe will have something playable before theend of the year. Takecare, Les & AOF Team.
[ 2021-12-28 12:48:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, over the last few weeks we were working mostly on the new game in our series, but we also added a few new spells, patched bugs and tuned the game a bit:
- Hellish Assault for Succubus and Demon Mistress! This is a bit experimental feature in which we allow demonic battlemages to quickly traverse the battlefield with a huge blast. Let's see how it plays out!
- Sea People were tuned a bit, i.e. Giant Eels becoming more resistant to damage and Sea Harpooners having overhaul as poison-based artillery.
- As usual a few bugs were spotted by players and ironed out, e.g. Wargs Howl was occuring in early campaigns, units movement as sometimes stuck near own invisible units, etc.
[ 2021-11-24 11:05:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, over the last few weeks we have been workingon a few unique mechanics for the Ratmen faction. However, we also re-factored a few of existing systems which apply to all existing factions:
- Invisible units' attacks automatically become backstabs and have attack / damage bonuses to the first strike.
- Disease has a small chance to spread to any nearby unit (allies and enemies alike). Also, Disease reduces maximum hit points by one.
- We have added a number of traps, e.g. Bone Trap for Necromancers, and we are still working on back-porting traps mechanics to all other factions.
[ 2021-08-29 12:19:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, in this patch we have tuned crafting, fixed a number of bugs and added a few more spells. Detailed change log follows:
- NEW: Fear Totem for Warlock - similar to other totems, this one emits which lowers the Morale of nearby enemies. Obviously, your allies will start panicking soon if the totem is not destroyed.
- BUGFIX: All traps were targetable by a number of spells like Teleportation, Bless, etc. Obviously it was not a desired effect and we fixed it.
- BUGFIX: AI was handling Invisibility badly and pointlessly re-casting it on the same unit. Fixed.
- UPDATE: Extended range and area of Dark Vision spell
- UPDATE: Resources are given more intelligently, i.e. the engine tries to figure out which resource items you are missing the most and give them toyou after battles. Obviously, other conditions like the environment and killed enemies have to be met.
- UPDATE: Pigs andChickens appear in villages and are capturable (Turlestoo). You won't make a killingmachine out of a Chicken; nevertheless you can carry it to battles :P
[ 2021-08-01 18:28:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all! We hope you enjoy the Steam Summer Sale! I was able to find a few indie gems for myself :) I would like to notify you about changes in our support email from support@age-of-fear.net to ageoffeargame@gmail.com. We already updated all our pages and, whenever possible, also our forums. Take care, Les & AOF Team
[ 2021-07-05 17:08:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, I am proud to announce we finally backported craftingto all our previous games. It took longer thanexpected, but we are finally there!! Let me briefly remind you of what crafting feature does:
- During battles fallen enemies will generate resource items, for example: Slimes will drop Slime Goo, Wolves will drop Thick Fur, etc.
- After battle, your units will gather a number of resources from killed enemies, and also resources from the environment, for example Poison Basil can be found on Swamps, while Volcano Crystals can be found on Lava levels.
- Once an item is seen, your heroes can craft it from resources. However, different artifacts have different requirements of units' attributes, for example to craft Flame Axe you need to have a Blacksmith in your team and also a unit who can deal Fire Damage.
- Items are groupedinto themes, for example all items which have affinity with fire will be grouped into Flame tab. Also, crafting an item from a particular group has a chance of learning other items from the same group!
[ 2021-07-01 11:45:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all in the comingSummer Sales! The last few months were a busy period for us: we released a new game, we handled the subsequent support (and bug fixes!), and we also started to work on the next part of the game. I thought it's a good time to update you all with what we are working on now:
- Crafting - we are still workingon backporting this feature to all past games. We hoped to have this feature workingalready, but it's more time-intensive than we originally estimated. I am very sorry for a delay and I hope we will have it working in early July.
- Invisibility was a black horse in the last release and this feature really overperformed our expectations! We have found multiple ways we can extend our series thanksto that feature and further updates are coming soon. We hope to amend existing factions to use Invisibility (like we did with Rangers and Dryads already), for example Necromancer will receive Bone Traps very soon!
- Ratmen faction - some of you already saw design notes about the new faction we are adding to the series. We are working on the units and skills and writing a completelynew campaign for them (but with old heroes!).
[ 2021-06-23 19:42:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, over the last few days we have been thinking howelsecan we build on recently released Invisibility mechanics. Aside from AI fixes, we have run an interesting experiment- how about hiddensnipers laying down the fire on unexpected enemy troops?
Well, it came out pretty well! Here we present you new Sniper Pistol (which can be found during campaign):
Equip it and your hero changes into a deadly sniper! The long range and huge damage are obvious perks; however, this weapon can be fired from concealment too! Fire and move, fire and move.
Following this pattern, we have also updated a few common units like Ranger, Dryad Huntress and Goblin Assassin. More will come soon!
It's still untested feature, therefore please excuse us for occassional bugs especially on AI side :)
Take care,
Les & AOF Team
[ 2021-05-29 10:51:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, with this announcement I would like to show you a very well done Let's Play for the Age of Fear series! Please enjoy the work of Game God Fluent! (and subscribe to his channel): https://youtu.be/7BO71q7kjrY?list=PLkYV_DP3AWhXO_rXsEyM36TQ2MDwY5WoC The videos are almost complete and ready to watch. Enjoy! Take care, Les
[ 2021-05-28 08:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, after the recent very successful release we have immediately started working on yet another faction for the series:
Our current design idea is to build this faction on newly introduced Invisibility where . We are aiming to create ninja-like unitswhich can easily sneak on opponents and use their backstab attacks.
As with other factions, Ratmen will have their unique skills and abilities, roughly based on deception.
That's for now, I am sorry I could not add any details, but we only started designing this faction. As usual, all suggestions are warmlywelcomed!
Take care
Les & AOF Team
[ 2021-05-21 08:34:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, we are very happy to release moreadditions to our series! As promised this patch is full of sweet features:
[ 2021-05-01 10:39:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, we have been quiet for a while, however you can be sure we were working hard on the series! In preparation for the coming release, we have massively updated AOF engine and content. Aside from the promised Invisibility, Traps and Crafting features (which will be available in mainstream games), we have introduced a whole lot of new units, spells and skills. The below list mentions only the major changes and we leave the rest for you to discover.
- Sea People - the whole new faction is being added to the series! Four-arms Nagas, brave Divers, charming Mermaids, weather-changing Sea Witches, giant Sea Snakes, poisonous Sea Snails, etc. As with all other factions, new tactics need to be learned.
- Two new units for humans - an Oracle and a flying Griffin Knight. The Oracle is a unit with a unique Clairvoyance skill that helps to see hidden units and traps. The Griffin Knight is an alternative upgrade for a Knight, adding the prized flying ability.
- New ray attack mechanic - all units in a line are hit(instead of a single target). For example we upgraded Evil Eyes' Death Ray.
- New spells and skills like Silence (temporarily disables enemy spells and skills), Shield Bash (can stun opponent), Riposte (counter-attack after missed strike), Crystal Skin (new trait for Mana addicts), Sharp Senses (to detect traps), Phoenix (restores unit once per battle), etc.
- AI-only specialised factions like Spiders, Elementals, Harpies, etc. which randomly appear in locations.
- Crafting and resources which let you create almost any item available in game. This feature will only be available for mainstream games in the series.
- Invisibility and Traps: Units' actions are hidden from an opponent's view (AI included).This adds a completely new layer to the battles where players need to guess the location of enemies. We also created a set of accompanying skills useful to counter this mechanics. We will release this feature in the coming games in the series.
[ 2021-04-27 08:42:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
AGE OF FEAR is a long-running series of fantasy turn-based strategy games loved by fans for its tabletop wargame battle system and in-depth RPG customization (scroll down for a list of features).
⭐NON-LINEAR CRIMINALITY - pick your assignments and loot King William's lands for all they're worth. Forge your way through a twisted plot into the realm's seedy underbelly!⭐HEX-FREE BATTLES - test your tactics with a novel movement system where size matters and units aren't constrained by artificial grids!
⭐MERCENARIES - recruit your troops from multiple races and factions! Will a Dwarven Warrior work with a bloodthirsty Orc?
⭐CRAFTING - collect ingredients from enemies and environment, and craft all the most powerful artifacts!
⭐INVISIBILITY - are you tired of enemies seeing all your moves? Cast a spell and whoop... you disappeared. However, the AI can do it too.
⭐OPEN WORLD - are you bored with the main storyline? No worries, you can always take a side-quest or play procedurally-generated battles. Play this game as you want!
⭐FACTION BASES which can be upgraded as you explore the Age of Fear world. Investing in base upgrades will unlock additional recruitable units, skills and locations to explore!
⭐GLOBAL EVENTS that occur while exploring the World Map, à la Battle Brothers. This feature is still being developed and could serve to provide more lore and fun unit interactions conditional on the player's party!
⭐FREQUENTLY UPDATED - we take our work seriously and patch our games often with new features and content. Also, whenever possible, those updates are back-ported to all our previous games!
⭐COMMUNITY-DRIVEN - we listen to our players and continuously improve! Go and check our forums, everyone has their say and we implement those suggestions.
⭐FULL OF JOKES - who said strategy games have to be serious? All the best fantasy jokes have a home here!
⭐PARTY CUSTOMIZATION - build and upgrade a custom army from more than two hundred unique units, skills and spells (but be aware of racial animosities!).
⭐DEEP BATTLE MECHANICS - learn the basics in a hurry, then develop new strategies around a huge variety skills, spells and battle hazards like neutral factions and environmental effects (yes, you can anger bystanders!).
⭐EASY TO MOD - create your own missions, or even full-fledged campaigns, to be shared with the Steam community!
⭐PERMANENT DEATH - accept the grim realities of death where all units that fall in battle stay dead... unless an evil Necromancer raises them as Zombies.
⭐ARTEFACTS AND RELICS - discover numerous unique weapons, armours, potions and treasures, with the rarest granting powerful OP skills and stat bonuses.
⭐ADVANCED AI - our AI is built upon a self-organizing network of agents and meta-heuristics algorithms (yes, we are PhD-smart!). Discover one of the most sophisticated AI systems you've ever played against!
⭐LOW HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS - run the game even on that old potato laptop of yours. Your stone-age computer is good enough!
⭐...everything else we come up with! Purchase only if you want access to the latest features in the Age of Fear series, and please keep in mind that this is an evolving product.
If you're hungry for a no-nonsense, old school turn-based strategy game, you've met your match in the Age of Fear series. Enter the fantasy world of Age of Fear today!
- OS: All distributions
- Processor: 1 GHzMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL capable
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
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