Single Player Mode
After much discussion about the accessibility of Out of Sight, we have decided to include a single-player mode. This wasn't an easy choice as we only work a few hours a day outside our day jobs towards development. However, with some early experimentation, it turned out it was going to be a little easier than we thought to implement. Well worth our efforts as now you can enjoy the game without the barrier of needing a partner to join.
What it says on the tin. We now support macOS M1 and Intel. However, we only have an M1 MacBook to test on so Intel may not be as reliable.
Future Plans
Mobile Ports
Since the single-player mode is now available this has opened up more opportunities for us. Since the game was co-op only and we sadly can not dedicate enough resources to online co-op, mobile ports were out of the question for us previously. Thankfully this is no longer the case and we have already put in motion demo builds for iOS and Android.
Full Game
This release announcement concludes the production of our demo. We will no longer be adding any new features or providing updates. However, some updates may be backported as we work towards the full game. We feel the vertical slice communicates the hook of what we are trying to achieve with Out of Sight. We are also ready to move on and start introducing new enemies, player abilities, and room puzzles.
Currently, we have our eyes set on releasing Out of Sight on Nintendo Switch and Xbox. So far the only update on this is that we have applied for and been accepted as developers. The next phase is to gain access to development kits and start testing on those platforms.
Help Wanted
If you would like to be a part of the development process and help us playtest the full game come and join our
Discord. Steam keys will only be given out to active Discord members so be sure to join us!

If you really love what we do and want to help financially, consider becoming a Patron. We're not 100% sure what to do for our Patreon supporters but you will definitely have a more direct influence on the future of this game.
Wishlisting our game really helps us. It tells the Steam algorithm that people are interested in our game and when it comes time to launch it gives us a better chance of being featured on the front page!
- Happy Gaming
Mainframe Games
Patch Notes
- Added transform as default listening pivot if no overrides are set
- Fixed area issues with enemies
- Fixed a part of the time problem with grid area issues for sinew.
- Removed x86 version of steamworks
- Fixed ios app id
- Prepared project for mobile builds
- Improved (hopefully) throwing device into Sinew when its on a back wall
- Fixed area issue when trying to hack sinew
- Moved RoomGraphData to streaming assets folder
- Multiple improvements to room graph scene
- Removed UIFlippable for UI Extensions version. Fixed prefab instances where it was used.
- Made a start on room graph scene
- Removed discord sdk. Wasn't actually using it
- Missed a thing from discord sdk
- Fixed issue with discord sdk
- Added mobile controls placeholders
- Adjusted camera FOV length in Room 11
- Improved device trajectory clamping logic.
- Added save slots for supporting multiple saves. co-op/solo
- Fixed stage 2 sinew not chasing player
- Cleaned up MG_Steam class
- Fixed player select screen not showing steam invite in co-op
- Fixed discord sdk build issues for mac and linux
- Fixed issue with radial menu reference after changing scenes
- Fixed input issues with controlling mutliple radial menus in co-op
- Fixed bug in radial menu defaulting to north button.
- Updated Discord SDK
- Fixed issues with boss due to bug in debounce method
- Fixed issue with red door already being opened in NPC room
- Fixed radial menu showing when Y button pressed
- Removed leaderboard button from start menu
- Tidied up new cables in NPC room.
- Changed NPC room a bit to suit solo/co-op
- Removed unused properties on IFloorController
- Added new tutorial prompt to player prefab for network cards
- Fixed ability menu prompt showing after already completing
- Fixed change of animation names
- Implemented new radial menu asset into game
- Added new radial menu asset
- Fixed male throw device animations. Added two animation variants for aiming while walking and idle.
- Made it so invite button always shows for co-op when steam is valid
- Fixed not being able to switch input devices for solo mode
- Added ability input prompt tutorial after second ability is obtained
- Improved feel of selection from radial menu
- Fixed player footstep glitch when aiming ability
- Fixed debug save issues for sandbox scene
- Updated full screen asset
- Fixed opening cutscene subtitles being overlapped by Skip prompt
- Fixed game saving on opening cut scene
- * Fixed issues with ability index for co-op play
- Stopped error on steam sdk already inialised
- Fixed player ability index persistence
- Added scale to selected ability
- Made ability icons larger.
- Visual improvements to ability selector
- Added darkener behind ability icon to help it try stand out more
- Added debug bool to set all abilties on
- Updated app bundle id for mac
- Added all screen ratios to settings
- Fixed tutorial input prompt showing after non-player destroyed in solo mode
- Fixed dialogue UI scale
- Put custom achievement card to bottom left of screen
- Fixed issue with tutorial window
- Speed up player animation mix durations
- Fixed issue when debugging without controller connected
- Fixed getting under desk in room 5
- Added new ability icons to radial menu
- Moved all art assets into Art folder
- Fixed player inventory issues in co-op
- Added gadget icons for radial menu.
- Fixed getting unique skin when debugging
- Added UniTaskEx for easier delays in seconds
- Fixed controller vibration time.
- Fixed issued with player controller connection
- Optimised getting all players
- Added macos to steam vdf files
- Reverted PSB importer packaged. Was messing with cutscene stuff.
- Fixed font sizing for cut scene subtitles
- Set up mac build config json
- Added rider idea to ignore
- Added build/deploy configs to repo
- Removed ignoring the ignore conf
- Fixed discord sdk double up
- Put co-op button at top in main menu.
- Added co-op button disabled for mobile.
- Set better orth camera size target
- Improved screen orth size value setting based on screen ratio
- Fixed issues with Facepunch for mac/linux
- Updated Unity and Packages. Because this version uses apple silicon
- Fixed ability key ids for distraction and hacking device pickups
- Removed the runtime IS_DEMO check in favour for pre-processor #ifdef
- Updated dialogue system asset
- Updated dialogue system asset
- Updated Packages
- Added Fullscreen editor asset
[ 2022-10-12 06:40:59 CET ] [ Original post ]